BioShock Infinite


Supreme [H]ardness
May 2, 2006
I was watching the E3 gameplay footage and couldn't help but feel PC gamers are going to get raped by consolitis.
Not going to get raped b/c not buying it until it is $5. Console it up! YEAH!!!!

Going to take pics of my launch 360. Still works from 2006. Doesn't look like a 360 anymore but it still works. What a pos. The only reason I keep it around is to play football.
Learned my lesson with the sad mess that was Bioshock 2. I swear that game looks and plays worse than the first one.
It's gonna be so awesome! Bioshock 2 was the best game of last year! :):)Fyeeaa

No but seriously I don't get all the hate, I think the first one was very well thought out and the only problem I had with it was mouse vertical sensitivity and audio with realtek drivers. Second game was more of the same but it wasn't developed by Irrational Games.
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Bioshock was sadly quite consolized, tiny FOV, mouse acceleration, fairly average graphics and gameplay that was orientated around action first and not around choice like it's spiritual predecessor.

Bioshock was a good game never the less, I've seen it referred to as a flawed masterpiece which I tend to agree with, Bioshock 2 was disappointing but it was also farmed out a 3rd party studio so no real surprise there.

Infinite is already looking consolized, the FOV on the video they released was painfully small, seems like there's a high chance that they will not learn from their previous title and we'll have to go through the rigmarole of complaining on the forums, finding a community fix and then waiting a year+ for a patch.

The game looks interesting but at this stage my default position is to be negative about the release until I see something to confirm otherwise.
The game does look good though. I really like their "tear" concept.
No question in my mind this will be a 2012 GOTY contender on all platforms. All we're seeing now is early console footage as per usual.

I can't wait to get it.
Bioshock was sadly quite consolized, tiny FOV, mouse acceleration, fairly average graphics and gameplay that was orientated around action first and not around choice like it's spiritual predecessor.

Bioshock was a good game never the less, I've seen it referred to as a flawed masterpiece which I tend to agree with, Bioshock 2 was disappointing but it was also farmed out a 3rd party studio so no real surprise there.

Infinite is already looking consolized, the FOV on the video they released was painfully small, seems like there's a high chance that they will not learn from their previous title and we'll have to go through the rigmarole of complaining on the forums, finding a community fix and then waiting a year+ for a patch.

The game looks interesting but at this stage my default position is to be negative about the release until I see something to confirm otherwise.

I'm right with you there on this one. The first Bioshock didn't live up to my expectations and since then they've only moved away from their roots.
I actually really liked the first Bioshock. The gameplay itself wasn't revolutionary or anything but I dug the atmosphere and thought the story was interesting. I haven't played the 2nd one yet but got it for $5 the other day on the Steam sale so we'll see when I play through it.

Hoping this new one is fun as well, the story doesn't sound too bad and if the atmosphere is similar in style to the original then I think I might like it.
If you skip these games because of consoleitis you really are missing out. The story in the original was well finally something original. The second one was a bit messy but still fun. With Ken Livine(SP?) running the show again I am pretty confident. He himself is a keyboard and mouse kind of guy.
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Well, Infinite looks better than Bioshock 2. That isn't saying much, but it's something
If you skip these games because of consoleitis you really are missing out. The story in the original was well finally something original. The second one was a bit messy but still fun. With Kevin Livine(SP?) running the show again I am pretty confident. He himself is a keyboard and mouse kind of guy.

The story for the original was basically the same thing as System Shock 2. There was definitely nothing original about the gameplay.
It's definitely going to be a console style fps, but probably a damned good one. I'm sure I'll enjoy it, but the whole time I'll have the thought in the back of my mind that I'd enjoy it so much more if it was a PC style fps.

I'm sure there will be an fov fix eventually if they haven't figured out that we want it to be adjustable from the start (still have no idea why devs don't understand this yet. It's not like it it's hard to add the setting to the menu). Because of this the thing I'm sure I'll be most disappointed in is just the feel of the game. FPS's built for controllers just don't feel the same as ones built for a mouse/kb.

I'll still enjoy it.
Both Bioshock 1 and 2 felt claustrophobic to me, this was likely due to the a combination of the setting, fov, and memory limitations for area size. I haven't seen footage for Infinite yet, but I'm hoping being set in the air alleviates this.
I didn't really care for Bioshock. I really loved the artistic direction that they took, but the storyline was pretty blah. There was lots of potential, but the game mainly consisted of killing crazy people and fighting big daddies. It also felt like it was almost on rails. You could only go to certain areas after you did certain things.
Interesting, I have 2 copies of the original Bioshock, one on Steam, and one on my PS3.

