Calling out 184OZ - Mini n00b Race!

184oz caffine a day said:
Aratech, welcome to the race ;) don't let chileman scare you off, he certainly has the horsepower to retake last place again. :p

Of course he is starting to overtake me, I might just have to break out the sliderule and fold some manually to keep up. How much caffeine does it take to overclock a sliderule? More important I guess is at what point of caffeine consumption would the sliderule become unstable?


Thanks for the welcome.

184oz caffine a day said:
More important I guess is at what point of caffeine consumption would the sliderule become unstable?

I don't know, but I think ounce 185 is where you become unstable.

chileman said:
I don't know, but I think ounce 185 is where you become unstable.

And I doubt if you could ever get your sliderule prime stable for 24 hours no matter how much caffeine intake you have. I know my sliderule... wait i upgrade to the graphing calculator while i was in school :p :D Welcome to the race, hope you can catch up quick and then slow down so you don't make us look bad.

Oh have I mentioned that comcast sucks at internet yet, well they do. :rolleyes:
184oz, peck, consider yourselves VERY lucky. I got a buddy of mine to start folding last night, but alas he wanted his own username. I missed out on a A64 3200+ and a 3.6ghz P4 w/ HT.

He might ened up in the race with the production those things should pump out.

Race on.....sneak....sneak....sneak...

chileman said:
184oz, peck, consider yourselves VERY lucky. I got a buddy of mine to start folding last night, but alas he wanted his own username. I missed out on a A64 3200+ and a 3.6ghz P4 w/ HT.

He might ened up in the race with the production those things should pump out.

Race on.....sneak....sneak....sneak...

He is folding for team 33 right? RIGHT!?

184oz caffine a day said:
He is folding for team 33 right? RIGHT!?

Yeah thats the least you could have done for us chile. And we're not lucky, we're skilled! I've got a new computer coming at the end of september here at work anyway :eek: :D
184oz caffine a day said:
He is folding for team 33 right? RIGHT!?


What kind of crazy question is that? What other team is there than 33? You think I'd have him fold for 24 or something like that. For shame!


Long story short, faultyLogic folding for team 33. (no WU in yet)

Sooo my client got currupted on my 1.4 box. It went thru two tinkers before I realized it. It would go thru every frame then say the checksums didn't line up and dump all that work and start over on a new one. So I deleted it and downloaded a fresh client and actually got it installed as a service this time, that made me happy at least. So needless to say that box hasn't turned in a point in about 10 days, luckily the work comp is about set to dump one out, only 25 frames to go! So hopefully tonight since i shut down the client yesterday so it didn't fold through the night.
364 in 16 hours from my main machine
Laptop just got a 600 @ 150PPD

I know 184 should have one of his stinkin 600s due in. It'll all in fun, until I pass 184oz. :p

Got a 600 pointer set to dump at 9:30ish central time from my main work machine. This is the first 600 pointer I've had in a couple weeks.

The old PIII-600 still has 218 hours to go on a 372 hour behemoth :eek: (15 days 9.5 hours total time!) for 272 points.

Don't know what the home machine has on tap at the moment.

Yeah i've got some coming in tonight as well, a good ole tinker off the work machine, and a HUGE 51 pointer hopefully off the 1.4, assuming it doesn't mess the checksums up again, stupid boxen! :mad:

edit: hmm badges seem to be down for now :(
The forums and have been up and down all day, I'm guess they were working on the SQL server. Guessing King_N has to work on a couple of things to get it back up and going. I really hate having to use Stanfords stats site. But I'll live.

50 hours? I can put out good chunk of points in that time. Inching ever closer.......sneak.....sneak...sneak.....

Installing a router at a client's business today. Gonna push the ol' folding speach his way, he's a nice guy, bet he'll help out. Brand new E-Machine, no clue how fast. I'll let you know after it's borged.

184oz had better come up with something big, I reborged my bro's pc tonight while cleaning a virus off it, it was part of the payment plan he's on for pc service :D Also bought a freaking sweet ass dell 5100 lappy from my girlfriend's roomie. It was being raped by viruses and adware so she got a new one since she's loaded, so i got this thing for only 125 bucks! I couldn't pass it up, its reformatting as we speak. It will be folding QMD's tomorrow night hopefully. It's specs are:

2.4ghz P4 mobile
256 megs of ram
30 gig hd
XGA screen :(

Anyone know if the 5100 will take pc2700 ram from a 5150? My friend has a dead 5150 with 512 just sitting around. I would assume that faster ram would just clock back, who knows though.

