Cant get my CPU past 2.42

Cool keep tweaking
:) When your Ht starts running too fast it will slow your Pc Keeping it Close too the 2000Mhz helps the Cpu and Memory Achieve thier full speed potential....Make shure you run your Voltage on Vcore up around say 1.33v or 1.35 i believe for a stable 2.5 and 2.6 clock go in lil steps! Im running 1.24V at 400Mhz over I can run 2.7Ghz with 1.37vcore Stable but my board dosnt like my 550northbridge it will overheat it !

Oh yeah i dont know how good your DDR2 is, but mine will Oc @1100Mhz max .....If you think your memory is a factor Holding your Oc back ,set it to use the 333or 2/3Mhz setting with it @ 2T not 1T ,1T tends to make things unstable...i run timmings up tight 444 6 2T @1000Mhz 2.2v and lil looser 555 8 2T @1100Mhz 2.2v.....When you riase your FSB your memory will Oc with it!
Alright, just tried all of that stuff(running in 3rd SATA port) Bumped down HT and it restarted faster than usual.:(

This is GOOD,Faster =Better, im starting my 754 and Your 939 use same Ocing as mine and ill post some memory timing for ya it has(((( DDR400)))Mhz Clocked to 440 stable ...Stay on for a lil bit :D

Ok i set my Oc to your specs at 2.4Ghz so the only differance is type of Memory and timing and the CPUvcore....You will need to rais eyour Vcore a lil but dont Use mine for referance 1.7will COOK your Chip!

Memory settings 440Mhz this is at 1:1 memory ratio @2.4Ghz you may need to run it at 166Mhz instead of 200Mhz if your going higher than 2.4Ghz .....Your memory May be holding you back!

Haha the images werent there when i posted....

also, i know that 1.7 will fry my CPU unless im using like highend water or phase. ;)

I will try this out later get back to you tomorrow.
:cool: When you are Ocing how high does your memory go in CPU Z? Fsb 220= 440Mhz memory... if your memory isnt overclocking it will prevent Pc from Going Higher ....You would then need to set a Divider for your memory .....200Mhz =400Mhz......166Mhz=333Mhz....

So if your FSB gose above 220 for every 10Mhz onthe FSB your memory will raise 20Mhz!...

So @ 2.5Mhz Cpu and 230FSB your memory will be @392Mhz which is same as 400mhz in speed!

Then @2.6Mhz Cpu and 240FSB your memory will be @412Mhz which is same as 400mhz speed ...

Now thats how your memory affects your Oc..... so when going above 2.4Mhz a 4xHT and 166Mhz meory divider will make your Pc more Stable and the CPU and Memory Will work together =Faster System!

Keep at it your almost done! we should have this in the Overclocking forum LOL
:cool: When you are Ocing how high does your memory go in CPU Z? Fsb 220= 440Mhz memory... if your memory isnt overclocking it will prevent Pc from Going Higher ....You would then need to set a Divider for your memory .....200Mhz =400Mhz......166Mhz=333Mhz....

So if your FSB gose above 220 for every 10Mhz onthe FSB your memory will raise 20Mhz!...

So @ 2.5Mhz Cpu and 230FSB your memory will be @392Mhz which is same as 400mhz in speed!

Then @2.6Mhz Cpu and 240FSB your memory will be @412Mhz which is same as 400mhz speed ...

Now thats how your memory affects your Oc..... so when going above 2.4Mhz a 4xHT and 166Mhz meory divider will make your Pc more Stable and the CPU and Memory Will work together =Faster System!

Keep at it your almost done! we should have this in the Overclocking forum LOL

Yeah, but my board is sitll faulty... lol i will try to OC this puppy right. I had a feeling that it was my mem since its rated at 400 and 220=440
Cool deal a New board is always a plus !..I cant spell today and we even have a spell checker HAhahaha...

Post your results down the road like to see the outcome!...Help any time , Ive been down this road many times.
There's a lot of variables involved as every board is different. Some are just buggy, you might just have a bad set of circumstances running 400mhz ram.. you might wanna try something with a little more leighway, and here's why..

I can go 330mhz FSB on my PC, ONLY if I use 600mhz ht, 500mhz memory, and run the voltages way up.

Any other way, and it won't even post.

