Best IRC client?


Limp Gawd
Oct 28, 2004
Is there any plugin i can install that will allow me to simply click a button that will add a server and channel to auto connect upon startup? something easy such as right click channel tab and hitting "auto connect" would be awesome. if not, what is the noob friendliest way of going about this without a bunch of commands and stuff? this is the one thing that always kept me from using irc and I would like to solve it once and for all.
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In mIRC's 'Favorites' you can set it up to auto-join your favorite channels on each network.

I don't know if newer versions of mIRC have automatic server joining along with the automatic channel joining, but in my own script I have this as a Remote script:

on 1:START:{
/server -m server #2
/server -m server #3

I find it pretty easy.
I think pretty much any modern client can do this...

I use Xchat2 and like it, but pretty much all the cool cats seem to use irssi.
irssi nuff said

however... Xchat (Xchat2 for windows) is pretty good as well
Quassel is pretty pro with some damn adv qt4 features (hover over a weblink and you get a mini-render) but it is still missing a few features that some ppl may find key
Chatzilla with FF is great for the casual
Pidgin is too limited - but again good for casual.

mIRC... well I personally don't like it but meh