Cars Towed as Black Friday Shoppers Wait in Line

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Imagine how pissed you would be if you had been waiting in line for hours on Black Friday when the tow truck brigade rolled in.

Customers in line called police when they say wrecker drivers started towing their cars late Thursday night. The misunderstanding apparently started when the tow truck drivers thought the cars belonged to patrons of a nearby nightclub, not people in line.
if that happened to me, I'd be raging like a tank from l4d. but yeah at least they got their cars back. finally +1 for the cops :)
How goddamn stupid can you be? Lets see... cars in a parking lot... people waiting outside stores... clearly they're misusing the parking spots to go to a nightclub. And of course to get into that nightclub they're going to park in another parking lot and stand outside stores across the street. Damn the public people are getting crafty these days.

Someone should make signs that say HOUSTON POLICE: DURR HURRR
wrecker towing guys are the worst people, death to them!!! fucking scum.

QFT.Being that this was in Texas, I'm surprised none of the people whose cars were stolen were concealed carrying. Misunderstanding or not, I would NOT just sit there and let someone take my car.:mad:
One of the earliest most underdeveloped forms of man before we evolved to homo sapiens was Tow Truck Driver. Douche bags, there is no excuses for working a job stealing other peoples property.
Really? The tow truck drivers thought a ton of people were going to a night club... on Thanksgiving night? Fucking right.

Tow truck drivers are huge scam artists towing a car a couple miles, charging a couple hundred bucks for all that "work", and if you're unlucky to know where your car is they end up charging you an exorbitant daily fee. Yeah I have experience with them, however I fought back and won.

I'm curious though, isn't it usually the business owner who calls the tow trucks in? Something smells fishy here, maybe someone in line called to hopefully free things up:D
How goddamn stupid can you be? Lets see... cars in a parking lot... people waiting outside stores... clearly they're misusing the parking spots to go to a nightclub. And of course to get into that nightclub they're going to park in another parking lot and stand outside stores across the street. Damn the public people are getting crafty these days.

Someone should make signs that say HOUSTON POLICE: DURR HURRR

Read the article again, genius.:rolleyes:

It wasn't the cops doing the towing.

The tow truck drivers were trying a common scam they run, and the cops stepped in, shut the game down, and made them return the cars to boot.

Someone should make signs that say blgdinger: DURR HURRR
QFT.Being that this was in Texas, I'm surprised none of the people whose cars were stolen were concealed carrying. Misunderstanding or not, I would NOT just sit there and let someone take my car.:mad:

Tow truck drivers are the scum of the earth. One of them towed my friend's truck illegally and burned up his transmission, oh well at least he got a new one out of it. Another friend ran into this lady and two tow truck drivers sat a ways off talking and staring at us, I told them we won't be needed their services and they can quit staring at us. They got mad at me.
Read the article again, genius.:rolleyes:

It wasn't the cops doing the towing.

The tow truck drivers were trying a common scam they run, and the cops stepped in, shut the game down, and made them return the cars to boot.

Someone should make signs that say blgdinger: DURR HURRR

LAWL!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Read the article again, genius.:rolleyes:

It wasn't the cops doing the towing.

The tow truck drivers were trying a common scam they run, and the cops stepped in, shut the game down, and made them return the cars to boot.

Someone should make signs that say blgdinger: DURR HURRR

Wow, you really left yourself open after that blgdinger, haha!
Man I would be pissed if someone was dragging my car away and I wasn't at fault. Don't touch my damn car.
I don't buy the "misunderstanding" either. Either it was a towing scam or it was outright auto theft. I know more than one person who's car got stolen by a thief with a wrecker. Almost happened to me but the alarm flasher scared them off according to a friend of mine that saw it out their office window.

Personally, I don't think I'd just stand there while they towed the car. Best Buy should give those customers a $100 gift card or something. It's not their fault but you can bet they're going to lose customers over it.
Uh fuck, I don't even want to remember how thse fuckin tow goons fucked my car and towed for no reason. God I hate them.
Well, at least those tow drivers must've felt embarrassed in front of all those people, having to spend the next couple hours returning 12 cars. It's almost like having your naked ass spanked by the police in the public!
Well, at least those tow drivers must've felt embarrassed in front of all those people, having to spend the next couple hours returning 12 cars. It's almost like having your naked ass spanked by the police in the public!

