bright future for AMD?

i don't think 400+ is too expensive for a top grade component.

price wars are good but when they are this intense it is bad cause amd will lose money and may become unable to invest in R&D. in short-term, super low prices are good for the consumer, but in the long run we get fucked.


"AMD's margins on their dual core Opteron parts are huge. On average, the second core costs customers over 3x as much as the first core for any of these CPUs. As you will soon see, the performance benefits are definitely worth it, but know that AMD's pricing is not exactly designed to drive dual core into widespread adoption. "

Put simply, had AMD priced at least a few lower end models better, many more folks would have NOT felt a need to upgrade to Conroe. They even tried to maintain higher prices even after Conroe kicked their ass;) I even got jumped by the same Duby posting here for suggesting an AMD buyer wait until after the Conroe to buy an AMD processor. It was if many AMDers wanted folks to pay the higher price.

"AMD's margins on their dual core Opteron parts are huge. On average, the second core costs customers over 3x as much as the first core for any of these CPUs. As you will soon see, the performance benefits are definitely worth it, but know that AMD's pricing is not exactly designed to drive dual core into widespread adoption. "

Put simply, had AMD priced at least a few lower end models better, many more folks would have NOT felt a need to upgrade to Conroe. They even tried to maintain higher prices even after Conroe kicked their ass;) I even got jumped by the same Duby posting here for suggesting an AMD buyer wait until after the Conroe to buy an AMD processor. It was if many AMDers wanted folks to pay the higher price.

Why change the topic from 3800+ to Optreron? Opteron is a server part, and margins have always been huge... They still are even today. On both sides of the fence...

You can twist and wiggle, and switch your story as much as you want... But you cant change it...
Personally, I'd buy more shares now to bring down your weighted average PPS.

they're not going to stay in the teens forever. Might as well help yourself while the getting's cheap!
What you fail to mention is that at that point in time the 3800+ was a top end part. It was worth that price. If you want top end performance, you pay top end price.

You fail to think with your mind instead of your heart but that's for another thread. Why do you keep loving AMD when they don't love you? Even as just what you posted slams that message home, you still don't get it. I treat AMD and Intel like what they are, Business', they both take turns being Champs and Chumps. Intel priced their products fairer than AMD or does that matter;)? So you're saying Intel should be as greedy as AMD was with X2 since it is CLEARLY faster?

AMD's future isn't as dire as some might think, but it is most certainly NOT rosy as folks who love to see them make a lot of money might think either. Sorry dewd, I'm pro-consumer.
Why change the topic from 3800+ to Optreron? Opteron is a server part, and margins have always been huge... They still are even today. On both sides of the fence...

You can twist and wiggle, and switch your story as much as you want... But you cant change it...

Yes, let's look at the 3800+? AMD could have flooded the market with them. This would have hurt the hell out of Intel, encouraged the move to Dual Core even faster, made their !!!!!!!s happy and took some of the steam out of Conroe before it hit the market. 3800+ being sold for $225 made more sense than $425=P No, they were greedy and many folks didn't frackin' bother paying that much. All their BS about caring for the market and consumers is just that, BS! Given the chance, they are WORSE than Intel at squeezing the consumer for every penny they can get.

The names of the processors are meaningless since they are the same phucking thing Hehehe! You might like being raped by AMD, most folks with just a little common sense might not be:)

To the folks with AMD stock, employees or family members there of, I understand your posts. But for folks who do this out of some kind of misplaced love, give me a break, that's silly!
Yes, let's look at the 3800+? AMD could have flooded the market with them. This would have hurt the hell out of Intel, encouraged the move to Dual Core even faster, made their !!!!!!!s happy and took some of the steam out of Conroe before it hit the market. 3800+ being sold for $225 made more sense than $425=P No, they were greedy and many folks didn't frackin' bother paying that much. All their BS about caring for the market and consumers is just that, BS! Given the chance, they are WORSE than Intel at squeezing the consumer for every penny they can get.

The names of the processors are meaningless since they are the same phucking thing Hehehe! You might like being raped by AMD, most folks with just a little common sense might not be:)

To the folks with AMD stock, employees or family members there of, I understand your posts. But for folks who do this out of some kind of misplaced love, give me a break, that's silly!

