Best Buy getting new laptops June 28


Limp Gawd
Mar 4, 2009
My wife's laptop is being replaced under their lemon policy shortly, we we're going to get a nice gateway but they no longer carry it. I thought it was simply out of stock, but after a week of not restocking I asked a around and finally got a straight answer - seems Best Buy is getting new inventory June 28th... Has anyone heard what's coming in?? Or even rumors at least? It would be nice to know ahead of time.

New inventory of what, exactly, because there's like 12 brands of laptops that I've seen at Best Buy. They're not going to do a chain-wide refresh from every OEM, soooo...
I'm wondering the same thing about the VAIO's. I haven't been able to find anything on the net if they are introducing any quads in their new line up this summer. Like an FW replacement with a quad in it would be great.
Gaming laptops - Both the Gateway, and the Asus (though the Asus hardly stacked up against the Gateway) are out of stock and are being replace by something new on the 28th. The only thing left is an HP with a GT9600M with DDR2 Ram and 1 hard drive bay which doesnt really compare Gateway's 9800M GTS DDR3 Ram and 2 hard drive bays.

I'm hoping someone has heard what's coming to replace the now out of stock inventory, as I was really looking forward to that gateway. :/
@ TheResidentEvil: It's always nice to get out from under your rock every once in a while :p I kid I kid. Yea, they're still around and they make one of the best bang for the buck gaming laptops in existance. I got mine for $1200 and it has a 2.26Ghz P8600, 4GB DDR3-1333, 9800m GTS, 17" 1920x1200 screen and 2 OCZ SSD (those were NOT included).
It's about that time for the "pre-back to school" refresh.

I know HP has the HDX line coming soon, and just an HP refresh in general. I've heard that there will be new ASUS systems, and a new Gateway FX isn't unlikely.

I don't know details, because they haven't shown up yet, except I think the HP HDX will be ballpark with a FX as far as raw spec's go, with a 16" screen to keep portability up.
My wife's laptop is being replaced under their lemon policy shortly, we we're going to get a nice gateway but they no longer carry it. I thought it was simply out of stock, but after a week of not restocking I asked a around and finally got a straight answer - seems Best Buy is getting new inventory June 28th... Has anyone heard what's coming in?? Or even rumors at least? It would be nice to know ahead of time.


I see you didn't go for the Asus you were considering... If that's the rumor, there's no harm in waiting until the 28th to see if they get that P-7805 FX you wanted ;)
YMMV, But I did spot them trying to sell off the rest of those Asus laptops in my BestBuy at a nice price of $809.

I'm going to hold off until the end of the summer and wait to see if the future BestBuy laptops go on sale. I'm in the market for a gaming laptop less than $1,200 which I can also carry to the library, so I'm hoping it does not have too many lightning bolts on it..
I didnt even know they still made Gateways.

Still going strong... and owned by Acer. Can't buy them online anymore, however -- they're just sold at Best Buy, TigerDirect/CompUSA, J&R and some other retailers.

They make the best reasonably-priced gaming laptop around (P-78xx FX) IMO and have some innovative products in the UC series and the XHD3000.

They also make some nicely-designed reasonably-priced desktops.
It's about that time for the "pre-back to school" refresh.

I know HP has the HDX line coming soon, and just an HP refresh in general. I've heard that there will be new ASUS systems, and a new Gateway FX isn't unlikely.

I don't know details, because they haven't shown up yet, except I think the HP HDX will be ballpark with a FX as far as raw spec's go, with a 16" screen to keep portability up.

HDX is being positioned as a "premium multimedia" laptop, not for gaming. Highest spec GPU they will offer is the 9600m GT which is pretty much creamed by the 9800 series found in the Gateway and Asus. They're also priced more than the Gateway and Asus.
They're supposed to be getting an Asus G51 with a GTX260M too. Supposed to cost $999? Or so I've read. Not looked into it much.
Almost everything is going to be new in preparation for back to school.

And then Windows 7... Although models will probably be overhauled entirely again towards the end of the year when i7/i5 comes out. I'd probably hold off on a new purchase 'till then personally.
The Asus G51gx is at bestbuy right now (not officially displayed) for $999. Some people from already scored a few. It's got an LED backlit 1366x768 screen, backlit keyboard, GTX 260, P7350 (kind of weak, no virtualization) and 4GB of DDR2.

From what one bestbuy employee was able to dig up, there looks like 2 versions of the G51, possibly a G60, and 3 new versions of the G71

For the G71, the only thing he could get for info was the processor.
I think he said there's a P8400, P8700 and Q9000 version.

Interestingly, the P8400 version was the most expensive. I'm thinking that it may come with a 1920 screen or blu-ray. It's also supposed to be the only one with DDR3.

Hope that info is useful to you all.

Oh yeah, the reason they're waiting for the 28th is that Asus' free windows 7 upgrade program starts the 26th. You can buy the laptop now but you'll be out of luck on the free upgrade.
The Asus G51gx is at bestbuy right now (not officially displayed) for $999. Some people from already scored a few. It's got an LED backlit 1366x768 screen, backlit keyboard, GTX 260, P7350 (kind of weak, no virtualization) and 4GB of DDR2.

From what one bestbuy employee was able to dig up, there looks like 2 versions of the G51, possibly a G60, and 3 new versions of the G71

For the G71, the only thing he could get for info was the processor.
I think he said there's a P8400, P8700 and Q9000 version.

Interestingly, the P8400 version was the most expensive. I'm thinking that it may come with a 1920 screen or blu-ray. It's also supposed to be the only one with DDR3.

Hope that info is useful to you all.

Oh yeah, the reason they're waiting for the 28th is that Asus' free windows 7 upgrade program starts the 26th. You can buy the laptop now but you'll be out of luck on the free upgrade.

I saw the G51 at BB today. It seemed pretty nice except I can't understand why they chose such a slow cpu for it. It has a pearl white finish on the top cover that you'll either love or hate.
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because the common consumer isnt a techy....and a better possessor would cost more thus create less sells
There will be an HP HDX16 at best buy with an Nvidia GT 130 w/1GB video ram

And another 17" hp with an intel quad core cpu and an ATI 4650 w/1GB video ram

Gamers rejoice.
Just wanted to update you - thanks again for the info! I got the new G51 (BB gave us a load about "comparable technology" otherwise it would have been the G71). Its amazing. I hate Vista, but it comes with the free Upgrade to Win7 so that's a nice bonus :) (now I just have to wait until October - who wants to be it will be December it arrives?).

Thanks again to everyone!