best 30in monitor?

anyone have anything to say about the 30" HP LCD?

It looks amazing but the support is horrible. I had one stuck pixel (which is hard to see on a "30), so I sent it in. As long as you don't have to talk w/ them on the phone your good I guess. The call center starts with a voice automated system then goes into a fully Indian call center. Nobody knows what you're talking about and they keep playing pass the buck with you until you hang up. I just hope I get my monitor back; I gave up talking w/ them. Only sent it off last Friday so I'm still hopeful lol.
Can you tell me where was yours 3008wfp manafuctared ,was it in China or Czech Republic.
I am asking because I don't know if I can get revision A02 in Europe ?? was made in China.
thx for all the info. going to bestbuy tomorrow. will see what they have. and yes i game 18hrs a day ;p cuz im uber and stuff.

thx again
thx for all the info. going to bestbuy tomorrow. will see what they have. and yes i game 18hrs a day ;p cuz im uber and stuff.

thx again

I hope you are joking... 18 hours a day is... yea. Get a job!
I'm very happy with my HP 3065. I've had it about 6 months and it still works flawlessly. I believe the 3065 and the Dell 3007HC use the same panel, but the HP received higher ratings from professional reviewers. Not sure why. Maybe the input electronics are a little better.

If you make money with your computer, I strongly recommend a 30in. My productivity has increased 5-10%. That means the monitor has already paid for itself. And at the end of the day I am not as tired.

On HP support:

I have a lot of HP equipment and I've used their support several times. It ranged from OK to great. In the end, the problems were all resolved and they paid for all shipping. I haven't used HP support in about 3 years so it could have swirled down the toilet by now. In the recent past, they were good.
i guess right now im looking at few brands for a new monitor. Samsung, Dell, NEC. im still not sure what to get. i would like to buy another 30 inch and it looks like the Samsung 305t is a fav among many. its on all the pc builder sites such as maingear, alienware....etc. i feel like i would be able trust it if i got another samsung though. since mine went out i think i would always be afraid it would go out again and i would be in the same boat.

i had a NEC CRT 20 inch with my alienware area 51 pc. i gave this pc to my mother when i bought a new new from maingear. i bought this pc back when the geforce 8900 ultra came out. it was top of the line at the time. point is i liked the NEC. i feel they are built good and reliable. all the LCD ones that i have been looking are slow though. seems they do not make one for gaming at all all with 16ms refresh rates and etc.
From what I understand, the Gateway XHD3000 uses the same panel as the 305T. Big plus #1: the Gateway's scalar can be turned off thus preventing input lag when gaming at 2560x1600. Big plus #2: the scalar chip upgrades all inputs (DVD, console,TV, etc.) to 2560x1600. I'm trying to find out if the Dell 3008's scalar does the same. Also, there's a successor to Samsung's 305T, the 305T+.

ok i been sitting here reading the posts. i think im between the gateway xhd3000 or the dell..well i was going to say the dell 30 but looking wow is it expensive. im getting back $1,600 therefore thats what i have to spend. im looking on the dell site and i dont see the other model 30 inch just the newer Dell 3008WFP which is over 2 grand....
ok i been sitting here reading the posts. i think im between the gateway xhd3000 or the dell..well i was going to say the dell 30 but looking wow is it expensive. im getting back $1,600 therefore thats what i have to spend. im looking on the dell site and i dont see the other model 30 inch just the newer Dell 3008WFP which is over 2 grand....
Newegg has the Gateway for $1499 w/FREE 3-day shipping:

I'd grab it one right now, but still am waiting for a couple of contracts to be finalized before dropping any $$ on a major purchase.
the nec is a little more than what i want to spend..especially given im getting my money back and i would had to add more to it. (these gas prices are also i though i read it wasnt good for gaming..

i seen the gateway monitor but i wonder...can you remove the speaker. i dont like how that looks and i have a logitech 2.1 setup already.

thanks for the tip about the samsung 305t+ but i cant find that anywhere. you sure you typed the model name right ?

I'm pretty sure you can remove the speaker bar as I've seen it done in pictures...
ok i been sitting here reading the posts. i think im between the gateway xhd3000 or the dell..well i was going to say the dell 30 but looking wow is it expensive. im getting back $1,600 therefore thats what i have to spend. im looking on the dell site and i dont see the other model 30 inch just the newer Dell 3008WFP which is over 2 grand....

