BFG 6800 OC $249, BFG 6800GT OC $349 + shipping @ again

Well, the GT is no longer in stock...but since I found a buyer for my 9800, I order the nu. Being able to run doom at my native resolution of 1280 sounds to good to pass up.
I called outpost Friday at 9am EST.
i was told they are expecting another delivery Oct 4th.
Just found out that the card I ordered late on the 30th didn't ship, and that they aren't even stocking the BFG 6800GT's anymore.

burned on the X800 Pro, Burned on the 6800GT - FUCK
:mad: GRRR :mad:

Can anyone else suggest a brand and retailer ro purchase a 6800GT from?
Well, my BFG 6800OC arrived today and was DOA. Tried it on two computers and blown graphics on both. RMA time :rolleyes:
weird, outpost shows item not available, but clicking on the item, says in stock...
poor updating... poor inventory controls..
but cheap.
hmm... says i can add item to cart.
Called outpost today. They have taken that item out of inventory (GT). They will not be having it back in stock and the website isn't updated....apparently the guy i talked to had had alot of people calling about it already. They said they didnt know why the website wont update with reguards to the inventory thing.
Magi said:
Called outpost today. They have taken that item out of inventory (GT). They will not be having it back in stock and the website isn't updated....apparently the guy i talked to had had alot of people calling about it already. They said they didnt know why the website wont update with reguards to the inventory thing.

Dunno if you clicked the link but it does show as out of stock right now... For the GT, says "Product unavailable"... It said so already when I wrote my last post.