Caught Spying on Student, FBI Demands GPS Tracker Back

I fully support the use of tracking devices on Arabs who regularly travel to the Middle East.
When they run out of suspected terrorists (unlikely but still) who do you think they're gonna monitor? Us. They already are in fact.
Given how I have two kids, and two ex wives, as well as other family members, hauling me away incognito would be pretty difficult to do. Also, the FIRST thing I would have done is contact the media and lawyers as soon as I found the item. Making people just disappear is harder than it sounds.

Tell that to all of the americans that were tossed into gitmo with out any warning. Its SCARY easy to do.
only one option

Given how I have two kids, and two ex wives, as well as other family members, hauling me away incognito would be pretty difficult to do. Also, the FIRST thing I would have done is contact the media and lawyers as soon as I found the item. Making people just disappear is harder than it sounds.

And....what would your kids, ex wives, or family member do? They call the cops to report a missing person. They call the news outlet to report a missing person. What becomes of that? They don't know that you're in a hole with the FBI/CIA. You really think the city/county/state cops will call the FBI/CIA and ask " Hey we are looking for Bohica69, do you know where he is?" The agent will just say "Iono" and shrug them off.
what is "suspect"? what if the criteria changed? to say.... owners of large caliber weapons, or those that purchase more then one firearm? Or maybe those that buy large amounts of electronic components?

are you serious? Kyle spelled it out to you already.......

1. traveling back and forth
2. wiring money
And....what would your kids, ex wives, or family member do? They call the cops to report a missing person. They call the news outlet to report a missing person. What becomes of that? They don't know that you're in a hole with the FBI/CIA. You really think the city/county/state cops will call the FBI/CIA and ask " Hey we are looking for Bohica69, do you know where he is?" The agent will just say "Iono" and shrug them off.

you could have a middle man, say if you dont report every hour on the hour, the middleman releases the item to the media with a nice juicy story about FBI wrongdoing

course, I saw this in a movie so YMMV:D
are you serious? Kyle spelled it out to you already.......

1. traveling back and forth
2. wiring money

I know the reasons they spied on this American.

but what about

Seeing that the FBI would have every right to get it back and you're just going to be playing pissing contests with them over legal ways for them to screw you........

I would've jerked off on it and handed it over with a smile.
"Hey, check this out," Faulk says he would be told, "there's good phone sex or there's some pillow talk, pull up this call, it's really funny, go check it out. It would be some colonel making pillow talk and we would say, 'Wow, this was crazy'," Faulk told ABC News.

ABC News

This is very recent evidence that the federal government is more than capable of abusing its power.
ABC News

This is very recent evidence that the federal government is more than capable of abusing its power.

and that's exactly what everyone here who is "supporting" this is missing.

First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out--
because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out--
because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out--
because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me--
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

People who don't believe this can happen are sadly mistaken. At every which turn that we give up our civil liberties without protesting, we are just enabling someone else to take power. I would argue that OBL has succeded beyond his wildest dreams with the fear and totalitarian rules that are put in place.
if I was arab american I would get the hell out of america before the shit hits the fan.

it's not right how we treat them, that mosque business was ridiculous.

I wonder how many stories like this don't get reported or how many devices are left unfound.

If I was Arab-American, I might too. As for the mosque buisness, they were just plain dumb, or arrogant to even consider putting it there. Maybe we should blow up mecca, and put up a nice big Catholic church there huh? Is that a good idea too?

My response would have been, well, I'm not giving it back and YOU'RE the ones going to be having the difficult time. People need to stand up and say we are not going to put up with this any more.
I'm sure it'd olny go so far, but I'd immediately have my wife on the phone with the news-crews and the police ( " help, there's men at my door threatening me, and he's got a gun")

He's an American citizen who happens to be Arab.
Once again, the FBI has my full support in this matter.

Great. Glad you support race prejudice.
Maybe we should create arab internment camps around the country like we did to anyone who was even closely Japanese. Then Congress and the President had to apologize for the internment later.
The legislation stated that government actions were based on "race prejudice, war hysteria, and a failure of political leadership". Over $1.6 billion in reparations were later disbursed by the U.S. government to Japanese Americans who had either suffered internment or were heirs of those who had suffered internment.

