Brand New Opty 165 Stepping CCBBE 0610DPMW New "BB" Memory Controller

bcorcoran said:
Yes, they did. It should be noted that the DDR500 of their XP line is rated for 2.8v (this was also mentioned to me). They also told me to set my chipset to 1.6 (or the closest available voltage), and my LDT voltage to 1.30.
You should be doing what's best for YOUR ram, not what others have told you. Every set of ram is different, and the only way to find out your sweet spot is through testing. My ram is UCCC rated at 2.8v, but it flies at 2.5v, errors at anything above 2.6v. Also, active cooling is a must with UCCC, they don't like to get warm, so keep them freezing cold. Also, I'm prime stable at 2900 1.4v cpu with stock chip/ldt volts, so if you're experiencing instability, try loweing them. ;)
bcorcoran said:
Yes, they did. It should be noted that the DDR500 of their XP line is rated for 2.8v (this was also mentioned to me). They also told me to set my chipset to 1.6 (or the closest available voltage), and my LDT voltage to 1.30.
bumping chipset voltage has never done anything from me other than allowing me to hit higher ht link speeds

ldt does nothing.

if you think about it logically, why would you have to bump up the chipset voltage to get memory stable when the memory controller is ON THE CPU :confused:
Well, I'm gonna have to disagree with the ram voltages, at least, mine must be a "good pair" of sticks, because I've been playing BF2 for, oh, 3 hours now at 2.8ghz with 2.80v on my ram, and haven't once bluescreened.

Also, Prime stable means, to gamers, absolutely jack crap. Games stress the cpu in much different ways than (well, at least recent-gen games do) Prime does. Prime might be "random" but playing a game is totally random, unless you have a bot moving for you. The way vertexes and pixels are loaded into memory and processed is all dependent on which X / Y coord you're on in the map. Its probably safe to say you'll never be on the same X/Y coord twice, and if you do hit it twice, it is going to be very rare.

Also, as I said, YMMV. My mileage has been pretty good with these settings, so I thought to recommend them to others. Just because you might have poorly performing UCCC chips, doesnt mean I do, or that anyone else does, and heck, I might not even have UCCC chips, I havent checked!

Anyway, I just hope that those settings help someone in case they're having stability problems and they suspect the CPU.
bcorcoran said:
Well, I'm gonna have to disagree with the ram voltages, at least, mine must be a "good pair" of sticks, because I've been playing BF2 for, oh, 3 hours now at 2.8ghz with 2.80v on my ram, and haven't once bluescreened.
i never said the ram voltage doesn't do anything, only chipset/ldt :D
(cf)Eclipse said:
i never said the ram voltage doesn't do anything, only chipset/ldt :D
I was actually addressing thunderstruck, sorry for the confusion...

...and I will try lowering the chipset and ldt voltages. but the r&d guy at mushkin specifically asked me to change those settings, so it remains to be seen... I'll report back tomorrow after another bout of BF2 splendor!
I was having problems with my ram (2gb extreme performance mushkin)... failing memtest, etc.... with these settings, it works great :D

...he did say YMMV. Works for me, though.
tvdang7 said:
it really doesnt do anyhting? the chipset voltage?

In my experience, no

Raising LDT got me an extra 1MHz on the HTT bus, the old board that only hit 338htt went way up to 339
repo, i find that with nvidia chipsets, any limitation you have is USUALLY because of the cpu. :D

bcorcoran said:
I was actually addressing thunderstruck, sorry for the confusion...

...and I will try lowering the chipset and ldt voltages. but the r&d guy at mushkin specifically asked me to change those settings, so it remains to be seen... I'll report back tomorrow after another bout of BF2 splendor!
tis cool! :D

good luck with that. hopefully everything will work out well.
Spazilton said:
Yup last couple of days has been a crap shoot on steppings from Monarch.

Some got the 0610s

Others have gotten 0551s or even one person got a 0543.

PS the 0610s are shaping up to be beasts! :)

so.. can anyone fill me on what is what?
what is all out there?
what is good?
whats is bad?
what each one is able to do?

