Catalyst 10.8 released


Supreme [H]ardness
May 8, 2005

Release Notes:

One of the things that stuck out:
The Default video options for ATI Catalyst™ have been greatly enhanced to deliver the best quality video viewing experience.
In the “Advanced Color” section, the following defaults are now enabled:
  • Color vibrance (default = 40)
  • Flesh tone correction (default = 50)
  • Brighter Whites
In the “Advanced Quality” section, the following defaults are now enabled:
  • Edge-enhancement (default = 25)
  • De-noise (default = 64)
  • Mosquito Noise Reduction (default = 50)
  • De-blocking (default = 50)
Oh great, their warped ideas of what looks great will now be imposed one everyone by default. Denoise? Edge enhancement? Brighter whites? Glad to see the drivers go downhill.
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What's wrong with detail removal?

Fixed that for you, and what's wrong with it is that it's enabled by default. Not only that but their implementation is horrible. It, along with most of their other settings, cause artifacts. So again, why anyone would want any of those settings on (especially by default) is beyond me.

With all those settings on by default, it'll turn your beautiful, naturally grainy videos into a smearfest of a finger painting done by a 2 year-old.

As usual, links aren't there yet but if you're crafty enough you can download them.

Release Notes:

One of the things that stuck out:

Oh great, their warped ideas of what looks great will now be imposed one everyone by default. Denoise? Edge enhancement? Brighter whites? Glad to see the drivers go downhill.

wtf. why would they force that stuff on people. ugh. this makes me not want to upgrade because it will change the way blu-rays look on my home theater. is there any easy way to turn these "enhancements" completely off
Luckily you can turn all those settings off in the Video section of the CCC. I can almost see the driver team removing your ability to turn those settings off next release. :p
Luckily you can turn all those settings off in the Video section of the CCC. I can almost see the driver team removing your ability to turn those settings off next release. :p

i guess thats not bad then. considering i already have my tv calibrated with the old defaults(all enhancements off) id prolly be wondering what the hell is up if i tried installing these and wasnt aware of the new "defaults".
Wonder if they tinkered with the mega performance hit in SC2 with AA enabled, downloading now!
Good luck guys, I hope this release fixes alot of the issues from before, crossfire scaling, SC2 issues etc.. Anyone test the performance yet?

This stuff sounds promising

Performance enhancement for Eyefinity Quad ATI CrossFireX™

�� Performance has been greatly improved for users running with ATI Eyefinity on a
Quad ATI CrossFireX™ configuration
Anti-Aliasing support for StarCraft II
�� ATI Catalyst™ Control Center enabled Anti-Aliasing is now available for StarCraft

Catalyst™ Application Profiles

The following application profiles are available with this release of Catalyst™ 10.8:
�� Singularity – CrossFire™ profile update
�� Mafia 2 – CrossFire™ profile update
�� Final Fantasy XIV Benchmark – new CrossFire™ profile
�� Lord of the Rings Online – new CrossFire™ profile
�� Aliens Vs. Predator – CrossFire™ profile update
Performance Improvements
The following performance gains are noticed with this release of Catalyst™ 10.8:
�� Far Cry 2
�� Performance increases 2-6% on ATI Radeon™ HD 5800 Series single and
CrossFire™ configurations

�� Performance increases 2-4% on ATI Radeon™ HD 5700 Series single and
CrossFire™ configurations

�� Performance increases 3-8% on ATI Radeon™ HD 4800 Series single and
CrossFire™ configurations

�� Left 4 Dead 2
�� Performance increases 3-5% on CrossFire™ ATI Radeon™ HD 5800 series and
CrossFire™ ATI Radeon™ HD 5700 series configura
�� Stormrise
�� Performance increases 5-10% on ATI Radeon™ HD 5600 series and ATI
Radeon™ HD 5500 series configurations
What did the new drivers include that I should disable? What options are useless?