Or maybe we can go back to thinking like the Second Red Scare. That one worked well too. Mcarthyism is going to make you feel real safe.
Many people suffered loss of employment, destruction of their careers, and even imprisonment. Most of these punishments came about through trial verdicts later overturned, laws that would be declared unconstitutional, dismissals for reasons later declared illegal or actionable, or extra-legal procedures that would come into general disrepute.
Guess we looked real good there too huh?

Oh, that's's all for your own good right? Going to make you real safe. Glad to see people are learning from the past. Guess we can just repeat it then.
The funny part is, the FBI would be bored stiff if they tracked me and my car.

Agent #1: What’s he doing now?

Agent #2: He’s getting gas.

Agent #1: What’s he doing now?

Agent #2: He’s at a gas station….again.

Agent #1: What’s he doing now?

Agent #2: He’s at a gas station….again.

Agent #1: What’s he doing now?

Agent #2: He’s at a gas station….again.

Agent #1: What’s he doing now?

Agent #2: He's broke down at the porn shop

Agent #1: What’s he doing now?

Agent #2: He’s at a gas station….again.

Work at a gas station i take it :p

The attach it to a truck/trailer would be hilarious. I would say do it to a local store or something. Watch it sit at the store for awhile and then go back to warehouse and then back out to some random store again. :p

I find this messed up they are allowed to do this
I know the reasons they spied on this American.

but what about


3. Father on federal watch list
4. Lived in Egypt for five years
5. Has a friend, also of middle eastern descent, that posted about a bomb and a mall

Dunno about you, but I can see why he might be considered a person of interest.

That said, I really hope the ACLU can get a reversal on that decision about tracking people without a warrant...

Lol at this:

...When you come home to 2 stoned off their asses people who are hearing things in the device and convinced its a bomb...
Great. Glad you support race prejudice.
Maybe we should create arab internment camps around the country like we did to anyone who was even closely Japanese. Then Congress and the President had to apologize for the internment later.

Thanks for being a jackass and putting words into my mouth. The ignore list grows by one. :)
if we had that many reason then there would be no point in looking into anything. i say 2 reason are good enough.

3. Father on federal watch list
4. Lived in Egypt for five years
5. Has a friend, also of middle eastern descent, that posted about a bomb and a mall

Dunno about you, but I can see why he might be considered a person of interest.

That said, I really hope the ACLU can get a reversal on that decision about tracking people without a warrant...

Lol at this:

wow, went right over your heads guys, im talking about you or me, or Kyle, his ownership of large caliber weapons, or gun collectors or those that buy electronic components
Tell that to all of the americans that were tossed into gitmo with out any warning. Its SCARY easy to do.

Links to source stating americans were put in Gitmo after being arrested here in the united states? Never heard of one. Now I understand there were 3 people who were American's held by the DOD after being detained in Afganistan, one of which was held in Gitmo.

However - citizens born here, living here, and arrested here - never heard of it. And don't claim "You didn't hear of it because the government hushed it up".
wow, went right over your heads guys, im talking about you or me, or Kyle, his ownership of large caliber weapons, or gun collectors or those that buy electronic components

as long i buy it legaly through private sale and with cash, they don't even know what i have.
Thanks for being a jackass and putting words into my mouth. The ignore list grows by one. :)

I didn't put any words into our mouth - and if you didn't mean them, then you shouldn't have said them - or said them better. We'll let them speak for themselves:
Originally Posted by ajm786 - What do you not understand? The guy in question is not Arab. He's AMERICAN.
He's an American citizen who happens to be Arab.
Once again, the FBI has my full support in this matter.
Seems like the important point here is the fact he's of arab decent. Not all terrorists are of arab decent, and not everyone involved with arab terrorists are of arab decent either. Maybe we should expand the racial groups we target.....better hope one isn't won't matter if you are an American or not.

