Battlefield 2 worth getting, or still horribly buggy?


Fully [H]
Dec 2, 2004
Have patches resolved most of the horrible Battlefield 2 issues I keep reading about, and the bad ingame server browser, or is it still really bad and going to be fixed mainly by bilking more money out of us with the expansion pack that they announced? I heard 1.03 was pushed back, and 1.02 isn't neccessarily good. I really think I'd like the game, but the issues I have been reading about keep me from purchasing it.
I've played since the beginning, and I dont know what "horribly buggy" game you are talking about is. Besides a sub par in game browser, I havent experienced any negatives about the game, besides running pretty chunky on my mobile 2500+ 512 ram 9800 pro system.
It works ok for the most part.

My biggest gripe is the crappy net code and random disconnects.
I seriously think it is less buggy and inconsistent than HL2. Then again, HL2 was made for ATI, and BF2 for Nvidia. I own the later.
I'm just saying "horribly buggy" because that is what I read in a few forum posts on a couple of different forums. I was just looking to find out if that's the truth, or if it was being exaggerated :).
I have not had 1 crash or 1 disconnect with BF2...

I'd say its pretty darned stable in Patch 1.02... (I have about 20 hours worth of gametime played, across Multiplayer and Single player)

My complaints are just gameplay issues, not bugs. For example, if you play anti tank profession and have the Mp5 for a gun. You are basically shooting blanks. You can unload 30 odd rounds point blank at an enemy and not kill them.
F4iGuy said:
I've played since the beginning, and I dont know what "horribly buggy" game you are talking about is. Besides a sub par in game browser, I havent experienced any negatives about the game, besides running pretty chunky on my mobile 2500+ 512 ram 9800 pro system.

You are very correct that BF2 has one of the worst and most inefficient in game menus I have ever seen.

You are wrong in not noticing the many problems in game play, instaprone = gay and unrealistic along with a whole other host of issues.

Bottom line, BF2 still needs a lot of work, but it is still a fun game to play if you can overlook the small things, and have I nice quilt to knit, or dissertation to write, or marathon to run while you wait for the game to load / login / load another menu / refresh servers / load into server / load map. (you get the idea)
I would still say its worth getting, although the game could perform a slight bit better. Stability wise, it has actually been pretty good to me so far, with only 1 crash, but I've played for many hours and its stable. And yeah, the game menus are bloated like hell, you push escape during game play and it says "Loading menu".... holy shit man.
The widely experienced critical bugs are gone, what's remaining are smaller bugs that can be overlooked (like not getting medals, inconsistent hit detection, points not being recorded.). People are still running into crashing issues but not too much worse than other games. You should be able to find the game quite playable.

The game browser is woefully underequipped because the game was rushed out the door(the intended game browser with all the necessary features is still in there, just incomplete, people dug out it out). You can also find a clue of how rushed it was in the controls, many are still widely experiencing problems of unbindable keys. Also, there is a key for a vehicle that doesn't exist. It's a key for "boost" for land vehicles but there are no vehicles which utilize it.

However, don't worry, they've already announced an expansion so you don't have to keep checking for a patch, you can just go and buy the expansion:p

Heh, but seriously, they've announced a 1.03 patch with "140 changes"(The first two patches were actually just 1 patch that only fixed the handful of widely experienced critical issues). Hopefully this is the retail version that we should've gotten out of the box. It's due to come out around the end of August.
Scoobydo said:
I have not had 1 crash or 1 disconnect with BF2...

I'd say its pretty darned stable in Patch 1.02... (I have about 20 hours worth of gametime played, across Multiplayer and Single player)

My complaints are just gameplay issues, not bugs. For example, if you play anti tank profession and have the Mp5 for a gun. You are basically shooting blanks. You can unload 30 odd rounds point blank at an enemy and not kill them.

you have to fire in bursts with the MP5 to have any accuracy at all. So when that newb support guy goes prone, you run to the side, putting quick bursts into his head/ body. But yeah, I'm tired of AT in general. Makes sense since I've logged the most hours with it.

