Best game we've never played?


[H]F Junkie
Sep 26, 2008
After reading through the "worst game you've ever played" thread, I figured I'd make one for good games that either didn't get a lot of attention (because of budget or bad timing) or fell through the cracks.

I'll start it off with Eufloria. (new name for dyson)

There was also a very very fun game for the PS1 called Funky Beans, but to this date, I cannot find it in a store. It was on an old PS Underground demo disc that is now long gone.
There's many games I have not played but have really wanted to. I mostly waste my time playing the same game over and over again like Crysis and GTA4. Two that come to mind are The Orange Box and The Witcher. I bought The Witcher Enhanced Edition when it came out in September 2008 and still haven't played it. :eek:
no no no, lol

Not that those aren't good titles, but I meant good games that you enjoyed that nobody's ever heard of
no no no, lol

Not that those aren't good titles, but I meant good games that you enjoyed that nobody's ever heard of

Oh sorry. Reading comprehension fail. :eek:

Err....Jagged Alliance 2? Not exactly a mainstream title. I hear a sequel is to come out next year, don't disappoint me!!!
Oh sorry. Reading comprehension fail. :eek:

Err....Jagged Alliance 2? Not exactly a mainstream title. I hear a sequel is to come out next year, don't disappoint me!!!

Who will be making that? Ian and Linda Currie hopefully will have a hand in it, hopefully some of the old Sir-Tech folks have been reabsorbed for these.
Startopia -- no one ever mentioned it, but it was a great game. My all time favorite 'Sleeper Hit'.

Its about 6 years old now, but still lots of fun.
Nox (by Westwood) was a diablo 2 like game but in my mind a 100x better. pvp and multiplayer was amazing.

I've never met anyone thats ever played it other than me.

So post if you have. I'd like to see.
Helldorado was one of my favorite games this year.

It is a German made western game in the theme of Commandos.

LOL, I remember Nox, those were the days when I bought games based on the cover.

I nominate Freespace 2, you cant get more epic than two battleships in space firing beam canons with 30+ fighters and bomber fighting around them. To bad the game sold so poorly, I think it was under 30,000 total sales.
I nominate Freespace 2, you cant get more epic than two battleships in space firing beam canons with 30+ fighters and bomber fighting around them. To bad the game sold so poorly, I think it was under 30,000 total sales.

God that game was so, so farking awesome
Is freespace 2 really that unknown? I know many people who have played it and liked it including myself.

I would nominate Indigo Prophecy aka. Fahrenheit.
The Adventures of Cookie and Cream on the PS2. With two people playing on one controller (so don't play this with your bros). Its the best multi player game ever!
Although some may have played it, it's still pretty obscure. On the the PSX, there was a game called "Monster Rancher". That was pretty fun as a young teen.

Also, I want to say on the PSX there was another game, but I'm not sure what it's called. I want to say you had like a robot, and the more fights you won in these arena's you could unlock new weapons. There were training sessions in between matches. Hmm, I'm gonna have to look into this.

Also, the Kingdom Under Fire action game that's out now is actually based after the RTS game. THere was an RTS game that mixed the RTS genre with dungeon crawling RPG elements. Sort of like Warcraft 3, you had a hero on your maps, and whatever level he was occasionally you had to take him through dungeons to level him up, thus making him stronger on the battlefield.
Ground Control. It was an awesome tactical (no building) strategy game. It was kinda like World in Conflict in that you pick a loadout based on the mission objectives and expected enemy units and drop in. The graphics were also absolutely beautiful for the time.

Sadly, Ground Control 2 was rushed and lacked alot of promised features. Big disappointment and I'll never forgive Sierra for forcing it out the door.

Hidden and Dangerous 1 and 2. Buggy games but awesome stealth/tactical squad based 3rd/1st person (toggleable) action. The first one was on the shelf the same time as Rainbow 6 Rogue Spear and was overshadowed by that but I always liked H&D more despite it's flaws. The second game was much more polished and great fun but never got much attention either.
H&D2 was lightyears better over #1. I couldn't stand #1 but I really really enjoyed #2. Only flaw was the amazing reaction times and shooting abilities of the enemy AI. Those guys to do a 180 turn, go prone and head shot you in a heartbeat.

For the DS is really like Chibi Robo Park patrol. It was only in Wal-mart stores for a very short time. Excellent little game.
Well a game I really like but others might not of played is Command and Conquer Renegade (first person shooter in the c&c tiberium universe). It was delayed so graphics weren't great and the single player wasn't to good so the reviews were lackluster. However I've always enjoyed the multiplayer pat of the game.
Sacrifice. I played this game so long ago, I just recently found it on Steam for 9.99, lol. Defiantly worth it. Your a wizard and you run around doing the God's biddings while summoning creatures and spells. Lot's of fun, with strategy involved.