The only thing that's holding me back now is my memory is 800mhz gskill, and it won't go past a certain mark (870 or so) on this setting without loosing stability.. I can get it to boot up at 3.2ghz, but it will crash before it gets into windows.. I have a feeling if I had ram that'd stay stable at 850-900mhz, I'd be pulling 3.2ghz on my x2 3600+... unfortunately, if I change my divider to any less, it won't post at all above 280mhz fsb. So I'm stuck with getting better ram.. my mb doesn't support any higher than 800, so I might be out of options. I don't know just yet. At any rate, it really sucks knowing that if I can get the memory stable (that's the only error I get on BSOD), then I might could go for 3200mhz on air no prob.

I also had this problem with a sempron 3000+ manila.. For whatever reason I couldn't scale down to 500mhz on the memory or it wouldn't boot, so I was stuck running it at 667 and running 1000mhz+ memory speeds, don't ask me how it was reliable but it was.. Unfortuantely the MB was just to quirky to allow it to post/run reliably without 1 particular ht setting, and 1 particular memory setting.. which limited how far I could go up on my fsb :( My board is nforce chipset as well.

In any event, that was my experience.. looks like a similar one to yours.

Good Luck,
Haxor, do you have the ram set at 1T or 2T? I remember Asus boards having problems running 1T with 1GB sticks of ram. Just something to try out...
Ok guys ....He has a new mobo on the way ,but for now I was going over his Ht and Ghz settings which have been posted previously....

So now that his System increased in speed at boot and windows we move on to next step ,Which in this case would be the memory ...He Know his mem is limited to 440Mhz.. DDR400.....@ the 2.4Ghz with HTx4 and 1:1memory ratio his mem is holding his clocking back...

Positivly we can now set his mem to 3-3-3-8 (2t) since he has 2gig ram which i know does 440Mhz from his CPU-Z.....But to take Cpu Higher we need to set a 166Mhz or 5/6ths divider with loose timing ...

Next youll want to open Cpu -Z and check that the memory sets to 166Mhz or 5/6ths Mem Clocks which should read around DDR 186 Mhz =372Mhz .

Which is where we Know for a fact is Stable mem clock @ 2.4GhzCpu....We also Know his memory can clock @220FSB and 1:1 mem ratio its 220Mhzx2 =440Mhz!! at 2.4Ghz....

Now if he bumps up the Cpu to 2.5Ghz his Memory will (INCREASE) in (SPEED )to make up for the (166MhzDIVIDER) as follows.......

@2.5Ghz = 230Mhz FSB and 5/6thst mem divider he will now have 196Mhzx2=392Mhz or DDR400!

@2.6Ghz = 240Mhz FSB and 5/6ths mem divider he will now have 206Mhzx2=412Mhz or DDR400!.

Using 1:1 ratio divider with his memory we Know his system Runs @ 420Mhz Stable! So with the Math ,We also Know that Even @ 2.6Ghz with his memory Running 5/6ths @ 412Mhz that his memory still in his Oc limit.......

Finally the timings for his memory for 2gig ram (1gigx2sticks) in either single or dual channel mode should be set to use (((((2T timing )))))) for stability and( 3- 3 -3- 8) Timing which is loose or close to stock without Increasing Voltage for memory!....

Increasing Voltage should only be done as a last resort if you are unable to clock because of your memory and Not CPU! Unless the Memory you purchase says to( Raise )Voltage for lower tighter timing then and only then i would tell someone to raise thier VOLTS....

Memory cooks a lot faster than a CPU due to limited cooling remeber that:mad:
Always Clock Memory with out the Vbump if your not shure if you should Raise Voltage .
Also check your MemoryManufactures Website to see if the do Allow small Voltbump for Tighter timing or OverClocking....Patriot and OcZ and others i know give Voltage recomendations for Oc timing ....I use Patriot DDR and DDR2 way Overclocked with thier Recomemded Voltbump For example Stock DDR26400ELK runs 1.8v with 5-5-5-12 timing and when i run thier Recomended Performance or Oc Voltage setting it will Run@1100Mhz with timing @ 4-4-4-8 or @1000Mhz 4-4-4-6 Stable!....

Well that should do it for now ...

Keep me posted RussianHAXORYou will be good to Game Faster real soon;)
Alright, at first I didn't want to say anything because I wasn't sure if English was !gOtVolTage!'s native language, but those colors are pissing me off and more importantly the information isn't very accurate (or clear).

Let me just settle this: If you run the HT link beyond spec (1000Mhz, which is the HT multiplier times the HTT speed) you will not see any increased performance. What you usually see however is instability (not always, but very often this is the case).

