Burnout Paradise

In my opinion, it looks better in motion than in screenshots. However, it's unplayable with it turned on.

I tried SSAO after your post to see and my framerate dropped into mid 40's. Almost acceptable. (1920x1080 all high 8xaa)

Although I hate the effect it has on thin lines (mostly power lines). Seems to make them all blurry. Other than that it does look good.
It's a fun game but why do console ports always have such cumbersome menus that also have multiple loadings? Highly annoying as I like to play in ~15min intervals.
It's a fun game but why do console ports always have such cumbersome menus that also have multiple loadings? Highly annoying as I like to play in ~15min intervals.

Very good question. And why can't they add a menu at the start of the game instead of having to wait (and wait and wait) for the game to fully load before changing settings?
I tried SSAO after your post to see and my framerate dropped into mid 40's. Almost acceptable. (1920x1080 all high 8xaa)

Although I hate the effect it has on thin lines (mostly power lines). Seems to make them all blurry. Other than that it does look good.

My framerate was still very good with SSAO on, in the 50's, but the it still feels like frames are missing, Feels almost strobe-like, even with a good framerate. Not sure what is going on with SSAO.
Got my copy last night from my local gamestop. Haven't played it much but on my system with everything at max and 4x AA solid 60fps. The menu system needs some work, it's slow and a little confusing.
One thing i forgot to ask, can u customize cars in the game? Im guessing no
Good ole' criterion releasing the full version of the game as a demo.
Good ole' criterion releasing the full version of the game as a demo.

Yea, once I get home, I am going to download it. Hope it's fun, I haven't played an arcade-like game for awhile since I play exclusively on PC.
I played it for about 10 minutes on my Windows 7 Hard Drive, it played ok, no the graphics isn't great but I dont care as long as the gameplay is there. this game reminds me alot of NFS, Most Wanted which I really liked. I am useing a wired Xbox 360 controller and its great that it is supported properly. the first game Ihave had where the game says press A and it is really A. I am now downloading it on my Vista drive as I could not find a way to exit the gme and the EA downloader kept asking for flash to be installed over and over.
I will probably be buying this game as soon as it hits Steam.
Yea, once I get home, I am going to download it. Hope it's fun, I haven't played an arcade-like game for awhile since I play exclusively on PC.

Although with all their boasting about providing access to the full game you only get to enjoy 2 - 3 easy races.

<edit> It appears that after I've completed said races and I just want to enjoy the demo it keeps bitching at me to buy it and then after about 5 minutes of play locks me out of the demo.

Can someone please teach those EA numbskulls that bitching at someone to buy your game when they are trying to have fun with the demo is the equivalent of saying "for the love of fucking god please pirate our game"
I played it for about 10 minutes on my Windows 7 Hard Drive, it played ok, no the graphics isn't great but I dont care as long as the gameplay is there. this game reminds me alot of NFS, Most Wanted which I really liked. I am useing a wired Xbox 360 controller and its great that it is supported properly. the first game Ihave had where the game says press A and it is really A. I am now downloading it on my Vista drive as I could not find a way to exit the gme and the EA downloader kept asking for flash to be installed over and over.
I will probably be buying this game as soon as it hits Steam.

Played it for a while now on Vista 64, same experience as windows 7. So how the heck do you exit the game w/o hitting ctrl/alt/del?
tried Alt+F4?

I've been redownloading the trial from that link over and over trying to get it to not land on one of my drives with an "unexpected end of archive" error so I haven't been able to test it yet.
Played it for a while now on Vista 64, same experience as windows 7. So how the heck do you exit the game w/o hitting ctrl/alt/del?

Hit escape then hit F2 twice (once brings you to the store, once there, hit F2 again to go to the actual main menu). Once on the main menu, there is a save and exit option.
I've downloaded the trial version via nzone.com and yet I cannot install it. It keeps asking me to insert the CD/DVD into the C: drive. :confused:

Anybody having this problem?
I downloaded the demo last night and it runs fantastic with my new Geforce 260. I was very excited to see there was an option for multiple monitors since I just got a second monitor. However so far i've been unable to run it on my dual monitors. When I choose 2 monitors it just puts a smaller picture in one monitor as if it's trying to cram both displays into one monitors. I'm running Vista.

I did search around the internet and apparently before going into the game i've read you need to enable Horizontal Span on your video card instead of running in Dual-View mode. However i've read conflicting accounts of whether horizontal span even is doable in Vista. Some people say it isn't support, others say they got it working (but not how).

I'm about ready to buy this game but this is the last thing that's kind of making me bummed. Anyone having the same problem and if so, were you able to get the game to work on both of your monitors?

btw - I've also got Ultramon trial version to see if that would fix it and so far I have looked around all the options and cannot find any horizontal span option in Ultramon either.

Any help in fixing the demo or letting me know if this is fixed in the final game is greatly appreciated!
Game runs very smoothly on my setup. Game is great, although they really need to work on that menu, its freaking annoying!!! also, trust me, alt+f4 is a much faster way to exit than going through the menus.
well after obsessing all week over this dual monitor thing and how i can't get the demo to run i guess i may just take the plunge and buy this anyways...
btw - is the camera option disabled in the demo? i do have a USB camera hooked up and it was on but it didn't take a picture when I told it to. not a huge deal, just wondering.