You can ignore all you want. Ignorance is bliss I hear.
And....what would your kids, ex wives, or family member do? They call the cops to report a missing person. They call the news outlet to report a missing person. What becomes of that? They don't know that you're in a hole with the FBI/CIA. You really think the city/county/state cops will call the FBI/CIA and ask " Hey we are looking for Bohica69, do you know where he is?" The agent will just say "Iono" and shrug them off.

Lets see: Regular job, Father, no warrents, no trouble with the law, by all accounts an average joe finds a government tracking device on his vehicle, other people know about said device and just up and disappears? You don't think the media would be all over that like stink on shit? Hell, this 20 something(I'm guessing) kid finding the tracker on his car made, and if he disappeared? Holy crap the media would have a FIELD DAY.

Like someone else said on a different thread "Saying we'll make it difficult for you was just a hollow threat because we really don't have anything to bust you for"
lol, American isn't a race.

Arab is, but also racist for saying it since most of the time we just call off the middle eastern people Arab. I do it all the time, i'm no angel.
He's an American citizen who happens to be Arab.

I'm a full blooded American. Born and raised here. My folk are from NY. I happen to have an Arabic name. Does that mean that I'm automatically an "American citizen who happens to be Arab"??? And does that somehow automatically give the government more authority to spy on me? That's the question here.

Seems like the important point here is the fact he's of arab decent. Not all terrorists are of arab decent, and not everyone involved with arab terrorists are of arab decent either. Maybe we should expand the racial groups we target.....better hope one isn't won't matter if you are an American or not.

You can ignore all you want. Ignorance is bliss I hear.

after reading the article and this thread, i've reached the following conclusion,

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
after reading the article and this thread, i've reached the following conclusion,

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength

i wished i was more ignorant, i would be much happier. :cool:
This article has me particularly worried. Not because I do anything illegal or break the law, because I don't. The problem is that, just as you guys pointed out, I can be singled out JUST because of my name happens to be Arabic. I am an American, proud to be, and I love my country, but these kinds of antics seriously worry me because I can be targeted for no reason at all, and with no recourse because it's now apparently "legal" for the government to spy on me and maybe, just maybe, accuse me of something that I have no part of..

You know how you can 100% prevent this from happening? Denounce radical Islamists every chance you get in public.

Maybe you do, but the Muslim community at large is so quiet you could hear crickets chirp.
I would have destroyed the GPS tracker after i found it. The FBI would have gotten it back in pieces, I didn't see their names on it, so how was i supposed to know :p

i.e. send it to Blendtec they would have no problem doing a special for it, would probably jump at the chance.
You know how you can 100% prevent this from happening? Denounce radical Islamists every chance you get in public.

Maybe you do, but the Muslim community at large is so quiet you could hear crickets chirp.

Sorry but this is simply not accurate. Perfect example, when Imam Faizal denounced violence and 911 in general, people faulted him for literally the SAME EXACT words that Glenn Beck used on his show. But somehow when Beck said it, it was ok since he "is" a patriotic American, but when Faizal said it, it was radical Islamist agenda.

This should NOT and cannot be the measuring stick so to speak. It's like saying all white people need to constantly denounce the KKK, or all blah blah blah. You insert your favorite group here. If that how loud shouts is truly our only measuring stick, we are desperately in need of help.
Where's the problem? When law enforcement needs to monitor individuals that are possible national security risks they can't make it public record. It's not as if any FBI GS-12 payscale guy can decide to stick a GPS tracker on anyone he wants.
I'm a full blooded American. Born and raised here. My folk are from NY. I happen to have an Arabic name. Does that mean that I'm automatically an "American citizen who happens to be Arab"??? And does that somehow automatically give the government more authority to spy on me? That's the question here.

Feel your pain man.. I'm come from Asian descent that was born and raised in America, yet people label us as Asians or worse, Asian-American. For fucks sake, I am an American. Don't insult me by hyphenating my nationality like I'm some lower class. Maybe I should start labeling others as British-American, German-American, Irish-American, French-American (har har har), etc... :p