Black Mercury mid-tower case w/ 300W PS - FREE after MIR

Well, I guess we'll see.

I'm probably jynxing myself by saying this, but I'm a rebate shopper and send the things in all the time. I've never NOT had a rebate come through before, and that includes from Tiger. This rebate is from the case manufacturer, not TigerDirect.

But if it happens, it happens -- with all the rebates I've been successfully getting for years, I guess I can't complain...

eh other then the first page, its mostly people griping about the non same day shipping for 2nd day shipping. Or that they didnt like the product or it was broke ( non shipping damage). Kinda hard for td to fight that, but hey they even respond to the negatives. Im still not buying the case unless its a manufacture rebate (cyber rebates anyone) anyway.
As I said, the rebate is a manufacturer rebate. Kobian makes the case, and the rebate form is mailed to a Kobian address, not to TD. You can view the rebate form PDF from the web page.

And mine shipped same day and I didn't even ask for 2nd day shipping -- I took the cheapest ground shipping they offered. I ordered minutes before I posted this and it was shipped that afternoon. I'm tracking it via UPS now.

YMMV of course, and no doubt TD has had their share of complaints -- they're certainly no NewEgg -- but as I said I've ordered from them multiple times and have always been satisfied. If I have issues with this order, then TD will go on my $hit list, but until they give me reason I'll continue to take advantage of a good deal when I see one... :)
no doubt TD has had their share of complaints -- they're certainly no NewEgg -- but as I said I've ordered from them multiple times and have always been satisfied. If I have issues with this order, then TD will go on my $hit list, but until they give me reason I'll continue to take advantage of a good deal when I see one...

Same here. Never really had a problem with them.
I took a look, and the only problem I forsee with that case is it requires a hide-a-floppy.
Got my case. Am a little miffed.

The front bezel is black and the rest of the case is lt. grey / white.

Not a big deal for a (next to) free case but I seem to remember that the web site showed it as all black. It is destined to be an emergency spare anyway. I suppose that I can apply a can of spray enamel to fix it.

The case is now sold out at TigerDirect.
Hmm, mine was 100% black. Guess someone screwed up in the assembly somewhere along the line
Mine arrived 2 days ago and is also ALL BLACK. MIR went out yesterday :D

It probably wont get any life breathed into until I the 939 MBs come out.
Yep, mine is black and white too. Weird. I think they screwed up on an assembly line somewhere. Went to Kobian's website to see if it was even offered in B&W but they don't list this case that I could find. Oh well, for a free case I'm not complaining because while a tad flimsy, it's better than a lot of cheap cases I've seen. Already got 2 cans of black satin paint and masking tape, as soon as the rain stops around here and the humidity drops I'll be outside painting it all black.

Mailed my MIR off 2 days ago. Start the 12-14 week timer ticking... :p
Anyone get there rebate yet?

I have not nor have I heard a peep about it. I have sent in email to the address that they list to get status but have heard nothing back.

Should have been clued in that the rebate form said that incorrect submissions would not get notifications.

Looks like it's going to be an expensive crappy case! :mad:
Not yet, but the terms of the rebate state to allow 12-14 weeks. It's been 12 weeks, so I expect it to show up any day. If not, there is an email address to the case manufacturer for rebate inquiries, I will be emailing them if I don't see it in a week or so. And I always follow rebate instructions to a T and have never failed to get one yet, so I'm optimistic.
I, too, purchased the Kobian Mercury Diamond computer case from Tiger Direct in June. I did everything I was supposed to in order to get the rebate. It has been in excess of 14 weeks. They do not respond to e-mail, nor do they return phone calls when you leave a message, which is the only way you get through by phone. It's starting to look like a scam. Any ideas about pursuing this?
When you call to leave a message make sure not to mention anything about rebates. Just mention something like you are a rep. for a really large electronics store that covers the US(you dont have to name it :p ). Then say something along the lines of you are looking at carrying their cases exclusively, and for someone in sales to call you @..........

Mwahahahahhahaha...let the trickery begin!
Sorry to revive an old thread. But did anyone have any luck with this rebate?
I e-mailed Kobian at both the rebate address and the contact person posted in the above post. I received an almost immediate reply to provide some more info so they could lookup the rebate. I responded but haven't heard back yet. That was a few days ago, so I may follow up shortly.

