Best screen capture software?


Oct 11, 2007
What's the best screen capture software? For recording things like how to add an user to Active Directory, or how to bookmark something in IE... simple OS videos.

Would like it to compress into a decent size file, having the ability to zoom/follow the mouse would be nice too. Decent quality video.

EDIT: Currently messing around with camstudio, seems good actually. Just need to find a good mixture of pic quality, resolution, framerate, and file size (using their lossless codec)
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The only software I have really heard of which is any good for screencapture to video is FRAPS, I don't know if that will suit your needs however.
I have been using CamStudio for awhile now. There are some Youtube vids explaing how to tweak it for good PQ.


Just tried ScreenToaster.... Goodbye CamStudio!
What's the best screen capture software? For recording things like how to add an user to Active Directory, or how to bookmark something in IE... simple OS videos.

Would like it to compress into a decent size file, having the ability to zoom/follow the mouse would be nice too. Decent quality video.

EDIT: Currently messing around with camstudio, seems good actually. Just need to find a good mixture of pic quality, resolution, framerate, and file size (using their lossless codec)

Ooo I use CamStudio too. One tip I have about CamStudio is get FFdshow. I set Camstudio to record to FFdshow codec and set additional setting in FFdshow. You can resize the image, use post processing, various codecs, etc.
I use it to record videos of gameplays. I set the resolution to resize bicubic to 640x400 (16:10 ratio) so I don't end up with a 5GB file from just 30mins of recording. I record at 25fps for fast games and 15fps for slower games. I use XVID quality setting and set the slider as high as I can.
After I have the video captured I use a program called MediaEncoder and Xvid4PSP (Version 4.116 cause I don't like 5+). MediaEncoder has more features but Xvid4PSP is more user friendly.
I use Screen VidShot on Windows and Macvide ScreenCap on Mac OS. Unfortunately, these are not freeware, but both have free trials :)
For professional video instruction, I use Camtasia Studio 6. I know a lot of other guys in the video-instruction industry, and they all use Camtasia. It's very powerful, allows video recording of what's on the screen (or on part of the screen), and you can just as easily add in voice narration if you wish.