AVP thoughts and impressions

no one is even mentioning the fact that the publishers balanced out the 3 species really well...no one species is too dominant over the other (yes even the alien)...they all have their individual strengths and weaknesses...I gotta give them kudos for getting that part right

also keep in mind that the final game will feature 7 multiplayer modes...Deathmatch is just 1 of 7 and maybe not the greatest way to showcase the game but I think that it has the potential to be much better when playing the single player or one of the other multiplayer modes...people need to stop being so quick to judge

Infestation: Aliens vs Marines with one player starting out as an Alien Hunter. When they kill a Marine, their prey will respawn as an Alien.

Mixed Species Death Match: Two teams, made up of all three species, compete to score the most kills within the time limit or reach the kill target first.

Survivor: Four player co-op action in which a team of Marines takes on waves of Alien enemies. The mode features two areas: a platform which should be fairly easy to defend and another area where an Alien ambush is likely. Unfortunately, health/ammo pick ups can all be found in the second area.

Predator Hunt: One player takes on the role of a Predator Hunter tasked with taking down a team of Marines.

Species Death Match: Three teams (one for each of the species) compete to get the most kills in the time limit or reach the target score.

Domination: Two teams fight for control of flags and score more points for the more flags controlled. The first team to reach the 1000 point limit wins

I'm guessing you haven't been exposed to much in the way of good games at this rate.

Does it offend you that someone likes this game? Or you think a 10-month old DM-only console demo of the game is an accurate representation of what the full product is like?

As long as the singleplayer and survivor is fun, I'm going to buy this too. Looks like Rebellion improved on the core mechanics of AvP1 and 2, and as already stated many times it's surprisingly balanced.

I'm guessing you haven't been exposed to much in the way of good games at this rate.

I liked the old Aliens vs Predator games. I feel right at home with this one. I think they did a good job on it. To me it feels exactly like the originals I used to play as a teenager.
I just got done playing the demo and it was great. Reminded me of the classic AVP with better graphics and a little more realistic. I dont have any complaints, I tried all the classes and enjoyed each one. Only thing I had trouble with was seeing the aliens as a marine since they kind of blend into the environment. Game ran perfect without any freezing or hiccups. I'll definitely be picking this one up. I dont understand how everyone was having so many problems.
I gotta admit the more I play the more I like the game...gameplay is fun...the character animations (especially on the Alien) are very well done...the sound effects are spot on too...

If you have the people to do it, form a group, or better yet an entire game filled with Steam friends. If you have a Vent or a TS server, use it. Agree to play in a Team DM format as opposed to free-for-all. Doing this, my personal enjoyment level increased about, oh, 1000x.

The format of the demo is grievous. The game itself has a ton of potential.
Game feels like it was thrown together haphazardly. Controls are terrible, animations as well. Whole thing just feels junky.
Game feels like it was thrown together haphazardly. Controls are terrible, animations as well. Whole thing just feels junky.

controls are definitely made with consoles in mind...that being said once I remapped the keys the game became a lot easier...seems like you have to use a whole bunch of keys to be good in this game (especially when playing the Predator)...the Predator's weapons are all hidden in spots where you have to use the Vision key to locate them, the Super Jump key to retrieve them, power them up and then finally use them...a lot of work
I liked the old Aliens vs Predator games. I feel right at home with this one. I think they did a good job on it. To me it feels exactly like the originals I used to play as a teenager.

I guess I'll go with you on that: It looked and felt like a game from ten years ago to me as well.

^^ You walked right into that one. ;)
I'm loving the predator. Alien too. I don't like the Marine mainly because it plays like a straight up shooter (the reason why I don't play many shooters, especially online - boring). I'm actually pretty good as the predator, surprised myself.
Read the review though. Half of it is bitching about the Alien being too hard to control. I guess he didn't play AvP 1 or 2.

And was that seriously a complaint about the motion detector? Christ, this reminds me why I never put any weight into gaming "journalist" reviews.
I guess I'll go with you on that: It looked and felt like a game from ten years ago to me as well.

^^ You walked right into that one. ;)

Well, that's a good thing for me, because it was exactly what I was looking for.

Bad for you I guess. ;)
I would like to try this game again with dedicated servers. Played twice and the host left both games. The alien looked creepy as hell though.
Read the review though. Half of it is bitching about the Alien being too hard to control. I guess he didn't play AvP 1 or 2.

And was that seriously a complaint about the motion detector? Christ, this reminds me why I never put any weight into gaming "journalist" reviews.

I don't think you read the article. 3 sentences = half the article? Half the article was talking about the campaign missions. To me it sounded alot like a review of Rogue Fighter and that game sucked balls, so again, I'm pretty much on the fence with this one. The demo really turned me off.
what's the point of the Predator's cloak mode if both the Marine and the Alien can still see the Predator even when cloaked?
I don't think you read the article. 3 sentences = half the article? Half the article was talking about the campaign missions. To me it sounded alot like a review of Rogue Fighter and that game sucked balls, so again, I'm pretty much on the fence with this one. The demo really turned me off.

Half the article, yeah, because of the ridiculously short content of the review itself. It's like one of those second-opinion reviews you see after the main article. I would have been fine with it had they explained in-depth why the game is boring, why the Marine sections are tedious, why stealth isn't fun with the Predator, why the Alien was hard to control.

As it is though, you could sum it up as: "so much stealth, ugh, alien controls, ugh, oh and I probably didn't play multiplayer but I guess its uninspired?"
what's the point of the Predator's cloak mode if both the Marine and the Alien can still see the Predator even when cloaked?

Everyone knows the only thing's/person's who can see a Predator cloaked is Billy and Dutch.
first time i played it, to be honest, i was looking at it with a critical eye. with the tremendous amounts of console ports coming thus far, i had to keep my high standards for this game being a fan of the original two. the more i played, the more it grew on me. this is a definite buy for me.
not dumbed down, granted grabs and aim-assist in melee combat are a PITA but still there is much depth to it,

That's dumbed down.

If there's an option to turn that stuff off in the final game then that's fine.
Played the demo, now will think thrice, before even considering getting this game. I want it for single player only, but I'm afraid it will not stand to AvP2, I won't mind crap graphics if the fear factor is high enough, but judging from demo scenery and all that, there is no chance badly drawn alien will scare the shit out of me like they did in AvP 2 :p

For me it looks more like last AvP movies, which were crap, compared to Alien/Aliens.... hell even Alien 4 is better done

This will add to everyone's enjoyment of the game quite a bit (granted, you need ignore the fact that it's a console controller). The reviewer pissing about controls obviously had no idea what he was doing ... and playing on console as the Alien would be a nightmare. Once you learn the basics, close combat between evenly matched players can be quite challenging and fun.
This will add to everyone's enjoyment of the game quite a bit (granted, you need ignore the fact that it's a console controller). The reviewer pissing about controls obviously had no idea what he was doing ... and playing on console as the Alien would be a nightmare. Once you learn the basics, close combat between evenly matched players can be quite challenging and fun.

What pisses me off is when two melee characters are dueling (which sometimes talks a long time due to blocking), some damn marine happens to walk by and light them both up.
You can also tail attack from the ceiling. And the deathmatch was a poor choice to show case the game. I was in a game where 2 marines decided to stick together, and it was really fun. No chance in hell could you kill them by just running up to them.
This will add to everyone's enjoyment of the game quite a bit (granted, you need ignore the fact that it's a console controller). The reviewer pissing about controls obviously had no idea what he was doing ... and playing on console as the Alien would be a nightmare. Once you learn the basics, close combat between evenly matched players can be quite challenging and fun.

I've played the game on the PS3 and the controls are solid. Playing as the marine felt harder for me because you have to aim your weapon. The auto aim is just as solid as MW2. I guarantee after I play around with the controls on the PS3 I'll be able to rip some people up like I am on the PC. I noticed that the Marine has a shoulder button that isn't assigned to do anything. It is suppose to be used for heavy attack on the other species. What they could of done is be able to use your iron sight as the Marine. Could of been useful the game is still lots of fun with out it.

What pisses me off is when two melee characters are dueling (which sometimes talks a long time due to blocking), some damn marine happens to walk by and light them both up.

lol Yah guilty of doing that.

Here are some strategies I've learned and some of y'all can use. Add onto it if you know other strategies.

MARINE - The Ultimate Bad Ass

-If an Alien is in range of a light attack, USE IT! When an Alien is close, most of the time they use the heavy attack. Light attack deflects this and can knock them down. This gives you an extra second to light them up with your gun.
-Don't forget to block. Light attacks from Predators and Aliens are faster then Heavy attacks. You block their light attack, then counter them with your light attack, this knocks them down. Free kill.
-AIM FOR THE HEAD! As in every game, it does a lot of damage and can save you from becoming lunch. This especially works on Marines that are trying to take you down!
-Pay attention to your Motion Detector (MD). Anything that moves is a threat in DM. The Motion detector (MD) also indicates if someone is behind you as well. It wont tell you the range but as soon as you hear that bleep, start looking.
-Don't look down. Aliens can crawl on ceilings and walls as well.
-Keep your flashlight off if no one is around. This gives your position away. Turn it on when you see a threat so you can better see what you are shooting at.
-If you are grabbed IMMEDIATELY HOLD BLOCK! This can save you from become the next trophy on at Predators ship or lunch for an alien. Timing is key though.
-Be aware of your surroundings and know your maps. The motion detector picks up everything that moves no matter where they are.
-Check those corners. Even thought the MD can pick up things that move, it can't pick up heart beats. Predators are cloaked and standing still keeps them off your radar same with the Alien and dark corners. If you sense someone is in a room next to you, chances are there is.
-Look out for Lasers. A Predator is trying to lock onto you. This gives you a chance to see where he is hiding. When you spot him, light him up for a quick kill.

ALIEN - The Ultimate Weapon

-Combo grabs. If you hit someone with a heavy attack, immediately try to grab them for a quick kill. This works with Light attacks as well but....
-Grabs can kill you! Grabbing someone takes time and this leaves you open and exposed. Use grabs when you are sure no one is around.
-The dark is your best friend. Take out those lights! Marines can't see you in the dark. Nor can a predator if he isn't using Xenomorph vision.
-Take cover! The Alien's health regenerates over time. After you make a kill and have taken a few hits, find a place to hide so you can recover.
-Don't stay on the ground. You are an Alien. Use the ceilings and the walls to make you a harder target to hit.
-Speed is key. You are the fastest of the three species. If you are being attacked and the attacker is to far, RUN AWAY! This gives you time to recover and take revenge on the aggressor.
-Aliens have focus mode as well. You can use it to pounce on someone from afar. Activate focus mode then use light or heavy attack towards the victim. This can knock them down making them easy prey.
-Pay attention to your crosshair. Your crosshair will show 3 spikes when an object can be leaped too (space). This will allow you to climb to difficult places in one pounce.
-Claw your way to the top but don't forget to block! Blocking can help save you from getting the butt end of a gun in your face and knocking you down. Same with Wrist Blades. Once you are knocked down, you have become the prey.
-Don't go head on to your prey. The Marine can easily gun you down, so can the Predator. Surprise your prey and get the upper hand.

PREDATOR - The Ultimate Hunter

-Cloaking is key. A marine can not see you when you are cloaked. Standing still makes your invisible. Moving not only picks you up on the Marines MD, he can also slightly see you. It's useless against Aliens but this saves you from becoming full of lead if you are attacking an Alien.
-Use your visions. You don't have a flash light. You have something better, your mask. Cycle through vision modes when you sense an enemy is near by so they stand out like a sore thumb. Aliens easily blend into the surroundings and the dark. Xenomorph vision really helps them stand out.
-Look before you leap. Using focus mode helps you get to higher places faster. It can also help your pounce on your prey for easy killing.
-Pick up items. When you spawn, all you have is your blades. Find your other weapons fast so you can get the upper hand.
-Heal in safety. Healing uses energy and takes a few seconds. This can leave you exposed. Find a place to heal that is safe.
-Stay high. You can access higher areas that the Marines cannot. This makes your targets easier to pick off.
-Watch your laser. When every you are using the Plasma Caster or the disc, you are exposed by your laser. Use it cautiously.
-Don't forget to recharge. Cloaking, Plasma Caster, and Mines all use energy. When you are recharging you are exposed. Don't forget to check your surroundings before you charge.

I have more but Super Bowl is starting soon and I have to leave.
What pisses me off is when two melee characters are dueling (which sometimes talks a long time due to blocking), some damn marine happens to walk by and light them both up.

well yeah on ffa it's stupid, but for any other gametype with team play it would make sense.
worst demo ive played in a while. I knew this game was going to be shit. People constantly hype shit games and I don't know why they do it.
I took the time to get my controls mapped properly and tried it again. I may have judged it too harshly before. I think it'll be a lot of fun once I really get the hang of the controls.

The design of the demo map is really kinda lame. It feels more like a Quake 3 or UT map than something that belongs in a modern game.... real buildings do not have two or three ways in and out of every single room, and shit piled EVERYWHERE, and holes in the floor and open walkways with no railings everywhere, etc.. it all feels very contrived and "gamey".

But I'll probably give it a chance just to play the single player marine campaign. My standards kinda drop for the Aliens franchise... if this game has single player that's anywhere near as fun/scary as the first two AVP games, and I expect it will, it will be worth the price of purchase. To me, multiplayer is just gravy.
Can't believe you have to change the controls for all 3 characters independantly, I guess thats a good thing but it take to much time when you just want to play the first time!
Can't believe you have to change the controls for all 3 characters independantly

I think it's much better than a unified control system since it maximizes the characters' abilities, though...same reason why many military games have separate controls for tanks, airplanes, helicopters, boats, etc. Yeah it's a pain to configure initially, but it's probably superior to having them share controls.
I think it's much better than a unified control system since it maximizes the characters' abilities, though...same reason why many military games have separate controls for tanks, airplanes, helicopters, boats, etc. Yeah it's a pain to configure initially, but it's probably superior to having them share controls.


each character has different abilities which require separate mapping
More and more reviews are pouring out. Most of them rate the game between 7 or 8 out of 10. To be honest, it was what I was expecting. A new video was released and apparently the marines have a dodge move as well to prevent getting grabbed and instant death.