Batman: Arkham Knight PC Patch in Testing

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Is anyone even interested in playing Batman: Arkham Knight anymore? It's been so long, I'm just going to wait until it hits the bargain bin. :(

WBIE is still working on repairing the Windows edition of Batman: Arkham Knight, though it sounds as if the patch to fix things may not arrive this month as promised, as a new update on the situation says they "are now putting the first interim patch into testing," and that this will be released "in the next few weeks," provided all goes well.
Still not a fan of the fact that their idea of removing the FPS lock is to simply add additional locks (30/60/90) when most monitors with higher refresh rates are 120Hz and 144Hz. Limitation of the engine I suppose.

I refunded my copy back when GMG allowed it, but it's still sitting in my steam library. I haven't even tested to see if it'll run if I install it.
I played the rest and I enjoyed them but I'll wait until it is on a sale or bundle or something at this point as well. It really is one of the smoothest fighting game series I have ever played (so far).
I agree I enjoyed the rest. But this one left a bad impression for me. I got a refund and figure, like others, I'll wait for the edition with all DLC to go on sale.
I only paid $30 so I'm not bitter. Not like I don't have other games to play in my backlog.

DLC is crap by-the-way. I have yet to hear a single good thing about any of them.
Again, I simply don't understand why they didn't do a proper PC delay like they did for Arkham City. I can only guess they looked at the extended revenue of Arkham City (amount of copies they sold * the price sold at) versus Origins and decided that although Origins was buggy as hell at launch, the fact that they were able to get $60 for an extended period of time was worth it.
I'm playing it now just fine with 980 + 4790k. Looks awesome, plays awesome, got it for cheap. I feel like the hatingest complainers haven't even tried it. If the goaround after I beat it looks even better, bonus.
I'm playing it now just fine with 980 + 4790k. Looks awesome, plays awesome, got it for cheap. I feel like the hatingest complainers haven't even tried it. If the goaround after I beat it looks even better, bonus.

Textures are shit. I have similar setup except a titan-x and the texture resolution is horrid. It wasn't choppy though and it crashes less than witcher 3 for me, but I'm waiting for the patch to put any hours into it. I only paid $22 for it so I didn't bother with a refund.
Not even going to bother

Combat was not improved any, just more story.

Essentially just a full priced DLC
Already finished the playthrough last month on my PC. Didn't run into any problems with the game. Fun game.
Hell yeah, copy on the way for my PS4. Ordered with my newegg credit account so I'll pay for it later. Just played through Asylum and City past few weeks so i can't wait. Absolutely looking forward to it. I'm not a fan boy so I'm not going to have a grudge from a bad pc version of a game that plays way better on a gamepad anyways. Sure it's annoying and sure they failed with the PC version which is pretty pathetic and I would have liked to get it on PC... But I still want to play the game. I'm not a "PC or die" curmudgeon so I didn't mind ordering it for my PS4. Hopefully I'll have it next week, newegg super saver shipping sucks apparently.
patch in testing- will be released at the same time as MGS5: Phantom Pain...bad move...are they also going to release it and compete against there own (WB) game- Mad Max?