Broke out Quake I last night.

You can still download the shareware version of Quake from any idgames mirror, including . There's also some of the original Windows and GL ports there, but none of the more recent third party ones. You can still buy the full version at, and I *believe* one of the many packs it was released in is still occasionally available in stores. You can buy the original Dooms quite easily in stores at the moment, as a nice re-boxed version was released just before Doom 3 came out to promote it. I bought it so I'd finally have a legal version of Final Doom...I now have three copies of Doom2, sigh.
Third post in a row, man I suck. Anyway, just realised I forgot to post another old-skool claim to fame...I was in the IRC party when qtest1 was released. I seem to remember there were almost exactly 666 people in the room when the availability of the file was officially announced, but could be my memory playing tricks on me :). Oh, and in reference to a post earlier in this thread, I've got a six digit ICQ number. Nearly lost it a couple of years back when I forgot the password, but managed to get it back. I know a couple of people lower than me, though - I'm in the 300,000s. I actually joined ICQ because the first Quake clan I was ever in used it for communication...
REMEMBER... GAMESPY used to be QUAKESPY.... it was originally made for QUAKE!!!!
Well due to the avialability of PCI-Express cards, I am still having to play older games.
Team Fortress... simply the BEST mod created ... except for maybe CS in the earlier years. I remember playing that game when I was like 12 or 13 and yes I had 300 ping.
I had a 5 or 6 digit ICQ number... I quit using it after my beloved system with Windows 98 (First Edition) crashed and I lost my entire contact list... That is the reason IMHO for its downfall. It is too easy to sign onto AIM, Yahoo, MSN on ANY computer and instantly have your contact list.
AdamW said:
Third post in a row, man I suck. Anyway, just realised I forgot to post another old-skool claim to fame...I was in the IRC party when qtest1 was released. I seem to remember there were almost exactly 666 people in the room when the availability of the file was officially announced, but could be my memory playing tricks on me :). Oh, and in reference to a post earlier in this thread, I've got a six digit ICQ number. Nearly lost it a couple of years back when I forgot the password, but managed to get it back. I know a couple of people lower than me, though - I'm in the 300,000s. I actually joined ICQ because the first Quake clan I was ever in used it for communication...

heh, you remind me of all the kiddos in CS who would prove how '1337' they were by having a low digit WON ID.
PsySabreW said:
I miss the old MegaTF 2fort5 keep-away servers that were in Atlanta,GA :(. No mod after that was as challenging or fun as that map with that mod to me.

What I find funny is that quake1's ctf mods and varients are still 10x better and more fun than the ctf mods that come out for today's games

I agree, keep away was the most fun I have ever had playing a FPS. The team play was so cohesive, eveyone had one purpose, keep the flag holder alive at all costs. I remember throwing my body in front of rockets to save the carrier. Ahhh the good ol days. Sometimes I think the retail success of FPS has ruined the quality of mods. With so many FPS choices, all the modding talents are diluted, which results in lower quality mods.
anasazi said:
what clans were ya'll in?

i was in SK (SinTheTiK) and [NERD], a few others i honestly don't remember

[DQ] Destruction Q
]CC[ Crazy Canuckz

More but don't remember.

Anyone remember the DMplus Mod? Was probably the first grapple mod, had tripwires, BFG madness!!

I sitll have a copy, just in case it ever dissapeared.
LOL anyone know what kinda fps you reach with a amd64 3500+ with a 6800Ultra? haha @ 1600x1200 ? Quake 2?

I remeber getting like 75+ @ 800x600? with my P3 733mhz with geforce 2 gts =P ;)
Jasonx82 said:
LOL anyone know what kinda fps you reach with a amd64 3500+ with a 6800Ultra? haha @ 1600x1200 ? Quake 2?

I remeber getting like 75+ @ 800x600? with my P3 733mhz with geforce 2 gts =P ;)

well you can see my main rig in sig, and I just reinstalled Q2 with all the mods, my bro abd I were playing coop. Settings 1600x1200res, with 6xAA/16xAF, and it played smooth as butter, dont know how to show fps, but it seemed like well over 100+
to see fps in pretty much all Id engine games:
bring down console, hit "~"
fps 1
cl_showfps 1
mrwoot - heh, I only mentioned cos someone earlier in the thread asked :). BTW, to jamesrb, ICQ works on the same system as AIM now (ever since AOL bought it). I'm pretty sure you get your contact list wherever you sign on now.