Oh yeah, just wanted to add that I haven't found BF2 to be buggy at all. Couple crashes to desktop, but not while in game. I'm pretty damned impressed with it.
Try to find a server with a ping of <125. I think people play on a 300 ping server and have a lot of problems. 125 is the utter max too, I usually look for something in the 60 range.

Game works great with ATI products. Prolly not as efficient but no inherant problems that I have heard of. Game doesnt like ATI overclocks, or maybe any overclock that isnt rock solid.

Game loads seem pretty speedy for me. When you want to 'deadenate' something a minute can seem like an eternity but it takes me about 60-70 seconds to load on all medium settings and a gig o ram. This is faster then DC loaded with a pre-defragged HD.

Browser was slightly improved last patch. It still kinda sucks but its tolerable.

I have had two weird disconects in about 40 hours of play. Lucky I guess. The third disconnect was because my wife was uploading a gig of pictures to shutterfly. :eek:
Erasmus354 said:
instaprone = gay and unrealistic along with a whole other host of issues.


Man, play the game and enjoy it, life's too short to come up with little niggles concerning the movement. Anything else unrealistic? the fact that every single person on both sides is qualified and allowed to fly aircraft/drive tanks? The fact that everyone's equipped with parachutes? The ability to bring back fallen team-mates form the dead, restoring them o full health with with the flick of a finger?

Get the game, it's great. All games get bugs, BF42 and BV:V were just as bad upon release, and they both suffered from this "tehnoes, bugz0rzz!" crap at the start, but that didn't stop them becoming immensely popular. BF2 is great stuff, if i had a machine that could run it i would not be posting this.
I'm one of the people that had multiple stability/lag/disconnect/freeze problems with BF2 on multiple systems that run many other games flawlessly. It's been well over a month since I've played it. It is a very fun game, but it was frusterating for me to even try and play. I will give it another try when 1.03 comes out.
Just get it. For every whiner here there are 100 people out there being happy playing it.
Well its ok ... but I tend to lag on servers when i get over 80-100 ping.

I play all settings on high and 2x AF on

and In the Nvidia menu 8xS and 16x

It runs fine... on a 1024x768 monitor.

No lag here..
And not a bug but something that deters from the game.

75% of the maps are crap.
I can only have fun while playing bots because playing online is frustrating and boring. I hate the 32 and upper maps because of all the walking and lack of action. I have fun playing the bots but it is not worth 50$. My .02C
There are some "issues" with the game, they are mostly game play things, like insta-proning (jumping, going prone in the air, then shooting). The in-game browser isn't very good. However as far as "bugs" go like crashing and what not, it's not bad at all.

It's a blend between arcade and reality based games. Some things are meant to be realistic, others arcade. I always find the "it's not like that in real life" comments funny. This game was never meant to be played "realistic". Wally describes this well in his post.

The game is definatly fun.
Scoobydo said:
My complaints are just gameplay issues, not bugs. For example, if you play anti tank profession and have the Mp5 for a gun. You are basically shooting blanks. You can unload 30 odd rounds point blank at an enemy and not kill them.

lol Learn to aim is all I can say there.

I myself havent experienced anything really bad with BF2, its only crashed twice since I got it. The Multiplayer browser works fine for me, but I do know what your talking about. Ive seen it run pretty slow on some machines, but it was fixed by re-installing the game.

The only thing I dont like is the fact that I unlocked the G3 (which I love) but I dont get anything with it. You know, no extra ammo because the G3 doesnt have a grenade launcher on it like the ak47 and M16, wtf?
C|ip$3 said:
Scoobydo said:
I have not had 1 crash or 1 disconnect with BF2...

I'd say its pretty darned stable in Patch 1.02... (I have about 20 hours worth of gametime played, across Multiplayer and Single player)

My complaints are just gameplay issues, not bugs. For example, if you play anti tank profession and have the Mp5 for a gun. You are basically shooting blanks. You can unload 30 odd rounds point blank at an enemy and not kill them.
lol Learn to aim is all I can say there.

The only thing I dont like is the fact that I unlocked the G3 (which I love) but I dont get anything with it. You know, no extra ammo because the G3 doesnt have a grenade launcher on it like the ak47 and M16, wtf?
The MP5 is weak, but you also have the AT's main weapon. Which can be used against infantry (it's deadly accurate at range, try sniping with it ;)), but is the ONLY class with an anti-vehicle weapon. It's called a trade off.

