Battlefield Bad Company 2 PC for $20

This seems like the best deal I've seen to date.

I'm not really into FPS, but I hear really good things about this one.

Someone sway me :)
i would have paid $20 for this game and been happy. however my friends convinced me to buy it at $60 which was a waste. the single player can be run through on hard in like 3 hours start to finish. i dont find multiplayer much fun, which is apparently the only reason to buy the game. if you arent already good at the game and have all the super upgraded weapons unlocked in multiplayer, theres no point in starting now. you just die.
Well, I already bought it from Newegg for $28.

If a n00b is just gonna get pwned in MP regardless, I think I'll just play the SP unactivated and sell it...
I disagree, there are some problems, most noticeably hit registration, but I've played most all the FPS's out there and I have more fun with BC2 than any of them. I have a good team to play with and we play TWL., Just pick a class and stick with it and you can get all the weapons in that class before level 12 or so. $20 is a steal for this. The single player campaign is pretty funny too, it makes fun of a lot of other FPS's :)
i would have paid $20 for this game and been happy. however my friends convinced me to buy it at $60 which was a waste. the single player can be run through on hard in like 3 hours start to finish. i dont find multiplayer much fun, which is apparently the only reason to buy the game. if you arent already good at the game and have all the super upgraded weapons unlocked in multiplayer, theres no point in starting now. you just die.

LOL what a silly statement. I can pick the starting items for any class and own in this game. Shoot people in the face and they die. In fact a lot of the unlocks are worse or just different then the starting stuff and you can get quite a few unlocks in a few hours of play.
Sounds like you aren't any good and not a team player qq and quit :p
I just started the game a few weeks ago and it really isn't that bad to level up on MP. Like brandinb stated above, quite a few unlocks can be obtained in a relatively short amount of time. The game is pretty much all about shot placement anyway, so the basic weapons aren't really that bad compared to the unlocked ones as long as you aim for the head.

I picked it up when it was $30 steam. $20 is a pretty good deal for some decent MP action IMO.
easily worth $20. i paid full price at release and have zero regrets. and i agree with what was said above about the starting weapons in MP - they are just as lethal as the unlocked/upgraded weapons. the key is simply learning the lay of the land. once you do that you're good to go (much like any other MP FPS).

personally, i've only put about 2 hours into the SP. from what little i played i consider the SP not great but not terrible either. the real values lies in the MP. this is obviously a subjective opinion.
No you can't, but if it's worth the $10 premium to you BC2 is only $30 on steam.
Great deal at $20.

I stopped playing BC2 after I hit level 50.

But then I started a second account a few days later just to see how easy/hard it would be to do well without all the top notch guns. Ended up with a 2.19 KDR over the first 4 hours of play and 6 levels.

Considering my level 50 account ended up at a 2.13 KDR, I'd say the game is a LOT more about experience and understanding the gameplay mechanics and map layout than it is about equipment.
I want to buy this, but I am really only insterested in the single player. I rented it in my blockbuster online trial should get it tomorrow for 360. Never played the first though. I have it but it came cracked from goozex.
I want to buy this, but I am really only insterested in the single player. I rented it in my blockbuster online trial should get it tomorrow for 360. Never played the first though. I have it but it came cracked from goozex.

if you're only interested in SP i'd just stick with playing through the rental.
i would have paid $20 for this game and been happy. however my friends convinced me to buy it at $60 which was a waste. the single player can be run through on hard in like 3 hours start to finish. i dont find multiplayer much fun, which is apparently the only reason to buy the game. if you arent already good at the game and have all the super upgraded weapons unlocked in multiplayer, theres no point in starting now. you just die.

Bullshit. I bought this game on steam ONE WEEK ago. I am already Rank 19 and have unlocked every single class weapon with 2 exceptions. I have every single specialization unlock and all the gadgets.

This game is fucking awesome, BUY IT.
Thanks for the link. I was actually waiting for this for a month. I've been considering lately just paying 30.
Hmm, so how do we even get the game after buying? Right after hitting submit, it told me I would be told when my order is ready. Shouldn't it be instant? I was already charged. There is nothing in my order history, but I did get order confirmation. Is there normally some kind of delay with their digital purchases?
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Hmm, so how do we even get the game after buying? Right after hitting submit, it told me I would be told when my order is ready. Shouldn't it be instant? I was already charged. There is nothing in my order history, but I did get order confirmation. Is there normally some kind of delay with their digital purchases?