Does anyone know if driver forcing in CCC or Forceware works in this game? From what I've tried to do with AA it doesn't appear to.
the reason my camera wasn't working is i had another camera program running so if you have a usb camera make sure no other programs that might use the camera are up and running when you start the game..
I just got it. I love it. It is somewhat similar to N4S Most Wanted.. but better!

I like:
the Damage
Camera and the camera angles on the jumps
Having objectives other than just the races (hitting other cars that you see, breaking billboards, crashing through gates0
Soundtrack is awesome! Some metal, classic rock, rock, punk, pop. Nice, nice soundtrack!

I *REALLY* like how you can take multiple routs during a race. You can go anywhere basically... that adds a bit of difficulty cause you cannot just follow a path, you have to pay more attention.

I average 50-55fps with my rig. I have the SSOA thing off, or w/e it is. Runs smoothly for me!

+1 for Criterion!

Here are a few screenshots! (shrunk cause of photobucket)




I just got it. I love it. It is somewhat similar to N4S most wanted.. but better!

I like the Damage
Having objectives other than just the races (hitting other cars that you see, breaking billboards, crashing through gates0
Soundtrack is awesome! Some metal, classic rock, rock, punk, pop. NIce, nice soundtrack!

I average 50-55fps with my rig. I have the SSOA thing off, or w/e it is. Runs smoothly for me!

+1 for Criterion!

Fixed :p
Its an amazingly fun game. The stunt runs get a little outrageously hard when they get up to 135k+ points. The super cars you get on your A license are just stupid fast and you end up crashing into everything.

I love the day/night cycle and the "fog" that rolls in near the ocean. The graphics are impressive...I don't know how you could be unimpressed with how smooth the game runs with so much going on at once. Watching cars your racing taking each other down ahead of you, throwing smoke/sparks/car parts into the air and narrowly avoiding them is a sight to see. The damage models on the cars are also fun to watch. The DJ needs to be shot.
On the console version at least, the higher you progress in your licenses the less frequent you hear from the DJ. So that should give you some incentive to keep working on your completion. :p
Hit escape then hit F2 twice (once brings you to the store, once there, hit F2 again to go to the actual main menu). Once on the main menu, there is a save and exit option.

God damn, wtf were they thinking? Oh wait, I forgot that F2+F2 = start button. :mad:
I love this game too, about the only thing I really do hate is the convuluted menu system and how it works, especially how you quit. When you hit esc it should take you to a menu and in that menu somewhere, very apparently, there should be a QUIT TO DESKTOP option. That should be a hard rule for all games IMO. You should never have to poke around and hunt for a quit the game option.

Aside from that I've wasted an incredible amount of time in this game just driving around and enjoying myself doing nothing in particular. I've played online but i'm terrible, not because i'm bad at the game but because I don't know the map well enough and will routinely be in 1st or 2nd place for 3/4's of the game and then take a bad turn near the end of the race and lose.

One question I have though, if anyone knows, is - does this game work with the Xbox 360 Wireless Racing Wheel? It works great with the Xbox 360 control pad so I imagine it would but i've not hooked up the wheel yet.

Also, if anyone could recommend a great PC wheel it'd be much appreciated.
I've played online but i'm terrible, not because i'm bad at the game but because I don't know the map well enough and will routinely be in 1st or 2nd place for 3/4's of the game and then take a bad turn near the end of the race and lose.

lol, I hear you on that one. I'm in love with playing online recently. Its become a lot more fun than single player and I can usually find a race that is doing something more than running around and smashing into each other.
Anyone else having problems with the game freezing when starting the first time? I try to alt+tab out but the screen goes black for a couple seconds and then what looks like the desktop, but the top is all blurry lines moving around and the bottom half is blank. There is nothing that can get it out of it. I have to reset the computer to recover from it.
Anyone else having problems with the game freezing when starting the first time? I try to alt+tab out but the screen goes black for a couple seconds and then what looks like the desktop, but the top is all blurry lines moving around and the bottom half is blank. There is nothing that can get it out of it. I have to reset the computer to recover from it.

I have not had any issue like that, have you tried updating your video card drivers?

Also, just wondering - has anyone got multiple monitors to work using Vista or is that something that only works in XP?
I think it might have been EA updater. I just tried it again and it locked up again as it kicked me to desktop, made a noise like there was a problem, and the screen went crazy like. I reset it, loaded the updater to make sure there weren't any updates for it. When I did launch it, the updater download and then acted like it was reinstalling itself even though it was never uninstalled. Minimized after that and started up the game without a problem.

I'm getting some weird looking textures on the chrome of the cars sometimes. It's kind of look likes it's having really small texture flickers on them. My 4870x2 is on Cat 9.2, but don't remember noticing anything in particular with 9.1. Anyone else see this (running 8xAA with it turned off in CCC)?
game looks like a lot of 3rd person racing. Is there first person in the drivers seat view?