Birthday Cake of the Day

Okay, you are definitely a troll. Insulting my internet intelligence? Is that seriously the best rebuttal you can come up with? I have seen the hamster dance, I have seen the Cake is a Lie merchandise. I have seen many other memes come and go. What I HAVE NOT SEEN is your imaginary internet cake movement. You have not produced a single shred of evidence.

Well played, Mr. Troll, well played. You successfully elicited a response out of me. I hope you're proud of yourself. I'm going to go to the bakery now and buy like 12 cakes now, just to spite all of you.

Did I not just openly admit I trolled this in a post five minute ago? :D
life's too short to be so damn adult all the time, I put my father into an early grave because he was a workaholic who never stopped to smell the roses, and I will be damned if my kids are going through the same thing before they're in their 40's.

People act too serious today. Acting like that will cause mental issues, and stress. I like acting like a retard or a 14 year old. It's the best therapy.

Besides, everyone knows the Android cake is a lie.
Cake is "ok". It's not great. It's not awesome.

What the?

Next you're going to say something crazy like "bacon isn't delicious" or "booze ain't food".

You've gone too far, sir. TOO FAR!
About the only thing it needed was some Frozen Yogurt on the side. Otherwise, AWESOME cake! :)
I just don't get the entire cake thing -- it's like an Internet culture virus that people seem to find funny/cool, when it's not and never has been. Oh lololz hahah I eat cake and cakes are lies and whatever other weird we wish we were actually cool Internet thing you can insert here. I do apologize, but it annoys the hell out of me, and always has.

I didn't mean to direct the post at you, after having re-read it, I could see how one might think it really wasn't my intention. :D

To recap.

1) Cake is "ok". It's not great. It's not awesome. There are MANY other desserts that are far better, and if you ever grew up and left Mommy's basement, you'd know this.

2) Cakes do not lie, and never have. This line is and always was Internetarded, and far from cool...using it makes you even less cool than you already weren't, and yes, this is possible.

3) Cake is not cool in any way after the age of 12. See #1 for some primary reasons why. The entire Internet/Cake movement is as stupid and infantile as wearing a "snorg tee" because you think the girl that would never look your way twice is cute. This also applies to acting as if free cupcakes are cool...when they only are in the wet dreams of dorks/geeks worldwide that seriously need to stop acting like they are still 12. Being 37, wearing a wrist brace on your mouse hand with crumbs on your dirty shirt isn't cool no matter how many times you type the cake lies or free cupcakes if you join my guild.

You do realize no one gives a fuck about your opinion, especially when things make them happy.

Id be thrilled if someone did something like this for me, so what if its childish? What's wrong with that?

Do you hate adults who see children's movies?

You have some serious issues man..

I'm turning 26 soon too, and while I would be really thrilled if someone did this for me.. I'm a serious person in a serious profession. One with which your attitude would preclude you from obtaining.

Seriously, you need to stop shitting on what might make other people happy and try to make yourself happy.. Relax..
I was typing. I had not seen that post.

I'm not even mad, really. I'm amazed at your trolling prowess.

5$ says its a cover for being a douche bag. It was way to involved to be a simple troll, I smell back pedaling.
lmao....Internet Cake movement? really? this guy has a problem with free cupcakes too? these must be underground facts of the internet, as I've never seen a cake t-shirt. dont really care to either.

more importantly, h-pod's trollling has derailed any chance of getting pics of the princess who made the cake. thanks, buddy :(.
You do realize no one gives a fuck about your opinion, especially when things make them happy.

Id be thrilled if someone did something like this for me, so what if its childish? What's wrong with that?

Do you hate adults who see children's movies?

You have some serious issues man..

I'm turning 26 soon too, and while I would be really thrilled if someone did this for me.. I'm a serious person in a serious profession. One with which your attitude would preclude you from obtaining.

Seriously, you need to stop shitting on what might make other people happy and try to make yourself happy.. Relax..

You are right, I'd never be able to attain such a position in such a serious profession, despite not knowing what your profession even is! :D

If nobody cared/gave a fuck about my opinion, then why'd they all respond to my opinion that you claim they don't care about...including yourself?

As the Joker said to Batman...why so serious?
Impressive, the fact that its home made yet looks perfect.
I agree with the iHOP cake-hater dude... cake is just so meh.

However, now, Frosting... OMG! Frosting is the greatest!

Gimme a can of Betty Crocker Lemon Homestyle and a spoon, and sugar-coma, here I come! Oh, man. Aughghghg...