And yet here you are in the AMD forum ranting on and on about how Intel is the great Great....

There is a word for that...

The difference between Opteron and other models is support... You know that just as well as I do... Look when AMD had prices that high, it was worth the price becouse you couldnt get it anywhere else... If you want high end performance you got to pay for it..

There is no such thing as a golden platter. If you want things handed to you, then you need to look somewhere else, becouse this aint a commune... It's about money... It always has been, and always will be... Stop worrying about whether AMD "cares" about you... THEY DONT!!! Stop expecting it..

AMD has to worry about THEIR customers, you aint one of them. At that same point in time AMD was gaining market share hand over fist, becouse their customers were willing to pay that price... It was worth it at that time.

Times have changed, and now AMD is a little behind... So what, it has happened before, and it'll prolly happen again.
I'd have to say I feel sorry for people who lose their understanding of the definition of "Capitalism".
And yet here you are in the AMD forum ranting on and on about how Intel is the great Great....

There is a word for that...

The difference between Opteron and other models is support... You know that just as well as I do... Look when AMD had prices that high, it was worth the price becouse you couldnt get it anywhere else... If you want high end performance you got to pay for it..

There is no such thing as a golden platter. If you want things handed to you, then you need to look somewhere else, becouse this aint a commune... It's about money... It always has been, and always will be... Stop worrying about whether AMD "cares" about you... THEY DONT!!! Stop expecting it..

AMD has to worry about THEIR customers, you aint one of them. At that same point in time AMD was gaining market share hand over fist, becouse their customers were willing to pay that price... It was worth it at that time.

Times have changed, and now AMD is a little behind... So what, it has happened before, and it'll prolly happen again.

This is the Damned side of the AMD forum to discuss all things AMD as it relates to the market. No a fracking cheerleading section for !!!!!!s where negative comments aren't allowed LOL! Just pushing you opinion as facts is wrong no matter what side of the forum you're on.

AMD's High Prices IMHO were not worth it. I voted with my wallet. Prescott and Smithfield wasn't worth it and I didn't buy them either. If X2 were priced fine for you, that's cool too. But for Intel to place their products better price points and still get trashed by you and others is a reach;) So you're saying Intel should rape us like AMD did last year about this time or as well as about in Nov. of 2005? I have a C2D because it was at a fairer price proint. I got FX62 performance for less than what a X2 3800 sold for when I bought my 3500+.

I don't worry or care about how AMD feels. There's nothing to think about, hell they're greedy money grubbing bastards, just like Intel and the rest should be. I don't gain anything from any of them. They're in business to make money and they should be. I'm consumer and I'm in business to SAVE money.

I have four computers, 2 Intel and 2 AMD. I buy when it fits MY NEEDS not theirs. I don't give a flip about the Darkside or the Green Arrow LOL! Now two of my computers say you're a damned liar since they have AMD badges on the front!:rolleyes: Yes, I'm an AMD customer, just not a Fan. If Nov rolls around and Barkie is kicking ass, I'll look to get it. Not do like you and wait from the next best thing from the competition.
This is the Damned side of the AMD forum to discuss all things AMD as it relates to the market. No a fracking cheerleading section for !!!!!!s where negative comments aren't allowed LOL! Just pushing you opinion as facts is wrong no matter what side of the forum you're on.

AMD's High Prices IMHO were not worth it. I voted with my wallet. Prescott and Smithfield wasn't worth it and I didn't buy them either. If X2 were priced fine for you, that's cool too. But for Intel to place their products better price points and still get trashed by you and others is a reach;) So you're saying Intel should rape us like AMD did last year about this time or as well as about in Nov. of 2005? I have a C2D because it was at a fairer price proint. I got FX62 performance for less than what a X2 3800 sold for when I bought my 3500+.

I don't worry or care about how AMD feels. There's nothing to think about, hell they're greedy money grubbing bastards, just like Intel and the rest should be. I don't gain anything from any of them. They're in business to make money and they should be. I'm consumer and I'm in business to SAVE money.

