Battlefield 4 - Graphics Settings?


Mar 8, 2007
Here is my question. I have 1.5GB of video memory. I plan to wait until Maxwell for a GPU upgrade. So I'm stuck with GTX590 for a while. It ran BF3 very well on ultra settings at 1080.

BF4 is of course a different story. High settings work well. My question is, lets say I want to bump some settings up to ultra. I want to get BF4 looking at least as good as BF3. What settings make the biggest impact? I have like maybe 250mb of video memory to spare before i hit the cap if i run at high. So what should I bump up first? Any recommendations?
mesh= ultra
textures= ultra
blur= off
resolution slider~ 120%
MSAA is going to be the biggest memory user. If you can run FXAA instead that will free up a lot.
Just ditch MSAA(if you used it), run textures on ultra and everything else on high and hope your vram can cop it.
MSAA is going to be the biggest memory user. If you can run FXAA instead that will free up a lot.

With my 290x the textures still look crisp running fxaa on high, no horrible blurring to speak of.
I think it was Brent Justice in another thread said something about keeping "post AA" turned off.
Turn off Ambient Occlusion , turn off ALL AA entirely , both are mega system hogs. Make sure your game resolution is set to 100 percent in options (nothing higher) and run everything else at high. The difference between High and Ultra is really pointless if you are running around at over 60fps trying to kill or be killed and the game still looks better than BF3. If you want a pretty slide show then play the lousy , boring singleplayer with most options at Ultra.
resolution slider~ 120%

Resolution slider will eat away at your Vram in no time but since you know to keep an eye on it keep tooling till you find you're not swapping.
If you only have about 250 Mb left then you may just want to leave it there, I haven't personally checked to see the difference between MP maps texture usage but I'm sure you could hit 1.5Gb easy.