Calling out 184OZ - Mini n00b Race!

Watch out guys, Aratech added 4 more machines. (per D thread)

::runs to borg more boxen::

chileman said:

Points from my garden in the next 24 hours
450pt QMD
123pt something or other

THanks for the suggestion.

well I'm droping a 44 pointer this evening so there :rolleyes: It will only have taken 150 hours to complete.

Also a 241 pointer arround midnight and I think the home maching has a 600 it's chewing on, just not sure when it'll drop.

I'm doomed

184oz caffine a day said:
well I'm droping a 44 pointer this evening so there :rolleyes: It will only have taken 150 hours to complete.

Also a 241 pointer arround midnight and I think the home maching has a 600 it's chewing on, just not sure when it'll drop.

I'm doomed

QFT! :p
Gottcha in the latest update. Peck, you're next buddy.

It's all in good fun. Chris, you had me for what? like 2 months? A couple of borgs and you could be back on my ass.

BTW, did I mention I hit 500+ppd? Just curious. Feel free to return some friendly smack talk. God know someone needs to put me in my place.

184oz caffine a day said:
yeah yeah, at the moment I'm back ahead of you, I'm sure it won't last long though. :(

Maybe I'l have my boxes fold for peck ;) ......


Oh come on! You know you want to... Everyone else is doing it! ...Or not.

Desparate times call for desparate borging!
Nice point dump man, that might take me a day or two to catch up to. I wouldn't fold for peck, Aratech might catch your ass.

Well after a week of flakey internet and 2 days totally without I'm back online and blaziing. My modem crapped out, so I'm renting their, it's pulling 5.7mb/s compared to my old RCA that pulled 4.2. This one stays connected.

Point of this......ya miss me?

Didn't think so.

Got a few hundred points coming in today. Sad to see the borgs were quiet yesterday.

chileman said:
Well after a week of flakey internet and 2 days totally without I'm back online and blaziing. My modem crapped out, so I'm renting their, it's pulling 5.7mb/s compared to my old RCA that pulled 4.2. This one stays connected.

Point of this......ya miss me?

Didn't think so.

Got a few hundred points coming in today. Sad to see the borgs were quiet yesterday.

Oh comcast, Oh how we love you, let me count the ways.... darn couldn't quite get to 1, oh well. Our surfboard modem didn't play nicely with their DHCP server and wouldn't ever stay connected. So now we're renting a newer surfboard off of them, 3 more bucks down the tubes every month. And I was beginning to wonder where all your boxen had been.
I really don't have an issue with Comcast. Because of some shitty splitters on my end it was messing up the signal, and then my RCA modem I got from Insight 4 years ago pooped out. But now we have great signal, and damn fast internet. I like how the surfboard modems have that web interface, gives you and extra way to troubleshoot the network.

Modem $3/month
Cable bill split between 3 total people
$1/mo/person -- Ya, I can swing it
Blazing internet (and they haven't bumped us to 6mb/s either) = Priceless

184oz - 57pts
peck22 - 2024

Yeah I've got a small gromacs thats taking over an hour a step on my athlon 1.4 so thats killed its production. My main rig is going thru a 600 pointer faster than this 149 pointer on the 1.4. Sad :( But I'm not too worried about you right now, this box has that 600 pointer due out either on the 9 or midnight update and my second fastest box hasn't turned in anything for a while which means its gotta have a 600 pointer as well :D I'd have to drive a half hour to check up on it. So I should have some good numbers by the end of the weekend.

It's ok, I've a got an Athlon 1.6 coming in the next day or two. It ain't touching my network til the viruses get cleaned off.

I'll get you, it's just a matter of time.

184oz wasn't worried either........

870 point dump from the garden in 28 hours.

You've been warned.

::keeps sneaking up on peck22::

Keep up the good work guys. I think we all know who will win the race. But I plan on reorganizing a race once we have a winner here. This has kept me on my toes and kept the interest strong. Hope you guys are having as much fun as I am with all the smack talking.

Race on

Heh I should begin folding again. I have 5 boxen and could borg my grandma's and parents... But I am a lazy fello'
Damn my boxen are kings of the ultra small gormacs right now, I think I folded about 8 ~50 pointers over the weekend! Luckily the XP-M grabbed a 600 pointer to start the new week :D

Also there's a surprise for you chile on page 27 of the D to 1000 borgs thread
:p :p :D
Imitation said:
Damn my boxen are kings of the ultra small gormacs right now, I think I folded about 8 ~50 pointers over the weekend! Luckily the XP-M grabbed a 600 pointer to start the new week :D

Also there's a surprise for you chile on page 27 of the D to 1000 borgs thread
:p :p :D

Huh, page 27? I only see 18 pages.

EDIT: Found it, got a couple more machines on the way in the next week or so. Should have this 1800+ folding tonight.

I'm still not worried.
Always the big suck when you get a corrupted WU. It was a 600 pointer even! *sobs* First corrupted unit on this machine too, and its running cooler than usual. :( Maybe its time to jump onto some watercooling... this thing is freaking loud!

edit: HAHA they gave me 119 points credit! :eek:
Not sure how much that 1.8 is liking F@H. Was locking up during boot, killed the service in safe mode, reboot and all is well. I'm getting SP2 on there now. Hope that fixes the issue I was having with the NIC as well.

