Best Buy Black Friday Ads

brycejones said:
Each has its advantages:

DLP - Decent and CHEAP esp for larger size screens, but not wall mountable
LCD - Medium price Higher resolution possible, cooler, lower power, wall mountable, but viewing angles could be an issue
Plasma - Expensive, wall mountable, no viewing angle issues

But what do I really know, I'm still using my 10 year old 27" Mitsubishi cause I'm to cheap to upgrade.


- generally speaking, bigger size screens than LCDs/Plasmas
- might see rainbow effect due to color wheel (although fx have been mitigated with latest tech)
- not as bright as LCD
-Maintenance: might need to replace projector lamp

- Check response times and color fidelity
- Very bright picture

- Great colors compared to LCD
- Screen burn in a possibilty (not on DLP/LCD). Might affect u if u r console gamer!
- if this puppy burns out, u're screwed ;)
Are these rebates in-store only? What about the CompUSA rebates? (that are far more numerous, and some are pretty nice! 160GB for $20, 300GB for $30!? Aside from the CF/SD prices, I'm thinking CompUSA is better this year) I really don't want to drive 90 miles to a CompUSA. (We have a Best Buy, an Office Depot, an Office Max, but no CompUSA. I suppose I should be glad it's not Circuit City, though).
not one thing on that list looks tempting and was hoping to find some deals on some high end video cards but nothing so far
evilKat said:

- generally speaking, bigger size screens than LCDs/Plasmas
- might see rainbow effect due to color wheel (although fx have been mitigated with latest tech)
- not as bright as LCD
-Maintenance: might need to replace projector lamp

- Check response times and color fidelity
- Very bright picture

- Great colors compared to LCD
- Screen burn in a possibilty (not on DLP/LCD). Might affect u if u r console gamer!
- if this puppy burns out, u're screwed ;)

Rainbow effect was a random issue with first gen DLP. Also it wasn't a problem with the TI chip itself but the implementation of it by Samsung. No longer an issue with current TV's. If you haven't had a chance go check out a DLP TV. The picture quality is much better than LCD's and rivals plasmas.

Disclaimer: I work at TI but that is my honest opinion...
evilKat said:

- generally speaking, bigger size screens than LCDs/Plasmas
- might see rainbow effect due to color wheel (although fx have been mitigated with latest tech)
- not as bright as LCD
-Maintenance: might need to replace projector lamp

- Check response times and color fidelity
- Very bright picture

- Great colors compared to LCD
- Screen burn in a possibilty (not on DLP/LCD). Might affect u if u r console gamer!
- if this puppy burns out, u're screwed ;)

Current plasmas are relatively burn in free

On top of that. on the off chance that you left yoru plasma on for 72 hours on a static image and got a burn in from that. You can leave the display on a "snow" screen and remove the burn in effect.
Thanks OP. Need a laptop real soon - selling off my decked out eMachines m6805 as I don't need that kind of firepower at the moment :p
Time to clear up a few misconceptions. I work with TVs for a living, so I feel I'm a pretty good source.

DLP - Very few issues with rainbow effect, brightness an issue on most models (except Toshiba. Compare a Samsung and Toshiba DLP and you'll see what I mean. But for the most part, Sony's Grand Wega line owns projection TV category right now, exceptions being a few Mitsubishi models)

LCD - Not much bigger than 40 - 45". For anyone who doubts LCD's picture capabilities, take a look at a Sony XBR. Best HD picture I've seen, period. Some ghosting issues at EXTREMELY fast speeds. You probably won't notice it, especially if the panel uses Faroudja video processing technology (newer Westinghouses do, some other brands too)

Plasma - 42" and larger. Burn-in is a myth. More of a static residue than anything. Can be washed away easily by a snow pattern (as a previous poster said), or by most other quickly-changing images. Panels generally last 5+ years, but problems = just buy a new tv. Pain in the ass to fix. Pioneer makes some of the better plasmas.

Maxent EDTV plasma is an ok set. Nothing special, but at that price, it's worth it. Just don't expect much more than progressive scan out of it. It's capable of slightly more, but few applications support anything besides 480p, 720p, and 1080i (new Sony Grand Wega, some dlps, few plasmas, and new 37" Westinghouses support 1080p as well) Maxent HDTV plasma = garbage. That Westinghouse on sale is garbage as well. Insignia stuff is Best Buy brand. Usually its pretty decent. Their LCDs are pretty nice; I'd rate them slightly below Samsung & Sharp.
darkavenger626 said:
Doesn't seem to be too much to get hyped about. Although I think the one thing I am thinking about would be the
Maxent 42" Plasma EDTV w/ DVI & Speakers for $999.99

Anyone know anything about Maxent? Anyone think this is a good deal?

