Buy a 8800GTS now, or wait a couple weeks?

MH Knights

Mar 25, 2003
I am very tempted to buy an 8800GTS but am worried that prices may drop in the next couple weeks when ATi launches their R600 line. The GTS beats the snot out of an X1950XTX but I am curious as to what the "2800XT" will do.

Note that this video card upgrade fever is being fueled by me playing Oblivion with all the graphics enhancing mods... :(
All I'll tell you is this, the 8800 GTS makes Oblivion look unbelievable. I'd buy it without a second thought.
If you can wait and have around $600USD burning a hole in your pocket, I'd see how the R600 shapes out. If it's not all that it's touted to be then no harm done, pick up a 8800. If it ends up living up to the rumor mill, then it might be the more prudent choice.
If you can wait and have around $600USD burning a hole in your pocket, I'd see how the R600 shapes out. If it's not all that it's touted to be then no harm done, pick up a 8800. If it ends up living up to the rumor mill, then it might be the more prudent choice.

That's assuming he doesn't need to pick up a 1000W PSU.
I am very tempted to buy an 8800GTS but am worried that prices may drop in the next couple weeks when ATi launches their R600 line. The GTS beats the snot out of an X1950XTX but I am curious as to what the "2800XT" will do.

Note that this video card upgrade fever is being fueled by me playing Oblivion with all the graphics enhancing mods... :(

I always say "never wait for better hardware, or you'll wait forever". New stuff is always around the corner.
The problem with waiting for R600, is that, according to the latest news, it will be "paper-launched" in early March, but real availability, will only happen in later March or early April.
By March, again based on latest news, NVIDIA will launch the mid-low segments of G80 based cards (8600 Ultra, 8600 GT, 8300, etc).
If you don't mind waiting, then go ahead and do so. But if you want to enjoy the games you're playing now, get the GTS. Right now, you even have two flavors of GTS: the 320 MB and the 640 MB model.
i fully agree with the guy that said that new tech is always coming. if you wait all the time you will wait forever cuz smething new is always coming out.
As for waiting and seeing what the ATI card does, I wouldnt. I have been a !!!!!! of nvidia for ages now so i may be the wrong person to ask, but the power needed for that card is horable
For what it is worth, I've been waiting to upgrade, but I finally bit the bullet today and ordered a 640MB GTS. I picked it up for $349 out of the open box section of Newegg.

I wasn't impressed with the 320MB GTS, though it might be a good card for some, and I'm concerned about the size and power draw of the R600. We also really don't know when the R600 is coming out; all indications point to it being April before mass availability, and you know it's going to cost an arm and a leg even if it isn't that much faster than a GTX.

The deciding factor is how long you are willing to wait, really. I decided that I've waited long enough (since mid November).
Prices will drop once AMD/ATI cards are released. Then you will know which is the better deal.
My main concern is whether or not nVidia will drop prices when the R600 series launches. I am on a tight budget and $20 is a lot for me. I am looking at either of the two eVGA (the vanilla or the Superclock).
My main concern is whether or not nVidia will drop prices when the R600 series launches. I am on a tight budget and $20 is a lot for me. I am looking at either of the two eVGA (the vanilla or the Superclock).

Just buy it. The R600 isn't going to bring out massive Nvidia price drops. They will go down steadily as they have for the past few months and maybe come down by a bit on the GTX when they release a refresh (8900?). The only real question is how long are you willing to wait to save $20.

Holding the lead in releasing the products means they are going to focus on shipping the mid level cards, the real money makers, more then ATI's flagship and trying to compete with it.
Just buy it. The R600 isn't going to bring out massive Nvidia price drops. They will go down steadily as they have for the past few months and maybe come down by a bit on the GTX when they release a refresh (8900?). The only real question is how long are you willing to wait to save $20.

Holding the lead in releasing the products means they are going to focus on shipping the mid level cards, the real money makers, more then ATI's flagship and trying to compete with it.

Buy it, dont do the waiting game it never works. Youll be waiting forever if you dont, if youve got the money buy it and have fun with that great card.
No matter what advice we give, you are gonna have to make your own choice as to wait or buy now. Sleep on it, have a glass of OJ and 2 slices of toast in the morning, ponder a little bit, then ponder a little bit more and the ponder 1 more time. Then decide :D
I'm buying mine in a couple weeks. Primarily due to a wait while I finish my taxes and get my return.

I suspect that the pricing will also come down a little bit, it's always a little higher during the initial launch. More product from different IHV's will also help.
Just buy it. The R600 isn't going to bring out massive Nvidia price drops. They will go down steadily as they have for the past few months and maybe come down by a bit on the GTX when they release a refresh (8900?). The only real question is how long are you willing to wait to save $20.

Holding the lead in releasing the products means they are going to focus on shipping the mid level cards, the real money makers, more then ATI's flagship and trying to compete with it.

Yes, prices are already being driven down by R600 - vendors know they can't wait til the new cards are actually out, or then it'll be too late to move older cards.

So the GTS is not gonna drop to $200, but it'll probably drop to $260-280 after rebate in the next month.

The 640 MB version may get dropped though, so you may want to jump on those at $350 if you really want the 640 MB version.
found this over on xtremesystems

there is no word yet when the 8900 series cards will be out, but it might be worth it to wait.

i really like the 8900GTS: 128 shaders, 80nm and GDDR4 memory.

The 8900GS and 8900GT appears to be direct replacements for the 8800GTS series - so I'd expect that won't come out for at least 3-4 months. Maybe the 640 MB GTS will disappear first, replaced by the 8900GT, then a few months later the 8900GS will replace the 320 MB GTS that just came out.

I think this is why the 8800GTS 640 MB is dropping to $350 range, because it'll be replaced by the 8900GT at $399. Once that card's out, it'll be tough to sell an 8800GTS 640 MB.
The 8900GS and 8900GT appears to be direct replacements for the 8800GTS series - so I'd expect that won't come out for at least 3-4 months. Maybe the 640 MB GTS will disappear first, replaced by the 8900GT, then a few months later the 8900GS will replace the 320 MB GTS that just came out.

I think this is why the 8800GTS 640 MB is dropping to $350 range, because it'll be replaced by the 8900GT at $399. Once that card's out, it'll be tough to sell an 8800GTS 640 MB.

8900GT will most probably come at same price as 8800GTS 640 MB which was 450-499 dollars. 399 is the current price after 2 months.
Hasn't there already been an announced price drop in March when the rest of the Geforce 8's come out?
8900GT will most probably come at same price as 8800GTS 640 MB which was 450-499 dollars. 399 is the current price after 2 months.

The link says $399 for the 8900GT, which would make sense, since it's equivalent performance to the 8800GTS 640.
If anyone has waited this long to get a 8800GTS I would say, wait just a little longer it will be worth the wait.

The 8900GTS is coming within the next 6 to 8 weeks and it will run cooler and faster and have better specifications.

It's nonsense to buy a 8800 series graphics card now, how many DX10 cards can you see on shop shelves? Why would you want a 8800 before its really useful?

I have been waiting since November and my trusty old 6600 will do just fine until the 8900GTS is released. It's going to be worth the wait. For sure! :cool: :)