Buy The Newton Virus For the Mac

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Most people equate virus with “bad.” Well, there is a Mac virus for sale that does not harm the computer, doesn’t mail anyone or steal passwords…it just plays a prank on the owner. Here’s a video of the “virus” in action from last year (before you could buy it)
I was not aware that mac notebooks had orientation sensors or gyroscopes in them. If they don't how is this effect achieved?
The video doesn't say how to uninstall it. I guess that's not really important.
yupp they do have sensors in the new ones. made it available for multi-touch trackpad commands. i saw this with another program that allows you to set it up for 3rd party programs too.
I was not aware that mac notebooks had orientation sensors or gyroscopes in them. If they don't how is this effect achieved?

There's an accelerometer to protect the hard drive from falls. Many PC notebooks have them too.

Also, if it's made by Apple, you know it has an orientation sensor in it. :p
I wouldn't call that a virus but prank software. although most are picked up by antivirus programs.
I was not aware that mac notebooks had orientation sensors or gyroscopes in them. If they don't how is this effect achieved?

There is a motion sensor built into the Mac to if you drop your laptop the mac will sense it and shutdown the hard drive etc. That is why there is an app called smackbook or something to that affect so you can smack your macbook and the screen will rotate and give you another desktop. Or, there is the alarm app that if your macbook is picked up it will sense a degree change and sound an alarm.
Sorry to sound like a dick, but there would be fists flying if someone connected this device to my computer. If it was at work, I would see to it that he/she gets fired. You just do not fuck around with other people's (or company's) systems.
Sorry to sound like a dick, but there would be fists flying if someone connected this device to my computer. If it was at work, I would see to it that he/she gets fired. You just do not fuck around with other people's (or company's) systems.

I must unfortunately QFT this. Plugging a self-infecting USB drive into someone else's computer is not following good computer security guidelines. Imagine if someone did this at the DoD. :eek:
There was this virus that you had to install in the extensions folder back when I was in HS (like 95~96) that would make the computer do the PeeWee Herman laugh when the user typed a certain word at full blast through the speakers. Even if you muted the computer volume settings, it would be full blast. Every computer in the lab got that one. Had fun.
It's loaded on what looks to be a USB drive. it loads itself after you plug it in.

You mean OSX has autorun? i recently heard read maczealots criticizing Microsoft for that very thing.
One of the best pranks you could play on mac users, at least some years back. On startup it would sound the error tone beep. You would just go in and edit the beep tone to some LONG sound file. We used "Also Sprach Zarathustra" segment w/ drums from 2001, if the user hits any key during the playing of this error 'beep' it would generate another error 'beep'.

If they had rage issues and were to say mash the escape key a few dozen times... :eek:
You mean OSX has autorun? i recently heard read maczealots criticizing Microsoft for that very thing.

yeah, in fact, ms disabled autorun from usb drives after this became a security issue
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
I wouldn't call that a virus but prank software. although most are picked up by antivirus programs.
Anitivirus? On a Mac? With the infinitesimally small number of mac users that actually run antivirus the chances of this being picked up by one would be beyond slim.:p
I was not aware that mac notebooks had orientation sensors or gyroscopes in them. If they don't how is this effect achieved?

I know my thinkpad has a shock sensor so it can shut down the HD, I don't know about a gyroscope tho.
Anitivirus? On a Mac? With the infinitesimally small number of mac users that actually run antivirus the chances of this being picked up by one would be beyond slim.:p

I meant on any OS. I have seen a few prank programs over the years for windows that let you do something to the screen. One left bullet holes over top of everything when you clicked the mouse and made a shooting sound. There were a few others. All of which got picked up and removed by antivirus software as being prank software.

My point was that I would not consider this program to be a virus but would consider it to be prank software. I myself see there being a difference between the two. However most of the prank software regardless if "safe" or not are still seen as being bad and normally removed from your machine. So while antivirus software might normally remove prank software, that doesn't make it a virus.
"In computers, a virus is a program or programming code that replicates by being copied or initiating its copying to another program, computer boot sector or document. Viruses can be transmitted as attachments to an e-mail note or in a downloaded file, or be present on a diskette or CD. The immediate source of the e-mail note, downloaded file, or diskette you've received is usually unaware that it contains a virus. Some viruses wreak their effect as soon as their code is executed; other viruses lie dormant until circumstances cause their code to be executed by the computer. Some viruses are benign or playful in intent and effect ("Happy Birthday, Ludwig!") and some can be quite harmful, erasing data or causing your hard disk to require reformatting."

This is, by definition, a virus. Unless you like making up your own definitions that is...
Sorry to sound like a dick, but there would be fists flying if someone connected this device to my computer. If it was at work, I would see to it that he/she gets fired. You just do not fuck around with other people's (or company's) systems.

Not to sound like a dick, but while you're seeing to it that the person is fired, they may want to consider firing you for leaving your pc unlocked and exposed to begin with.
Sorry to sound like a dick, but there would be fists flying if someone connected this device to my computer. If it was at work, I would see to it that he/she gets fired. You just do not fuck around with other people's (or company's) systems.

are you working on the cure for cancer?

I love it, kinda like that script i accidentally downloaded on my pc that sent the screen rotating and flipping, (thinking i had a virus, almost shit my pants) :D
Sorry to sound like a dick, but there would be fists flying if someone connected this device to my computer. If it was at work, I would see to it that he/she gets fired. You just do not fuck around with other people's (or company's) systems.

Meh, more of a proof of concept thing to stick a thorn in the "My Mac is more secure than your _______"
"In computers, a virus is a program or programming code that replicates by being copied or initiating its copying to another program, computer boot sector or document. Viruses can be transmitted as attachments to an e-mail note or in a downloaded file, or be present on a diskette or CD. The immediate source of the e-mail note, downloaded file, or diskette you've received is usually unaware that it contains a virus. Some viruses wreak their effect as soon as their code is executed; other viruses lie dormant until circumstances cause their code to be executed by the computer. Some viruses are benign or playful in intent and effect ("Happy Birthday, Ludwig!") and some can be quite harmful, erasing data or causing your hard disk to require reformatting."

This is, by definition, a virus. Unless you like making up your own definitions that is...

But that is the thing. I really isn't replicating itself any more than office replicated itself to my computer when i put the install disk into the computer. Somebody has to install it onto the computer then it does not ever under any circumstance copy itself to other machines. That is the part that makes me want to say it isn't a virus but is a prank software. As it can not spread from machine to machine on its own. It is just a program that uses an autoinstaller, to install from a usb drive.
But that is the thing. I really isn't replicating itself any more than office replicated itself to my computer when i put the install disk into the computer. Somebody has to install it onto the computer then it does not ever under any circumstance copy itself to other machines. That is the part that makes me want to say it isn't a virus but is a prank software. As it can not spread from machine to machine on its own. It is just a program that uses an autoinstaller, to install from a usb drive.

I think you're confusing the definitions of viruses and worms..
I always knew Macs aren't immune, simply less targeted. Still I don't have any anti-virus software, just a firewall (Protemac Netmine) on my Mac and that's enough - I never get viruses.