Tman said:

so.. can anyone fill me on what is what?
what is all out there?
what is good?
whats is bad?
what each one is able to do?

i do have an a64 oc database. freshly updated no less. should give a rough idea on how various steppings and weeks do
(cf)Eclipse said:
i do have an a64 oc database. freshly updated no less. should give a rough idea on how various steppings and weeks do

Man, next time you update it, put some of us CCBBE opty 165 guys in on the 165 list...:p

2.8ghz @ 1.36v, air cooled

tvdang7 said:
it really doesnt do anyhting? the chipset voltage?

I've tested multiple 165's now and i havn't really noticed any improvement from raising the LDT/Chipset voltage. I've seen quite a few say that it helps raising the LDT voltage a little. I raise mine .1v just so i can rule out ither of them holding me back.
waltherone said:
Man, next time you update it, put some of us CCBBE opty 165 guys in on the 165 list...:p

2.8ghz @ 1.36v, air cooled

you gotta post in the thread. i'm not gonna waste my time digging through the forums cause others are too lazy :D
Mayhs said:

What is the big deal about these 610s, my 0550 UPMW does 2808 without a hitch but since I am using the stock Amd cooler I wont raise the voltage to see what it can do beyond
Just got my opteron 165 OEM from Monarch. Ordered last week with the $70 coupon ($337 - $70 = $267). It's a CCBBE 0610 DPMW. Only problem is that I have an Asus A8N-SLI deluxe, which I don't think can go beyond 275 HTT (it's stable at 275 but doesn't even boot at 280 with my Veniice 3000+ even with lower multipliers/divider for cpu/mem). So I will try the opteron on my DFI RS482 to see what it can do. Will use Arctic Cooling Freezer 64 HSF.

woot woot !

P.S. Anyone knows if the A8N-SLI "deluxe" can do 300 HTT ?
user1234 said:
P.S. Anyone knows if the A8N-SLI "deluxe" can do 300 HTT ?
I had similar problems with my A8N-SLI premium, hence the move to a DFI (love it). Try switching memory to 2T timing (sucks but it always worked for me). If that doesn't work, change the memory divider to 266 or 333. Let me know if either of those work, I'd be curious to see if its the same issue I had with my board.
user1234 said:
Just got my opteron 165 OEM from Monarch. Ordered last week with the $70 coupon ($337 - $70 = $267). It's a CCBBE 0610 DPMW. Only problem is that I have an Asus A8N-SLI deluxe, which I don't think can go beyond 275 HTT (it's stable at 275 but doesn't even boot at 280 with my Veniice 3000+ even with lower multipliers/divider for cpu/mem). So I will try the opteron on my DFI RS482 to see what it can do. Will use Arctic Cooling Freezer 64 HSF.

woot woot !

P.S. Anyone knows if the A8N-SLI "deluxe" can do 300 HTT ?
I can boot up to 360 on an a8n-sli deluxe board I've got
Some boards work perfectly fine while others have the problem he described. Theres alot of similar cases in the newegg comments for the a8n sli deluxe and premium boards.
cre3d said:
Some boards work perfectly fine while others have the problem he described. Theres alot of similar cases in the newegg comments for the a8n sli deluxe and premium boards.

Yes, I'm running with DDR266 divider (2:3) so my RAM (2x1GB Patriot PC3200 LL 2-3-2-5-1T) is well below 200 mhz. I also tried 2T, all to no avail. I also lowered HTT muliplier to 3x, but strangley the ASUS AI-booster utility shows the FSB as 4x275=1100, but nTune shows the correct 3x275=825.

The system is prime stable at 275x9 (with DDR266 divider), but doesn't even boot at 280x6 (lower CPU multiplier, same mem divider). I still hope that maybe I'll find a BIOS revision which overclocks better. So far I tried 1003 BIOS revision and the latest 1016, but both gave the exact same result.

I had various issues with this board, like sometimes it takes windows 3 minutes to load (stuck on plug and play USB detection, or somethnig), so I fairly dissapointed with ASUS and NEVER going to buy any of their mobos again.
(cf)Eclipse said:
bumping chipset voltage has never done anything from me other than allowing me to hit higher ht link speeds

ldt does nothing.

if you think about it logically, why would you have to bump up the chipset voltage to get memory stable when the memory controller is ON THE CPU :confused:

because there is a bug with some DFI boards where if the difference betweent the 2 is too great you get instabilities....Other than for the reason it probably will not do much.

