
Limp Gawd
Jul 7, 2003
What is the better MMO games

Ive played SWG in beta didnt really like it
more into the leveling up

never played FF11 heard good things

Playing Lineage 2 and kinda liking it
its very hard but repetitive.
was thinking of getting into one of these

which do u guys say i should go for?
Personally I think you just listed 3 of the worst games I would ever choose.

SWG is terrible. You've played it. You know.

FFXI is something that while it might not be "bad", the level grind is SO HORRENDOUS that it defies description. God help anyone who tries to level in that game.

And Lineage II I just plain don't like. It didn't seem to bring anything new to the table.

I would wait for

or just play one of the games that is already out. If you can stand a leveling grind, I would reccomend Dark Age of Camelot. There really isn't much wrong with it besides slow leveling. The game is very professional, lots of classes, smooth engine, and is highly populated.

Don't let the new generation of ass take off. There is a gap between when Shadowbane left us and when World of Warcraft will get here, and that is filled with BULLSHIT.
I'm playing the lineage 2 beta right now and I don't think it's really anything special. I would also wait for WoW or possibly EQ2.
I've been on the WoW bandwagon for a while now... I have a feeling it'll be fun as hell (but not bring anything new to the genre). Of the 3 you listed I'd say FF11 is the best though.
I have played all 3 of those. I don't like any of them. But I liked SWG the best out of them. FFXI was ok, and Lineage II was crap, though it was beta.
SWG, Totally gay, don't waste your time

FFX. Have not tried it, but pleminary reviews indicated this game is VERY unforgiving and thats a bitter taste in my mouth.

Linage 2. Played Beta for a week and lost interest. Not a whole lot to do except the usual "Hack, slash, kill, walk to town, sell, save, kill more, level, repeat, repeat" That and EVERYONE looks totally the same. At least in SWG everyone looked different to the awesome character creation section.

City of hero's could be interesting but WoW doesn't impress me at all. Looks like im playing a cartoon, part of the reason I didn't enjoy WC3, felt like a watered down kid WC2.
I started with Anarchy Online, then moved to SWG (which I still kinda regret), and have since tried all three.

In FF11 the grind hits early, and is quite harsh. Might be fun if you have a lot of time on your hands and a good clan backing you.

Lineage 2 is ok, but nothing special. The PvP anywhere is a nice idea, but it's poorly executed as the penalty of a few dead innocents can ruin your character.

And you've played SWG so you know what that offers.

You might want to consider Anarchy Online. It's been really cleaned up since launch. Tons of levelling involved (220 I believe) along tons of items available so there's always something new around the corner (each base weapon has quality levels from 1-200, which will keep you busy until the uber stuff). Plus with the new expansions there's a lot of variety in the type of gameplay offered.

But out of the three you've mentioned I would say hold off and wait for the next big thing.
id say ffxi, been playing since it came out for pc and have loved it...the lvl grind isent that bad after you get past the first 10 lvls and your able to join parties and such. And for your information, there is a story to it...well there is a story to all the cities...each city has its own story, you progess in the story as you complete mission' its not all just lvl grinding.

Oh and, i havent played Lineage 2 so i wouldnt be able to tell you about that...and swg was crap.
Originally posted by Maxxx-
Lineage 2 is better out of the 3

anything you would like to say as to why its better? Im not trying to be an ass or anything, i just wont to know hehe :p

I've played all 3 for at least a month each. FFXI is best till WoW comes out tho.

WoW has 5months+ of beta still. Open beta will most likely be in the last month. So you have plenty of time to choose another MMORPG and enjoy it.
SWG was worthless, still is worthless

it's all about grinding

I also didn't get into FF really... it has a decent curve in getting upstarted
City of Hero's looks to be fucking awesome to be honest, I am totally phyched up about it after reading the website just a few minutes ago!