Dropping the HT link multiplier (sometimes called LDT multiplier in the BIOS) to make sure you're running at or below 1000mhz will guarantee stability on that part of the system when overclocking, and it won't sacrifice any perceptible performance. Read this if you'd like to get a clearer picture, but the gist is that the only time you'll see a slight change in performance is if you get your HT link running down in the ~200mhz range (which would mean you're running your CPU at stock speeds with the HT Link multiplier at 1x).
Haxor, do you have the ram set at 1T or 2T? I remember Asus boards having problems running 1T with 1GB sticks of ram. Just something to try out...

I'm running 2T on 4 sticks of 512

Alright, at first I didn't want to say anything because I wasn't sure if English was !gOtVolTage!'s native language, but those colors are pissing me off and more importantly the information isn't very accurate (or clear).

Let me just settle this: If you run the HT link beyond spec (1000Mhz, which is the HT multiplier times the HTT speed) you will not see any increased performance. What you usually see however is instability (not always, but very often this is the case).

Dropping the HT link multiplier (sometimes called LDT multiplier in the BIOS) to make sure you're running at or below 1000mhz will guarantee stability on that part of the system when overclocking, and it won't sacrifice any perceptible performance. Read this if you'd like to get a clearer picture, but the gist is that the only time you'll see a slight change in performance is if you get your HT link running down in the ~200mhz range (which would mean you're running your CPU at stock speeds with the HT Link multiplier at 1x).

But im pretty sure that my Memory is holding me back... how would the HT be a factor when my mem is obviously holding back.
But im pretty sure that my Memory is holding me back... how would the HT be a factor when my mem is obviously holding back.

That may completely be the case, I'm just trying to prevent the random misinformation I see constantly being posted on these forums. It seems to have increased in the past few months, and I just want to point out misinformation so that people reading this thread don't misinterpret the facts.

If you want to see if your memory is holding you back, simply slap on a big divider.

I'm running 2T on 4 sticks of 512

But im pretty sure that my Memory is holding me back... how would the HT be a factor when my mem is obviously holding back.

If your memory is holding you back, you need to force a different memory ratio. On some boards this is accomplished by actually selecting the memory clock ratio, while on other boards it is selected by specifying the DDR memory speed.


Normally, your DDR ram works at a 1/1 ratio, and normally your bus speed is 200 MHz. Double the rate of 200 MHz = 400 MHz DDR memory.

ALL memory speeds come from this bus, and are extracted using other ratios.


You get DDR 333 speed from 200 MHz bus * 5/6 ratio = 166 MHz = 333 DDR memory.

You get DDR 266 speed from 200 MHz bus * 2/3 ratio = 133 MHz = 266 DDR memory.


You can also get DDR 400 speed using the lower ratio of 5/6 and a high bus speed:
5/6 * 240 MHz bus = 200 MHz = 400 DDR memory.

You can do the same with the 2/3 ratio and a bus speed of 300 MHz

If your BIOS supports memory ratios, you'll want to select a 5/6 memory ratio. In an unoverclocked system, this would normally produce a DDR 333 memory speed (5/6 * 200 MHz = 166 MHz = 333 MHz DDR), but with your bus speed between 220 and 240MHz, this will produce almost 400 MHz DDR memory speed.

You can do the same thing if your BIOS only supports selection of memory speed: selecting DDR 333 from the menus will automatically apply that 5/6 ratio for you.

With the 5/6 ratio selected, you should be able to overclock to over 2.6 GHz before your memory goes above the spec speed of DDR 400.
The memory Timing and Mhz that his Memory will run at is on Post(Line 55) The HT limits are on Post(Line56) the limits are correct!, despite QUADNAD's thread bashing in which He lashed out before thinking or looking up Known Overclocking HTfacts! .......Unfortunately people may not fully be reading the Thread!

Besides the hoopla going on .... He just needs to lower to 5/6th's divider with 3-3-3-8 (2T)timing , use a 4xHt and keep clocking it' s that easy .....

No, Quadnad made his post because your ability to clearly and simply present information is terrible. This is also the reason I made my post above.

You don't use proper capitalization, and you don't uses spaces inside your equations. You wander between multiple subjects within a paragraph, discuss topics that have no bearing on the topic at-hand, you add confusing colored text, and you use far .... too ........many bad habits of improper english.

