Bill Gates Says Natal Coming To PC

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
According to this interview with Bill Gates, Project Natal will eventually be coming to Windows too. Gesture recognition on your PC? How many gestures (aside from the middle finger) do you want your PC to recognize? :D

Gates said it is an example where the project started in Microsoft research but is now being commercialized by both the Xbox and Windows units. "Both the Xbox guys and the Windows guys latched onto that and now even since they latched onto it the idea of how it can be used in the office is getting much more concrete, and is pretty exciting."
middle finger covers the vast majority of my needs
In all seriousness, I'd prefer motion and gesture sensing over touch screens. I just don't like the idea of getting finger prints all over my screen or potentially having something on my hands that might scratch it.
I would take this over a touchscreen on my PC monitor, any day of the week, no question.

Minority Report style interfaces, make it happen.
Great, now everyone can be a pelvic-thrusting storm trooper...

(Opening files will never be the same...nor will getting viruses for opening some of those said files) :D
This is not a good idea. I could see me doing the usual dual middle finger flip off and getting tazed through my headphones. "FUCKER!" flips pc off...BZZZZZZZZZZT! *thud*
touchsceens arent as bad as most people make them out to be.. but i could see natal being able to recognize just your finger on the table, basically making any surface like a laptop pad... id digg it.
I wonder if this could recognize brushstrokes in the air or on a non-touchscreen monitor. It might make for not needing a Wacom tablet.
I think this type of technology has a good number of pracitcal uses. It would be kind of cool to be able to control things in your house without the need of a remote or switch. This could be a big deal if they learn how to put it in some kind of practical pakage or oftern some niffty software, like twittering with gestures of something.
I think this type of technology has a good number of pracitcal uses. It would be kind of cool to be able to control things in your house without the need of a remote or switch. This could be a big deal if they learn how to put it in some kind of practical pakage or oftern some niffty software, like twittering with gestures of something.

i have special gesture here for twitter...........
Not really all that surprising given that every single other piece of hardware for the 360 works perfectly with Windows. Knowing Microsoft, the 360 probably has the same driver model as Windows hence why there are always Windows drivers available.
Its useful for forms of expression or games but it doesn't really seem to have practical uses unless you were trying to teach a child or a mentally challenged person how to interface the computer in a simpler way to understand.

I could see teaching animals to use certain things or play certain games I guess.

I think Microsoft is trying hard to innovate but I am not sure if it will catch on unless its designed to use preexisting hardware like webcams.
Maybe they are porting "Natal" over to the PC, can't think that would be that hard. But I doubt it will be exactly the same as for the xbox.
makes sense that they would bring it to both markets, of course now they will use this excuse the spend an extra 5 years developing NATALfor a simultaneous release or some other stupid bs. I love the potential but I hate the wait....
I wonder if this could recognize brushstrokes in the air or on a non-touchscreen monitor. It might make for not needing a Wacom tablet.

If it can recognizes gestures on or near the screen, that's bad news for Wacom's Cintiq business. Of course there'd be no pressure sensitivity, but it seems like the Natal hardware will be several hundred dollars cheaper than even the basic Cintiq...
touchsceens arent as bad as most people make them out to be.. but i could see natal being able to recognize just your finger on the table, basically making any surface like a laptop pad... id digg it.

This excites me way more than using it to play games. Touchscreens for standard monitors aren't that interesting to me, but an interface where I can control the UI from any surface? Pretty cool.
I can see this being a pretty awesome thing. I wonder how good it is... might even be able to allow people to record movements for 3d projects. And if it can, I'm sure someone is going to make it so...
Great, now everyone can be a pelvic-thrusting storm trooper...

(Opening files will never be the same...nor will getting viruses for opening some of those said files) :D

You owe me a keyboard........
Well Played good sir!

"Pelvic Thrusting Storm Trooper" - God, I'll be giggling like a schoolgirl all day.
I wonder what Jesse Jackson and the NAACP has to say about this :-P