Calling out 184OZ - Mini n00b Race!

Well I got the notebook to run stable at 60% and it just turned in a 450pt QMD, so I bumped it up to 75% (145ppd) and we'll see how it does.

I might not be out of this yet.

chileman said:
Well I got the notebook to run stable at 60% and it just turned in a 450pt QMD, so I bumped it up to 75% (145ppd) and we'll see how it does.

I might not be out of this yet.

No, sorry you're really out, you just don't know it yet. :D
Thanks for the heads up.

BTW, running solid at 75%, I doubt I'll go higher. This QMD is claiming 192PPD @ 75%. Not bad at all.

unhappy_mage said:
Change your username to unhappy_mage and you'll be amazed how fast you catch him!

I'd make a joke about "joining the b0rg" here, but that's too painful to even contemplate.

Change your username to 184oz and help me pass chileman :)

well worth a shot....

Oh, BTW, 745pt dump in the next (HF) update or two. Just a friendly reminder from your favorite n00b folder to make fun of.

More to come tomorrow

184oz caffine a day said:
Change your username to 184oz and help me pass chileman :)
Sure, I could change all 3 cpus for 4 gHz over.... not that it'd make much difference.

I'm having a horrible folding week, feel free to mock me for your amusement.

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

Just got word that my P4 2.4c will be back and folding by Sunday. He had no net access for a few months. I'm gonna go over and install a router so I'll send in the WU it last had (not sure how long F@H will try to send the WU) and get it back going. So maybe the borgs will start to come alive. They've been almost toally dead. Not sure what's wrong.

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

chileman said:
Just got word that my P4 2.4c will be back and folding by Sunday. He had no net access for a few months. I'm gonna go over and install a router so I'll send in the WU it last had (not sure how long F@H will try to send the WU) and get it back going. So maybe the borgs will start to come alive. They've been almost toally dead. Not sure what's wrong.

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

Chile I'm getting tired of your empty promises promises. 184oz and aratech are going to catch you soon if you don't get your borg on. Borgs are tough to depend on if you can't visit them once in a while, luckily whenever one of my borgs has a problem I'm the first person called, which helps. Plus so far I've only borged machines that can handle it. Its all about quality not quantity! :D
Imitation said:
Chile I'm getting tired of your empty promises promises. 184oz and aratech are going to catch you soon if you don't get your borg on. Borgs are tough to depend on if you can't visit them once in a while, luckily whenever one of my borgs has a problem I'm the first person called, which helps. Plus so far I've only borged machines that can handle it. Its all about quality not quantity! :D

Yeah, what he said! ;)

dang 930+ points in one update, not bad chili. You've still got a long way to go though. And don't worry I'm not gonna sit around idle and watch you sneak up behind me. I've got a surprise on the horizon, its coming!

QMD laptop? (I do read other threads)

My laptop is out of comission until further notice. But my P4 2.4c is coming back online today so that'll be a nice addition. If I still had my laptop going we'd have an interesting race. If I can afford it I'll send it into Asus and have them service it (way out of warrenty). I had a bad week or two but things are starting to flow again. I've got 2 machines that haven't reported in in 7 days, hopefully they're chewing through big WUs.

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

chileman said:
QMD laptop? (I do read other threads)

My laptop is out of comission until further notice. But my P4 2.4c is coming back online today so that'll be a nice addition. If I still had my laptop going we'd have an interesting race. If I can afford it I'll send it into Asus and have them service it (way out of warrenty). I had a bad week or two but things are starting to flow again. I've got 2 machines that haven't reported in in 7 days, hopefully they're chewing through big WUs.

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

No my lappy isn't the surprise, thats been folding for a couple weeks now. The surprise should show itself within the next couple weeks, hopefully.
Looks like we should see Peck jump over Darkisz in the next couple of days. Great job man. Also congrats at cracking the 600PPD mark.

My PPD is back in check. So I'm right behind ya peck, but I doubt I'll catch ya without a few borgs. That or your surprise will just kill any chance.

Keep up the race guys.

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

chileman said:
Looks like we should see Peck jump over Darkisz in the next couple of days. Great job man. Also congrats at cracking the 600PPD mark.

