Blizzard Sues Starcraft II Hackers

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Blizzard seems to think that the best way to get rid of cheaters is to sue the people making the hacks.

Blizzard Entertainment is taking a stand against the programmers behind the popular Starcraft II “ValiantChaos MapHack” cheat. The game company has sued the hackers for copyright infringement and accuses them of ruining the Starcraft II gaming experience for legitimate players.
Definitely not defending the hack, but has anyone ever said "I'm not going to buy that game because there are hacks for it"?
If that were the case, no one would ever buy anything
Definitely not defending the hack, but has anyone ever said "I'm not going to buy that game because there are hacks for it"?
If that were the case, no one would ever buy anything

But they will stop playing it, and dead communities are NOT good for sales. Especially for MP focused titles like SC2.
Definitely not defending the hack, but has anyone ever said "I'm not going to buy that game because there are hacks for it"?
If that were the case, no one would ever buy anything

Probably very few. But there are a large number of people who stop playing games because of hacks and the people abusing them. And in this day and age of DLC, that is a HUGE concern for companies seeing lost profits as a result of a loss in player base.
Definitely not defending the hack, but has anyone ever said "I'm not going to buy that game because there are hacks for it"?
If that were the case, no one would ever buy anything

Aimbots, yes, I stopped playing the entire COD (PC) series altogether, after machine guns with 100% headshots decimated the fun in MW2. They came out with two map packs afterwards, but there was no point in getting them because the game was already ruined. And this was 4.5 years ago.
Definitely not defending the hack, but has anyone ever said "I'm not going to buy that game because there are hacks for it"?
If that were the case, no one would ever buy anything

Not persay. I've quite playing some multi-player games due to hackers running rampant
Yea I quit CS 1.6 because I kept getting stuck with twirling aimbotters and wallhackers. I hope something comes from this.
My friends and I stop playing multiplayer in games when we get frustrated with the hackers. BF4 is an example of a game that some of my friends absolutely love, but hate the hacking so much that they refuse to buy premium. So they just moved on to other games rather than deal with a hacker.
Definitely not defending the hack, but has anyone ever said "I'm not going to buy that game because there are hacks for it"?
If that were the case, no one would ever buy anything

Actually, yeah.

Why would I want to continue buying expansions for a game(there's another expansion for SC2 due eventually), map packs, or any other DLC I might actually consider throwing a couple bucks at, if my gameplay experience is constantly getting crapped on because the developer/publisher aren't doing anything to combat the cheaters?

If the cheaters kept to themselves, I wouldn't care. Unfortunately, they don't. Playing an FPS and doing ok for half an hour is cool, up until Mr "I bought my cheats" shows up and proceeds to crap on everything spinning around with his auto aim. Playing a few matches in a row of an RTS without even winning every time can be fun, till you run into the guy who didn't even have to scout to find your base in a 1v1 on a 6 player map and has countered my build order because he's been watching my base the entire time.

Neither scenario is fun, and if I play games to kick back and have fun, why would I continue playing games that keep getting ruined? Why keep buying games from the same developer or publisher if their history shows they don't even try to eliminate the cheats?
Definitely not defending the hack, but has anyone ever said "I'm not going to buy that game because there are hacks for it"?
If that were the case, no one would ever buy anything

A significant portion of my CS clan when it went retail, yes. Clan broke up, most stopped playing due to the prevalence of hacks in the game.
Ah yes, Blizzards eternal struggle to police the internet and make you play by their rules.

Maphacks in SC2 have a way bigger impact though. You would get an immense advantage over your opponents.

Yes, I understand. But the community of Diablo 2 quickly turned into nothing but people running hacks or bots, the rarity were people trying to play legit.
I support this idea!

I don't because it is an abuse of copyright laws and imaginary property. This basically makes reading your own computer's memory illegal.

If Blizzard is concerned about map hacks, perhaps they shouldn't transmit the locations of all units to every computer. Their own incompetence in programming is not an excuse to set bad precedents for imaginary property law.
Ah yes, Blizzards eternal struggle to police the internet and make you play by their rules.

Wow, you make it sound like they are trying to quash a creative mod community instead of protecting their product. The Homer gif only confuses me more.
Blizzard uses their ladder system for tournament qualifications with large prize pools. It is good they want the ladder to be hack free. I hope they win
Yes, I understand. But the community of Diablo 2 quickly turned into nothing but people running hacks or bots, the rarity were people trying to play legit.

rather have mh then have blizz create runeword items (enigma).
Ah yes, Blizzards eternal struggle to police the internet and make you play by their rules.

That's funny... I didn't realize Starcraft 2 == "The internet" and that they didn't have the authority to enforce the rules of play in their own game. My bad. :rolleyes:
9 times out of 10 when someone claims another player is 'hacking/cheating', they just suck at the game. Esp in games like BF3/4.
How about blocking the hacks?

I'm pretty sure it would be fairly easy to prevent external programs hooking to their games.

You can also check for specific executables running by name and by hash to keep the common hacking tools out of play.

If a user is caught hacking, ban them and their copy of the game.

