Auto bootup, suspicious activity?

May 19, 2015
Hi all,
I hope this is the right sub forum. I have a ThinkPad t410 that I bought used. It's working fine, running Windows 7 Pro. One issue that it had its that it won't stay shut down. It turns itself back on. I turned out all the sleep timers, looked through the Scheduled tasks and disabled unnecessary ones. There's no hope. From full shutdown, on battery or AC, it turns back on.

I looked at Event Viewer and found out when the booting up occurs but I haven't been able to isolate it yet.

I will try to post the log when I get WiFi. Are there any thoughts until I can get the logs up?

Buy a cross, some garlic, and possibly a wooden stake. In all seriousness I dunno but the thought of waking up to that or walking into a room to see it on kinda gives me the heeby jeebies.
Okay so basic logic here.

Did you wipe the drive and do a full clean re-install? Did you reset and upgrade the bios to the most recent version?
When you buy a used laptop you always wipe it clean and reinstall. The only way to ensure that the last owner isn't spying on you or your data.
Wake on LAN and auto/scheduled boot comes to mind, but i have no knowledge if your laptop is capable of either.

You may isolate WOL by disconnecting LAN cable / disabling WAN.
Check BIOS for any auto/scheduled power on options.

Does it happen on battery power alone too?
I would suspect bios if this is an installation you performed. If you did not then I would suggest a drive format and reinstall. Are any different programs running when it auto-wakes?
Yank the battery and see if that ghost dies!

Seriously, let it fully drain with no power and see if it comes back on. And if it does--run!
Hi all,
I don't know about wipe/reinstall but Windows was reinstalled using the Recovery partition. I did it again recently. I am going to say it is a hardware/driver problem, maybe the power manager software. It did happen recently but hasn't since. It's been staying off (while plugged in, but don't know about just on battery).