Changes are in the works

That's kinda what I was thinking, KodiakStar. Unless someone is being extremely productive, the gunners would only be shown for people you passed since the last update and shouldn't be all that many. But, I'm not one of those high producers, so maybe I'm mistaken.

King, I do agree that too much of that image would be (and was, at times) overkill, though, and if there are many instances where the page would be "polluted" with it, then I agree with the elimination of it. If you could find someplace to throw it in and it's not overkill, go for it!

I like your idea for 7-14-21-28 day averages and that would probably satisfy the vast majority of the people. I actually debated between saying 7 and 14, but wanted a hard stop of weekly or monthly to avoid someone saying they wanted a 9 or 18 day average for some strange reason. <thinks> Am I the only one who checks how close the estimates are every once in a while? </thinks> With the multiple choices I could probably figure out which one works best for me and then stick to that one.

As far as the potential problem you mentioned, you're right. But, those of us who really use that page would be aware of it and would be able to choose the appropriate countermeasure to avoid it, if you implemented the 7-14-21-28 options. So, if I check on the 8th and there was an issue during the last 3 weeks of the previous month, I'd know that only the 7 day average is anywhere near accurate.

Also, about the Defcon (btw, OT: I heard they're making a sequel to Wargames where they try to take apart the WOPR; God help us!)... will that be on the attack/threat page or something else? I'm just thinking that it would be appropriate for both circumstances whether someone is coming up on you or you're coming up on someone else. However, having all of that on the same page would make it very confusing.

Keep up the awesome work, King and sorry for the long response! You piqued my interest!
Actually, passed members might be ok in the current revision of stats for UD, however in the F@H stats new members fly by dead members pages at a time. I have to take into consideration that this will be available to both projects, that is where the problem would exist.

It's not a bad suggestion, please don't think that is what I'm saying, it's just there would be pages upon pages of them displayed in the F@H stats.

As for the defcon it will be displayed on the member comparison page and in the function below that will be placed on each member's individule stats page.

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Lurker Extraordinaire
Another function unvailed, let me know what you think.


1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Lurker Extraordinaire
Looks good, I don't know if its just me, but my eyes start to zone out on the boxes with so many numbers and the black/white.

Its probably just me :)
The top ten threats is a great idea and yeah as the others has said, the colors are a bit hard on the eyes. I like the idea although now I'm a little concern about something... Are you going to be add all of em into one page? I hope not cause that would be giving me eye seziures.

How are you planning on laying them out on the site? An overahul of the site as well? I don't know... Kudos to you for all of your hard work.
Jon855 said:
The top ten threats is a great idea and yeah as the others has said, the colors are a bit hard on the eyes. I like the idea although now I'm a little concern about something... Are you going to be add all of em into one page? I hope not cause that would be giving me eye seziures.

How are you planning on laying them out on the site? An overahul of the site as well? I don't know... Kudos to you for all of your hard work.

These changes are going to be done over a vast number of pages, not just 1 page.

As for if I'm planning to overhaul the site, let's just say most of the site is being re-written, some of it will stay the same but the majority will be completely new code.

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Lurker Extraordinaire
Update on the threat list, due to the concern of the colors used the white border has been changed to dark grey.


Keep in mind that the jpg artifacting is playing havoc on the colors, I would like to use png to display these ideas, however some people have noted that they can't view png, so I'm stuck using jpg.

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Lurker Extraordinaire
New Attacks / Threats list header.


Includes the new 7 / 14 / 21 / 28 day average select.

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Lurker Extraordinaire
Much better but it might be the jpg or does the Defcon 4 looks a little hard to read. I know it's quite blue but the number is a little hard to read. Might want to tweak that blue into something a little more medicore? Not as bold or something. It might just be me that sees it like that.

Much better nonetheless, good to know I'll not be having eye cramps. :eek:

did I mention that the new badge code will be available for F@H as well following the upgrade?


1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Webmaster: [H]ard|Folding
Lurker Extraordinaire