Also, unlock the DAO and you are deadly in close quarters. Problem solved.

G3 unlock also gives you grenades instead of the 203 right? Again, it's a trade-off.
I'm currently partial to Sharqui Penninsula, and Mashtuur City. Karkand is good, but overplayed. Sharqui is my current fav.
C|ip$3 said:
lol Learn to aim is all I can say there.

I myself havent experienced anything really bad with BF2, its only crashed twice since I got it. The Multiplayer browser works fine for me, but I do know what your talking about. Ive seen it run pretty slow on some machines, but it was fixed by re-installing the game.

The only thing I dont like is the fact that I unlocked the G3 (which I love) but I dont get anything with it. You know, no extra ammo because the G3 doesnt have a grenade launcher on it like the ak47 and M16, wtf?

I kinda felt that way at first too. However I have discovered the joy of the hand thrown grenade over the noob tube grenades. There's some flexibility with the hand thrown ones that the launched ones don't have. If you really wanna get the hand grenades down though, play support. You get unlimited hand grenades, and a decent weapon with a lot of ammo, and the resupply points are a bonus. I'm now kinda hooked on the support class. At least for now. My most played classes thus far are AT followed by Assault (I have the G3) then Engineer. However I'm having a great time with support right now. It's working out too because plenty of people are now playing AT a lot so I don't have to.
Phoenix86 said:
The MP5 is weak, but you also have the AT's main weapon. Which can be used against infantry (it's deadly accurate at range, try sniping with it ;)), but is the ONLY class with an anti-vehicle weapon. It's called a trade off.

Also, unlock the DAO and you are deadly in close quarters. Problem solved.

G3 unlock also gives you grenades instead of the 203 right? Again, it's a trade-off.

Yea you get grenades, but the G3 is soo fun to snipe people with or 3rnd burst people from ontop of buildings. :p

After killing a medic last night and running out of ammo also, I picked up a L85A1 from his cold dead hands and I actually amazed from that gun. It has good a ROF, accuracy and power.
urbsnspices said:
How so? I Dont like Operation Clean Sweep, its just too big.
Clean sweep is smaller than Kurba damn.

I just hate big maps where you have to walk for five minutes before seeing any action because there are no vehicles near.
I wouldn't know if it is worth playing or not. I bought the game months ago and I'm still waiting for the map to load.
Staples said:
Clean sweep is smaller than Kurba damn.

I just hate big maps where you have to walk for five minutes before seeing any action because there are no vehicles near.

you might like the 16 player version of Kubra Dam....with 32 players. :D

Lot's of action.
Wally said:

Man, play the game and enjoy it, life's too short to come up with little niggles concerning the movement. Anything else unrealistic? the fact that every single person on both sides is qualified and allowed to fly aircraft/drive tanks? The fact that everyone's equipped with parachutes? The ability to bring back fallen team-mates form the dead, restoring them o full health with with the flick of a finger?

Get the game, it's great. All games get bugs, BF42 and BV:V were just as bad upon release, and they both suffered from this "tehnoes, bugz0rzz!" crap at the start, but that didn't stop them becoming immensely popular. BF2 is great stuff, if i had a machine that could run it i would not be posting this.

I was mentioning a GAMEPLAY ISSUE more than a REALITY ISSUE. Dont flame people because you are too dense to know what they are talking about.

BF2 is a fun game yes...once you actually get into a good game. However the hassle the game currently provides with random crashing (yes I still get crashes, yes my system is stable in every other game, yes EA tech support took 78 hours to answer). The load times for the game, menu and levels are ridiculous. After playing a game like Guild Wars you wonder why other developers cant seem to get it through their heads. People like to play that GAME! Not sit there and watch your load screens. Make a simple light menu that does what it needs to do, people could give a rats ass about the rolling video in the background, they just want to get the game loaded and into a server as fast as possible.