Avoind any EDTV version.
AdScans are here: unfortunately you have to register. I will try ot post on my website once I get to work. They will also have free directv hd receivers (after rebate) and $399 HD DirecTV tivo receivers. Those looked like the only two rebates though. Everything else looked like instant savings.
brycejones said:
Each has its advantages:

DLP - Decent and CHEAP esp for larger size screens, but not wall mountable
LCD - Medium price Higher resolution possible, cooler, lower power, wall mountable, but viewing angles could be an issue
Plasma - Expensive, wall mountable, no viewing angle issues

But what do I really know, I'm still using my 10 year old 27" Mitsubishi cause I'm to cheap to upgrade.

One other thing, on Plasma, there are burn-in issues. Good post!
TheComputerguy said:
I need a HD, last year they had 160 gigs for 30 bucks...I need a new SATA one!
That's what I'm hoping for. I've got SATA on my board and I wanna do a striped RAID. :)
asianguy80 said:
the samsung 19' LCD is probably gonna be the 930B model.
after much squinting at the relatively low quality best buy adscan posted at it appears that it has a sku of 7440717 which is the 914V

Ultrafast 12 ms response time

250 cd/m² brightness

600:1 contrast ratio

30-81kHz horizontal frequency

56-75Hz vertical frequency

160° horizontal and 150° vertical viewing angles

15-pin D-sub input

MagicBright technology with 4 separate brightness modes designed specifically for PC, Internet and entertainment applications

VESA 100mm wall-mounting interface for mounting on a wall with optional mounting kit (not included)

ENERGY STAR compliance assures a high standard of energy efficiency
Banshee164 said:
Yep, I can't imagine why people would line up at 2am to get into the store for any of these deals. But you know there will be a few hundred people lining up anyway for a bunch of mediocre specials... Definately sleeping in this year!

You think 2am is crazy last year I was out there 6:30pm and a group of kids beat my gf and me by 30 minutes.

ml_paladin888 said:
after much squinting at the relatively low quality best buy adscan posted at it appears that it has a sku of 7440717 which is the 914V

Analog...come on make it the DVI one at least. Thanks for the update now i KNOW I won't be looking at BB for a new lcd....hope dell has a smokin deal on the 2005fpw on BF
THanks for clearing up some of the Plasma myths. I didn't know the burn in issue could be cleared away that simply :)

I'm hoping that for this BF, some of the e-tailers (DELL, Newegg, etc) will give us some decent discounts. I know traditionally it's been the Brick & Motar stores that give us the deals, but here's to hoping.

As many of the previous posters have said, the deals don't look all that enticing at the moment :(
ml_paladin888 said:
after much squinting at the relatively low quality best buy adscan posted at it appears that it has a sku of 7440717 which is the 914V

Ultrafast 12 ms response time

250 cd/m² brightness

600:1 contrast ratio

30-81kHz horizontal frequency

56-75Hz vertical frequency

160° horizontal and 150° vertical viewing angles

15-pin D-sub input

MagicBright technology with 4 separate brightness modes designed specifically for PC, Internet and entertainment applications

VESA 100mm wall-mounting interface for mounting on a wall with optional mounting kit (not included)

ENERGY STAR compliance assures a high standard of energy efficiency

You think there will be much ghosting with a monitor like this?
Ok...heres my 2 pennies..

I was just at my local BB on lunch and I took a look at that Maxent. First, I am not that wise when it comes to video and audio, so I might have what is called a simple eye for this stuff. But the Maxent looks very good. I was comparing it to a Toshiba above it and to my simple eye, I couldn't find huge differences. Granted, I was only standing about 6 feet away, but I liked what I saw. The BB guy said that while it looks nice, even if I got a HDTV box from my local cable company the picture would not improve regardless because the technological limitations that this plasma has.

