Burnout Paradise


Sep 21, 2003
It's coming.......

although it seams there is a problem with the release date. Gamestop and amazon say it's tomorrow, yet criterion says it's the 5th. I really hope I can goto my local gamestop and pick up a copy after work tomorrow.
Assuming it isn't a botched port, this should be pretty amazing on the PC.
It comes out on the 6th according to Criterion. You can get it tomorrow if you pre-order it from the EA Store.

Criterion said:
If you wanna play Burnout Paradise the Ultimate Box on PC, the official release date is 6th Feb. If you pre-order it through the EA Store, you can get it as early as the 3rd!
GREAT game. Got it on Day 1 for PS3, and I've played it a ton. Online can be pretty meh about 90% of the time since all people do is drive around doing stunts off the same ramps and taking other people down, but 10% of the time, when you can find a server with 8 people actually doing races and challenges, it's fun as hell. The challenges are actually really cool and unique.
I am too excited for this on PC.

I had the demo for my PS3 but never got around to buying it.
This time I will for sure.
The game looks great! I want to try out the demo before I purchase it on the PC. It's one of the few things that I like "arcade" racing games, that we don't have nearly enough or are just bad PC versions of the console games.
Hmm i wanted a driving game, got undercover, crashed to death on 64 bit, so i uninstalled and saved it for a patch, now this game pops up, perfect timing!
Definitely not impressed with the graphics. Everything maxed out @ 1920X1200 and it looks worse than the demo on my PS3 :S It might be because I'm running it on Windows 7, I'll try on vista. I was also only getting around 30fps with my i7 920 and GTX 260 OC.



I hear gamestop will have the game tomorrow. Anyone know if it's going to be on steam or EA's digital download thing?
Oh I can't wait!

How does the game play at 30 fps? Does it dip much from that during gameplay?
Why not just get it for the 360 for 20 bucks???, well that is of course if you have an xbox.
Oh I can't wait!

How does the game play at 30 fps? Does it dip much from that during gameplay?

It didn't feel smooth at all, luckily someone suggested turning of SSAO in this thread and it brought my FPS up quite a bit. Game plays smooth with that option turned off.
my GTX 260 eats the game alive.

SSAO does have a surprisingly big fps hit, maybe this will be improved in future patches / future drivers when they have time to implement their driver performance hax.

FPS is probably 60+ 90% of the time, it feels very very smooth once SSAO is off. (which probably almost cuts it in half)
It'll be good to get some feedback as to if the game is actually any good rather than a graphics review. Anyone?
Graphics seem good to me.
Lighting seems a little dull in these screenshots, but it might just be the time of day.

Yeah, it looks to have a 60fps cap. With everything maxxed at my 22 LCD's native resolution of 1680x1050, it never rises or drops above 60fps.
Strangely, I get 50-60fps with my GTX 285 at 1920x1200, 8x AA, even with SSAO on, but it still feels choppy even at that framerate as if it's just missing frames. It's really strange. With SSAO off, obviously it stays at 60+fps and never dips below.

One issue I've seen so far is with antialiasing, even with 8x, there is still aliasing on guardrails and objects just further off in the background from your immediate view. It's not as bad as NFS Undercover, but I still feel that AA isn't fully implemented here as it should be. Maybe a patch or new driver will fix this issue later.
§·H·ï·Z·N·ï·L·T·ï;1033691543 said:
How do you gain access to the bikes?

How do you not gain access to the bikes? You only have to complete two races to get your first license upgrade and they're available. Did you even play the game?
What's an SSAO in layman's terms? And is the image quality difference massive. The bit-tech review made no mention of this in their graphics comparison review.
There's already a patch out ;) No details given, some small bug fixes and minor online improvements it seems.
gameplay is awesome. i already played this for a couple hours on a friends ps3 with a 42 inch 1080p lcd and can say the graphics look similar. everything is maxed except shadows which are at medium and i get 60 fps solid. rig in sig

played the game for about 3 hours last night and stayed up too late, didnt realize how late it was i was that into the game. lots of fun doing stunts and just driving around. overall a very good game