It's called a period. We use ONE, then go on to the next sentence. When you can PRESENT your information properly, then people won't lash out at you. You can be the smartest person on earth, but if you can't communicate, that knowledge has little worth.
Also read my post again and youll see i never said the HT goes faster when raised above the recomended speed!...I said it does have a limit!...and yes The Red is the MaxMhz where HT becomes unstable for the given platforms.

all the HT numers/facts i posted are 100% proven ......

The memory Timing and Mhz that his Memory will run at is on Post(Line 55) The HT limits are on Post(Line56) the limits are correct!, despite QUADNAD's thread bashing in which He lashed out before thinking or looking up Known Overclocking HTfacts! .......Unfortunately people may not fully be reading the Thread!
Don't post bullshit about "lashing out" and "thread bashing." I'm trying to cut down on the amount of crap I see posted now and again on these forums. People need to back up their claims with proof rather than irritating colors, terrible grammar, and random capitalization. I'm not saying that the HT Link speed is the OP's problem, I'm just trying to set this straight.

The stock HT Link speed for a 754 system is 800mhz. The stock HT Link speed for a 939 and AM2 system is 1000mhz. They are double date rate, which (similar to DDR RAM) leads to an "effective" stock speed of 1600mhz for 754 and 2000mhz for 939/AM2. You can verify this here, by selecting 754, 939, or AM2 from the socket drop-down box, and then selecting "view details" next to any one of the processors listed for that socket.

The HT Link speed is determined by this equation: (HT Link Multiplier) * (HTT) = HT Link Speed. There is no perceptible increase or decrease in performance by running the HT Link out of spec, however once you increase over the system's stock limit you run the risk of instability. Why would you increase the chance of instability by overclocking something that gives you no benefit? That isn't to say that you can't be stable beyond your stock limit, but because most people do run into that issue, and because it doesn't increase/decrease performance, you might as well lower the multiplier when overclocking in order to avoid that issue.

!gOtVolTage!, you are saying things that you consider to be "proven" such as "For 754 and 939 systems when the FSB overruns its tested limit 754((((2000Mhz)))))it is only rated for max of 1600Mhz Also a 939 is limited to about a max of 2400Mhz before it becomes unstable and will Lag Pc or Restarts ."

That is simply not true; those systems have their rated stock HT speeds, and exceeding them can result in instability far earlier than your claims of 2000mhz and 2400mhz. My 754 system for example is unstable even at 217HTT when the HT Link multiplier is left alone. According to you, I would still be fine running my HT Link at 868mhz (1736mhz effective), but that isn't the case.

Also, you're using adjectives like "lag" to describe instability in a system (which is an incorrect usage of the term). Use programs like SP2004/Orthos/Prime95 overnight or longer to determine the stability of your system. If it isn't prime stable, it isn't stable.
HT should be constrained to a value close to the stock rate (as quadnad gave for the different chipsets). Going very far over it at all can easily cause problems, and there's no real hit for decreasing it (running 800 on a 939 for example).

Eclipse's guide is excellent, I picked up quite a bit of my 939-fu from him.

If you think your memory is holding you back, try it with only one stick installed (and possibly vary which one is the one remaining). Reduces the work on the controller, and out of FOUR sticks it's possible that only one is holding you back (or some other subset). Underclocking the tar out of it while you work on the CPU doesn't hurt either.

Random colors...random case...bad English...seriously, by this time of the day I've been through hours of classes followed by hours in the lab, and I really don't have the energy to decipher that. Anyway, why are you still using Vista RC1? Hasn't the license on that expired by now?
!gOtVolTage! said:
ht=1550 Mhz = 3100 Mhz = 100Mhz over the given say tested HT limit of 3000Mhz if you were to raise your Ht to hit a HT of 3500Mhz i could pretty much garanteeeee a crash! You have only exceeded the given tested limit by 100Mhz thus you have not experianced the slowdown ,freezing or rebooting Yet ! There is a Ceiling on the Ht just as there is if you were to Over Clock a Cpu's limit it will Choke at its limit. There is even limit when your Memory Hits its own Cieling you lock up or reboot!

my htt link was running at 5x, here is how you get htt, ht multi x fsb x 2, 5x310x2=3100, stock would be 5x200x2=2000(939 and AM2)or 4x200x2=1600(754), my oc was 1100mhz over stock
it only slows performance when it is unstable, there is no performance benefit to overclocking it, but it will not slow down performance unless unstable (i my pic that i posted 1550 was totally stable)
you would usually want to keep it under 1000mhz, but heck if you can run it higher stable why not?

