Carmageddon Kickstarter - Oh Yes!

Wow, this is definitely relevant to my interests.
Love that video, hell love the whole page, its full of humor!
In for one!
Wow, this is definitely relevant to my interests.
Love that video, hell love the whole page, its full of humor!
In for one!

It is relevant to any chemically imbalanced gamer with a macabre sense of humour :cool:

This is the kind of game where you get to embrace your inner psycho and not give a fuck what "society" thinks of it.

And they will give a fuck :D

(or just press the agenda for their own sardonic perspectives)
I'm really into this particular campaign specifically because I'm a twisted individual. Aside from general creativity being held back by publishers, extreme and completely unnecessary violence has been held back as well and I don't really understand why.

Modern warfare and Grand theft Auto always get M ratings so why hold back?

I was driving a sports car around in circles on the beach in GTA4 the other day crushing this bum against a wall over and over and eventually he just kinda stopped moving. I dont really even recall seeing blood. There should have been blood all over my screen or at least my car. Why no legs and tendons?

he game features area specific body damage. So if I shoot'm in the leg they get the business you know?

and I'm really confused as to why games aren't doing this more because this is literally the main reason for me playing this game. Call of Duty should be literally the bloodiest game in existence but in the end it just feel like a training exercise with crash test dumbies. BORING! I WANT BLOOD BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!

I'm with you. This game NEEDS to be massively gory. It just has to be.

Another game that had excellent gore was Soldier of Fortune (1 & 2).
I'm with you. This game NEEDS to be massively gory. It just has to be.

Another game that had excellent gore was Soldier of Fortune (1 & 2).

I'm sure you and piscian18, Krenum and a few others "get" the gory glory :)

It's just fantastic to see a computer game that goes against the grain of what is considered "wholesome and pure"... Unbridled violence needs to be explored more for mature audiences.

Look, I get the "fear" of violent video games being a factor for psychotics to ply their trade but you have to look at it objectively. People who have a propensity for real world violence will always have that aspect inside regardless of videogames. Vid games will never be a cause and I would argue they are more of an outlet for people who cannot express themselves in other mediums.

I agree it is sad that some people cannot or will not ever be able to express or function as a rational human being, but in the mean time.... I want to run some grannies over ;)
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I agree it is sad that some people cannot or will not ever be able to express or function as a rational human being, but in the mean time.... I want to run some grannies over ;)

And Cows, there was something so satisfying about hitting them. Ah the memories!
And Cows, there was something so satisfying about hitting them. Ah the memories!

Beef Curtains :D

EDIT: I just entered "beef curtains" into google search and I was quite amused that Britney Spears was the 3rd result :D
Beef Curtains :D

EDIT: I just entered "beef curtains" into google search and I was quite amused that Britney Spears was the 3rd result :D

Excellent post!
I just checked it out, not sure if they would qualify for curtains, but definitely hatchet wound.
I would only want this if car physics were realistic instead of arcade. Not saying this is what it SHOULD be...just saying this is what I'd personally prefer.
This is great news! Played Carmageddon on LAN quite a lot a long long time ago. So many laughs, always complete mayhem.

Loved that emergency brake animation.
I would only want this if car physics were realistic instead of arcade. Not saying this is what it SHOULD be...just saying this is what I'd personally prefer.

I can assure that they will be totally "arcade". And for good reason.
Good news! The project has already passed half way in just over 3 days :D

I would only want this if car physics were realistic instead of arcade. Not saying this is what it SHOULD be...just saying this is what I'd personally prefer.

Physics coding has come a long way since the originals but I wouldn't count on them leaning toward a realistic racer. Carmageddon has always been based in the arcade racer realm. This won't change for the new game as the devs have said they want to create the same feel of the originals. That being said, the physics effects will be much more detailed and improved for sure.

To be honest, realism doesn't mix well with the type of over-the-top, stylized game that the Carmageddon series is. One thing is for sure, it's going to be fun as f**k!
Good news! The project has already passed half way in just over 3 days :D

Physics coding has come a long way since the originals but I wouldn't count on them leaning toward a realistic racer. Carmageddon has always been based in the arcade racer realm. This won't change for the new game as the devs have said they want to create the same feel of the originals. That being said, the physics effects will be much more detailed and improved for sure.

To be honest, realism doesn't mix well with the type of over-the-top, stylized game that the Carmageddon series is. One thing is for sure, it's going to be fun as f**k!