I have four computers, 2 Intel and 2 AMD. I buy when it fits MY NEEDS not theirs. I don't give a flip about the Darkside or the Green Arrow LOL! Now two of my computers say you're a damned liar since they have AMD badges on the front!:rolleyes: Yes, I'm an AMD customer, just not a Fan. If Nov rolls around and Barkie is kicking ass, I'll look to get it. Not do like you and wait from the next best thing from the competition.

And there goes the "Standard Disclaimer" AMD doesnt give two flips about you... They are worried about how to meet the demands of their customers... IBM, Dell, Gateway, Sony... Not you, your a piss ant in their eyes. Get over yourself. You aint as big or as important as you think you are.

Your measly two computers dont matter jack squat.
Intel is being extremely aggressive this year in taking back marketshare.

Here is an interesting read:

Barcelona is likely going to outperform Clovertown/Tigerton at the same clockspeed, I expect that much at the very minimum on the Server, AMD has the interconnect advantage which actually plays a role on the server front.

However, Intel will likely have the overall clockspeed advantage, Intel is going to release 3.0 GHZ Clovertown's to compete against Bareclona, and since the IPC's of the two architecture are in the same ballpark. So Intel will still be pretty competitive,
they may not have the crown but it will likely be close.

Intel's pricing structure currently has a different goal in mind, though it is still to make money (It's a long term plan), they are going to squeeze AMD as much as possible on the mainstream while still having high end SKU's, the Q6700, and QX6800.

Intel's goal currently is taking marketshare back at whatever the cost, prices this low will force AMD to follow suit to compete, or cede marketshare back to Intel. Either way Intel's get what it wants, AMD either has little profit to a loss, and maintain marketshare, or lose marketshare while keeping pricing levels high enough to make profits.
And there goes the "Standard Disclaimer" AMD doesnt give two flips about you... They are worried about how to meet the demands of their customers... IBM, Dell, Gateway, Sony... Not you, your a piss ant in their eyes. Get over yourself. You aint as big or as important as you think you are.

Your measly two computers dont matter jack squat.

Like Duh! That's what in the hell I've been trying to tell you all of this time. AMD doesn't give a flip about Me, You and anyone else who's not a *LARGE stock holder or Distributer, etc.. By George I think you finally figured out something! Only you would be crazy enough to think AMD cared since you're the one who'd post something as LAME! "AMD has to worry about THEIR customers," AMD is worried about MONEY=P Now you get over it LOL! I buy AMD and Intel products, not their BS;)
Intel is being extremely aggressive this year in taking back marketshare.

Here is an interesting read:

Barcelona is likely going to outperform Clovertown/Tigerton at the same clockspeed, I expect that much at the very minimum on the Server, AMD has the interconnect advantage which actually plays a role on the server front.

However, Intel will likely have the overall clockspeed advantage, Intel is going to release 3.0 GHZ Clovertown's to compete against Bareclona, and since the IPC's of the two architecture are in the same ballpark. So Intel will still be pretty competitive,
they may not have the crown but it will likely be close.

Intel's pricing structure currently has a different goal in mind, though it is still to make money (It's a long term plan), they are going to squeeze AMD as much as possible on the mainstream while still having high end SKU's, the Q6700, and QX6800.

Intel's goal currently is taking marketshare back at whatever the cost, prices this low will force AMD to follow suit to compete, or cede marketshare back to Intel. Either way Intel's get what it wants, AMD either has little profit to a loss, and maintain marketshare, or lose marketshare while keeping pricing levels high enough to make profits.

Like Duh! That's what in the hell I've been trying to tell you all of this time. AMD doesn't give a flip about Me, You and anyone else who's not a *LARGE stock holder or Distributer, etc.. By George I think you finally figured out something! Only you would be crazy enough to think AMD cared since you're the one who'd post something as LAME! "AMD has to worry about THEIR customers," AMD is worried about MONEY=P Now you get over it LOL! I buy AMD and Intel products, not their BS;)

AMD does have to worry about THEIR customers, and your not one of them. IBM is. Dell is HP is. Your not, so stop expecting something for nothing.

There is no such thing as a golden platter.. It doesnt exist. If you want something you have top pay for it.
AMD does have to worry about THEIR customers, and your not one of them. IBM is. Dell is HP is. Your not, so stop expecting something for nothing.

There is no such thing as a golden platter.. It doesnt exist. If you want something you have top pay for it.

