Best Graphics Card Upgrade EVER

agreed on the 8800GTX part - I still have one sitting around for emergencies where I desperately need to game but I'm in between cards :p
My biggest video card upgrade has been from my old system (Powercolor X800xl 256mb) to my current system (Powercolor 4870 1gb) and when my 4870 was on RMA it was horrible to play anything with my x800xl again, because i had that as a backup card.
My first pc was a friend-built machine with a Voodoo3 3000 card (played Viper Racing and Quake like nobodies business!). I then bought a machine with a Geforce 2 GTS. My first self-built pc was a Geforce 3 ti200. I then rolled with a 9500 Pro and I have now been running a 7800GT for four years. These were all individual builds. I didn't do part swapping or upgrading in my machines. It's just how I did things for many years, so I never really saw what a video card stand-alone upgrade does.

I'm now considering an HD5750 with my new Phenom II X2. That will be a pretty fun leap.

(Short version: Voodoo 3 3000 > Geforce 2 GTS > Geforce 3 ti200 > ATi 9500 Pro > 7800GT > .. soon?)


I actually just made the 7800GT > HD5750 official. Hopefully I'll have that and my first copy of Win 7 tomorrow. Should pair well with my new 550BE, etc. Yay!
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I went from a 7600GT that I've had forever to a 9600GSO. Pretty amazing. and before either of those I had intel integrated D: D:
Once I get my Newegg delivery, I think I'll have the biggest upgrade I've had..
Currently at an onboard ATI 3200 :)mad:), will have an ATI 5770 :)D)
Biggest and most memorable upgrade for me was my Voodoo2 8mb which totally smoked my Nvidia Riva card. First time I could get 40+FPS in Quake2 (640x480 res, of course) :D
I am about to go from a silent 7600GT to a HD5750, as soon as the powercolor go green version comes out. I might have to replay all the games I played the last couple of years just to play them the right way.
Biggest wow factor was playing UT98 on a GeForce3. I was playing HL and CS on a rage 128pro for several months, before I only gamed on consoles. Huge holy shit this is fucking clean and pretty moment.

Biggest video card upgrade would have to be GeForce 4 Ti 4200 -> 9800Pro. Being able to run UT2k3 with AA and get amazing fps was awesome.
Biggest jump was 3870 to 4870. My 3870 was such crap that I totally forgot it was based on the 2900XT.

I guess going from FX 5600 to 6600GT was also a major jump.
Some of you guys really haven't been around long...

Best video card upgrade ever (for me) was going from 1MB S3 generic PCI video card to (adding) a Voodoo 1 and playing GL Quake. I don't see how any card short of doing something like projecting a holographic scene in front of me will ever top that transition from 2d crap to ZOMG!! 3D Voodoo goodness.
What probably should have been a huge upgrade didnt turn out to be such a big deal.

I went from a GTS250 512MB to a GTX275 1GB. Keep in mind I play on 1900x1200. Wasn't any real mind blowing performance change but as many people have complained there just aren't any potential pushing games out and even my lowly 9600GSO's were more than equipped to push anything out right now. I honestly don't see myself bothering to upgrade for another year or two. If 30" monitors ever become near to affordable that might be an excuse.

My big upgrade was well from a 2D card. I think a Matrox to a Ti4200. I was like OMFG I can play counter-strike source!
Here's my graphics card evolution:

  • Matrox Millennium 2 + 3DFX Voodoo 1
  • Matrox Millennium G400 MAX
  • NVidia GeForce 3
  • NVidia GeForce FX Go 5700 (Laptop)
  • NVidia GeForce 9600GT
Well, other than going from onboard video to my 7600gt XXX, going from the 7600gt XXX to my 9600gt was a HUGE difference. I still use the 9600gt :D
circus logic onboard chip (soldered to mobo)
to add-on voodoo 3d card made by creative
to riva tnt AGP
to riva128 AGP
to geforce ddr256 AGP
to ti4600 AGP
to 6800GT PCI-E
to 8800GTX PCI-E
to the next card that some game I want to play requires.
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FX 5700Le -> 7800GT. I was so happy to put that card to rest.

8800GTS -> 4850 Crossfire was another good one

9800GTSM > 5870

Some Trident or TNT card straight to a 3dfx Voodoo 3 2000 PCI card so I could play the VERY first Rainbow Six.

you didn't need a voodoo 3 to play the first rainbow six, i used to play that on my riva 128zx @800x600, it ran great. Dial-up really sucked though, i always had 200 ping on the msn game network. I got the first geforce for quake 3 arena, and honestly quake 3/quake live still looks good.
whatever I upgrade my current 2900 Pro to will be my largest gap. Waiting for Fermi to come out either: 1)drop the current AMD/ATI pricing or 2) buy a FERMI. either way it will be a win/win for me :)
I have a feeling this generation is gonna be my last for awhile , money is gonna be tight for sometime to come.

For me the biggest upgrade was Voodoo 4 PCI to 9700 pro .. it was like light shining on my face the first time.
9600GT to 5850

still pretty new to this whole game. although going from my old 32MB radeon mobility 9000 laptop to my 9600GT was a bigger upgrade, kinda feels like apples and oranges.
My graphics evolution

ATI MObility 7500 --> 8600m GT 256mb DDR3 --> ATI 3300 IGP --> HD3850 --> ATI 3300 :( --> waiting for HD5830.
Geforce4 ti4200 128MB -> Crossfire HD5870 Eyefinity6 2GB

A month from now.
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MX440SE --> SLI 6800GT's on the K8N Diamond. Talk about bleeding edge at the time. I even got a Card from MSI saying that I was in the Diamond Club. yay
Biggest performance jump was 7900GS toa 8800GTS640. Other than that, I've owned atleast 1 card from each gen for Nvidia. About 1 card every 3 gens for ATI.
some onboard...

ati rage IIc
matrox 2d card
canopus spectra tnt + voodoo2 SLI
geforce 2
geforce 3
ati radeon 9800
8800 gtx