I never played any of those games, MMORPGs never caught my intrest. But I've been beta testing COH, and I will be purchasing it and playing that one. It actually caught my intrest.
Well i have been playing Lineage 2 for about 2 weeks
its ok
like u guys said lot of hack in slash run sell run run run run keep saying RUN for about 10 minutes and u get lineage 2

Im in a clan and it seems fun. but dam

I dont have alot of TIME maybe like 1-3 hours every other night
and saturday to play

other then that
so i need quick level up enjoyment

The Matrix Online looks pretty bad ass

I want to try COH before i buy it
how doi get into the beta?

thanks for the help guys
then whats else is there to do in an mmorpg? I played Meridian 59, Ultima Online and now Lineage 2 beta, basic things in each one, kill, sell loot, buy better stuff. what else is there to do besides RP and talk to people? i dont expect anything more out of an mmorpg.

"Lineage 2 is ok, but nothing special. The PvP anywhere is a nice idea, but it's poorly executed as the penalty of a few dead innocents can ruin your character."

Once you go red you cant go back to white? Im sure you can but i wouldnt know since i havent killed anyone, ill ask ingame when i get home. even so, what do you expect? for you to beable to kill 50 people without getting a penalty? its not FPS.

Slickgreen, forgot the part where we say 'HELP' when there a few monters after you and almost dead! hehe
I played FFXI for a couple of months. Great graphics and all, but the leveling is very bad. Lets just say theres no way you can level on your own...unless you have 10 hours of free time every day.
Like someone said you need a clan backing you, otherwise as you get to higher levels even easy monsters take atleast 50% of your life. Yes there are potions that heal but they are expensive as hell and 99% of the of people don't use them you have to REST to heal so unless you have a healer(SEE you NEED to be in a PARTY to play this game, that works for some but not all players) your done.

What I have learned from the 2 MMORPS that I have played is simply not to play. Unless you really have a lot of time on your hands. These things are worse than crack
I am currently playing FFXI right now and I really like it. I played at launch, quit, and tryed it again. It is much better now, a very good community, and fun gameplay.

I haven't tried Lineage II.

I LOATHED SWG. I played it in beta, and I regretted paying for the shipping that they used to send me the cds.
well from what i have played in the WoW beta, i can say that this game will kickass, right now im enjoying it alot
There's two types of SWG people. Those who completely hated it (majority) and those who get really into it and explore everything about the game (huge minority of people but enough to keep the world there running). I loved the game and got really into it pretty much just because the guild that I was in (T-S/T or Tempest on Bloodfin). It was hard to give it up but I didn't have time for it once the summer was over.

Honestly I'd say try SWG. It's supposed to have gotten a lot better since beta with a bunch of new stuff (vehicles, player mounts, player cities, tons of bug fixes). Really though, only try the game if your willing to explore the game and meet new people. It won't be very fun if you're playing alone.
I think it's funny how people judge a game by how it played in BETA. That is exactly why a lot of companies don't do betas. It doesn't represent final gameplay, but you still have people who don't like the fact that not everything works as it should, so they have to tell everyone else that the game sucks.
Beta is pretty close to final.

Actually, the definition of beta is inherently pre-release.

Sure its not the actual release but usually all the content is there.

Definitely enough to make a general judgement on.

Then again, most companies release it in beta state. Not many games are complete until the first expansion :rolleyes:
I dont really see whats so special about WOW. It looks like the same graphics from WC3 (that game came out a few years ago). From reading the website the game seems to be the same as any of the MMORPGs that have been out for awhile, minus a few new things. I could be wrong, someone please it explain it to me.
World of Warcraft doesn't seem to be anything special. It looks to be another content-less SWG clone with EQ era textures. Character models also look terrible.
Don't know about FFXI, hear its good if you're new to mmorpgs.
Downloading Lineage 2, sure looks pretty even if it is same old same old.
The only games this year coming from this genre will be City of Heroes and Everquest2. I think Everquest2 will be the Rise of Nations of MMORPGs in that it will be nothing revolutionary but will merely perfect everything that is annoying about MMORPGs.
Mebbe Matrix Online...but haven't seen anything!<--excellent premise for an MMORPG.:eek:
Originally posted by djshorty
Beta is pretty close to final.