It has definitely taken longer than they claimed. But in all fairness, before the anti-TD crowd jumps in with the "I-told-you-so's", this was a Kobian manufacturer rebate, not a TD rebate. And since Kobian is a Canadian company, I'm not sure what our recourse could be. That and given the crappy quality of the case, I'm not terribly confident but still hopeful.
Warning! Warning! Danger Will Robinson!

FYi, I had a BUNCH of very friendly and nice conversations with these people. They were great, -except the $40 never came. I had to raise heck with Tiger Direct, and only after about 1/2 dozen phone calls and emails did they finally credit my credit card back for the money. In other words Kobian NEVER paid thr rebate. TD just got tired of my crap.

Unless you are a rebate massochist, I'd stay away.
C|aymore said:
Warning! Warning! Danger Will Robinson!

FYi, I had a BUNCH of very friendly and nice conversations with these people. They were great, -except the $40 never came. I had to raise heck with Tiger Direct, and only after about 1/2 dozen phone calls and emails did they finally credit my credit card back for the money. In other words Kobian NEVER paid thr rebate. TD just got tired of my crap.

Unless you are a rebate massochist, I'd stay away.
Well, that sucks. I didn't much care for the their cases, they're pretty low quality. But hey, for free who's complaining... assuming you can get the damn rebate that is.

However I am glad to hear that TD covered for them. They aren't obligated to, and given how much grief people give TD I'm a bit surprised. I'll be calling TD next week if I haven't heard from Kobian.
For that matter, I have to give them credit for making it right. Communication could have been better, but I guess in the end my recommendation is that it is CERTIANLY Kobian you should stay away from..... MAYBE Tigerdirect. I've just seen so many complaints before, but made the assumption that they were perhaps inept rebaters. Now I know better. Be careful and keep all your docs.
I have never heard a peep back from Kobian and I have tried many times to contact them and have had absolutely ZERO success. It seems as though there never was any intention of actually paying out these rebates. Nice company!

So, I called the TigerDirect sales line and pleaded my case. They gave me the expected run around about it being a manufacturer rebate and out of their control, blah, blah, blah...

The rep was trying to end the call but I pushed back and asked for a contact to start escillating the issue. He went away and talked to his supervisor for a while and eventually came back and told me that they would charge $40 back to my credit card. He also said that they were putting a note on my account that would effectively make this the last time that I could complain about rebate issue to them. I could care less as I'll never buy from them again anyway.

My main point to him was that the rebate was not just a Kobian thing as the requirement specifically said that the case had to be purchased at TigerDirect to get the rebate. This means that this is a joint marketing arrangement between them and they can't just hide behind it being a Kobian problem and not TigerDirect's issue at all.

Anyway sorry for being so long winded but I thought that it might help someone get their $40 that they will NEVER see from Kobian.
You're so right in taking that stand.

TD takes great pains to disclaim their association with the rebate poortion of the deal, but they are the ones promoting it out of the other side of their collective mouth.

FYI there is now a long history of legal precedent in place holding the original rebate offeror accountable for paying up. Companies like TD will try to frustrate you away, but they know that ultimately they have to pony up.

Their notation on your accound is BS. You just got the rep's nose out of joint.

Beware, there are a lot of whore companies out there that'd sell uranium 238 to North Korea if they could make 89 centds doing it and get away with it.
Did anyone ever get their rebate? I suspect not.

Kobian has never responded to even one of my MANY attempts to contact them.

I now consider it a personal duty to let everyone that I can know all about TigerDirect and how dishonest they are. I consider TigerDirect and Kobian equal partners in crime on this one.

I am considered the resident "geek" in my circle of freinds and neighbors. I help an astonishing number of people make choices about buying computer stuff. None of them will ever buy from TigerDirect.

It's not much but I figure it's the least I can do. :D

I know TigerDirect gave me my $40 after I badgered them into it but it's just too little too late. They are not innocent in the rebate shell game there. I think that they are actually the center of it. Them and all the second rate manufacturers that they jointly offer rebates with that they never intend to payout on.
your rebate won't come even if u wait 100 years. btw for those who get there rebates, they make u work VERY hard to get them and imo not worth the hassle. seriously, don't buy from them and expect ur rebate. it ain't coming. even if u harass them for ur rebate, chances are u still won't get it.