Dewd, I'm not expecting something for nothing and I'am an end consumer. Without me and other end consumers, OEM's and VAR don't have anyone to sell to, sheesh! Again, come up with something better than golden platter, my C2D wasn't a Golden Platter, just a great product for a fair price, something seemingly foreign to AMD. Their X2 tray prices were too high before mark-up but you know that already, why pretend otherwise?
Note, I noticed you didn't buy a 3800+ until after the price cuts. Even while you tried to get others to buy before the cuts LOL!
Show me where I told anyone to buy a 3800+.... Quote me... I dare ya...

You're kidding, right? You mean you didn't tell folks AMD weren't going to Cut prices anytime soon as Conroe launched?


AMD Athlon 64 FX-53 processor $799 each
AMD Athlon 64 3800+ processor $720 each
AMD Athlon 64 3700+ processor $710 each
AMD Athlon 64 3500+ processor $500 each

So here's what AMD should have done prior to the C2D launch;

So even if Barkie is better, Drop in replacements for current C2D means it will be hard to remain Green and Loyal to the AMD. Still wonder why AMD is talking Barkies for Servers first?
You're kidding, right? You mean you didn't tell folks AMD weren't going to Cut prices anytime soon as Conroe launched?


AMD Athlon 64 FX-53 processor $799 each
AMD Athlon 64 3800+ processor $720 each
AMD Athlon 64 3700+ processor $710 each
AMD Athlon 64 3500+ processor $500 each

So here's what AMD should have done prior to the C2D launch;

So even if Barkie is better, Drop in replacements for current C2D means it will be hard to remain Green and Loyal to the AMD. Still wonder why AMD is talking Barkies for Servers first?

2004 dill hole... Intel didnt have ANYTHING that could compete It was worth that cost. If you want high end performance you have to pay for it. It really is that simple.

You still havent quoted me.
You're kidding, right? You mean you didn't tell folks AMD weren't going to Cut prices anytime soon as Conroe launched?


AMD Athlon 64 FX-53 processor $799 each
AMD Athlon 64 3800+ processor $720 each
AMD Athlon 64 3700+ processor $710 each
AMD Athlon 64 3500+ processor $500 each

So here's what AMD should have done prior to the C2D launch;

So even if Barkie is better, Drop in replacements for current C2D means it will be hard to remain Green and Loyal to the AMD. Still wonder why AMD is talking Barkies for Servers first?

Holy$h*t!!! If those prices come around in a few months.....AMD definately lost me for a $266 Intel quad core. Hard to fathom a 10ghz box for $700
Holy$h*t!!! If those prices come around in a few months.....AMD definately lost me for a $266 Intel quad core. Hard to fathom a 10ghz box for $700

It's actually incredible how cheap things are now compared to back in 2004. $720 for a processor then and it costs only $93 USD now. :D
2004 dill hole... Intel didnt have ANYTHING that could compete It was worth that cost. If you want high end performance you have to pay for it. It really is that simple.

You still havent quoted me.

Not going to quote you, all you do is look for another excuse:) Quote me saying I wanted a free processor on a Golden Platter?
Holy$h*t!!! If those prices come around in a few months.....AMD definately lost me for a $266 Intel quad core. Hard to fathom a 10ghz box for $700

Hell look at that list closer, there's a X6800 for $266 as well;) IMHO, I think Intel has moved up 45nm and a bunch of this Conroe is stuff is about to become Also-Rans. As I said last year, Intel doesn't cut prices in a VOID and I don't think AMD has a damned thing to do with it. Doesn't matter if Barcelona is the best thing since Hi-Speed P(R)on, Volume will hurt it. 45nm seems to be very doable for Intel in the meantime. These will be a hell of a lot cheaper for Intel to produce. They'll have lower prices and get more profits.

I am a Financial Advisor, but I'm not putting my opinion on here.

Hah, I'm not so sure I'd be buying any stock right now. There's a lot of uncertainty out there. Subprime meltdown, weak job growth, weak housing market, lower consumer spending, and higher wholesale prices. I'm not sure I'd buy any stock. However, there was a lot of money to be made buying put options on homebuilders and subprime lenders. Their stocks tanked nicely ;).