If you make it difficult enough to hack a program, most people will just not do it.

If they leave it as-is, and any memory address snooper/editor is able to manipulate the game then it is not going to stop.
Blizzard been doing this for years, they go after the source. Its better to shut the source down instead of trying to block it. They did this with WoW as well.
9 times out of 10 when someone claims another player is 'hacking/cheating', they just suck at the game. Esp in games like BF3/4.

Its funny, because this is the line most cheaters use.

Ive been playing CS for over 10 years. It is fairly easy to spot a cheater based on the way they play. 9 out of 10 times, I am usually right after I watch a demo. I played many years of CAL and went to LAN tourneys. The shit that goes on, especially in CS GO these days, does not happen on LAN where you cant cheat.

I played Starcraft for over 10 years. It was pretty obvious when someone map hacked. At one time, I was very good at the game and it was easy to get beat by a player who was fairly decent, but had cheats to help.

Its funny, you clowns jumping on Blizzard. I personally hate lawsuits but this is one that I completely agree with and I hope they come down hard on these people. It really sucks to play games and try to enjoy yourself just to get butt fucked by some douchebag.

And the CSGO ranking system I think made cheating even worse. Now you have tools buying new accounts just to cheat with and boost their friends ranks. What the fuck is the point of that? So the next time they join a game, they will get their ass kicked because they shouldnt be playing with those players?
How about blocking the hacks?

I'm pretty sure it would be fairly easy to prevent external programs hooking to their games.

You can also check for specific executables running by name and by hash to keep the common hacking tools out of play.

If a user is caught hacking, ban them and their copy of the game.

If you make it difficult enough to hack a program, most people will just not do it.

If they leave it as-is, and any memory address snooper/editor is able to manipulate the game then it is not going to stop.

Its called Punkbuster and it can be worked around. Anything can be worked around given time and the ability to do so. Other competitive gaming sites have also tried clients but they only work so long until someone gets around them. Its a never ending battle.
Definitely not defending the hack, but has anyone ever said "I'm not going to buy that game because there are hacks for it"?
If that were the case, no one would ever buy anything

Yes people do say that. Note that you said anyone, not everyone. Some people are completely put off by hacking. Some are so put off they have given up PC gaming and moved to consoles.

That said I don't think filing law suits against cheat makers is effective. They will very quickly learn to base their cheat providing websites out of country. What blizzard and every other company need to learn is that you don't go after the prostitute, you go after the johns. You have to really provide a system for permanently punishing cheaters. Not this joke of a system we have now where if you get caught you just go buy the game again and make a new account.
How about blocking the hacks?

I'm pretty sure it would be fairly easy to prevent external programs hooking to their games.

You can also check for specific executables running by name and by hash to keep the common hacking tools out of play.

If a user is caught hacking, ban them and their copy of the game.

If you make it difficult enough to hack a program, most people will just not do it.

If they leave it as-is, and any memory address snooper/editor is able to manipulate the game then it is not going to stop.

Some developers have tried preventing external hooks in the past. That's when they use a rootkit or virtual environment hook. There's nothing that can stop anything with power above the layer of the operating system, except for hardware, and even that could be hacked or worked around with enough effort.
Its funny, because this is the line most cheaters use.

Ive been playing CS for over 10 years. It is fairly easy to spot a cheater based on the way they play. 9 out of 10 times, I am usually right after I watch a demo. I played many years of CAL and went to LAN tourneys. The shit that goes on, especially in CS GO these days, does not happen on LAN where you cant cheat.

I played Starcraft for over 10 years. It was pretty obvious when someone map hacked. At one time, I was very good at the game and it was easy to get beat by a player who was fairly decent, but had cheats to help.

Its funny, you clowns jumping on Blizzard. I personally hate lawsuits but this is one that I completely agree with and I hope they come down hard on these people. It really sucks to play games and try to enjoy yourself just to get butt fucked by some douchebag.

And the CSGO ranking system I think made cheating even worse. Now you have tools buying new accounts just to cheat with and boost their friends ranks. What the fuck is the point of that? So the next time they join a game, they will get their ass kicked because they shouldnt be playing with those players?

If you were really good at these games and did not cheat then I don't get how you could disagree with his statement. Because surely you would have been accused of hacking many many times. I agree with the other guy. 90% of cheat accusations are false. And they are actually a large cause of increased cheating. Its just stupid people, its funny how some people will not accuse you of cheating when you are on their team, then accuse you when they go against you. Or not accuse you when they know you, but if you use a different account they will accuse you. But that doesn't mean that cheating doesn't happen and is not a big problem. 1 cheater out of 100 people can cause a lot of damage especially in a game where you have no control over servers and admins and they can constantly keep coming back ruining the server for people night after night.

