Best MB for X-Fire'd 4870's or 4870X2's?


Limp Gawd
Nov 9, 2007
I'm builiding a new system with a Q6600 or Q9450 and want to start with one, but possibly end up with 2 4870 or 4870X2 Video Card's. Will a P34/P45 with 16x/8x do just fine or will I need 16x/16x?

I understand it may be a different answer for each card as one is more data hungry than the other. I also understand they aren't out yet, but maybe someone with 2X GTX 280's could testify to their experiences with similar situations on Nv boards?
You probably need X38/X48. P35 is definitely no (it's only 16x/4x PCIE 1.1) and P45 is probably no (the only review out right now shows 4850's in CF getting bottlenecked by P45's x8/x8 PCIE 2.0)
You probably need X38/X48. P35 is definitely no (it's only 16x/4x PCIE 1.1) and P45 is probably no (the only review out right now shows 4850's in CF getting bottlenecked by P45's x8/x8 PCIE 2.0)

I am also looking to build with a 4870 (probably xfired later) and 9450 later this sumemr.
I have been watching the DFI UT X48 lately -
The Asus Rampage Forumla also seems pretty solid -
Put my vote down to either the X38 or X48. I'm already running a Q9450 on an Asus Maximus Formula board, and I'm awaiting the reviews on the 4870 to figure out if I want to CrossFire them.
I bought myself a rampage formula to run CF 4850's. Pretty good so far. Just figuring out how to OC it can be a pain in the ass.
I'd definitely get a X48. My old Maximus (x38) was a great motherboard.