am2 htt is not around 3000mhz, it is 2000mhz just like 939, the only difference between am2 and 939 is the ddr2 memory controller , am2 doesn't have a new ht design, am2+ will, thats why if you would use a barcelona in a am2 motherboard it would limit the ht of the processor,

see now in the pic above that my cpu was running 3.1ghz my fsb was 310 my cpu multi was 10(3.1ghz) and my htt multi was 5x which resulted in my ht link running at 3100mhz(5x310x2) which resulted in it running 1100mhz over stock
Is it so bad to go above the stock speeds of HT ? No its not ,as long as you are stable!
I would not have a 754 running @Fsb 250x4HT=2000Mhz or (hstuehmeyer2000's) AM2 running @Fsb 310x5Ht=3100Mhz.

I know i may have confused people . I am sorry ,I figured that it would be ok to post the highest average overclocked Ht settings that i have researched for each system type 754,939,Am2 .Many people thought i was talking about Stock Referance HT, I am not. The averages i have posted are a result of researching hundreds of overclocked systems from several different forum sites .Overclockers are getting amazingly high Fsb and HT numbers . You can see lots of info on FSB/HT in our Overclocking forum as well. Its real easy to validate what im saying . Just look at any Fsb/HT settings used in overclocked systems on our forums .Shure you will see lots of HT's below the Stock referance or way above it.

Ive listed the Overclocking Highest HT Limits below ."These are not stock referance limits!". These limits mostlikely will be lower or the same depending on which Motherboard you own .This was intended to show how high the HT is know to run over stock referance in stable conditions!

754=HT 2000Mhz Max stable over stock referance speed

939=HT 2400Mhz Max stable over stock referance speed

AM2=HT 3000Mhz Max stable over stock referance speed

We all know what stock limits are ,thats why we overclock!

754=HT 1600Mhz

939=HT 2000Mhz

AM2=HT 2000Mhz

(Example 1) 754 runs @FSB= 2000Mhz STABLE with 2.5Ghz oc ,this is 600mhz over the referance Ht1600 Mhz and 100%Stable. I also did not exceed 2000Mhz Maximum Overclocked HT and it's stable ,fast, responsive, with a 250Fsb and Pc3200-500Mhz DDR.

(Example 2) AM2 @FSB=3100Mhz STABLE ,I said the Maximum Overclocking Stable Limit was FSB=3000Mhz not (Stock referance @ 2000Mhz ) This FSB is only 100mhz over a Maximum Overclock limit NOT (The Stock Referance limit,we already what that is!) 2000Mhz HT

Now that you know this info, It is easy to see where im coming from. I had only decided to post an average Overclock HT limit that hundreds of people were using with 100% stability. In the beginnig/middle of this thread I said for RussianHaxor not too exceed the recomended 2000Mhz Stock referance with a 4xHT...I had only posted about the OVERCLOCKED HT Limit because someone implied that he/she was Stable @Fsb=3100Mhz! Which is true fact. Also he/she said that the FSB/Ht is 1100Mhz over Stock referanceand it is. Finally i stated he/she was only 100Mhz over the 3000Mhz HT limit i stated a bove. All i was implying is that there is a Maximum stable overclocking point other than STOCK REFERANCE.

Also, someone pointed out to me about a lil info on lag. Lag is also reffered to as a time delay. For example ; 2ns is faster than 3ns , There is a lag or time delay of 1ns.

One of the easiest ways to see if a overclock or Fsb/Ht is unstable is by the speed of your Pc! If things are stable it should boot fast and should also load your apps quik. I will only use software after i have my Pc booting and running programs with no lag or instability.

Prime and or Orthos should only be run after your sytem is booting and opening Apps normaly no severe lag!.This means if your Pc has severe Lag or any lag that prevents programs or desktop windows from opening/closing ,Something is wrong .EXAMPLE: System may be slow to boot . Windows maybe takes for ever to load. This is a sign in which your HT may be too high/low or even the memory divider/timing could be too high/low! Remeber Ht and memory go hand in hand . Lag is a byproduct of instability and poor speed. If your system is unstable it will mostlikely lag behind.

I am sorry if i typed fded up or if people could not understand me. I am trying to better my typing .

I hope i didnt offend anyone or make too many people mad:mad: that was not my intension.
I am just trying to Help another person ,for people have helped me. I will be practicing on better comunicating skills.