My PPD is back in check. So I'm right behind ya peck, but I doubt I'll catch ya without a few borgs. That or your surprise will just kill any chance.

Keep up the race guys.

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

Yeah well per my UH OH post, I think i've got a HD dieing on this machine. I'm transferring stuff I don't already have backed up as we speak. Then if it makes it thru the weekend I'm gonna shut her down, put each HD on PATA and run the drive fitness test each individually. Hopefully both aren't bad, but it would be my luck that they're dieing at the same time. Already eyeing the new 250gig WD SE16 as the replacement unless a deal comes along on something else.

In other race news Aratech is smoking hot right now and is gonna catch 184oz well before we get to the 100k mark! nice job Aratech.

Damn, I'm sitting at 629PPD right now. Borgs are really 'folding like a huricane'.

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

My production is gonna be slightly down this weekend, my bro is on fall break so his 2100+ is off till sunday afternoon. Also I took the lappy to the girlfriend's house last night, so it hasn't folded for over 12 hours. I'll probly still catch darkisz tho, he's putting out next to nothing right now.
I passed darkisz this morning, it always helps to have a 600 pointer and a QMD finish on the same day. :D
Nice Pass, Imitation. :D

My production has been falling off, and for that I apologize. I've been unemployed for a little while now, and my main comp doesn't fold as well when I'm gaming for 10-12 hours a day. :rolleyes:

I need to get off my lazy butt and put together that old nf2/xp-m system, oh yeah, and find a job, and move to a new city.....but first, I gotta finish this game of Civ IV!

darkisz said:
Nice Pass, Imitation. :D

My production has been falling off, and for that I apologize. I've been unemployed for a little while now, and my main comp doesn't fold as well when I'm gaming for 10-12 hours a day. :rolleyes:

I need to get off my lazy butt and put together that old nf2/xp-m system, oh yeah, and find a job, and move to a new city.....but first, I gotta finish this game of Civ IV!

doh, you've got a XP-M system with an nf2 board just lying around?!! That thing is can put out a ton of ppd if its not doing anything else! Get it running or send it to me and I'll get it running!
Yay, I'm still #1! My headless p4 2.4 stopped folding a month or two ago, I've gotta hook a monitor up to that thing and get it back up. And my watercooled X2 4400 sounds like there's a bunch of bubbles running through it all the time, so I guess I need to empty it out and move the reservior up higher. Watercooling is such a hassle :(
Sevenpants said:
Yay, I'm still #1! My headless p4 2.4 stopped folding a month or two ago, I've gotta hook a monitor up to that thing and get it back up. And my watercooled X2 4400 sounds like there's a bunch of bubbles running through it all the time, so I guess I need to empty it out and move the reservior up higher. Watercooling is such a hassle :(

Oh don't say that about WC! Thats my next upgrade!!!

Congrats Peck for the pass. I saw it a couple of days ago but I wanted to make sure it held for 24 hours and they we're going to play hop scotch (even though that would be a h00t).

Keep em up boys. I'm going to start a thread in the next week or two to organize a new race. Stay tuned.

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

chileman said:
Congrats Peck for the pass. I saw it a couple of days ago but I wanted to make sure it held for 24 hours and they we're going to play hop scotch (even though that would be a h00t).

Keep em up boys. I'm going to start a thread in the next week or two to organize a new race. Stay tuned.

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

Thanks man, only one guy left to pass, and Sevenpants is gonna be TOUGH to catch, it probly won't happen. But that won't keep me from trying :)

84gthatch said:
it's really fun watching you guys battle it out with each other!

Thanks, it keeps us on our toes. If I didn't do soo much audio production on this machine I'd have much better PPD on it.

But ya, that's why I'm planning on organizing a new race when this one is over. It's nothing official, no big prizes, just some fun rivalry. We just need to get 184oz to up his production to make it interesting. SLACKER! ;)

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

chileman said:
Thanks, it keeps us on our toes. If I didn't do soo much audio production on this machine I'd have much better PPD on it.