IMO BF2 simply provides too much hassle and frustration for me to make the game worth my time to play right now. I am flabberghasted at the sophmoric effort they made in efficiency of the graphics engine and the menu systems, and thats all there is to it. A great game ruined by a horrible interface. (The actual ingame interface is pretty nifty however)
Are there still some bugs? Sure, but nothing too major.

The game and maps load plenty quick for me -- I'm usually the first one in every map. For reference, I use an A64 3200+ with a gig of RAM. 6800 softmodded video card. Some people might want to try a defrag and/or system tweaks. I have *not* tweaked my system at all.

No framerate issues. No lag issues.

It's a *very* fun game. It's been fun since it was released.

IMHO, buy it.
GoldenTiger said:
Have patches resolved most of the horrible Battlefield 2 issues I keep reading about, and the bad ingame server browser, or is it still really bad and going to be fixed mainly by bilking more money out of us with the expansion pack that they announced? I heard 1.03 was pushed back, and 1.02 isn't neccessarily good. I really think I'd like the game, but the issues I have been reading about keep me from purchasing it.

I say get it. The 1.02 patch fixed the major bugs and a few of the minor ones. The original version had a horrible browser but that's been fixed. I think it's very stable now.
C|ip$3 said:
Yea you get grenades, but the G3 is soo fun to snipe people with or 3rnd burst people from ontop of buildings. :p

After killing a medic last night and running out of ammo also, I picked up a L85A1 from his cold dead hands and I actually amazed from that gun. It has good a ROF, accuracy and power.
I have the L85A1, it's a great unlock compared to the default weapon, except maybe the AK101. The MEC medic really should have the AK47, not the AK101.

I picked up my combat ribbon (10 kill streak 18 kills) sniping with that gun. :)

As far as the noob tube goes (love that name) it has it's advantages against nades too, distance and accuracy. I took out a sniper (at distance) who was on a roof (I was in the street) with a single 203, he'd have picked me apart if I closed in for nades.
It is total buggy crap but with SIXTY-FOUR friggin players, infantry swarming all over, jets swooping low and making graceful but frantic turns in the sky, helos dodging the jets while wasting tanks, people being blown away all over the place, artillery coming in, rockets crossing the sky, a frantic scramble to capture key flags, five different kits from three different armies, and speeding vehicles running around - COMPLETE CHAOS!!!. Get it.

Its playable now if you have the system, and train yourself to avoid the bugs in the menu.
It's still got bugs, but no game breakers for me. OF course, my system got hosed, and now i can't play because i can't seem to figure out what driver combo i was using to make it work. Crash city now, but it was running well before the OS hosed itself and i had to re-install.

Not the games fault per se, but still a downer. I'd recommend getting it, it is fun as hell when you finally get it tweaked right. And a lot of people have no problems right out of the box. So, YMMV. ;)
I just wanted to post a small post in defense of all MMOs. These games are huge and inherintly buggy. Fixing bugs will almost always create new ones and it takes quite a long time to get a game running with as few bugs as possible and it IS impossible to create a MMO (EQ, EQ2, WoW, Battlefield2) that is free of bugs. It will never happen.
So I go out into the war tonight, and lo and behold, I try to play support, but nobody is taking AT, or even controlling our tank. Gah!!! *sigh* (I wish I could just get a regular squad, the hell with a clan).
I think the game is pretty good, although you always wish that a game does not need a lot of fixes when it is released.

On the bad side of things; the game browser stinks, the maps load really slowly, and the game demands a lot of resources.
To sum it up, the game sucks before you actually get onto a server and play. The game browser stinks for most people, games load slow on most machines and requires alot resources(thats more ingame but whatever).

Other than that, I love the game and not to mention my G3!!
Defective said:
I wouldn't know if it is worth playing or not. I bought the game months ago and I'm still waiting for the map to load.

I still dont understand this, what do you consider a long load time? 30 seconds? 80 seconds? 5 mins? Maybe my load time is tolerable because I play at just above medium settings.

Operation Clean Sweep may not be the biggest map but the flags are spread out as much as possible. Anyone up for boat ride? The Dam atleast had the flags evenly spread and tons of vehicles.
Of all the games I probably played BF2 the most at Quakecon. Full 64 player LAN servers are great fun. The load times do sort of suck but it's not like it is a huge deal.