Chance to win a EVGA GTX Titan Black, EVGA GTX 780Ti or EVGA 1600W Power Supply.

Jun 6, 2004
As many of you know my daughter fought cancer in 2009 when she was 13 and is fine today and 19. At that time I started pushing Folding@Home on a website and friend and I run,

Now I have been diagnosed with cancer and since Folding@Home helps do work fighting cancer and other disease battles I am having a contest again next month.

The contest is you must Fold@Home for team 41608 which is the Bjorn3D team. Your goal is to Fold for the Bjorn3D team. For every 500,000 points you will get one entry. At the end of the month we will have a drawing for a GTX Titan Black going to first drawn, second drawn gets the GTX 780TI 3rd drawn gets an EVGA 1600W Power Supply. The only rule is you must live in the USA or have a USA shipping address.

The contest will run from October 1st to October 31st.

You can check team status here: http://folding.extremeoverclocking.c...php?s=&t=41608

You can get the Folding Client here:

NOW DO NOT WORRY ABOUT Prod_Eng_Tesla-Stephanie. That is our Tesla rack that is Folding in my daughters
name and does not count in the contest.

There will be a thread on our Facebook page that you can post on with your Folding name at the start of the

You can start Folding now if you wish to tweak your machines and see if rig can do it. Good luck to all and I will promote more as we get closer to October.
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Good luck with the contest, I cannot take part as I live in the UK however I will fold as much as my new circumstances will allow.

Good luck with the caner treatment and fold on!:)
Oh man, this is tempting for all the wrong reasons. I'd love first or second place. :D

Edit: Of course, I hope your fight with cancer is as successful as your daughter's. What a testimony to be fine after 6 years!
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Good luck with your recovery Scott! I am sure there are a bunch of supporters here more than willing to give it a go.
Wish I had a machine in service to do this! Got 30 million towards it already. Good luck with your battle! I do everything I can to support the "Fuck cancer!" initiative. Don't ever stop fighting.
Contest idea updated to allow more Folders a chance to win even if they do not get the most points.
Grats on the contest.

As this is a community contest, the same way it ignores the usual "Rodhe Island not allowed" rule, it could ignore the "USA only" rule just as well, by adding a disclaimer about shipping costs for example.

AAANNNNDDD let's fold! :)
Winter is coming, and we fold to keep it warm.
My folding machine is back on now and it's eager to kick cancer and PG in the nuts.

I'm not a US citizen and don't really care about the competition, but I have switched to your team to show what a small member of the [H]orde is capable of.

I just hope the various contestants don't kick my behind next month.
I was moving my [h]orde of machines back to F@H and noticed I wasn't able to get assignments on any clients. Turns out I'm not the only one. Hope this resolves itself soon.
This sounds like a great reason to fire up some folding again on my machine. It's been probably more than 10 years since my last entry, so I'm overdue! All the best in your fight with cancer... you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Now to get this up and running...
I should click over 2,500,000 before the end of the day... not too bad for my first run back at folding. I think the last system I folder on was my dual Athlon MP system many years ago. Good luck to everyone on the drawing!