Best motherboard/cpu combo w/ either AMD or INTEL under $150.


Oct 17, 2000
Hello everyone just wanted to see what everyones take is on a good Motherboard/CPU combo either AMD or INTEL under $150 would be? It does not have to be a newegg/tigerdirect set combo but something that maybe a one stop shop would have. If not something purchasing from two seperate shops online.

PC will be a new family pc using Vista Home Premium, a little gaming such as Guild Wars, FEAR and BF2, dvd buring/recording, music collection and the usual internet surfing etc. etc. Lastly able to have CPU upgraded in the next year or so when prices drop.

Any comments or posts would be appreciated before I fork out some $$$ online.

Thank you for your support.:D
asus p5n-e sli mobo (120)
celeron d 331 cpu (30)
total 150

the celeron should o/c to 4ghz EASY.
and you have an AWESOME mobo for future cpu's (e4400 wink wink) and SLI.

cant beat it !
The Fry's bundle is $149 + tax, so depends on what you call "total". As far as quality of the ECS, it runs my HTPC just fine, and should let you hold out for something better down the road.

Nice options from NEWEGG especially the Asus line of mobo. Eventually heading to a dual core would be nice also as you guys have posted.

Anyone else w/ more insight on these options or have these mobos running well with their setup?
if you're not looking to upgrade soon after buying these parts, then a brisbane combo would be best (TForce + 3600+). if you are looking to upgrade, a nice mobo and some cheap celeron would be best until the price drops.
Here is another nice combo for $157 if you would rather go with a single core CPU and better mobo:
Intel Celeron D 352 Cedar Mill 3.2GHz ($57):
The Cedar Mills Celerons are a bit better than the Prescotts (512kb L2 cache vs. 256kb)

GIGABYTE GA-965P-S3 ($100):
The same as the famous DS3 but without all-solid capacitors.

This mobo and CPU will overclock great and will leave you great uprade options. The Celeron D 352 should be able to reach the mid 4 GHz. The Core 2 Duos can be easily overclocked a lot with it later on as well.

I know it is a tad over $150 but it is worth it.
The t-force mobo with the 3600 x2 Brisbane is probably the best value on the market right now. Lots of folks have bought this combo off newegg, so there's lots of support here for it.
Looks like I will be picking this combo up! I already have a decent Dual Core 2 Duo 6300 from Dell for my usual entertainment and gaming. So when the prices drop for the E6700out comes the old dually to replace this Pentium D. Lastly, the current 3 gbs of ram I have supports this mobo so it was a done deal.

Thanks everyone for your replies and comments!:D

Under $150 in total?

I would go with the ASUS P5VD2-X motherboard ($60):
and Intel Pentium D 820 Smithfield 2.8GHz ($90)

The P5VD2-X is a great Via based budget mobo with a PCI-X16 slot. The D820 is dual core on a budget. To go to a core 2 duo (E4300) will bring you up another $80.

Good luck!
get a E4300 and a GIGABYTE DS3 Rev 2 = 279
spend the extra money its worth and guaranteed to OC
i have the same setup iam running 3.3ghz stable as hell
its awesome and fast !!!
asus p5n-e sli mobo (120)
celeron d 331 cpu (30)
total 150
The celeron should o/c to 4ghz EASY.
and you have an AWESOME mobo for future cpu's (e4400 wink wink) and SLI.
cant beat it !

Here is another nice combo for $157 if you would rather go with a single core CPU and better mobo:
Intel Celeron D 352 Cedar Mill 3.2GHz ($57):
The Cedar Mills Celerons are a bit better than the Prescotts (512kb L2 cache vs. 256kb)

GIGABYTE GA-965P-S3 ($100):
The same as the famous DS3 but without all-solid capacitors.

This mobo and CPU will overclock great and will leave you great uprade options. The Celeron D 352 should be able to reach the mid 4 GHz. The Core 2 Duos can be easily overclocked a lot with it later on as well.

I know it is a tad over $150 but it is worth it.

I really like both these ideas, you can't go wrong with either one of the above.
I believe there's an X2 3600+ and Biostar T-Force550 combo for $150 on Newegg.
Most definitely go with the x2 3600+ brisbane. I doubt you can find a better combo with such a powerful cpu at a price lower then $150. Plus if you have a good aftermarket heatsink, you could get a few extra hundred mhz out of it.
Most definitely go with the x2 3600+ brisbane. I doubt you can find a better combo with such a powerful cpu at a price lower then $150. Plus if you have a good aftermarket heatsink, you could get a few extra hundred mhz out of it.

Most of them will do 2.4-2.6Ghz without too much effort (usually a lot higher). At those speeds they are comparable to a stock C2D. Once you start OCing the C2D though, it's a different story. But for the price, I'd definitely take one of these over a P-D 805 or even the 9XX series.
Most of them will do 2.4-2.6Ghz without too much effort (usually a lot higher). At those speeds they are comparable to a stock C2D. Once you start OCing the C2D though, it's a different story. But for the price, I'd definitely take one of these over a P-D 805 or even the 9XX series.

I second that. By far the best value on the market right now. Its ridiculous the kind of system you can build with a 3600+ as the centerpiece, especially given the price.