Avira 9 and Windows 7


Jul 7, 2008
Recently, Avira was updated to version 9.

I'm not sure if this is new with Avira 9 or some Windows 7 bug, but ever since upgrading to the Avira v.9 every update requires a reboot. With Avira 8 (on the same Windows 7 machine) it would install updates and that's it. No reboot required. But EVERY update that Avira 9 finds requires a reboot.

After installing and rebooting, I could re-run the updater just to see if there were any new updates and it would find nothing, so surly it must be updating something. It's just weird that this is suddenly the norm for Avira 9, and was never a problem in 8. Has anyone else ran into this issue?
that's why. every time it updates it will try to download the file and overwrite it and ask you to restart. I think you can still use secpol.msc to deny access to that file.
You did it wrong. You should only deny execute (and change permissions) on that file, not remove any other permissions. I run Avira 9 on Windows 7, and since I know how to use permissions, I don't have a problem with this at all. And the ad doesn't pop up. This is how you should set it up in v8, too, but v9 apparently cares more.

You did it wrong. You should only deny execute (and change permissions) on that file, not remove any other permissions. I run Avira 9 on Windows 7, and since I know how to use permissions, I don't have a problem with this at all. And the ad doesn't pop up. This is how you should set it up in v8, too, but v9 apparently cares more.


When right-clicking on the "avnotify" file, and going under the security tab, I just have it to set to deny on the "Read & Execute" and "Read". I did a Google search on this but it was for Avira 8 of course. There isn't only an "Execute" option, just a "Read & Execute".