I'm referring to the video options that are now enabled/included with the new drivers.
Disable all the video "enhancements" they are useless. Have everything use Application Settings if possible.
What a waste of resources. Glacier driver development. One step forward, three steps back. Or four in this case. I am still using 10.4A drivers. 10.7 caused BC2 to randomly go from 100 fps to 2 for about 2-3 seconds. Just long enough to get my head blown off. FUN!

Seriously, what causes these issues? Why make changes that obviously make things worse????

Sad, but it seems to be all to common an issue these days. Feels like we are just struggling as a species to adapt to the increasing pace of life. Too many things going on at once. Spreads our focus too thin. Look at just about anything these days and you will see the effect this has. There needs to be an adjustment to simplify our processes so that we can return to getting it right instead of just getting it done by the deadline.
Screen flickering when viewing flash content etc. with dual monitors is NOT fixed yet. Fuck you ATI.
Screen flickering when viewing flash content etc. with dual monitors is NOT fixed yet. Fuck you ATI.

I swear someone had that issue and thought it was the 10.7 drivers but they fixed it with a setting in the Flash options. I would search for the 10.7 released thread and read through. I'm pretty sure it was in there.
I swear someone had that issue and thought it was the 10.7 drivers but they fixed it with a setting in the Flash options. I would search for the 10.7 released thread and read through. I'm pretty sure it was in there.

yeah, just disabled HW acceleration in Flash. I have an i7... why the hell SHOULD I need GPU acceleration.

Well, that and it's messed up :p
Damn, I still get the fps drop lag with 10.4A. Guess it might be time for a re-install PB. Punkbuster is usually the culprit of these type of issues with the BF series.
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yeah, just disabled HW acceleration in Flash. I have an i7... why the hell SHOULD I need GPU acceleration.

Well, that and it's messed up :p

I have an X6 but hardware Flash not working correctly if pretty fucking irritating to say the least. I wouldn't be so mad if this problem just popped up out of no where but it's been here for months and it doesn't look like it's going anywhere.
Since I purchased my 5870's last year, the drivers have really gone down the shitter IMHO. The 10.5a's were rock solid, but I said, down the shitter.

I am most prob moving back to the Nvidia camp after this go around with ATI....
ATI just fixed the issues and not by cat 8 but by the new profiles for AvP and BFbC2. See article on homepage, MASSIVE performance boosts in both games.
10.8 + profile works fine for BC2. Dunno about crossfire but my single 5870 runs smooth.
I have an issue with the 10.8 drivers in that upon restart, the monitor that is connected via HDMI seems to be underscanning (i.e. desktop is not filling up entire screen, and there is a black border). Opening Catalyst Control Center resolves the issue, but it's fairly annoying to have to start CCC upon every boot. Anyone else experience something like this?

Release Notes:

One of the things that stuck out:

Oh great, their warped ideas of what looks great will now be imposed one everyone by default. Denoise? Edge enhancement? Brighter whites? Glad to see the drivers go downhill.

All hardware vendors impose the settings that they think good on users. That is called default settings. You can alwasy check that. ATI listed that change so that you know it is the driver changing instead your mom checking your computer, stop crying and move on.
Hmmm. I still get sudden fps drops occasionally. Anyone else? Just a quick drop to 2-5fps for a second. I am thinking it might be server lag. Nothing else has fixed it.
ATI just fixed the issues and not by cat 8 but by the new profiles for AvP and BFbC2. See article on homepage, MASSIVE performance boosts in both games.

I'm unable to locate the article you are referring to. When going to, I see nothing pertaining to BFBC2. I do see a 'tab' titled Gaming, however when I clicked on it, it was basically an advertisement for City of Heroes.

Mind posting a link?
Is the Bad Company 2 loading lag fixed permanently for the 4000 series yet? They fixed it in the 10.4A drivers, but then they broke the fix with 10.5 and 10.6 for the 4000 series only. As a result, I have stayed with the 10.4A drivers for the past 4 months.

Please note: I am specifically referring to the 4000 series, NOT the 5000 series. The 5000 series had it fixed in 10.4, and they haven't broke the loading fix in subsequent drivers for those particular cards.