I hate my DFI expert if I could do it again I would have gotten an Asus.

Nice to OC, but when your PC can't even shut down and restart properly I start looking elsewhere. And I don't feel like RMAing my MB for 2 months so they can solder a capacitor on it to fix the issue...

My Mem Overclocks like ass anyways, I'd rather just keep it at C2 speeds off stock voltage, 420 is it's limitation at 2,3,25, stock voltage...
oh i've waited so long to be able to post on this thread. yet i can't sign up with hotmail account and i'd forgotten my isp email account password so yah... hehe just remembered it. i've been keepin up to date since it first came up, as my opteron 165 got here the day before this thread came out i think, i was so happy it was a 610. hehe. monarch is awesome, but on to my oc'n adventures. i used to overclock, but that was in the duron days yonder, and it was an ocz factory oc.

it was all slow and steady, at first my asrock dual939 held me back at 274htt, but now i'm flyin high with a beta OCWorkbench bios. I've been able to get my opty counterstrike source playable @ 319htt that's 319 x 9 = 2871! that's with a zalman cnps7000AlCuLED, a la ghetto el old school ram at 200 :p . Prime was never really stable after high 2.7GHz even at 1.4v (max voltage i can get with this board without modding). at 2.7 one core poops out after 40 min (this core is always first to bow down to optimus primus benchmarkizus) I'm thinking my voltage is holding me back as well as temps because this thing goes up to 57C when both are computing and because everytime i up the voltage it primes longer. i hit 1.4v wall at 2.871GHz. anything above 319htt and it would not load windows, yet i played CSS for hours fine @ 2.871GHz. i'm still not sure about that whole burning in business i hear of, but after AS5 settled in i got better temps. hehe, dont know how much more stable i got for running the chip at stock or slower than max oc. actually i think this thing only ran stock for a night. hehe. ;p

But i'm happy with what i have at 2.6GHz with 266 ram timings. temps never really get above 49C, even when both CPUs are at load, and i can still kick butt in CSS. now that i have my ghetto vid card upgrade all i am waiting for is ram. hopefully that will boost me a bit. :D by the way a little off topic... OCZ GTX PC4000 or G.Skill Extreme PC4000? i like/trust ocz brand more but i hate mail in rebates.:rolleyes: i was very interested in patriot xblk, but that's only 1gb and i want at least 2gb cause that's golden for games, i am cheap, and hopefully vista comes out before i upgrade, but wutever if it doesnt. ;p

wow... i am thunderstruck envious. 2.8 prime stable.... oooh. with such low temps too! dayem!
thunderstruck! said:
Little update.
xkon, I was comparing those two RAMs also. I decided on the Mushkin, because they support advance RMA's, where G.Skill doesnt. I'm not about to go without my RAM for two weeks.
mmm.... mushkin... so tasty... yah.... but the price is so high! hehe i should have bought them when they dipped down to 170 last month, but alas i missed out. i know it's only a 40 difference or so but it's like deciding between an x1800gto and an x1800xt. yarrghh. i hate my 7600gt, it runs 3dmark 2005 at score of 6138, maybe my drivers just suck for 3dmark. i hope it's not the opty chokin on me. ;p
are there any suggestions to get a better oc from my rig without voltmods and such?
so i picked up this gem of a processor last week...

i barely played with it and hit 2.7ghz @ stock voltage. Its rock solid stable.

I love it.
xkon said:
oh i've waited so long to be able to post on this thread. yet i can't sign up with hotmail account and i'd forgotten my isp email account password so yah... hehe just remembered it. i've been keepin up to date since it first came up, as my opteron 165 got here the day before this thread came out i think, i was so happy it was a 610. hehe. monarch is awesome, but on to my oc'n adventures. i used to overclock, but that was in the duron days yonder, and it was an ocz factory oc.