heh, going the other way on fps is fun too. I played the whole of Quake 2 when it came out on a P120 with 4MB gfx card running Windows NT 4. No sound (it was NT4!), <10fps the whole way. That was a bit challenging. There was a hardly a PC in the world that would pull more than 15fps on Doom fullscreen at full detail when it came out, either. These newfangled hardware sites that consider 60fps minimum decent framerate don't know how lucky they are ;)
Funny, I loaded up Duke Nukem 3D yesterday and played that.... man thats a blast, it showed how first person shooters can be exciting, fun and humourous without sucking in terms of overall gameplay. And with all the excitement over Doom3 (yes, it was ages ago...) I actually cracked open Final Doom. Yeah, good games, even now. We'll always have a soft spot for them in our hearts, with their low-res pixelated memories... *sigh*
4keatimj said:
Funny, I loaded up Duke Nukem 3D yesterday and played that.... man thats a blast, it showed how first person shooters can be exciting, fun and humourous without sucking in terms of overall gameplay. And with all the excitement over Doom3 (yes, it was ages ago...) I actually cracked open Final Doom. Yeah, good games, even now. We'll always have a soft spot for them in our hearts, with their low-res pixelated memories... *sigh*

They need not be low-res and uber-pixelated.

I just installed Quake1 on my HTPC in the living room, and enjoying moderately-large screen sized Quake from the couch... Anyone ever play the Aliens mod for Quake? It got pulled by Fox, somehow or another, but it was probably one of the scariest mods ever made.

For that matter, if anyone has Alien Quake, for the love of god, message me.
TheAcorn said:
They need not be low-res and uber-pixelated.

I just installed Quake1 on my HTPC in the living room, and enjoying moderately-large screen sized Quake from the couch... Anyone ever play the Aliens mod for Quake? It got pulled by Fox, somehow or another, but it was probably one of the scariest mods ever made.

For that matter, if anyone has Alien Quake, for the love of god, message me.

I heard that the Alien's Quake Mod was badass. But I never did get to try it myself. Speaking of that, I just might have to break out AVP2. Since I can't run anything else on my crappy Radeon 7000.
Now I have the urge to go out and purchase a copy of quake....I tired on id's website but thats just a download. I want a hard copy.

The hunt begins
aliens tc for doom kicked alien quake's butt :p. it was revolutionary back in the day, not only in terms of being the first tc ever but in some ways in gameplay too - the entire first level had no enemies, that was a stroke of genius. for some reason aliens tc never got foxed, you can still download it. It's hard to get working on mods, though, due to the old-skool way it was put together.

alien quake was pretty cool, though, yeah. I lost my copy years ago. :\
Sweet jesus! Dankk and Scudd!

That was the best comic EVER!

And god, the shambler! hahaha

Quake ruled all. I remember one of the first mods I played was that Monster mod where you could change yourself to a few different monsters.

I remember playing that multiplayer on Cthulu Boss level and being a zombie, falling into the lava, and not being able to do shit because I'd get "hurt" by the lava, and do the infamous groan and lie down, then slowly get back up, get "hurt" again, rinse repeat since the zombie regen would outregen the lava. I had to change monsters to get out.

Speaking of Quake zombies. Funny things, had to use some sort of explosive to truely slay it, otherwise they just take a nap for 5 seconds.

Quake2 I still think to this day is the flat out best multiplayer game ever. The netplay was so smooth, the engine just seemed so perfect and smooth. The mods were THE best mods ever. Rocket Arena 2, Action Quake 2, LMCTF, Laser Grenade CTF, the list goes on. LMCTF owned, I ruled at that game. Once I had the flag no one could catch my ass with my grapple skills.

Hell I remember going to a LAN Party and showing off my badass Diamond Monster 3D II 12MB SLI'd cards. Everyone just gasped at its raw power and my mad FPS. Bwahaha.

I've always had Quake installed on my system. In high school, we played 12-person deathmatches in shop class, and routinely had our butts handed back to us by our 62-year-old shop teacher. He was a monster with a keyboard. I stll get together with some of my classmates and we throw a Quake lanparty - we're just waiting to hijack the shop building during next year's class reunion and duke it out in our old haunts.

Anyone remember the Killer Quake Pack? It had all of the really good QC mods rolled into one package. The best deathmatch mod ever for Quake, provided you had a fast LAN and faster computers.

I still play a lot of Doom also (courtesy of the zDoom engine - true mouselook is a major plus to Doom).

Sadly, it's virtually impossible to find some of the better map packs for Quake anymore. Fileplanet doesn't have them, and the websites that did that weren't Gamespy-affiliated are for the most part dust in the wind. I miss, they had everything.
mouselook in doom? ack! heresy! doom does vertical aiming for you automatically and all the maps were designed so you wouldn't need mouselook...

prboom's the best. nice and simple, just concentrates on making doom work properly, not making it into something else. (zdoom hacks up all sorts of stuff in doom, from monster behaviour to weapon characteristics. you probably wouldn't notice it if you're not obsessive, admittedly. :>)