If I'm not mistaken the Gateway XHD3000 has terrible input lag. I can't confirm this myself but I've read about it enough times to be wary of it.
ive read that about the input lag a couple times myself. that and about the new egg comment. ive bought things off before but i was looking around on their yesterday and found their return policy on monitors. it says you have to have at least 8 dead pixels for a return.... thats just crazy.

i think from what all ive looked at so far and the fact there is a a few comments about the input lag on the gateway...i think im going to get a dell. probably the 07 or whatever its called because the 08 is more $$ than ill have. still not 100% though, im still looking. either way ive got a bit to go though.

still have to send in my monitor to get the refund. right now im waiting on a free shipping label to be emailed to me so can print it out and send it on its way back to samsung. im still shocked it went out honestly. it looks amazing when it worked. games at 2560 x 1600 res with all the options up...
Does it absolutely have to be a monitor?

I ask because I regularly game 12+hrs and I find it more comfortable and enjoyable gaming on a big HDTV. However space isn’t a concern or portability as the TV stays up on the wall. Also when I’m putting in 12 or more hours, the last thing on my mind is if the resolution is at 2560x1600 or 1080p/720p/480p or 1024x1024 etc...
i dont play anywhere near that many hours a day. the guy that started this topic said he plays 18+. as for the resolution...isnt that the whole point in owning a gaming pc. high res and keyboard/mouse. i play FPS mostly. i want it to look awesome. i already have a ps3 in the living room on the plasma. i want to advantage of the higher resolutions and customization of pc games..
If I'm not mistaken the Gateway XHD3000 has terrible input lag. I can't confirm this myself but I've read about it enough times to be wary of it.
On native res there is no input lag. Playing with a conroller/racing wheel in non native res or using a console are fine for me (I have ps3 xbox360 and wii). You really have to be using a mouse in non native mode to notice the lag. Also you can game in windowed mode when the main screen is at 2560x1600 and there will be no mouse lag.
i dont play anywhere near that many hours a day. the guy that started this topic said he plays 18+. as for the resolution...isnt that the whole point in owning a gaming pc. high res and keyboard/mouse. i play FPS mostly. i want it to look awesome. i already have a ps3 in the living room on the plasma. i want to advantage of the higher resolutions and customization of pc games..

My bad, I was referring to the op.
I completely agree, for a few hrs a day (or less,) a high res monitor is a good choice especially if you have a rig and $$ for it. As for which, some of my co-workers game on the samsung 305t and they love it, however if you plan on using it for movies also, the dell might be a better choice.
why do you say the dell would be a better choice. just curious. i was a little confused with the comments for a bit. was considering getting a LCD tv but i backed out on that idea. im too...lets say "picky" and appreciate the higher resolutions a monitor can pull off.

the real question is ...should i go for another 30 incher....or get something a little smaller that is maybe better .... what should i get. anyone ?
why do you say the dell would be a better choice. just curious. i was a little confused with the comments for a bit. was considering getting a LCD tv but i backed out on that idea. im too...lets say "picky" and appreciate the higher resolutions a monitor can pull off.

the real question is ...should i go for another 30 incher....or get something a little smaller that is maybe better .... what should i get. anyone ?

Because if I'm not mistaken the dell supports hdcp while the samsung does not.
On native res there is no input lag. Playing with a conroller/racing wheel in non native res or using a console are fine for me (I have ps3 xbox360 and wii). You really have to be using a mouse in non native mode to notice the lag. Also you can game in windowed mode when the main screen is at 2560x1600 and there will be no mouse lag.

I've heard differently, and I'm really sensitive to input lag on monitors.
I've heard differently, and I'm really sensitive to input lag on monitors.

i think im not liking the whole input lag thing either... makes me want to shy away from 30 inch all together. that said, is it really that noticable. does the samsung 305t have input lag. if so i didnt even knotice it. should i even worry about it then ?
I've heard differently, and I'm really sensitive to input lag on monitors.
I've been an avid fps gamer for years, I can't sleep if my lcd is on because of the "noise" (other people tell me I'm nuts) and also use a CRT for testing. I can't notice a diff between CRT and the LCD at native res in mouse movement. It is exact.
i think im not liking the whole input lag thing either... makes me want to shy away from 30 inch all together. that said, is it really that noticable. does the samsung 305t have input lag. if so i didnt even knotice it. should i even worry about it then ?
If you don't notice any input lag, then don't worry about it. I've been using LCDs exclusively since 2002. Maybe my eyes have become "conditioned" to LCDs because I never see the slightest hint of lag on my 2407. I don't claim that input lag doesn't exist. I just don't see it and no one is going to convince me that it's there as long as my own eyes tell me it ain't. Now, if I were to play COD4 on a 21" CRT, then I might finally understand the horrors of input lag. But, since I don't plan ever to go back to a CRT, I'm quite content to continue gaming on a big LCD.
anyone have anything to say about the 30" HP LCD?

Great monitor, am extremely happy with it. Played with the Dell 3007-HC and the Samsung 305t and the image quality is about the same on all the monitors as far as I could tell. The HP has the benefit of 3 DVI ports which is very handy if you have multiple PCs and a Macbook with DVI out.