Actually if you were really good at spotting cheaters you should have noticed and commented on the huge number of times you saw someone accuse a third party that you did not consider to cheat.
If you were really good at these games and did not cheat then I don't get how you could disagree with his statement. Because surely you would have been accused of hacking many many times. I agree with the other guy. 90% of cheat accusations are false. And they are actually a large cause of increased cheating. Its just stupid people, its funny how some people will not accuse you of cheating when you are on their team, then accuse you when they go against you. Or not accuse you when they know you, but if you use a different account they will accuse you. But that doesn't mean that cheating doesn't happen and is not a big problem. 1 cheater out of 100 people can cause a lot of damage especially in a game where you have no control over servers and admins and they can constantly keep coming back ruining the server for people night after night.

Actually if you were really good at spotting cheaters you should have noticed and commented on the huge number of times you saw someone accuse a third party that you did not consider to cheat.

See now that might be true in some games, but I've played Combat Arms on and off for a couple of years and that game is straight RIFE with cheaters. I reallyt haven't ever played SC2 on the internet (played the hell out of SC1 on LAN back in the day), but I do know that it's very competitive, appeals to a more heavily tech-oriented audience, and now there's money involved. Money and fame invariably lead to people cheating.
This is a dangerous slippery slope. What happens to the people who make legit mods that people like to use? The law usually doesn't seem to distinguish.
If you were really good at these games and did not cheat then I don't get how you could disagree with his statement. Because surely you would have been accused of hacking many many times. I agree with the other guy. 90% of cheat accusations are false. And they are actually a large cause of increased cheating. Its just stupid people, its funny how some people will not accuse you of cheating when you are on their team, then accuse you when they go against you. Or not accuse you when they know you, but if you use a different account they will accuse you. But that doesn't mean that cheating doesn't happen and is not a big problem. 1 cheater out of 100 people can cause a lot of damage especially in a game where you have no control over servers and admins and they can constantly keep coming back ruining the server for people night after night.

Actually if you were really good at spotting cheaters you should have noticed and commented on the huge number of times you saw someone accuse a third party that you did not consider to cheat.

Exactly what I was going for, thank you!

I get accused a lot of the time if I am having a good night. People tend cry just to cry when they are getting pounded on.

If my group of guys that I play with see an obviously cheater with aimbots or whatever they are using, we just change servers. There are enough servers in the world to be able to play without cheaters.

With CSGO ranked matches, that is a different story and that is also a reason why I stopped playing CSGO as it was not enjoyable anymore when I was getting atleast 1 cheater every 3 matches and I am way to casual now adays to play ESEA matches with ESEA client.
These days, its more often than not that when someone is accused, they are cheating. Its pretty bad these days. With the availability of cheats and the fact that you can pay for them and have regular updates makes them readily available.

10 years ago, not every joe shmoe had access to cheat programs. They were much harder to come by. Now, you can goto a website, give them $5, and have a cheat program that is updated every patch. Not everyone is a hardcore cheater, using the latest and greatest with super aim trigger bot, but a lot more than you think cheat these days.

I cant find the link right now, but in the last year, it was posted about a guy who had I think 5 or so low-digit steamID accounts. He cheated with multiple kinds of cheats from wallhack only to trigger bot. Due to his low steamid, people would actually stand by him and say he did not cheat even though in his article he openly admitted it as part of his "test".

And yes, I have been accused of cheating. So what, move along. Proved them wrong on LAN. But there are many people who actually are. Ive had people on my team cheat. I choose to either kick them, or leave the game because I cant stand it when I am on the other side of it. Sometimes its obvious, other times it is not so obvious.

I actually played a game the other day. From round 1 I knew the guy cheated. 2 people on my team defended him calling him a smurf because of his new account. By the end of the game, the whole team knew he cheated. I watched the replay of the game and sure enough, he was following people through walls and toggling his aimbot.
Definitely not defending the hack, but has anyone ever said "I'm not going to buy that game because there are hacks for it"?
If that were the case, no one would ever buy anything

I have passed on many games because of rampant hacking and cheating.
Exactly what I was going for, thank you!

I get accused a lot of the time if I am having a good night. People tend cry just to cry when they are getting pounded on.

If my group of guys that I play with see an obviously cheater with aimbots or whatever they are using, we just change servers. There are enough servers in the world to be able to play without cheaters.

With CSGO ranked matches, that is a different story and that is also a reason why I stopped playing CSGO as it was not enjoyable anymore when I was getting atleast 1 cheater every 3 matches and I am way to casual now adays to play ESEA matches with ESEA client.

If nothing else, the number of cheats and ease of use contributes to this problem. Everyone knows they're there, so it creates a poisonous atmosphere for everyone. I honestly hate playing FPS sometimes, because even if I think someone is really good, there is always that nagging doubt.
Blizzard has a history of going after hack makers - and winning.
First was the author of the "Glider" bot for WoW in 2011, second was "Shadow Bot" in 2013
The first they bled to death with lawyer fees, the second they won with a 7 million dollar settlement.
Blizzard is blocking the hacks and actively patching.
Blizzard is also pursuing legal action against commercial hack operations and shouldering the cost of both the anti-hack development and legal action.

Frankly I see this as "good guy Blizzard" doing the gaming industry another favor.
Yeah, I can't imagine Blizzard thinks they're actually going to get a payday from the actual cheatmakers. This is purely a positive move for the community.