Actually, the definition of beta is inherently pre-release.

Sure its not the actual release but usually all the content is there.

Definitely enough to make a general judgement on.

Then again, most companies release it in beta state. Not many games are complete until the first expansion :rolleyes:

No, it's not. A beta is just that a beta. Not final, not close to final, not anything. It's a test. If it was called 'Release Candidate" then yes, some judgements can be made.
personally i see most MMORGs following the same line, i have played the beta of WoW and it looks great for a beta but it like all the rest of the MMORGs it doesnt bring anything new to the genre. Im not sure either what is something that they can bring to revive the genre.
Originally posted by Maximus825
No, it's not. A beta is just that a beta. Not final, not close to final, not anything. It's a test. If it was called 'Release Candidate" then yes, some judgements can be made.

If I read it right from their site, they said they will be releasing the game at the end of month. So wouldn't that mean their closing beta and the game is done?
Originally posted by djshorty
Not many games are complete until the first expansion
djshorty hit it on the head as far as MMG development goes. Yeah, there's always the exception, and I'd have to say that DAoC was pretty good as far as the initial release. But he's right, not many MMGs are anywhere near "complete" until at least the first expansion.

Originally posted by Maximus825
No, it's not. A beta is just that a beta. Not final, not close to final, not anything. It's a test. If it was called 'Release Candidate" then yes, some judgements can be made.

I'm curious... which MMORPG beta was significantly different than the release?
I played FFXI up to lvl 51 as Galka Monk with a Warrior sub on the Odin server and I found that the closer I got to 45 it was just painful logging on and waiting for a group as the game slowed down drastically and became nothing more than kill/rinse/repeat

In summary, the game is pretty boring, graphics are great and grouping restrictions are horrendus.

I also played SWG for about 3 mos as a Zabrak Teras Kasi and that got pretty boring as all I was doing was sitting in the Cantina or the Hospital waiting for my fatigue or wounds to heal up. Damage system was way too complicated.

Basically, for me to play another MMORPG it will have to bring something new and revolutionary to the table because sitting in one spot and killing the same mob over and over and over is certainly not fun, its boring.
im playin CoH right now and its really good, and once the pvp expansion comes out itll be perfect.

as for WoW it looks pretty good, but there are only a few classes, unlike games like CoH and DAoC which have amazing classes and customizablity.
I've never played Lineage or SWG, but I gave Final Fantasy XI a try. I gave it up for a few reasons. Mainly that after about lvl 10 you MUST group unless you want to spend 4 hours of soloing to level. Grouping with the "perfect group" is even more forced on you than EQ ever did. From about 12-19 there is only ONE zone people seem to go to for that level and it's A) hard to get a party sometimes, and b) dangerous to get to the area in the zone people group in. I had a elvan warrior up to lvl 14 and it was like hitting the old hell levels of EQ x 10.

I played EQ for a few years and finally stopped because it just wasn't fun anymore.

Curently I play Horizons. It has a good amount of bugs and lag problems but I still have more fun than the others I've tried. The craft system is the best I've seen and probably 95% of gear you use are player made. You can multiclass as much as you want, but more classes raises your overall level (which your XP per mob is based on). Grouping is not so forced upon you. I have a lvl 23 Spearman with 14 lvls of druid behind it for a few heals and abilities (overall lvl rating is 26) and I can easily solo 25-27 mobs for a good rate of xp. As much as I enjoy it, it's loaded with a large number of bugs and tends to be overly laggy. It also doesn't work as well with ATI video cards (they don't perform as well as they should). having said all that, it's worth downloading the 7day free trial to try it out. At least it'll hold me until I try WoW and possible EQ2.


Abit NF7, AMD XP 2500+ (Barton)
1 gig Crucial PC2700
Geforce FX 5900se 128mb
I play SWG, and I personally like it. I know it didn't get good reviews, and lots of people say it's boring. But in the last 5 months or so they've added alot of stuff to do, and with the upcoming Space expansion it should be awsome, you can read the interview on I'm also going to try out CoH whn it's released April 28th.