Black and White (the first one). Your a god and you control a creature (that grow's and becomes stronger) and build up your city. You can pick up your villagers and assign them to tasks, while teaching your creature how to fight and what not to eat. Fun! :D

Not sure if everyone has heard of these. These were just classics for me back in the day ;)
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"One of PC Gamer's Top 100 Games of All Time" :eek:

but hardly anyone has played this indie game MASQ
Nox (by Westwood) was a diablo 2 like game but in my mind a 100x better. pvp and multiplayer was amazing.

I've never met anyone thats ever played it other than me.

So post if you have. I'd like to see.

Whoa whoa whoa! Nostaliga happening here. I swear I've played that game, but can't remember when. Looking at screen shots is really bringing back some of my memory. How funny the brain works! I KNOW I've played that game before!
Helldorado was one of my favorite games this year.

It is a German made western game in the theme of Commandos.

damn, that looks pretty cool. I'm going to check that out later :)

got another game, it was a game called 'Dam-it'. Don't think it had a publisher or anything (just same guy wrote it)... it was back in the monochrome, green-screen days.

but the premise was that you controlled an airplane flying between a city and a lake/dam. After 60 seconds the water in the dam would start flowing and, as the airplane, you would have to drop bricks down on top of one another to create braracades to stop the water from entering the city. It was very basic but a lot of fun as a child :) My siblings and I would have contests to see who could get the highest score
Giants Citizen Kabuto

this game was amazing and really funny. We used to play it at lan parties, ahh the good ole Geforce 2 days.
I highly recommend it.



"And there's more where that came from"! :D
Dark Sun

I never hear anyone mention that game ever. Game was so freaking good. Wish they would bring back the series
Sacrifice was a really good game. It's on steam? I wish I had known earlier, I'd definitely get some friends in on that.

Nox is my favorite game of that genre (for online deathmatches anyways). The game felt really good, and the controls/loadout customization was great. Unfortunately it did get completely overshadowed by D2.

I'm at work and can't put proper thought into it, but Netstorm was one of the first games I played exclusively online. It brings new meaning to tower defense ^ ^

(it's free now if anyone is that interested)
Giants Citizen Kabuto

this game was amazing and really funny. We used to play it at lan parties, ahh the good ole Geforce 2 days.
I highly recommend it.

Great game, came free with my GF3 Ti200....pretty sure it's a very well known title though
I nominate Freespace 2, you cant get more epic than two battleships in space firing beam canons with 30+ fighters and bomber fighting around them. To bad the game sold so poorly, I think it was under 30,000 total sales.

The Freespace series was damn good.

Perfect dark was smashing goldeneye by LIGHTYEARS why did goldeneye get this huge following. Perfect dark had better weapons, had co-op gameplay, had better storyline, had better everything.

Not sure. I'm in the same boat. Loved Perfect Dark, didn't really like Goldeneye.
Perfect dark was smashing goldeneye by LIGHTYEARS why did goldeneye get this huge cult following and yet noone touched perfect dark.

it came late in the N64's life unfortunitly.

Plus goldeneye had better weapons and maps (IMO). My friends and I used to play Perfect dark deathmatches, but goldeneye was always more fun. The single player in perfect dark was pretty cool though. The gore was awesome too
On the PC how about Syberia or Dreamfall?

And of course Jet Set Willy - if you've never played it, you can get the PC conversion for free. Don't know if it is still impossible to beat, but I've never managed it.

On the console front, there are boatloads of good games that people (particularly PC gamers) probably won't have played. Off the top of my head I can think of several epic SNES games:

Shadowrun, Actraiser, Chrono Trigger, Contra III, Parodius, Zombies, Legend of the Mystical Ninja. How I loved my SNES back in the day!

Ooh, and True Pinball - next to Worms, this is the PSX title I've spent the most time playing against friends. The Vikings table is just too good.
Sacrifice. I played this game so long ago, I just recently found it on Steam for 9.99, lol. Defiantly worth it. Your a wizard and you run around doing the God's biddings while summoning creatures and spells. Lot's of fun, with strategy involved.

Sacrifice was a really good game.

You guys should go try Brutal Legend, the RTS elemements that people were surprized about, is basicly just like Sacrifice.
it came late in the N64's life unfortunitly.

Plus goldeneye had better weapons and maps (IMO). My friends and I used to play Perfect dark deathmatches, but goldeneye was always more fun. The single player in perfect dark was pretty cool though. The gore was awesome too

pefect dark ran like ass even on the N64. 4 player DM what horrible to play compared to golden eye.

I won't call this best game you never played... but I wonder how many have played/remember KKND?
Dark Sun

I never hear anyone mention that game ever. Game was so freaking good. Wish they would bring back the series

I'd have to go with this, well Dark Sun 2 was better IMO. I'm one of the few that actually liked the Dark Sun setting through, but I love psonics.
HardWar, circa 1998; think of it as a more localized version of Freelancer. A decade later and the game still maintains the same cult following with a good bit of community support.
pefect dark ran like ass even on the N64. 4 player DM what horrible to play compared to golden eye.

I won't call this best game you never played... but I wonder how many have played/remember KKND?

Krush Kill and Destroy would fit a description of a good game that not many have played or even heard about.