I bought Bioshock 2 for PC on release day, HUGE mistake.

However, I do not feel that the first Bioshock was a bad game by any stretch of the imagination, in fact, I liked it so much that I bought 2 copies of it so I could compare and contrast the PC and PS3 versions. It was easier to play on console, but seemed more immersive on the PC thanks to the hardware running it.

Bioshock 2 was basically farmed out to another 2K studio, and they did a fuckin piss poor job with it, that it made me bitter towards buying games Day 1. From that day forth, I have not bought a game on Day 1, and probably never will again, and I won't change that, not even for Skyrim.

I liked it so much because it seemed like the thinking man's shooter, well not because of the action, but because of the story, it was heavily influenced by 1984 and it made me go out and actually read that book to understand what I was playing a little better.

I have to say that judging it by the standard of it trying to fully realize and capture the essence of 1984, it definitely succeeded on it's own merits.
Bioshock was OK for me up to the point where the enemies basically doubled in strength ... you know, right when you started getting 2.0 of plasmids. Boooooooring. I might of well of been racing around the same track backwards.
And racing games and third person games and being able to have friends around :p

Also, fighting and platforming games as well. Even though I grew attached to PCs in my early teens, it all started with an NES. :)
Loved Bioshock 1 and enjoyed Bioshock 2. People and there expectations is all I gotta say.

If you don't buy into the hype machine you'll actually enjoy games more. Looking forward to Infinite.
Probably another "good delay" instead of having the usual 20 some odd titles all come out within a handful of weeks of each other in November. February is usually a dead month so this is fine by me. Take the time to really make this game special.
This game was supposed to come out in Oct I thought and they push it back? Maybe its becasue they don't want to compete against GW2, Borderlands 2, D3? I think its more of a business decision than creative.
This game was supposed to come out in Oct I thought and they push it back? Maybe its becasue they don't want to compete against GW2, Borderlands 2, D3? I think its more of a business decision than creative.

Creative delay, Business delay, either way it still gives them additional development time, and that can only be a good thing.
I enjoyed the first one a lot, and I never bothered with the second, it just didn't seem all that interesting. But I am very curious about the third installment and if the folks behind the first one are involved then I guess there's some hope. I just won't be pre-ordering this game.
Good. Make it quality like the first.

I don't want another Bioshock 2. That game was a let down on many levels.
This game was supposed to come out in Oct I thought and they push it back? Maybe its becasue they don't want to compete against GW2, Borderlands 2, D3? I think its more of a business decision than creative.

I hate the fact that Q4 used to be 'the' quarter for big new releases but now everyone is running scared from the Call of Duty yearly juggernaut...just another reason to hate what the CoD series has come to represent
Super-necro-bump here....

Just saw a long list of PC specifications for this game. It hasn't really been on my radar as the BioShock games just didn't really do it for me - not sure why. Regardless, it looks like they're continuing the recent trend of making at least a half way decent effort at make a good PC version of their game. Time will tell, but I appreciate the thought at least.
Pretty excited that GFWL isn't listed anywhere and it seems like it will just be using Steam. Loved the first Bioshock but never got the 2nd one working due to GFWL issues with it.

Hopefully all those GBs of textures they are touting look purty on our monitors!
The mouse controls were so awful in bioshock. They felt sluggish and it was difficult to get a good sensitivity. I like low sensitivity, but because I used low in game sensitivity the mouse cursor would be incredibly sluggish when trying to do the hacking minigame.

The support for this game was also pathetic. They released one micky mouse patch that didn't address any of the issues with the game. They got so many little things wrong with the game that it completely ruined the entire experience.
I really liked through first one but i thought bioshock 2 was one of the worst games i had ever played. so i am a bit hesitant to try infinite
hopefully its better then the second one. i thought the first was amazing. second was shitty imo
BioShock Infinite is my most anticipated game of 2013 and one of only a handful which I plan to buy on Day 1 (Crysis 3, Metro: Last Light and Tomb Raider being the others)
I dunno what it is about Bioshock, but everything feels..."fat" me. Maybe it's the FOV being so narrow?

Still, I got this cheap as part of one of those AMD gaming bundles, so I'm looking forward to it. The first game was awesome and though I never really played the second, I heard it was meh.

My only real concern is that it looks way more like a fast-paced action game as opposed to the first Bioshock, which was not that at all. Not that it's a bad change, just wondering how it translates to the Bioshock universe.