Cats and LCD displays


Feb 10, 2005
I know this is a bit of an unusual thread.

I have 2 LCD's - I am thinking of getting a cat.

So people with cats (and LCDs):

Are the LCD's in danger?

Do cats tend to attack (scratch) LCDs particularly if they see images they find interesting?
sophie said:
I know this is a bit of an unusual thread.

I have 2 LCD's - I am thinking of getting a cat.

So people with cats (and LCDs):

Are the LCD's in danger?

Do cats tend to attack (scratch) LCDs particularly if they see images they find interesting?

lol........will ur cat attack ur TV if u have one at home? will ur cat tend to scratch ur TV (since its so colourful when it is on) ?

if u a still afraid.......give them a string ball to play, they will be too busy having fun with balls.
"will ur cat attack ur TV if u have one at home?"

I don't know; that's why I am asking.
But a cat is unlikely to damage a glass TV screen; but an LCD screen is more fragile.
indoor or outdoor cat? If it's an indoor cat.. just have his claws removed. It will save you a lot of headaches later... and not with just your lcd's.
Indoor cat.

Removing the claws may be the answer; but I am hoping to get a cat from the SPCA - and I understand de-clawing can only be done up to a certain age.

I wonder if anyone has experience with cats (who still have their claws) in the home, and LCD screens.
A cat is more likly to rub up against the monitor and cover it in fur before it will scratch it and i have never seen a domestic cat that would attack a TV or monitor. Just trim the cats nails every month or so and stay away from getting their claws removed cause it tends to be very painfull towards the cat.
te310 said:
A cat is more likly to rub up against the monitor and cover it in fur before it will scratch it and i have never seen a domestic cat that would attack a TV or monitor. Just trim the cats nails every month or so and stay away from getting their claws removed cause it tends to be very painfull towards the cat.

true........its like removing all ur nails.......ewww........
te310 said:
A cat is more likly to rub up against the monitor and cover it in fur before it will scratch it ....

Even if the cat doesn't touch the LCD, you'll have fur on it... we have 3 cats, 1 big dogs (along with 2 birds and a couple rats) and I'm always brushing an animal hair off my monitor. One cat likes my wife's LCD because there's room behind in on her desk now for him to hang out, where as before he had to lay 'on' the monitor.

Don't worry about unless you have a freakishly possesd kitten.

Cats tend to like sleeping on top of CRTs when they're on, but my cat has never attempted to attack any of my displays, including the TV.

In the case your cat decides to do this, though, please take pictures =^_^=
Cat's don't like to scratch solid plastic things. They prefer furniture (it allows them to hook their claws in and stretch). I've got three cats, and they are too busy sleeping in the window to care about the LCDs.

Make sure you get kitty a scratching post. Get yourself a water-squirt bottle and spray kitty when it tries to scratch your furniture.
My cat attacked the mouse curser once and also on the the TV there was a bug and she was trying to get it.
I own/owned 12 cats in my life. I'm 20 right now.

Cats can see TV/CRT/LCDs, the old reports saying they can't is a load of crap.
Cats lay on TVs /CRTs for the heat. Even in Florida, in the middle of the summer.
I've never heard of declawwing being age limited, but most of my cats have their front claws removed when they get tied, which is early. The idea that having a cat declawwed is painful is also a joke. Its like surgery in the hospital. They don't just cut you open without prepping you first. In the long run, its much better for the cat.
I own one cat with all 4 sets of claws and a Dell 2001FP, she loves the cursor. She has attacked it several times on screen. However she does not extend her claws. End result: no marks.

Sratching posts are a joke.
Squirt bottles are just as bad. Cats aren't stupid, when they realize they get in trouble for one thing, they will just wait till the person who punishes them is away or sleeping.
I have two cats, one 15 pound tub of lard and the cutest little one. The only potential problem with the fat one is leaning against it and knocking it over - we have zip ties over the bases of all of our LCDs then under the desk. My cute one, OTOH, is still a kitten at heart and will attack the mouse pointer, on my TV, CRTs, and LCDs. She's declawed so I can't verify 100% this next statement, but it looks like she's just pawing at it and not trying to kill it with the claws she doesn't have anymore. I would not want to see an LCD that was attacked by a cat with claws though - it would not be pretty :eek:

Also, MeanieMan is absolutely right that discipline for a cat only extends as far as you can reach. Furthermore, both of my cats love to sit on my CRTs, although my 21" Hitachi CM801 really isn't big enough for the fat one. He prefers the 65" widescreen TV ;)