My notebook overheated today, it got a little warm in here, if this keeps happening I'll have to speedstep it down a notch. I'll loose 50ppd but it's that or loose the notebook.

still sneaking....

chileman said:
Not sure how much that 1.8 is liking F@H. Was locking up during boot, killed the service in safe mode, reboot and all is well. I'm getting SP2 on there now. Hope that fixes the issue I was having with the NIC as well.

My notebook overheated today, it got a little warm in here, if this keeps happening I'll have to speedstep it down a notch. I'll loose 50ppd but it's that or loose the notebook.

still sneaking....

Thats too bad, but it wasn't THAT hot yesterday. Open the window! It got down to 45 last night, my boxen loved it :D I should have some solid points coming in today, you're gonna need a new lappy to keep up.
You don't know how much I wish I could order a new IBM 2ghz PM. But right now there is no way I can afford it. It died again last night, it always seems to happen when I'm not here or awake. It was freakin cold here and the window was open. I'll work on it, It needs to finish this QMD. Maybe I need to get MBM to monitor the temps. I don't think Speedfan will do a log file.

I'm still not worried. Got some more borgs on the way.

chileman said:
Not sure how much that 1.8 is liking F@H. Was locking up during boot, killed the service in safe mode, reboot and all is well. I'm getting SP2 on there now. Hope that fixes the issue I was having with the NIC as well.

My notebook overheated today, it got a little warm in here, if this keeps happening I'll have to speedstep it down a notch. I'll loose 50ppd but it's that or loose the notebook.

still sneaking....

Burn in H@## .....I mean, good luck with that heat problem chili :D

184oz caffine a day said:
Burn in H@## .....I mean, good luck with that heat problem chili :D

Someone's a little bitter. I think I might have fixed it. We'll see.

Looks like I won't be borging this 1800+, it only has 224mb ram after the video card takes it's 32, and windows takes up all of that. If the client upgrades the memory it's installed, but I don't want to slow it down anymore than it is. I wish companies would quit selling systems with not much ram.

Yeah, I've been noticing you guys creeping up on me. Just remember, whoever passes me first is required to catch sevenpants, too! :)

I'm comming off a bad streak, though. My main boxen, which almost always pulls 600 pointers, started pulling 50-70 point WU's. One after another. From Sunday to about Thursday. Lots of WU's processed, bupkis for points.

Back to the race...

Well I found out it's not a overheating issue with the notebook. I think the heat from the CPU has screwed up the AC connector on the side of it. I have 2 different adapters and they both have trouble making a connection. Anyone good at replacing that kind of stuff or know how I can fix it? I'll probably switch it from QMDs to timeless tinkers since it only folds when I can get it to keep a good connection. My PPD is taking a hit for it. But not much I can do. I'd love to order a Thinkpad but god know I can't afford it. Maybe I should whore myself out to 10 fat chicks for $2000 each. -Family guy

I'll have to borg em up to catch ya peck. Maybe 184oz has a shot at catching me.

chileman said:
Well I found out it's not a overheating issue with the notebook. I think the heat from the CPU has screwed up the AC connector on the side of it. I have 2 different adapters and they both have trouble making a connection. Anyone good at replacing that kind of stuff or know how I can fix it? I'll probably switch it from QMDs to timeless tinkers since it only folds when I can get it to keep a good connection. My PPD is taking a hit for it. But not much I can do. I'd love to order a Thinkpad but god know I can't afford it. Maybe I should whore myself out to 10 fat chicks for $2000 each. -Family guy

I'll have to borg em up to catch ya peck. Maybe 184oz has a shot at catching me.

aww and i thought we'd get to put the heat on darkisz together, oh well. It's most likely a mobo problem, least that would be my guess.
I'm about to the point of tearing the thing apart and seeing if I can resolder the AC power port on there or something. But knowing how tight they build these machines I know I wouldn't get it back together. I'm more and more tempted to just order a Thinkpad or something. I'm picky about my notebooks and i'd probably be expensive. I'll get my PPD back up, somehow.

chileman said:
I'm about to the point of tearing the thing apart and seeing if I can resolder the AC power port on there or something. But knowing how tight they build these machines I know I wouldn't get it back together. I'm more and more tempted to just order a Thinkpad or something. I'm picky about my notebooks and i'd probably be expensive. I'll get my PPD back up, somehow.

I'll be taking apart a dell 5150 with that exact same problem tonight, too bad I suck at sodering. I'd probly short it and toast the compenents rather than fixing it. So thats why I'm selling them instead! I heart taking computers apart! Then putting them back together in a way that makes them faster than before!
Well I disabled folding and the laptop ran all night so it has to do with heating up. I've now set F@H to just 60% to see if it will not kill it. 120PPD is better than none at all.

Write a linux distro and set it to fold for you by default. No one's ever tried that before. ;)

Nah, just get ya a borg or two and you'll be surprised how fast you can catch 184oz.

chileman said:
Write a linux distro and set it to fold for you by default. No one's ever tried that before. ;)

Nah, just get ya a borg or two and you'll be surprised how fast you can catch 184oz.

QFT! :D :D

Change your username to unhappy_mage and you'll be amazed how fast you catch him!

I'd make a joke about "joining the b0rg" here, but that's too painful to even contemplate.

unhappy_mage said:
Change your username to unhappy_mage and you'll be amazed how fast you catch him!

I'd make a joke about "joining the b0rg" here, but that's too painful to even contemplate.

Damn mage and foldix.

Oh, and resistance is futile.