Truck drivers should have had their trucks impounded and been thrown in jail.
Well, at least those tow drivers must've felt embarrassed in front of all those people, having to spend the next couple hours returning 12 cars. It's almost like having your naked ass spanked by the police in the public!

If people knew their rights, it would happen each and every time they towed a car. Property owners have the right to keep their property free of "derelict" vehicles or other objects, but the tow companies doing the removal do not have the right to keep and charge for the return of said objects.

You own your car, not the tow company. Find out who has your car, call the police, head down to the yard and wait. Once the police get there, demand your vehicle, refuse to sign anything. No-one should ever pay for an unrequested tow, and unless they've been towed to a government impound, no-one has to.
wrecker towing guys are the worst people, death to them!!! fucking scum.

QFMFT, I was at a concert and a tow guy glued "no Parking" signes to the wall in front of a friends car one day. The glue was still wet so we took the sign to the wrecker place and slapped it on the window.

They didn't like that, and the police wouldn't do shit
Ya know if I stole a car I would be in jail in right now. Guess I'm gonna go buy a tow truck.
If people knew their rights, it would happen each and every time they towed a car. Property owners have the right to keep their property free of "derelict" vehicles or other objects, but the tow companies doing the removal do not have the right to keep and charge for the return of said objects.

You own your car, not the tow company. Find out who has your car, call the police, head down to the yard and wait. Once the police get there, demand your vehicle, refuse to sign anything. No-one should ever pay for an unrequested tow, and unless they've been towed to a government impound, no-one has to.

That only applies to public property, not private also public property is run by the govt so if you say park in a area that has street signs saying do not park because of street cleaning they have the right to call the tow company to tow you away for violating the sign.

in a private property lot the owners can have you towed at your expense if they feel like it, and depending on whatever laws your Public Utilities Commission have in place you pay the fine, if the tow company is stupid enough to give you your car back then they deserve the loss.

in this case where they towed unlawfully yes they should be punished, and no one should pay a fine, but what your saying is complete rubbish. you may own your car, but its where you park it thats determined whos property it is, and if your on someone elses property without their permission and or use of services its trespassing and they can have you removed and pay a fine. also if you leave your car at the tow lot they can do what is called a Title 42 process where in 1 month time they own your car based upon a lean they put on it. i have worked as a tow truck driver for many years grant you i have never done what those idiots did, but none the less the same if you would have tried the cop bit i would have either made you pay or had the cop escort you out of the premesis.
That only applies to public property, not private also public property is run by the govt so if you say park in a area that has street signs saying do not park because of street cleaning they have the right to call the tow company to tow you away for violating the sign.

in a private property lot the owners can have you towed at your expense if they feel like it, and depending on whatever laws your Public Utilities Commission have in place you pay the fine, if the tow company is stupid enough to give you your car back then they deserve the loss.

in this case where they towed unlawfully yes they should be punished, and no one should pay a fine, but what your saying is complete rubbish. you may own your car, but its where you park it thats determined whos property it is, and if your on someone elses property without their permission and or use of services its trespassing and they can have you removed and pay a fine. also if you leave your car at the tow lot they can do what is called a Title 42 process where in 1 month time they own your car based upon a lean they put on it. i have worked as a tow truck driver for many years grant you i have never done what those idiots did, but none the less the same if you would have tried the cop bit i would have either made you pay or had the cop escort you out of the premesis.

LOL.. if you still would've tried to make us pay or have the cop escort us off the parking lot, then you're no better than those tow-truck drivers.

There have been way too many "corrupt" tow-truck drivers. I am not saying that you were one of them, but I see them driving aggressively on the roads and flicking me off when I pass them on the highways. It's a good thing that this is being brought to the news. I hope those people just sue the truck drivers for harassment.
What about the tow truck driver i saw last week on I-20, he was towing a police cruser on a flatbed which had the light and siren on and the tow truck driver was driving insane as hell like he was the cop lol

I got a good laugh out of that one
cant you shoot people for stealing your stuff in Texas? surprised (and disappointed in you Texans!) that nobody shot a tow-truck driver...