Brands that offer the best warranty policies??


Limp Gawd
Nov 3, 2007
I'm just curious, people usually think about the best products, but I'm more interested to know which companies are known to have solid warranty policies that won't make your life a living hell to return a product in-case something goes wrong.

If you're going to mention one, please list which part you've had experience with, e.g MSI > GPU, or Corsair > PSU ..etc

I'm aware that every brand has its share of great and horrible experiences, but it still helps to get a general idea about it.
I've had good experiences with the following:
- Seagate (mechanical drive, cannot remember the model or capacity)
- XFX (graphics card, I believe it was an ATI 4850)
- Crucial (256 GB M4 SSD)

The first two were from several years ago, and the SSD was approximately 3 months ago.

Multiple video cards RMA'd with ease, including older cards getting upgraded after they failed due to their previous lifetime warranty offerings. Excellent warranty for overclockers and overall PC enthusiasts. Many positive experiences with the hardware and them standing by their product, making things right, if it happens to fail.
Western Digital: I sent in 2 750GB blacks and they sent me back 2 1tb blues, i mean i lost speed but i gained storage^^

I recently purchased 18 MSI Radeon 7950 video cards and one XFX 7950.
I'm running them pretty hard and have had some fans die within the first 3 months, and two MSI cards burned out. Overall, I've already had to RMA 4 video cards and I have another with a dead fan right now. The first XFX fan died, and had to be sent for RMA. XFX took about 10 days to issue an RMA number. They didn't even respond to my ticket for 10 days!

MSI replaced two 7950's for me just 3 weeks ago without issue. They both had burn damage.
They didn't ask any questions. I just submitted the RMA form and explanation that the cards shorted out and there was burn damage. RMA numbers were issued instantly via their automated system. I was actually running them slightly undervolted at 1070mV and 1000mhz core clock. I was not home when the cards caught fire. I had a big box fan blowing onto them though. They were installed in two different computers with 4x 7950's each. All the other msi 7950's were okay. The two cards that burned up had sequential serial numbers. Another card 2 serial numbers later also went defective (no post), but no burn damage. MSI isn't giving me any grief. I'm super glad because I bought a lot of these cards. I will definitely purchase MSI in the future.

It is important to know that MSI's warranty is based on serial number, and is not limited to the original owner. They have a 3 year warranty.

Here's the pictures of my two fried 7950's:


EVGA also has a good RMA process, or at least they did when I used it 8 years ago. I haven't had to RMA anything from Corsair, but I do have a TX750 psu I'm suspicious of right now. I may RMA it.
As far as cases and fans go, NZXT has fantastic support. (And Corsair also)

EVGA is great for GPU's, only had a couple problems but they were fixed quickly and professionally. I would steer clear of their PSU's though. They also make MOBO's and if something breaks you have great customer support, however they are pretty slow at driver and bios updates.

All-in-one water cooling is Corsair.. Not only do they cover their own products they have reimbursed people for things damaged by the water leaks in certain situations.

As far as PSU's go, Corsair is once again hard to beat for customer service.
Fractal - great customer support. Reported a malfuction of the FP connectors, got a quick reply and a new set sent immediately.

G.Skill - had to RMA a 2x8GB set. It was resolved without problems, only had to wait a bit for the shipments both ways.