Calling all Active [H]orde Members.

I'm here WAY to much, but don't post that often.

I have a couple computers folding...stanford only lists 5 active processors, but I've got a "couple" more than that. :p

I've been hanging out since before I started folding, to get an idea of why I should and that stuff. I don't post a whole lot, not a whole lot to say. :)

Still around (barely), still trying to b0rg whatever I can, lost a lot due to new university network security (using blocking software and clean access, unfortunately only exempt PCs can send and receive WUs).

Oh well, until I find a way to exempt them all or get around the university network security people.

I post from time to time, but then I never had much of a life anyway ;) :D

Keep on folding

I fold actively, and try to borg actively... and succeed, but borging a girls laptop thats on AC (and turned on at the same time) all of maybe 30min a day doesn't help much.. but I try!

And if Viper comes through, I'll have an X2 folding 24-7...

I check the forum at least once a day. I check DC first, and maybe once a week, venture elsewhere.

Only thing that scares me is when I leave the comfy DC forum. Got caught up in some anti-AMD lenching a week or two ago.. I mean, c'mon, benchmarks are benchmarks.. but that was nasty. Hmm.. I dont bother with GPU forums 'cause, well, 7800 GTX pwns little kittens and makes 'em shimmer, I get the idea, dont even have to read reviews. [H]otDeals, if I'm bored, or have money trying to espace my checking account..

Now this forum, this is where its at. I even go a couple days at a time without even checking the [H] front page!! Just straight to

I occasionally post, too. Not often. Limp Gawd, thats a new title for me this week... I dont know exactly what imagery its supposed to conjure up, but at least it's better than what Limp Noodle might suggest?

I lurk every day and absorb knowledge. I have been doing so for about 4 years, but only recently did I start folding.
im here everyday and wenever im not doing anything :p
posting only when i need to and not just to bug you guys ;)

and the [H]orde race imma start catching up as school has jus started and the borging has begun:cool:

I am here to much, no wonder I never get anything done. As for folding, I am number 250 in the world.....
I've been folding for ever. I'm here most days, but usually don't have anything meaningful to contribute - not that most of our discussions have ever been meaningful.
I post here a handful of times a day.... usually only weekdays though... This generally tends to be my escape from work, so I'm rarely on in the evenings or weekends...

Typically, I stay here... but I do wander into GenMay sometimes.... and the Hobbies section.... browse a few of the others here and there....

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

I'm in and out of the forums most of the time from 8-5, M-F. I've been folding for over a year now, but only for the [H] for 6 months. I probably stop in the DC sub-forum once or twice a week.

I'm here all the time. I browse General|[H]ardware, Games & Gaming Equipment, and Free Stuff with occasional trips into Overclocking and Cooling and OEM Systems.

And yes, I fold. Why else would I come into DC?
I check several times a day when I'm at work. I don't check it that often from home though. We need more activity in this subforum. Moose is getting off way too easy currently.

Yep, I come here and lurk a lot. I used to post a bit more... not really sure why I stopped. Too busy I guess. I'm here a few times a day though. :)
I stop by once or twice a day. Rarely post unless I have something to contribute.

I fold as much as I can and post whenever I can help someone out. I also post when I have something constructive (or even when its not :p ).

Sometimes people get really pissed off and start talking shit on te forums, but why care? So what if someone is being a douche in your opinion, whatever let it go.

Also how come everyone is not posting their badge? Go back and edit and insert it. Come on even if you are top 250 in the world we still want to see it. :eek:

I visit the forums on the norm once or twice a day dpening on how busy I am. Dont post alot unless I have an issue or a question.

I usually check out the forum when I'm bored at work which is at least once a day. I don't generally login on the weekends. I rarely post anything. I never have much to say. I post my milestones and dumb comments and stuff :).

When it's a boring day at work, I'm hitting F5 like a slashdot "first post" moron. I won't be catching many of you who are above me any time soon.
SmAw said:
Horde Members???


Twice in one day i get to use that image
I'm here waaaay too often, I really like the discussions in the PSU forum also. Yeah, I'm still folding, but my Routing server got a serious virus the other day so my farm is offline till I can get the time to reformat the HD and get my NAS back online also. :( at least the weekend is coming up :)
Unfortunately, I check the forums and too much.
Fortunately there are not any personal stats.

Generally I check once a day, whether I need to or not.
Though I usually dont use soap, eer post yah.

I visit every day. I check out the Games and the Distributed Computer forums. I don't post often because I have little to contribute, and I would rather not clutter the forums.
I check this forum several times a day buy rarely post- I usually don't have anything helpful to say.
I'm here after school surfing the rest of the forums, i check this one before i go to bed usually. Rarley post though, not to much to say
I'm here frequently, just not in this forum. :p

I'm here now because I have new boxen up and running, and I'm interested in it all over again. :D
I'm here at the forum every day.

I don't post much.

I fold for the [H]orde.