Here are some helpful Oc sites:,51,0,0,1,0

Heres a good one for tweaks:

thank you Gotvoltage
there is only one board that can oc 4 sticks of ddr over 200mhz(400mhz), the dfi lanparty ut sli-dr expert

I had the same issue with 2 sticks.....;)

Alright Here are some screen shots with 4X HTT and DDR333mhz set in the bios... and the multi at 11X most of this is visible in these screenshots...


Bump.... What FSB should be my max?

follow the guide I posted above to find your max stable HTT.

in fact, it'll give you the max every part of your hardware will do so that you'll be able to find the max stable oc.
Also, ive overclocked 4 sticks of this mem to about 440 so i dont know what you are talking about.
Is there any way for you to lower your CPU multi on your motherboard ?

This can help to bring the memory up to speed while using a 4xHT. I have also read that using even dividers also helps the memory controler clock easier. The lower the Cpu Multi the more stable the memory controler would run while overclocking. I may be wrong on that , but i have read about it in many forums.

Ok if you have 220FSB with 4xHT and 11xCpu using 5/6th memory divider you then should have this =2400MhzCpu and 344mhz memory.

Now if we change the Fsb to 250mhz and change the 11xCpu multi to 10X using 5/6th memory divider you will then have this =2500MhzCpu and 364mhz memory.

Now that will bring your Fsb and memory closer to what they are suppose to run at. The HT will be fine and the memory will run closer to 400Mhz . The memory is affected more so than the HT speed wise. Please tell me if im wrong ,but when you speed up the memory the system also gains speed or response for opening apps and windows more so than the HT.

So when ever you can raise the FSB to gain more Mhz in your memory you will most likely benifit from it. Provided your system is stable . Also If i remember correctly the 939 can only run 2t when all 4 slots are used or in dual channel mode.
Hey make shure your bios isnt auto detecting CPU multiplyer. If you have the option manualy set it to 11x on the Cpu or try 10x and leave all other setting s the same then try raise your FSB. im doing same thing with new bios and my 5600CZ
IM pretty sure i left it at 11X also... wouldnt 10X bump me down significantly?:confused:

Anyways, ill try to see what i can do.
Ok , check out my screen shot of my system . I just Clocked my X2 5600+2.8Ghz @ 3Ghz using a 12x Cpu multi and running my FSB@250 ,Also im using 4xHT . 5600+ uses a 14xCpu multiplyer by default and it wouldnt let my memory clock over 840mhz with HT set to 4x. So i set the Cpu to a 12xCpu multiplyer so it would bring my memory up when i raise my FSB . Doing this let my memory controler run on a 6 divder instead of a 7. Before it wouldnt let my memory go over 840mhz ,but now its stable @1000mhz!

In short my Pc did not like 14xCpu with a 7memory controler/divider. by setting it to 12xCpu it gave me a 6 memory controler/divider,and my pc loves it. This will be my 24/7 clock specs for now till i get a new cooler. Im at stock Voltage too;)

It does take time to Oc. I found out how high this board could go with a 3200+ before i installed this chip. I even made shure my memory would at least do 1100Mhz Knowing i was going to Oc up to 3.2 one day! My board is only 100% stable using 270FSB or lower setting.That took two months of bios swaping and lots of research to find out:D . My mobo is a MSI kn9 with a Platinum Bios ! IT gives me volt selection and my stock bios did not.

I would set your CPU multi to 10x and raise the FSB to 240 and set the memory to 333Mhz with 4xHT , ( 10x240=2400 ) This will give you a (10 or 12) Memory controler/divider if i remember correctly.

If you look in your CPU-Z screens, it shows a 11xCPU with a (FSB;Dram of 14) and your running 4x512mb of ram .Im pretty shure when running just 2 sticks it would read ( FSB;Dram 7). It also pretty shure it doubles when running 4sticks. So in the long run a 11xCPU=14memory controler/divider may be holding you back and the(10xCpu=10 or 12)memory controler/divider just may let you advance. With 10xCpu you will set the fsb to 240 and this will clock your memory lil higher and be @ 2.4Ghz. Now if this does work ,try it again but raise the FSB to (245Fsb=2450Mhz) if its stable go one more step too 250!.We know your memory runs @440 when the fsb is @220 5xHT with 1:1 mem ratio ,so make shure you set the 166divider 333mhz and use 4xHT.This way we dont clock the memory too high.

Good luck hope this one helps.