I went out on the whim and got mine refurbished off the Bay for under $800 and it came in perfect condition, no dead pixels.
what ? i thought the 305t+ wasn't even out yet...

Mr. Wolf-

as for the input lag, thanks for the info/comments. it honestly helps me out. Ive been playing video games since Atari. Ive had quite a few different computers too. right now I'm on my wife prelude built by maingear. mine is low on coolant and I'm still in process of getting refund on my 305t.

her prelude has a Geforce 8500gt video card, 2gb of ram, duo processor. Ive played games on hers with the res and graphics up and then on mine at 2560x1600 res with graphics up.

i can tell the difference but i don't know about input lag. Ive never noticed anything. i know it is/was bigger on my 305T and look a lot more awesomerrrrr..

I'm thinking of maybe meeting in the middle and going for a 24-28 inch. i will save a little money that i could put toward a new PC desk or something else. also i believe the contrast ratio and refresh rates would be higher as well... a 24 is pretty big anyways, right ? more than average.

one question though. i also posted this in the show you LCD setup. why does everyone have or want more than one monitor. i mean i know Ive seen a few with 3 all hooked up at once. to mean it seems it would be horrible with the line of the monitors in the way. some people even have 4 monitors..two computers, 4 keyboards. its just crazy. are you really on your PC that much. i play games sure, since atari..but dang i would have to be living on it to do that.....

like i said in that show your LCD setup topic. i feel like there is something i don't know that everyone else does...
what ? i thought the 305t+ wasn't even out yet...

one question though. i also posted this in the show you LCD setup. why does everyone have or want more than one monitor. i mean i know Ive seen a few with 3 all hooked up at once. to mean it seems it would be horrible with the line of the monitors in the way. some people even have 4 monitors..two computers, 4 keyboards. its just crazy. are you really on your PC that much. i play games sure, since atari..but dang i would have to be living on it to do that.....

like i said in that show your LCD setup topic. i feel like there is something i don't know that everyone else does...

For programmers and graphic artists it makes a lot of sense to have two displays. One for Code/drawing window and another for tool palets. You can take this concept even further, by adding a third display for a web browser or help screen. This way you can have access to learning material and all of the tools at the same time.

I perfer one big screen myself. This alows you to blow drawings or pictures up real big if needed.

Studies have shown that multitasking is less productive than single tasking, so some people are actually better off with just one.

Studies have shown that multitasking is less productive than single tasking, so some people are actually better off with just one.

A little misleading, since most of the usefulness of a large/multi display setup comes from being able to do a single task involving multiple windows/programs easier, not really multitasking at all.
A little misleading, since most of the usefulness of a large/multi display setup comes from being able to do a single task easier, not really multitasking at all.

That is the point that I was trying to make. If someone buys three displays for multitasking, there not really going to get much out of it. On the other hand a stock trader can not get by with just one display. In short multi display setups are best used for a single purpose.

Sorry if I was not clear about it.

I second for Dell 3007. Using the non HC version and worked wonderfully with games and every other application.
i guess my point was how many graphics programers and etc. are on here. there are tons with more than one monitor on in the LCD show off topic. just suprised really. i see the use for that if your a designer or etc. im just a 26 year old married man with a few hobbies; gaming, computers,electronics, and music (i play guitar als if you didnt see my guitar in pics :D)

Mr. Wolf you said something to me in the topic i made about almost 30 inch monitors. said the only way to get 2560 res is on a 30. i knew that but someone else said they never seen it.

let me say right away. with two 8800 ultras in sli mode playing all my games at 2560x1600 res and all graphics up. ..its freakn amazing. it looks so great you have to see it to know. its so awesome it made me want to put every game i have on it to try it out again.
ok so far it looks like everyone is telling me to get the 30 inch dell. am i correct....anyone got any reasons i shouldnt ?


im looking at this dell now on the dell site.

or maybe this samsung

which do you think i should get if either... its a lot harder to choose than i thought it would be.

Out of those two I'd get the Dell 3007WFP-HC.
i guess my point was how many graphics programers and etc. are on here. there are tons with more than one monitor on in the LCD show off topic. just suprised really.

There are lots of pros on this site. I personally have a four 30" monitor setup and two or three 30" LCD rigs are common at my firm. Hard-headed productivity considerations drive these purchases. We own at least one of each of the usually recommended 30" LCDs.

I would recommend the Dell 3007WFP-HC (I'm staring at one). There are special application reasons to recommend other panels like the HP, the Gateway, the 3008 etc.

Reading your thread you don't seem to require those special features.

what would be the feature though. all i do is browse the web, photoshop a bit, burn dvds and cds. a little heavy gaming and thats it....

thats probably what im going to do. i just want something i can play the next battlefield on and have it look sure you know what i mean by that.