It's not that I have a hard-on for realism, I just want to be able to use my force feedback wheel with the game and not have the controls so skewed toward the arcade feel that it doesn't feel intuitive. In other words, I wouldn't want this game to feel like Trackmania.
Are you implying that video games make people violent?


Woohoo over halfway there!
Nice.. Tons of time to go and the project is well on the way to being funded.

They should be able to smash the target into the pavement, no problem!

Glad I saw this thread, Just funded $15 and told a bunch of friends who played the original.
Glad I saw this thread, Just funded $15 and told a bunch of friends who played the original.

Nice work! It's great to see how much support this game is getting. People just don't forget the cult classics :)

Really looking forward to Feb
Bumping this as it seems to have slowed down. Upping my pledge as the original was one of the most satisfying games back in the day and would really love to see what these guys will do with newer hardware.
Yeah, the campaign started really well but has slowed down quite a bit.

I'm positive they will reach their goal though. No doubt there will be a large influx of donations toward the end, as seems to be the trend.
100% funded with 10 days to go! Awesome :)

Although the kickstarter project did slow down, the massive coverage from GOG and reddit created a huge influx of donations and Stainless have shot past their target within a matter of days! Fantastic stuff :D

I've updated the first post with some additional info from the Reddit Q&A, kickstarter videos etc. Feel free to mention any other info and features that should be added.

I highly recommend the video bloopers reel.. Sim is so cute :)
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I'm really into this particular campaign specifically because I'm a twisted individual. Aside from general creativity being held back by publishers, extreme and completely unnecessary violence has been held back as well and I don't really understand why.

Modern warfare and Grand theft Auto always get M ratings so why hold back?

I was driving a sports car around in circles on the beach in GTA4 the other day crushing this bum against a wall over and over and eventually he just kinda stopped moving. I dont really even recall seeing blood. There should have been blood all over my screen or at least my car. Why no legs and tendons?

I just got this game this last week called vivisector. The game features area specific body damage. So if I shoot'm in the leg they get the business you know?


and I'm really confused as to why games aren't doing this more because this is literally the main reason for me playing this game. Call of Duty should be literally the bloodiest game in existence but in the end it just feel like a training exercise with crash test dumbies. BORING! I WANT BLOOD BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!

oh man tell me about it, its such a disappointment, i cant believe it either! and is not only the blood and gore, i want the feedback too! like when you gore someone, it have to had screams and suffering, otherwise what is the point? :D
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In light of the fantastic news that Carma: R has been successfully kickstarted and the originals are going to be re-released through GOG, I figured it would be a good time to repost the guides to have Carmageddon 1 & 2 running under Windows 7 64bit, near perfectly!

Carma 1 needs DosBox of course, but Carma 2 will run under Win 7 with the XP patch.

Carmageddon 1 Guide:

What you will need:

  • Some DosBox build with glide support, I suggest to use Taewoong’s build from his site.

  • nGlide glide wrapper. (Currently the best recommended for Carmageddon)

  • Original CD or backup images of Carmageddon.
How to make it work:

Install nGlide, run configurator from "Start menu -> All programs -> nGlide" and set resolution to native resolution of your monitor.

Extract downloaded DosBox to some folder and open "dosbox.conf" in notepad (or other simple text editor).

Here you need to make few changes to make Carmageddon run at full details.

First you need to find line with "memsize=16" in [dosbox] section and change it to "memsize=63". (Dont go higher than this number).

Then find [glide] section (near the end) and make sure that glide is set to true (should be that way by default).

And last is the [autoexec] section where you need to put these two lines

mount C [drive:\Game ROOT path you wish to install Carmageddon]
mount D [cdrom:\]

Save and close dosbox.conf

Delete glide2x.dll in the DosBox directory so DosBox will use nGlide.

Now you can run dosbox and install Carmageddon by running dosinst.bat from d:\(inside dosbox).

Install to default folder, select full installation and in the sound setup at the end select autodetection.

Exit setup and browse to install directory.

Run "3dfx.exe"

UPDATE: Pro-tip! Download the Voodoo 2 Alpha patch and run "voodo2c.exe -vrush" to restore the missing models in the damage gallery, the mini-view in map mode "tab" and the portrait in cockpit mode "c".


Note: You're going to need a fairly decent rig to get Carmageddon to run at playable framerates under DosBox.

Carmageddon 2 Guide:

Install Carmageddon 2 from CD or backup image.

Download the XP patch HERE

Set any launch options (Recommend you use 3DFX [nGlide] for high resolutions)

Replace the original file with the one in the archive.

Change the compatibility settings for this file to "Windows XP SP3"

Run in 640 x 480 (nGlide will over-ride this in-game).