My guess would be as long as it takes 200pin DDR modules you should be in good shape, it seems that both of those laptops are in the same family so you should be fine. :D

Heck of a deal you got too, congrats!

p[H]ant0m said:
My guess would be as long as it takes 200pin DDR modules you should be in good shape, it seems that both of those laptops are in the same family so you should be fine. :D

Heck of a deal you got too, congrats!

HAHA thanks phantom! I had that same question posted in the mobile computing forum all day yesterday and haven't had a response yet! Obviously I was asking the wrong people. His lappy also has a higher res screen, i wonder if i can swap those too. I'm still a notebook hardware and modding n00b as this is my first one. I always welcome a challenge :D
Imitation said:
184oz had better come up with something big, I reborged my bro's pc tonight while cleaning a virus off it, it was part of the payment plan he's on for pc service :D ...


I just need to get some time to assemble the daughters new PC. This working two jobs @#** is getting old real fast.

I'm still not worried (about you at least, Mary still scares the shit out of me). I hadded almost 4ghz yesterday with more to come.

Maybe MUCH more.

Aratech said:

btw... I just dropped 723 points in 24 hours. :D

Its all about the PPD my friend, if thats not higher than ours, you'll never catch up. I dropped 892 on 9-14, so 723 isn't gonna do it for you with the gap you've got to make up, borg some of chile's pc's and it will help you alot! :p
Imitation said:
Its all about the PPD my friend, if thats not higher than ours, you'll never catch up. I dropped 892 on 9-14, so 723 isn't gonna do it for you with the gap you've got to make up, borg some of chile's pc's and it will help you alot! :p

Gotta get past double NAT firwalls first.

I think he means "walk" walk, not "hack" walk... My physical security is probably way worse than my network security. And my physical security involves a keycard and 2 locks ;)

unhappy_mage said:
I think he means "walk" walk, not "hack" walk... My physical security is probably way worse than my network security. And my physical security involves a keycard and 2 locks ;)

Very true mage, i did mean physically walk past them, but I wouldn't do that, no fun in winning by a landslide and cheating. I'd rather win fair and square and make it closer. :D
Warning, I gave my machines some Exlax and we should see about 1200+ points in the next 24 hours.

You have been warned.

chileman said:
Warning, I gave my machines some Exlax and we should see about 1200+ points in the next 24 hours.

You have been warned.

Oh yeah? I put red bull in my water cooling system!

Actualy, I dont even have water cooling. I guess I could pour water over my cpus by hand.... :p
Aratech said:
Oh yeah? I put red bull in my water cooling system!

Actualy, I dont even have a water cooling. I guess I could pour water over my cpus by hand.... :p

I want video of that. Let me know how that work out for ya.

chileman said:
I want video of that. Let me know how that work out for ya.

Haha too bad he'll need to borrow a pc just to upload that afterwards :eek:

Congrats on the 1200+ points, you need them just to catch up to 184oz since he dropped 1200 yesterday :) I heart ramping!

edit: chile we both broke the 400 PPD barrier, wave bye bye to 184oz! Gotta catch darkisz now, he's got quite the lead on both of us.
574pt difference Chris, you got what it takes? Borg em up. I'm off to chase peck, got more on the way. Getting a 2.4ghz Celery tonight.

You guys have any ideas why it always says the ethernet is disconnected? Good cable, good router on other end. Reinstalled drivers. Onboard lan Realtek. Enabled in BIOS. Ideas?

I figure I'll just have to grab a $10 ethernet card.

Edit: for the time being I stole the NIC out of my 1ghz Celery and got it folding do chalk up another CPU for the chileman! I'll run out to OfficeMax tomorrow and grab NIC.

There's always that chance you've got a cable not making a good connection somewhere, try swapping out some cat5's here and there, esp the homemade ones if you have any.
Nope, tried 3 cables and they all worked on my laptop just not that machine and they worked on the second NIC I installed. Something wrong with the physical part I guess cause windows claims it's there and "working" (according to the Device Manager).

Guess new NIC for him. Good deals out at OfficeMax anyway.

Points from my garden in the next 24 hours
450pt QMD
123pt something or other

THanks for the suggestion.