But ya, that's why I'm planning on organizing a new race when this one is over. It's nothing official, no big prizes, just some fun rivalry. We just need to get 184oz to up his production to make it interesting. SLACKER! ;)

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

haha Aratech is gonna pwn him here in a couple weeks if he doesn't pick it up. :eek:
chileman said:
Thanks, it keeps us on our toes. If I didn't do soo much audio production on this machine I'd have much better PPD on it.

But ya, that's why I'm planning on organizing a new race when this one is over. It's nothing official, no big prizes, just some fun rivalry. We just need to get 184oz to up his production to make it interesting. SLACKER! ;)

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

I don't think my slackware linux box will be of much use, its only a 233mHz PII...... HEY!, you meant that as an insult :eek:

All kidding aside, I've been pretty busy with the two jobs and life and all. I did just get my desk cleaned off and can probably get my daughters new comp built in the next week or two which might bring me up 25% from my current levels. We'll see if I can get the time, I'll have to get it done before christmas because some of the new educational software she will be getting from Santa will require more horsepower than she has now (currently another 233Mhz PII).

Aratech is whooping some butt with 700+PPD. Nice job man, have fun passing me (not like it'll be a challenge).

Just thought I'd let you guys know I just ordered a AMD A64 3700+ ClawHammer (w/ free mobo, heat sink - $221 shipped) from the Egg to upgrade the 2100+. The 2100+ will become a dedicated folding machine. And once I get a new PSU I'll get the 1GHZ going. I know it's too little too late, but hey, my computer will be fast again.

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

chileman said:
Aratech is whooping some butt with 700+PPD. Nice job man, have fun passing me (not like it'll be a challenge).

Just thought I'd let you guys know I just ordered a AMD A64 3700+ ClawHammer (w/ free mobo, heat sink - $221 shipped) from the Egg to upgrade the 2100+. The 2100+ will become a dedicated folding machine. And once I get a new PSU I'll get the 1GHZ going. I know it's too little too late, but hey, my computer will be fast again.

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

Yep, Those A64's are fast. I just dowloaded the client to a pc I'm upgrading for a customer that has 3200 in it. I'm going to get a few WU's out of it before I return it to him. I was tempted to leave it on there but the guy does sound studio work (mixing\mastering\editing) and I would hate to cause him any problems.

Fold on!!!
Well the 3700+ beast is alive. Not sure why it only detects my 512mb stick and not the 256 in there. OH well, it's doing 350+PPD (364 tet). Once I get another PSU I'll get the 2100+ going dedicated.

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

Aratech said:

I just passed 184oz!!! :D

It's about time!!! Now hurry up and catch chile, don't be afraid of his new 3700+, its s754! :eek: HAHA still better than what I'm running on, this rig is gonna last me till M2 comes out.

Imitation said:
It's about time!!! Now hurry up and catch chile, don't be afraid of his new 3700+, its s754! :eek: HAHA still better than what I'm running on, this rig is gonna last me till M2 comes out.

Ok, so I don't keep up on hardware like I used to. But what's so terrible about s754 (other than it's a older socket)? It was cheap, so I went with it, and damnit it's fast.

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

chileman said:
Ok, so I don't keep up on hardware like I used to. But what's so terrible about s754 (other than it's a older socket)? It was cheap, so I went with it, and damnit it's fast.

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

4 disadvantages, not problems with it. First it can't support dual core X2's, those are only 939. 2nd, the fastest chip is the 3700+, while the 939 boards have 3800+ and 4000+ along with the entire FX line. 3rd, no dual channel ram which isn't a huge deal but helps performance. And lastly, no 90nm venice and san diego cores that overclock like beasts on the 754 platform.

But like I said earlier, still faster than what i've got :)

Whew, I'm not too worred about any of that. When it's time to upgrade (2 years at least) it'll be time for a new mobo even if I had got a 939. I was worred that the same chip ran slower on 754 vs 939. All I know is that it's fast.

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

Oh ya, I should do that. Consider it updated. I'll have to update it again soon as he rolls over me.

Just got my P4 2.4ghz back going in my name. So I should see a 150+ PPD boost, and the 2.0ghz laptop should hit the shop someday soon for another 200ppd booth.

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp
