AVP thoughts and impressions

This is usually the case with their games. I know it's not an excuse, but there are 2 sides to every story. Rogue Warrior wasn't entirely Rebellion's fault.

Every single aspect of Rogue Warrior sucked, not just one part but 100% of the entire game sucked. So which part of that wasn't Rebellion's fault?
Every single aspect of Rogue Warrior sucked, not just one part but 100% of the entire game sucked. So which part of that wasn't Rebellion's fault?

Rogue Warrior was terrible, yeah. No one is arguing that.

But it didn't start out like that. Wikipedia sort of has the basics down, but yeah: used to be helmed by another studio, they had ambitious ideas for it; originally it was supposed to be semi open-ended with multiple objectives, you had a squad to command, etc. Then Bethesda started cutting features, scrapping builds of the game, generally deciding they didn't like the direction of the game and took over. Outsourced it to different dev studios (from what I hear, the source code was a complete clusterfuck), before finally settling on Rebellion and giving them a ridiculously short time to salvage what was left of the title.
Well I just spent about five minutes playing the single player game. I basically only had a few minutes to spend with it while eating lunch. So far I can say the lighting is pretty good in DX11 mode in the single player game. The models are OK, but the textures suck. They are pretty low resolution and definitely make the game look like something from a couple of years ago. I don't know, maybe Crysis spoiled us or something, but I've seen a lot better. Honestly the textures look no better than those used in UT3 which is getting to be an old game at this point. I will add this. The flares burn out in a few seconds. Why is it we can have road flares and long lasting flash lights today in 2010, but in games set in the future, such technology is beyond them? Oh and the lighting and hall way travel are very reminiscent of Doom 3. You'll either like that or hate it, but where as it was out of place for a Doom game, it is perfect for an AvP game.

Pretty sad really. I can't say much more about the game given how little time I spent playing it. I'll wait until I can play it some more before commenting further.
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i wasnt aware there was co-op for single player... if so... im totaly going to force my buddy to get this with me

the coop is only for survival mode I thought...

IIRC, there is no campaign coop..
Seems like, for the most part, reviews are echoing what I said earlier in this thread, and it's getting bad reviews across the board. Gamespot, Game Informer, ActionTrip etc. are all giving around the 5.5/10 mark, and mentioning things I had mentioned from playing the demo.

Clunky, clumsy, weak visuals and general gameplay, poor level design, not for hardcore shooter or Alien fans, such as my self... pretty much all of what I've said earlier... what a friggin' waste. Gamer reviews are following-suit as well.

I was so intensely looking forward to AvP, and it's a waste of what could have turned out to be an excellent experience, having become just another poorly made game.

If I had a second mouth, I already would have thrust it through my monitor...
Seems like, for the most part, reviews are echoing what I said earlier in this thread, and it's getting bad reviews across the board. Gamespot, Game Informer, ActionTrip etc. are all giving around the 5.5/10 mark, and mentioning things I had mentioned from playing the demo.

Clunky, clumsy, weak visuals and general gameplay, poor level design, not for hardcore shooter or Alien fans, such as my self... pretty much all of what I've said earlier... what a friggin' waste. Gamer reviews are following-suit as well.

I was so intensely looking forward to AvP, and it's a waste of what could have turned out to be an excellent experience, having become just another poorly made game.

If I had a second mouth, I already would have thrust it through my monitor...

There's no more denying or making excuses for what I think most of us knew deep down in our hearts with that sinking feeling: This game sucks. It's a letdown. Don't bother or at least wait for the clearance bin.

What a waste. No excuses for this game to not be good, regardless of platform.
Wow, Vader from Actiontrip really ripped single player of AvP... if that game sucks on X360, then PC port will be even less playable. Too bad, I wanted good single player FPS experience, after such crap like SP Wolfenstein or MW2. Guess will have to wait a little longer... for DNF propably :p

Oh well, at least those who like MP might be happy, as this game, according to Actiontrip (and that's the site I believe, as Vader really writes what's wrong and what's good with the games) is made for MP.
all of the reviews I've read call the game average at best...but I have yet to see a PC review of the game with its DX11 features...I am still curious as to how much better the game looks with DX11...I'm definitely not going to pay $50 for the game on Day 1 but will wait for the price to drop to around $30 (which judging by the reviews should be within 2-3 weeks) and then decide if it's worth it

plus it makes it easier to fire up Call of Pripyat after I finish Bioshock 2 :)
Wow, Vader from Actiontrip really ripped single player of AvP... if that game sucks on X360, then PC port will be even less playable.

I can't agree with this. The mouse and keyboard should make it more playable rather than less. So far it is playable, but it isn't the best experience I've ever had playing a game.

Too bad, I wanted good single player FPS experience, after such crap like SP Wolfenstein or MW2. Guess will have to wait a little longer... for DNF propably :p

Oh well, at least those who like MP might be happy, as this game, according to Actiontrip (and that's the site I believe, as Vader really writes what's wrong and what's good with the games) is made for MP.

I have yet to play the MP mode in the full release but I have to say that if the demo is any indication, the game was NOT meant for MP, but rather SP. Again so far what I'm seeing is a better SP experience. That's just my initial impression anyway.

On a semi-unrelated note in response to your comment, MW2 had a shitty story, but the single player game was quite a bit of fun. MW2 isn't the great game it could have been, but it isn't as bad as people seem to make it out to be. Most single player games have terrible stories. It seems that no matter how good a game is the story is usually pretty lame. Even the MP is fun despite the lack of dedicated servers. Is it as good as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare? Certainly not, but it is hardly as bad as its reputation suggests.

Wolfenstein is utter trash. On that we can certainly agree. There was NOTHING about that game. The visuals and gameplay were circa 2002 and that's being nice. The game seemed like it was developed by a game company with no money and no experience rather than a seasoned developer like Raven with a generally decent resume of games under their belts.

More Thoughts:

I do think the visuals are lackluster because that's what I've come to expect from cross platform games. The models look decent enough but the texturing is really terrible. Low resolution doesn't even describe how bad the textures in this game are. Of course I suspect that they suck really hard because they couldn't do higher resolution textures on the consoles and didn't bother to do higher resolution textures for the PC version. It seems like they tried to throw the PC gamers a bone on the visuals by supporting some DirectX 11 lighting, but that is about as far as they went. That doesn't amount to a very good effort.

SP Story:

Again I'm far from into the SP game but thus far what I've seen is a bad attempt at bringing elements from the stories of all the Alien, Predator and AvP films into this game. What the developers should have realized is that the bulk of those movies are shit. Alien, Aliens, and Predator are the only good efforts. I'd have to give Predator 2 an honorable mention as it is somewhat decent at times but all the other film efforts have just sucked ass. Alien 3 was shit, Alien Resurrection was quite possibly worse than Alien 3. The first AvP isn't remotely watchable. It sucks big floppy donkey dicks while the second one only borders on being "watchable" one time through.

Another thing I've noticed is that the game almost discourages exploration of the environment. That isn't something I like to see in a game.
Again I'm far from into the SP game but thus far what I've seen is a bad attempt at bringing elements from the stories of all the Alien, Predator and AvP films into this game. What the developers should have realized is that the bulk of those movies are shit. Alien, Aliens, and Predator are the only good efforts. I'd have to give Predator 2 an honorable mention as it is somewhat decent at times but all the other film efforts have just sucked ass. Alien 3 was shit, Alien Resurrection was quite possibly worse than Alien 3. The first AvP isn't remotely watchable. It sucks big floppy donkey dicks while the second one only borders on being "watchable" one time through.

Another thing I've noticed is that the game almost discourages exploration of the environment. That isn't something I like to see in a game.

Amen on that. Though I'd say that Ressurection, compared to AvP2 is great movie, at least it has some kind of a plot, and Ripley :p AvP 2 looked like it was made by Uwe Boll. The only good moment of AvP 1 was when facehuggers started running around, rest was just meh. From this game seems like another license, after C&C and few others is going to drain, if this game is a bust, noone else will touch Aliens for a long time, especially as there are no movies coming around, and Alien/Aliens/Predator are somewhat niche movies for us, oldies :p Pity, I really wanted some shooter which you are afraid of, like AvP2 marine campaign. First levels of Doom 3 were scary, before I learned the scripts and was guessing where monsters will spawn :) Fear 1 was okay too.

And coming back to MW2, I didn't like levels with infinite spawning of enemies, like in Brasil, it was also too short and most of levels were just forcing me to rush, which I ain't like.
I have yet to play the MP mode in the full release but I have to say that if the demo is any indication, the game was NOT meant for MP, but rather SP. Again so far what I'm seeing is a better SP experience. That's just my initial impression anyway

I think the exact opposite is true...the game was meant for MP not SP...every single review I've read today states that the MP is the better part of the game...the single player aspect seems thrown together as a tutorial for the MP...there is barely a coherent story and everything seems geared towards the numerous MP matches
What>? Alien 3 was awesome.

Uh....What? Alien 3 wasn't as god awful as Resurrection, but it wasn't awesome. The best part of Alien 3 was Ripely's death. It should have signaled the end of the series.
Alien 3 really disappointed me back in the day, but I have warmed up to it a great deal over the years. Regardless of the strife on the production, it's a fairly tight little movie and has some of the most "organic" on-screen footage of the Alien (and unfortunately most of the worst looking fakest footage of the Alien as well.)

Resurrection got worse though. It really is off in tone the whole way through. The production design is awesome sci-fi but not all that well suited to Alien WRT lighting... the movie is as bright as hell.

I am a major Aliens fan. I'd say it's one of the few things I really am a true "fan" of, meaning the standards go way down so long as the property in question is featured in a decent light. So as long as they're not doing completely blasphemous shit like what was going on in the AVP:R movie (which I still made excuses to enjoy), I will probably be happy. I just want to feel like I'm inside the colony from ALIENS.... if they get that part right it will be $50 well spent.

Downloading now... why oh why didn't I start this download last night when going to bed?
Please keep it on the topic of the game, I'm looking forward to hearing more impressions on the single player game. I had my eye on this mostly because of previous AvP games that I heard were a blast to play in the day and I unfortunately never got to play them. I was hoping this one might recapture that essence in an updated gaming environment, but it looks like so far that the first impressions aren't very promising.
How about people who have played the full game comment? Pretty tired of wading through these pages in a thread about PRIMARY SOURCE IMPRESSIONS just to have to ignore pages of posts qualified with "if the demo is any indication" or "review X said this".
Played the Predator campaign for a little bit and enjoyed it. There are things I like and dislike, like any game but overall so far I am liking it from what I have played. I have played pretty much entirely stealthy as the Predator getting trophy kills on nearly every marine but 1 or 2 so far.

Here are a few screenshots from the parts I remembered to, DX9

I've played a little bit of the Predator campaign. I like it so far. The graphics are great IMO, at least the models are... it's no Crysis but it looks damn good and is far smoother in the FPS department.
What>? Alien 3 was awesome.

I got your back Droc. Alien 3 was good. David Fincher's first movie but you have to watch the directors cut to really appreciate it more too. He had no power over the producers back then. But it still wasn't an awful movie. It just can't hold up to Alien and Aliens alone.
Unfortunately Rebellion has yet to release dedicated server support (fucking ridiculous) for PC gamers, so for the time being we are forced onto a shitty matchmaking system...no ETA either...
How about people who have played the full game comment? Pretty tired of wading through these pages in a thread about PRIMARY SOURCE IMPRESSIONS just to have to ignore pages of posts qualified with "if the demo is any indication" or "review X said this".

I have been playing the full version. Actually I've spent most of the evening thus far playing it.


Interestingly enough, I hadn't been playing the game with the DX11 features enabled. You can launch the game in DX11 mode, but you have to go into the DirectX 11 Advanced Features options to enable features like AA and Tessellation. Once I enabled these things it was a completely different game. The visuals aren't as stunning as say those found in Crysis, but the game looks a shit load better than it did. The textures are completely different, and everything is so much more detailed. I need to see about using a image host that doesn't neuter the images by resizing them so you can see what I'm talking about. Now the game looks like it did in the screen shots. The gore you'd expect from the franchise is here in all its glory, but sadly it only really looks good in DirectX 11 mode. If I didn't have a 5970 I'd never have seen how good looking the game can truly be.


The audio is pretty much perfect. Of course given the amount of audio source material I expected this.Everything sounds just as it should and can easily be recognized from the movies.


Well as you can imagine my system is not exactly a mid-range machine so your mileage may vary. I can say the game is perfectly playable on my machine with few hiccups or slow downs but they do happen occasionally. I'm running the game at 2560x1600 with max eye candy. It isn't fast enough to run with the same level of details in the MP game, though I've not even tried so I can't say that for 100% certain. I'll report back on that.

System Specifications:

Case: Silverstone TJ-09B
PSU: Thermaltake ToughPower 1200 watt
CPU: Intel Core i7 920 D0 @ 4.0GHz
CPU Cooling: Koolance CPU-350AT Waterblock
CPU Cooling Continued: Koolance Exos 2.5 (Black)
Motherboard: EVGA X58 3X SLI Classified (144-BL-E759-A1)
Memory: 12GB Corsair Dominator GT 2000MHz DDR3 (6x2GB)
Primary Storage: 2x Intel X25-M 80GB Gen 1 (RAID-0)
Optical: Samsung DVD-R/RW Drive (SATA)
Video/GPU(s): Diamond AMD Radeon HD 5970 (Stock clocks for now)
Monitor: Dell 3007WFP 30" LCD Monitor

Single Player Story

Like AvP2 you really have to beat all three campaigns to see the whole picture. So far I've played through as the Marine and finished that campaign which only gets you through about 35% of the total story. So far it does seem to be an effective though slightly absurd combination of story lines from all the films, but I can't really say much more than that as I'm not all the way through the game yet.

The Marine Campaign

The Marine campaign isn't as good as it was in AvP2. The game starts out with the same type of suspense we've come to expect from the AvP games and then afterwards it hits you with non-stop action more akin to Starship Troopers than the limited engagements of Aliens. At no point did I ever feel like the area was truly being over run by Xenomorphs as the game environment really isn't open enough to allow that feeling for the most part. Still you do have the same basic close quarters fighting as in previous games of the franchise. All in all it was worth the play through and once I realized I needed to set the options, the visuals became far more interesting. Lance Henriksen provides his voice to the Bishop Waylon role effectively. His voice acting of course outshines the bulk of it, but most of it is tolerable with a few exceptions here and there. I won't spoil the story too much, but like previous AvP games you must face down the Predator at some point. I will also say that the way this fight takes place, and where, works well. It was one of if not the highlight of the Marine campaign.

The Marine Weapons

The Marines weapons are actually all pretty effective with few exceptions. The main exception is that of the flame thrower which is useless most of the time. The shotgun is well done but the range on it sucks. Up close though, it dominates. The Pulse Rifle is a good all around weapon and for the most part ammunition is easily found in the game. However you do need to spare your rounds somewhat as there are a few instances where your pulse rifle will run dry. The sniper rifle is outstanding. It allows for serious damage and quick target acquisition. It also allows you to spot Predators and Aliens relatively easily through the reticle. If anything this weapon and its ammunition are far too abundant in the game. I never ran out of rounds for it and for the most part, on any Xenomorph, one shit is one kill almost totally regardless of where it is hit save for the legs. Even then the hit boxes seemed a little screwy in regard to that. A few times I clearly hit the Xenomorph in the knee or calf area only to have it drop dead right away.

The Predator Campaign

I just started playing this so I can't tell you much yet. So far I like it. His equipment works very well and has the right looks, sounds, and general feel. The Predator as you can imagine is very powerful but you have to be smart with your approach to each situation. I'll expand on this after I play the game some more.

I'll say this, the more I play the game, the more I like it.
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dan use imageshack.us and create an account.. when you go to upload the image through your account page check resize image then select optimize without resizing.. there is also achumpatoxford.com which doesnt resize your image at all but they dont allow you to post images here but you can still post the link..
It's pretty strange how it's getting horrible reviews for the most part, but nearly every user comment I've read on this and other forums are positive.

Also glad it has impressive DX11 visuals, can't wait to get my hands on it.
Anyone having any trouble with the Pred campaign. When it loaded Ruins right after refinery it spawned me "under" the level and I die. I even tried loading the mission from the main menu. Same result . :confused:
the bad reviews are from PS3 and XBOX 360 because the game has usability issues with consoles.
It's pretty strange how it's getting horrible reviews for the most part, but nearly every user comment I've read on this and other forums are positive.

Also glad it has impressive DX11 visuals, can't wait to get my hands on it.

because the idiots reviewing the game are basing it off the demo because they are a bunch of cheap asses and havent bought the game or the console version as stated by hardc0re... honestly you have to take game reviews with a grain of salt.. 9 times out of 10 they are so horribly wrong that it doesnt matter.. everyones view/opinion is different in games.. for example i hate MW2 multiplayer with a passion.. obviously there are more people that like it then dislike it.. doesnt mean im wrong or right.. thats the problem with a lot of game reviews.. they are opinions of the reviewer and not a neutral statement about the game..
hoping to see a detailed [H] dx9/10/11 iq review with plenty of screens soon.
I just gave the multiplayer game a try. Again in DX11 mode it looks 100x better than that crappy demo did. The developer should never have released that. It gives a very negative impression of the game. As for the actual MP game, well all I can say so far is that infestation kicks ass. On a negative note, there is still no option to mute all the voice chat. This should be in there.
It's pretty strange how it's getting horrible reviews for the most part, but nearly every user comment I've read on this and other forums are positive.

Also glad it has impressive DX11 visuals, can't wait to get my hands on it.

I love how the opinions on this game have progressed so far in the last 12 hours.

It seems so many people were basing their opinions purely on the demo, and a lot of the official reviews were based off the console versions.

So far the PC version is being received pretty well. I know I'm having fun with SP so far.
I just gave the multiplayer game a try. Again in DX11 mode it looks 100x better than that crappy demo did. The developer should never have released that. It gives a very negative impression of the game. As for the actual MP game, well all I can say so far is that infestation kicks ass. On a negative note, there is still no option to mute all the voice chat. This should be in there.
I will gladly throw money at Rebellion's face provided Infestation and Predator Hunt are super win. :D
I played the multi and though it was pretty good, except for the Marine's shotgun, pretty damn worthless. Definitely looking to pick this up soon.
I don't have a DX11 card :(. Nor do I think I'll upgrade from my 4870x2 until summer this year.... :'(

I honestly didn't know this but someone told me in the other AVP thread that this thing was made on the PC and ported outward to the consoles. Is that really true?

What I'm seeing from a lot of here is how awesome the DX11 eye candy is and that things are "somewhat" better than that disaster of a demo.

Dan D's impressions in particular give me some hope since I tend to agree with him a lot of the time on things. Hell, I liked Wolfenstein SP well enough and he didn't so if that's anything to go by maybe I'll end up loving this thing outright and there's hope here. :)
I honestly didn't know this but someone told me in the other AVP thread that this thing was made on the PC and ported outward to the consoles. Is that really true?

What I'm seeing from a lot of here is how awesome the DX11 eye candy is and that things are "somewhat" better than that disaster of a demo.

Dan D's impressions in particular give me some hope since I tend to agree with him a lot of the time on things. Hell, I liked Wolfenstein SP well enough and he didn't so if that's anything to go by maybe I'll end up loving this thing outright and there's hope here. :)

AvP certainly doesn't deserve the bad reputation it gets from the reviews. The game isn't perfect, but the more I play it the more I'm enjoying it. The Marine Campaign is overall OK, but nothing special. The Predator campaign has been serious fun for me. I'm about halfway through that or roughly 60% of the total single player story. As I said last night I barely touched MP but I found the infestation mode kicks ass.