OT (but funny): She used to have her claws and live on a screened porch. She would climb on the screens like the fences in the castles in Super Mario World on SNES and follow butterflies/hummingbirds/etc. We had to have her declawed to move her inside, but the day after she got back from having her claws removed, we had her on the porch, and she saw a butterfly, and jumped on the screen - but didn't stick anymore. She plummeted to the concrete, and I have to say that is the funniest thing I have ever seen a cat do. She never tried it again :)
2 cats (used to be 3 :( ), all have claws, none scratch lcd... "occasionally" the tv gets their attention, and the one that died used to bat at the screen every now and then (especially during hockey games), but never claw... as someone said earlier, they have no desire to scratch hard objects (for the most part, i had one once who used to really work on one particular piece of woodwork in the house)....

get a good scratching post, and rub it with catnip, that will get them to "like" the scratching post, and hopefully they'll ignore everything else when it comes to scratching... ours pretty much do, except one of them has a particular fondness for one area rug... i disagree (and my cats would too), that they are a "joke", mine have gone through several of them, and they use them constantly...

don't declaw... they may be "indoor cats", but should they ever happen to get out (and they can get out if they want), claws are their defense...
I have 2 cats, they have not been declawed and I have had no issues with them getting near my LCD.

Occasionally they get on my desk, but thats only so they can look out the window.

I doubt you will have any issues
^^^ True

I have 2 cats (1 male tonkinese/simaese mix and 1 female torti). The male tonk/siam is the playful one, if you let he will swat at a monitor of any type (CRT or LCD).

But we've trained him to not claw at monitors. Animals are pretty good about learning if you train them properly. Plus nothing should be movie about your monitor unless you are in front of it (just set a blank or none fluid screensaver...don't use that aquarium though, thats just asking for trouble :p ).

DougLite said:
The only potential problem with the fat one is leaning against it and knocking it over - we have zip ties over the bases of all of our LCDs then under the desk.
How did you set that up? I have no idea where to mount the zip ties on my desk except putting them on the "foot" of the desk, but then the monitor would just swing against that and crash either way.
Megadeth_Guy01 said:
My Uncle's cat knocked over his brand new 2005FPW, let's just say, kitty went bye bye.

Is that a joke or something. If you are serious, that is just mean!!
our cat, all 5.6lbs. of fury, tried jumping up on my 2005fpw yesterday. she failed miserably, but the monitor only rotated slightly as she slid off. the base if very sturdy. never tried to scratch the screen(i don't like declawing), some hair on the screen.

the only real time she even goes near it is when she doesn't think i'm giving up enough attention.
I have a cat, with claws, and she shows no interest in clawing at monitors or TV screens. Very very rarely, if she is lying on top of a CRT, will she extend her paw over and try and swat at a moving object on the screen. No attempt to extend the claws though. I am sure that you will be fine.
I have 2 cats, They love to sleep on top of the CRT I have, They sometimes like to swat at the mouse arrow on the LCD. Now that I got a rack to put all my folding farm computers on, they ether sleep on top of the computers or on top of the CRT I have on top of the rack. I think they just like the warmth.

the farm & one of my Cats( there are more computers now )



Icheb said:
How did you set that up? I have no idea where to mount the zip ties on my desk except putting them on the "foot" of the desk, but then the monitor would just swing against that and crash either way.

Well, it's not a full blown 'desk' with drawers, more like one of those computer tables with a shelf across it. So, just make a chain of zip ties over the base of the monitor and underneath the top board on the desk. I can get you a pic if you're having toruble visualizing it.
Ah, I understand. The zip ties would go all over my desk, so I'll probably try double-sided adhesive tape and see if that works. But thanks! :)
If the display of the LCD is so brilliant, and you pritn a pic. of a fish, the cat may go for it :D
3 cats
All have claws
The only thing that ever happened... When one was tiny and new, it would swat at my mouse cursor sometimes, but like the others said, the claws stayed inside.
That's one on the most cruel things you could do to a cat. The don't just take out the claws... they remove parts of their toes. Without claws cats can't defend themselves if they go outside (against other animals, racoons, etc.). They also suffer emotional distress and are less happy because they can't do what they love to do... climb things, or grasp things with the ends of their toes removed.

You can train your cat. Squirting with a water bottle works. Get a good one and set it on a good hard stream. Get them in the butt (water in the eye can damage their retinas). They'll get it. Also, pennies/marbles in pop can... shake it if they get near something and they will very quickly associate that noise they hate with the action they're doing.

Just make sure you have a good scratching post.

I have 2 kittens now... they're trouble...they are mesmerized by tv, and my lcd... but the one time they batted at the lcd they just batted at it. They won't open up their claws and try to scratch it. As they get older they'll lose interest in child play like that.

Anyway... please don't declaw your cats. Give them away if your lcd is that important to you.

I don't have cats. But if their fingernail gets too long, it will break from the root as they walk around in the house.
Lazy_Moron said:
Is that a joke or something. If you are serious, that is just mean!!

No, it's not a joke lol. I would kill a cat if it broke an expensive piece of my hardware.