Changes are in the works


[H]ard|DCer of the Year 2007
Jan 9, 2000
I have many projects in the works at the moment, sorry no time-frame on when any of the work will be completed.

However I figured I would give everyone a sneak peek of one of the new-additions, just to see what everyone thinks.




1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Lurker Extraordinaire
I dig it.. After looking at stats for a hile al the numbers just run together for me. Nice to have something to break up the strings of numbers :)
Only 1 person interested?

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Lurker Extraordinaire
King_N said:
Only 1 person interested?

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Lurker Extraordinaire

I like it! Any thoughts about bringing back the gunmen? Just on the main team stats page...I miss those guys!

Overall, I think that all your ideas have always been for the best.

I like it King. Hopefully, time will permit you to concentrate on implementing this stuff real soon. :cool:

Awesome, but could u explain what Defcon is suppose to tell me? Defcon 1 is in red and I'm guessing that this means somebody's gonna over take u or whatever..

In the gov't
Defcon 1 is lowest, higher the numbers the more profound it is, maybe u could adjust your colors to show that or I'm getting thwe whole scheme wrong... Looks nice man...

I like it KING_N just did not post earlier, as i got accused of being a kiss ass last time I praised the stats pages. will the feature be available to all teams?
SPIKE - you should know that i was just joking around with the kiss ass thing, lol

KING - is this new update for the UD stats?

Krayzie135 said:
SPIKE - you should know that i was just joking around with the kiss ass thing, lol
I Fink the fun is coming because, I is in Scotland and daft as a brush and you are in Mainland USA . the humour is even spelt differently but I like you guys and if I have a fall out with My current team. 1,000 PPD willl come your way
I like the colors... makes things easier to grasp without reading. Greeaaat idea.
Mayhem33 said:
I like it! Any thoughts about bringing back the gunmen? Just on the main team stats page...I miss those guys!

Overall, I think that all your ideas have always been for the best.

Originally I added the gunmen with hopes of adding some fun into the stats, the gunmen would activate if your production was > 100% of your previous production. The big problem with them was very few understood what they meant, they were also done away with to make for a cleaner more professionial look.

Myself I would like to use them again, maybe I'll be able to find a use for them sometime in the future.

Jon855 said:
Awesome, but could u explain what Defcon is suppose to tell me? Defcon 1 is in red and I'm guessing that this means somebody's gonna over take u or whatever..

In the gov't
Defcon 1 is lowest, higher the numbers the more profound it is, maybe u could adjust your colors to show that or I'm getting thwe whole scheme wrong... Looks nice man...

Defcon is defined as :

DEFCON - [def-kon]
–noun any of several alert statuses for U.S. military forces, ranked numerically from normal, 5, to maximum readiness, 1.

Origin: def(ense readiness) con(dition)]


Basically the breakdown for the U.S. military is

5] Peace
4] Normal, increased intelligence and strengthened security measures
3] Increase in force readiness above normal readiness
2] Further Increase in force readiness, but less than maximum readiness
1] Maximum force readiness. WAR!

Note: Some of us old fogies will remember it being used in the movie WarGames (1983)

SPIKE09 said:
I like it KING_N just did not post earlier, as i got accused of being a kiss ass last time I praised the stats pages. will the feature be available to all teams?

Yes once complete it will be available to all teams.

Krayzie135 said:
KING - is this new update for the UD stats?

I started the upgrade with the United Devices Stats, however it will be available to both United Devices and Folding @ Home.

Celerator said:
Can you explain the criteria for the various defcon values?

Defcon Status is as follows:

5] No Threat, 7 day average is higher then threat.
4] Warning, threat's 7 day average is higher then yours.
3] 180 days or less warning, threat's 7 day average is still higher then yours.
2] 90 days or less warning, threat's 7 day average is still higher then yours.
1] 30 days or less left, war is upon you.