Either way, do you really need the best when all you do is watch Family Guy and some sports? No......I think......$999 is a good deal....but I just don't know if I can drop that much yet....
Z(+)DIAC said:
You think there will be much ghosting with a monitor like this?
as far as ive read on a couple sites (sorry, dont have any links on hand) 16ms is good enough to have "minimal" ghosting

12ms and lower should be good enough to have close to no visible ghosting
What is BB's policy on return/rebuys? (i.e. I go in, buy five 1GB SD/CF cards, return them that morning, buy them back instantly, and use neighbor's addresses to get the rebates?)
zriggle said:
What is BB's policy on return/rebuys? (i.e. I go in, buy five 1GB SD/CF cards, return them that morning, buy them back instantly, and use neighbor's addresses to get the rebates?)
It's pretty much a local store case-by-case basis, just like PM'ing stuff. You will be better off asking them now and not the week of BF. :D
amohedas said:
Insignia 30" Widescreen HDTV for 399.99

That seems like pretty good deal. I'm assuming its and LCD TV. Does anyone know if Insignia is a good brand? Is this deal worth it? I might wait till the summer to buy my HDTV will prices be significantly lower then?



My co-worker's got the 26" and it's great for DVD's and Vid Games, but Analog TV is not so good....i'm helping "tweak" the picture with the new Star Wars III DVD
so then for $1000 the 42" maxent plasma might not be a bad deal?
I don't know, I think some of the deals are pretty good. Especially the stuff that's under $100. I just bought that yellow vacuum for $70 last month :( I might pick up that 20" tv with builtin dvd, definitely better than the 13" vcr combo I have in my bedroom. Typically computer stuff isn't that cheap on Black Friday because I think they don't make much off of them anyways. But stuff like tvs, appliances, I bet they make quite a bit.
Yea, anyone have any idea how well buy/rebuy has worked the past few years at BB/CC/etc.

Hmmm... after looking at the BB adscan, their deals suck. The only things that were in the maybe category were the 1GB USB flash drive for $40AR, and the X700 Pro for $99AR.
So what's the deal with this, do morons really wait in line all night for these deals? Was anyone at a BB last year?
Costco will have a nice LCD tv... $1300 ($1500-200), it's a 32," but it's better than an inferior plasma.. the picture quality on it is great

Whoever said Plasma is more expensive than LCD is wrong btw.. it's the other way around, you don't find any large lcds right now because they would cost too much. for example! .. 42" Mitsu LCD for $6500.. 45" lcd Sharp Aquos for $4000.. but you can find plenty of 50" plasmas for under 4000..

In any case.. here's the item,*

If anyone sees a special price on a Casio EX-Z750 lemme know!
I got a PPC at bestbuy either last year or year before last, it was like $150-200 cheaper than retail at the time, so we thought it was worth it. Though they handed out vouchers to people in line so there wouldn't be a mad rush. Parents this year are eye balling a TV, friend is looking for a cheap school laptop. So i guess it depends on what you want/need and wanna save on. Personally Im looking for TV boxsets.
Does anyone in the NYC want to get together for BB Black Friday?

I know we did this last year, but I don't see a thread about it this time around.
I was at best buy last year. I did not get up early though. I had my brother and some friends over and played video games untill about 3 in the morning. I got up around 10 and drug my unwashed ass to best buy to look for left over deals. I struck out on the 5mp digital camera, but scored the tv show boxes I wanted and a couple other cheap dvds. I picked up a cheap dvd player and got in line. While in line I abandoned the dvd player deciding it was junk and I did not want to wait for the rebate. The line started in appliances. It was a long, but fun wait. Watching people freak out, everyone on cell phones coordinating the attack at multiple stores. As I neared the check out I spied one of the 160Gig HD for 29.99 after something like $90 in rebates. I tried not to draw attention to it as the line inched forward. I was afraid to go grab it fearing I'd lose my place or someone would see me and go for it. I was lucky and it was still there when the line got close enough for me to snag it. It was an awesome score for someone who got up so late. I checked out, hit the krispy kreme to get some food for me and my bro who was still sleeping on the couch when I got home. I'd say it was a good day and I hope to sneak in a deal or two this year without killing myself or sleeping in a parking lot.
does anyone have any info on the $400 walmart laptop, i cant really read anything from the scans posted so far
it's an HP Pavillion ze2308wm:
AMD Mobile Sempron 2600+ Processor
256MB DDR SDRAM Memory
40GB Hard Drive
DVD/CD-RW Combo Drive
802.11b/g Wireless Networking
15" TFT XGA Display
uses ATI Xpress 200M for vid I think, and it shared memory, I heard it's not to shabby if you put more memory in it.