Download EA download manager, log in on your account and should be good to download the game.

Have played the BF series from day one and this game is the best so far, Great job EA
Its a good game but there are some things that aren't good. They still haven't fixed joysticks, and its months after it came out. The only way to get your joystick to work is to hack a file. Nobody paying for a game should ever have to do this. Even if you do the hack, most people can't get the throttle on their joystick to work.

Secondly, they completely omitted going prone. Who the hell makes a war 3d shooter and doesn't give you the ability to go prone?

Lets put it this way. Nothing pisses me off more than when I pay for a game and then they don't bother to fix the problems. We got your money, so we don't give a rip.
Its a good game but there are some things that aren't good. They still haven't fixed joysticks, and its months after it came out. The only way to get your joystick to work is to hack a file. Nobody paying for a game should ever have to do this. Even if you do the hack, most people can't get the throttle on their joystick to work.

Secondly, they completely omitted going prone. Who the hell makes a war 3d shooter and doesn't give you the ability to go prone?

Lets put it this way. Nothing pisses me off more than when I pay for a game and then they don't bother to fix the problems. We got your money, so we don't give a rip.

Not being able to go prone is something you'll get used to after an hour of play. I spent about 350 hours on BC2 and close to 300 on BF2 and not being able to go prone was the farthest thing from a dealbreaker to me.

As for the joystick issues... you're referring just to flying helicopters, correct?
Not good enough to replace TF2, COD, CS, but still a very good game.
Not good enough to replace TF2, COD, CS, but still a very good game.

You're comparing 69' Camaros to 2010 Camaros. Everybody knows the classics are classics for a reason but the new stuff isn't exactly horrible. Wow, really bad analogy but what I am trying to say is that if someone is looking at this game as a way to get into fps gaming and hasn't played those, the same rule goes I think. You find a good deal on it and if it sucks then not to much harm done. If you paid $60 and you think it blows, then a little more harm has been done.

And why bring up all the comparisons to BF2 and what you could and couldn't do in those? If you are going to judge a game, then judge it by itself and not by its pedigree. It seems to me someone might have bought it at full price expecting too much.
Can anyone tell me how this game will run on my somewhat dated rig?

Intel Core 2 Duo E6420 (Conroe) @ 3200Mhz
Geforce 8800 GTS 512

1280 x 1024 resolution
Can anyone tell me how this game will run on my somewhat dated rig?

Intel Core 2 Duo E6420 (Conroe) @ 3200Mhz
Geforce 8800 GTS 512

1280 x 1024 resolution

That was my rig and it ran at acceptable rates if you turned the eye candy down.

Because I didn't want to run at lowered settings, i replaced my e6420 with the q9550 and it made a huge difference. The 5850 replacing the 8800 didn't hurt either. But I think the gtx460 is a better buy these days.
Has anyone used EA download manager before? Is it as awful as I predict it will be?
I had a 25% coupon from somebody, so it came out to $16.14

PM me if you want to use the coupon, might still work for you.

EDIT: NVM doesn't work anymore
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Has anyone used EA download manager before? Is it as awful as I predict it will be?

no, its not that bad....i havent even had to open it since i initially downloaded the game...i just have the BFBC2 Updater.exe added in steam and open that so it checkes for updates everytime I place(adds about 10 sec to load time, but hell i can wait i saved $40 on the game when I got it the first time ea put it onsale)....on its own its not too bad(the download manager that is), and if I didnt need steam for other games I would probably just use EADM

as for the game being worth it, yes it is very worth $20, its worth $30, i wont pay more for a game than that lol.
The EA manager is lightweight and easy to use. It just downloads and installs the game. The game has its own auto updater. I downloaded at my max download speed of 1.5 MBs per second. For me, that is faster than I usually get from steam.
This is a good deal but I think I'll pass. I'd rather pay the extra $10 on steam to not have to deal with SecuROM.
What I did notice is that you can only download this repeatedly up to a year. Kind of a shitty thing but I'll just keep a back up.
Can you reinstall it after several years or does your license expire after a year?

I think it's not a big problem as long as the key is still valid. There are plenty of other sources to download the game, then enter your serial key.
Can you reinstall it after several years or does your license expire after a year?

from EA , no, but as posted above you cant through them, or you can do what ive done and just copy the folder to a portable drive and a DVD, so it doesnt matter, and I dont have to DL again