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Lurker Extraordinaire
Krayzie135 said:
Okay so humour is spelt the same' you guy's just have the Loonie money, and custody of some real strange friend's of My wife.
Thanks for the explanation of the defcon definitions and criteria. :cool:

May all in this forum enjoy Defcon 5... except those ahead of me. ;) :p

Another Update.


1] Viewing Status Alive members only, Dead members only, and All members (Default is All).
2] Header bar selection of viewing order View By: Rank, 24H Average, Points Overall, Points Today, Results Overall, and Results Today (Default is Rank).
3] New Pagination Scheme.

All will be available to both United Devices and Folding@Home upon Upgrade Completion.

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Lurker Extraordinaire
I like it, then I would no threats on my current team and only 2 conquests left. :D
Unvailing another new function, Milestone Hit Indicator.


1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Lurker Extraordinaire
Ok I guess the milestone watch idea bombed out.

Bump for the importance of this thread.

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Lurker Extraordinaire
King, I liked all of your ideas... Tis sure to be a hit.
The milestone hit indicator is cool too King. I am curious as to where you will put that, as to what page.

It will be located on each team's main stats page.

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Lurker Extraordinaire
Lot of things in the works, just trying to determine that everything I'm planning to add is going to be useful.

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Lurker Extraordinaire
King_N said:
Lot of things in the works, just trying to determine that everything I'm planning to add is going to be useful.

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Lurker Extraordinaire

If you could get that printing money feture working things would be great.

I really like the alive dead all thing.

Duster said:
If you could get that printing money feture working things would be great.

I really like the alive dead all thing.

Money printing? :eek: let me in on this...
U really like the alive dead all thing... Jesus isn't amused cause he has no idea what the hell u just muttered. :confused:
Looks real good, King! Since you're looking for things that people will find useful, here's something I've noticed:

It's taken a while to figure out what to look at on my own stats, but the attack/threat page is the most useful. I only wish it was more accurate. From what I can tell, it goes by daily production alone, whereas an average might be more accurate. The problem comes in for those of us running UDmon for caching work units. That generally winds up putting a day or so of 0 points or results into the mix. What about using the weekly or monthly average instead?

As far as the gunners, I'd love to see them back, too. I really miss 'em! What about using them for people you overtook since the last update? It would dress up the attack/threat page a bit with some animation. And some animation for the guys who are biting at your heels would look good, too. Any animations of dogs biting someone's rear-end? I know you're going for "professional", but we want to have fun with this too.
Skirge01 said:
Looks real good, King! Since you're looking for things that people will find useful, here's something I've noticed:

It's taken a while to figure out what to look at on my own stats, but the attack/threat page is the most useful. I only wish it was more accurate. From what I can tell, it goes by daily production alone, whereas an average might be more accurate. The problem comes in for those of us running UDmon for caching work units. That generally winds up putting a day or so of 0 points or results into the mix. What about using the weekly or monthly average instead?

As far as the gunners, I'd love to see them back, too. I really miss 'em! What about using them for people you overtook since the last update? It would dress up the attack/threat page a bit with some animation. And some animation for the guys who are biting at your heels would look good, too. Any animations of dogs biting someone's rear-end? I know you're going for "professional", but we want to have fun with this too.

Thank you for the comments,

The UD overtake is currently determined using a 7day average, perhaps I'll add a switch that will allow the choice of 7 day average or a 30 day average. Or would everyone rather something along the lines of a 7 day, 14 day, 21 day, and 28 day average? The only problem I forsee is, if for any reason the stats run across a problem the more days the average is determined by the more skewed the average will be.

As far as the
image, in the past there was a major bash session done over using animated images / flashing text for any reason, that is main reason I've been hesitant to add them again. So I guess the real question is how many people would like to see their return in some function?

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Lurker Extraordinaire
I think here and there would be good, but not too much, it would be overkill.

Maybe on attack/threats like 3-6 people up from you attack having the image, as you are gunning for them.... ?