cable connection slower than 56k


Limp Gawd
Jul 2, 2006
ive been posting about this problem for ages.... and ive been having this problem for ages.... still have not solved.....

so ill try it here...... ill make it short and clear.....

i got:
- buffalo router wireless/wired but used as wired
- dlink modem
- cox isp
- cable broadband

- amd athlon64 +3200
- 512mb ram
- windows xp home sp2

-intel pentium4 HT 3.0ghz
- 512mb ram
- windows xp home sp2

ok heres the story.... short and detailed..... at around 4pm - 12am my cable connection always slowww its like sum1 is twisting the water hole! it to0k 5min - infinity to load page! 7pm up is a famous time to happend but 12am it always work! it never exeed 12am.
i tried unplugging the router and only use the modem and connect directly through my primary pc..... still no work and an icon apear saying "limit or no connection" but when i try using router back.... the "limit no connection" icon disapear... but still connection no work. heres the interesting part..... while the cable connection was bad... i tried the free netzero dial up 10hour free per month.... the speed are like the speed of a dial up supose to!

i tried:
- disable firewall
- mccafee virus scan
- disbale broadcast signal in router
- installed microsft patch "limit or no connection fix"
- winsockfix.... this work only one time! then it no work

still no work.... it still happends! it almost happend everyday! so anyone got an idea?
For Christ's sake man! Take some pride in what you type out on a forum or go back to grade school to perhaps get a better grasp on the English language. I can barley discern what your trying to say and that is probably why no one answered your questions before, because no one can hardly understand what the hell your trying to express.

With that being said, if I was to guess what the issue with your connection would be, I'd have to say your connection is being saturated by you and everyone else that is using your Internet providers connection at the "peak" hours for connectivity. Call your ISP and see if they can do something for your situation. I doubt it, but it may be worth a try.
Try running the cable modem directly to a PC to rule out the router or a problem with both PC's connecting at the same time.
Most likely your neighborhood has everyone on the net at the slow times you are seeing.

The 'limited connectivity" isnt related to the ISP, thats probably something with the router as the PC's should be getting an IP from the router, not the cable modem.
Maybe post the IPCONFIG /ALL results from each PC so we can try and help better
Private Citizen said:
For Christ's sake man! Take some pride in what you type out on a forum or go back to grade school to perhaps get a better grasp on the English language. I can barley discern what your trying to say and that is probably why no one answered your questions before, because no one can hardly understand what the hell your trying to express.

With that being said, if I was to guess what the issue with your connection would be, I'd have to say your connection is being saturated by you and everyone else that is using your Internet providers connection at the "peak" hours for connectivity. Call your ISP and see if they can do something for your situation. I doubt it, but it may be worth a try.

tqtq for letting me kno that my english is no go0d! u kno i get this alot! even in other forums! lolz!!!! yeahh i think its funny!!! i got used to it.

anyway like i said millions of times.....

"if u think my english is no go0d plz leave it aside and carry on to the subject"

did u leave it aside? no0! did u carry on the subject? yes! so your ok.... thats acceptable u carry on the subject after not leaving it aside.... some people jus lecture me bout english and off topic!

i called the isp not long ago.... they came when the connection was alright.... however they test all the wire ect.. they said nuttin wrong... its hard to make them cum at the right situation and at the right time when it happend... since it always happend at 4pm-12am but rarely 4pm...... usually always 7pm-10pm..... 12am is maximim

anyway they said they have 7 of people in my area complaining that they have teh same problem as me! they said they tryin to fix it as so0n as posible but this has been over 2 weeks! and this problem occur when i first be with them!
You probably have something like Sigghettocom, my ISP - it does that all the time, because the company is cheap and doesn't bother to set up things properly. My parents refuse to change ISPs too, since it's so cheap.
do a tracert when it works, and then if it gets fucked up, do a tracert to the same ip, preferabably sometihing stable, like google or something, but make sure its the same ip, probably 1 hop is owned
Firebat said:
It's cable, It slows down during peak hours..

it slow down in peak hours? but it loads 5min to infinity!!! and when i use modem directly to pc... it shows "limited or no connectivity" is that still normal?

what is tracert
NewMonster said:
they said nuttin wrong... its hard to make them cum at the right situation and at the right time when it happend... and this problem occur when i first be with them!