it was all slow and steady, at first my asrock dual939 held me back at 274htt, but now i'm flyin high with a beta OCWorkbench bios. I've been able to get my opty counterstrike source playable @ 319htt that's 319 x 9 = 2871! that's with a zalman cnps7000AlCuLED, a la ghetto el old school ram at 200 :p . Prime was never really stable after high 2.7GHz even at 1.4v (max voltage i can get with this board without modding). at 2.7 one core poops out after 40 min (this core is always first to bow down to optimus primus benchmarkizus) I'm thinking my voltage is holding me back as well as temps because this thing goes up to 57C when both are computing and because everytime i up the voltage it primes longer. i hit 1.4v wall at 2.871GHz. anything above 319htt and it would not load windows, yet i played CSS for hours fine @ 2.871GHz. i'm still not sure about that whole burning in business i hear of, but after AS5 settled in i got better temps. hehe, dont know how much more stable i got for running the chip at stock or slower than max oc. actually i think this thing only ran stock for a night. hehe. ;p

But i'm happy with what i have at 2.6GHz with 266 ram timings. temps never really get above 49C, even when both CPUs are at load, and i can still kick butt in CSS. now that i have my ghetto vid card upgrade all i am waiting for is ram. hopefully that will boost me a bit. :D by the way a little off topic... OCZ GTX PC4000 or G.Skill Extreme PC4000? i like/trust ocz brand more but i hate mail in rebates.:rolleyes: i was very interested in patriot xblk, but that's only 1gb and i want at least 2gb cause that's golden for games, i am cheap, and hopefully vista comes out before i upgrade, but wutever if it doesnt. ;p

wow... i am thunderstruck envious. 2.8 prime stable.... oooh. with such low temps too! dayem!

WTF @_@ is that possible?! I dun believe it. And ur temps aren't ridiculously low. AIR?! BS BS BS!!!
themanwithnoname said:
WTF @_@ is that possible?! I dun believe it. And ur temps aren't ridiculously low. AIR?! BS BS BS!!!

is what possible? the not being able to sign up? the ram timings? the htt? the temps? putting AS5 on an opteron? what? :p i have no idea what you're talking about. :D please clarify. hehe. if you are referring to the pic i am merely saying that thunderstruck has some awesome full load temps and overclocking prowesss. as for mine, i do hit ridiculously high temps (looking to upgrade my hsf/case but going to upgrade ram first), my system temp is usually around 37C, it's nearing summer, it get's even hotter cause my window faces the west, and we don't have an air conditioner. I have to open my case and use a standing room fan to actively cool it. awesome huh? by load i meant after playing CSS for a few hours, when i prime, the temps skyrocket. if i watch it, and it gets to 59 or 60 i just shut down prime. here are the images of the OC adventures i had, geocities don't like me using up bandwidth so hope it works.
what i run (idle):


highest OC (prime fails at one sec when i have it at 2.83GHz):

so yah... you guys have any suggestions for better OC'n results? ram? HSF? voltage? blah?
so any know decifer the Tcase max and wattage numbers to eqal anyhting?

current cpu Tcasemax 57C and 75 watts.

my previous

my Tcasemax is 59C
and my TDP is 85W's

my current one overclocked a tad better than what i could hit with my set up. but the user i sold it to got better results(i only used it for 3 days.). so iono what to beleive with theses numbers.
here's my 0610DPMW opty 165 @ 2808mhz stock volts. i'm surprised my XP-90 is keeping it that cool especially since its been 80F degrees+ the last few days here in SoCal :( i'm priming as we speak just to see how far my new setup will push it. i'll let the picture do the talking.

I order mine 165 last Thursday from Monarch. Got CCBBE 0610DPMW. Currently at 2925 with 1.44 volts, load temp 40C. Been going all night so far with 2 primes running and no fails :D . Here is a link to the cpuz validator.


Well playing alittle this morning has netted me 333*9. Giving 2997 at 1.44V. Currently priming , at 51 mins. GRR 3mhz short off the big 3. Here is another validation

ereshkigal said:
I order mine 165 last Thursday from Monarch. Got CCBBE 0610DPMW. Currently at 2925 with 1.44 volts, load temp 40C. Been going all night so far with 2 primes running and no fails :D . Here is a link to the cpuz validator.


Well playing alittle this morning has netted me 333*9. Giving 2997 at 1.44V. Currently priming , at 51 mins. GRR 3mhz short off the big 3. Here is another validation


what are you using to cool your opty?