Do not use the launcher to run the game or you will not have any sound. You must create a shortcut to the file you replaced.

Run game... Carnage!
In light of the fantastic news that Carma: R has been successfully kickstarted and the originals are going to be re-released through GOG, I figured it would be a good time to repost the guides to have Carmageddon 1 & 2 running under Windows 7 64bit, near perfectly!

Thanks, all this Carmageddon talk has me itching to pull out my C2 disk and cause some mayhem.
Stainless just announced some freaking fantastic news!

Carmageddon 1 is being ported to iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad and Android devices!

And it looks GREAT

.. and get this, it's going to be FREE to kickstarter backers for the first 24 hours upon launch!

&#9679; Universal App.
&#9679; A wide selection of touch control methods.
&#9679; Intuitive gesture system allowing repair and recovery of the player vehicle in game.
&#9679; Action Replay allowing players to save a movie and upload it to YouTube.
&#9679; Game Center integration on iOS.
Check this out - Early work in progress gameplay footage. Note, this is all pre-alpha footage.

Nobby (Stainless dev) said:
It stands to reason that the one thing you're DYING to see more than anything else is some more in-game progress footage. Now, we have serious reservations about revealing anything too early... As not everyone is going to judge "Work In Progress" as what it is. And this leads to misunderstanding, sometimes even anger, and that's how wars start. :)

BUT in the spirit of this campaign and the fantastic dedication, faith and impeccable judgement being demonstrated by you our fantastic FANS and BACKERS, we really felt duty-bound to do something. We want to give you all a further small sniff and taste of the current state of progress. And so, we cautiously present... A "Work In Progress&#8221; sneaky peek of the construction of Bleak City (City B)!

We're working our way around the original "Blood on the Rooftops" track, as a test-bed for prototyping and developing the game. It involves designing and building the level geometry, working out the ped tech, testing handling, collision shape mods, physics stuff, PUp ideas, etc. etc... Basically, this prototyping process enables us to write the WHOLE GAME, and have fun while we do it! :D It&#8217;s the same way that we developed the original game &#8211; as a constantly evolving prototype (based on a solid, written core design, of course!). The approach is: Get something up and playable as early as possible, then try stuff out!

This level teaser is intended only as a first impression of progress on the level construction for Carmageddon: Reincarnation. The vehicle, pedestrians their AI and their animations, plus the special effects, are ALL placeholder. The pedestrians in the clips we&#8217;ve edited together here were set up to be EXTRA easy to dismember (It&#8217;s a simple script editing job to set how well a ped holds together in an impact, again something that&#8217;ll be fun to MOD) because we thought it would be fun to spray plenty of blood about.

The level/game has NO optimisation of any kind yet, so EVERYTHING is being processed at ALL times - all the geometry, and around 1000 peds (hence the choppy framerate!). The level is in early/mid stage of construction, and so textures and detailing is missing, even from the more "finished" looking sections. And it goes without saying, In other words, IT'S EARLY DAYS!

More videos of development progress will be available to our Kickstarter VIPs in the dedicated area of the forums at, once the campaign ends and the game development continues apace.

We hope you enjoy the little peek into progress. Over the coming weeks and months we look forward to sharing news and views of the progress with you, and hearing your comments and thoughts about it.

THANKS AGAIN for all your SUPPORT and BACKING, Kickstarter CarmaFans!
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Hopefully a lot of that is placeholder art, but it's looking awesome so far. Two things this game needs: epic vehicle damage physics and online MP.

Also, MORE GORE!!!
Last day to pledge or increase your pledge as this well end at 11PM EST. I would like to comment on how these guys have listened and bent over backwards for the community including stating they would create a DRM free non-steam version. I cannot wait to unleash some road rage with my buddies online!
Whoa almost forgot about this. 9 hours to go!

Backed the "Double Whammy" so my Dad and I can play and get early access to the Beta.
Just kicked in at the last minute. Damn these Kickstarters with games I want!
I'm loving the split screen on PC feature.. That's gonna be great for shits and giggles :)

Funded at 156% of its target .. Nice!

Also, co-op is going to be a nice feature!
Bump for fellow carmageddon backers! I bit on the kickstart myself. I'd love if the new Fear Factory album was the soundtrack for this one as well!
Any new info on this? I haven't seen anything new pop up since the Kickstarter ended.
a few emails relating to the forum for backers and such. Only other thing I've seen is the chance to up your preorder or just to preorder. Not much else. I WAS hoping by now the GOG original would be out to keep us busy until reincarnation was released.