Aussies owning the [H]?


Limp Gawd
Jan 7, 2004
How come we got more WU done than OC Australia and yet they are still owning us? (Well not really owning but we are the first losers...) :(

This shall not stand!! :mad:

*Now running two consoles at 100% processor usage* :D
If you mean more WU done since the beginning....... it's because the point values have changed so much... some WU are worth 600 points now, where as a year ago they would've only been worth 200... and years ago, only worth 1 point....

Keep on Folding!!

I think alot of it has to do with the number of people running large work units. Not everyone is knows about, or wants to run them as they can be quite memory intensive. I would run them, but the work I do is quite memory intensive and smaller units work better for me.
hmmm,I got another NF2 mobo laying around packed and waiting for an RMA, I should send it out and get it folding...
CzarDestructo said:
hmmm,I got another NF2 mobo laying around packed and waiting for an RMA, I should send it out and get it folding...

hell yea!
AchTuNG! said:
Shhh.... Don't tell anyone I'm fighting for you guys...

Excellent! :D
Your secret is safe with me, Mate!.....except for that WWW thing. ;)
Now if could just get the rest of them on our side. :cool:
Fold on brotha!

Maybe we can lure them with something they like?

How about a six pack of these:

A quick question. I hear a lot about these large 600 point units. Is there something one has to enable to get 600 pointers?

templarknightx said:
A quick question. I hear a lot about these large 600 point units. Is there something one has to enable to get 600 pointers?

Yes, you must first hug the moose!
Kidding....what client are you running?

AchTuNG! said:
Shhh.... Don't tell anyone I'm fighting for you guys...

I won't tell that you're folding for the [H], if you don't tell that I'm also folding for the [H] ;)

RIUM+ said:
I won't tell that you're folding for the [H], if you don't tell that I'm also folding for the [H] ;)

AchTuNG! said:
Shhh.... Don't tell anyone I'm fighting for you guys...

Its working...its working! Get more beer!!!!!





Ill drink to that!

Donator Tiny_on_the_[H]
Team [H]ardOCP (33)
Score 600 (certificate)
Donator Rank 174019 of 429825
WU 1 (certificate)
Date of last
work unit 2005-02-22 09:10:22

I did my first Folding job!!! It was a 600 pointer too!!!! :D Currently doing 25/250 on the next one.

Interestingly, I jumped from last place to 174019! Get Folding you nubbers! :p
You know, it's funny, but very few Australians like Fosters beer. Everyone else in the world likes it, so it's mainly exported and not drunk here. And because everyone else in the world likes it, and that it's made here, they assume we REALLY like it. When in fact, no one here really likes it that much.

Kindof like Steve Erwin, really ;) :p

RIUM+ said:
You know, it's funny, but very few Australians like Fosters beer. Everyone else in the world likes it, so it's mainly exported and not drunk here. And because everyone else in the world likes it, and that it's made here, they assume we REALLY like it. When in fact, no one here really likes it that much.

Kindof like Steve Erwin, really ;) :p

Damn, beat me too it!

AchTuNG! said:
Shhh.... Don't tell anyone I'm fighting for you guys...

Sort of balances out with the lovely Karen in New Orleans and Charles in Chapel Hill folding under my name.

And to repeat 'Stralians do not drink the piss you lot call fosters. In Queensland they drink XXXX (called four x because they cannot spell beer up there.)
ezee said:
Sort of balances out with the lovely Karen in New Orleans and Charles in Chapel Hill folding under my name.

And to repeat 'Stralians do not drink the piss you lot call fosters. In Queensland they drink XXXX (called four x because they cannot spell beer up there.)

Hmmm.. Most people in America don't like Foster's either.

And can you give me Karen and Charles' addresses? I'll go solve that problem.
RIUM+ said:
You know, it's funny, but very few Australians like Fosters beer. Everyone else in the world likes it, so it's mainly exported and not drunk here. And because everyone else in the world likes it, and that it's made here, they assume we REALLY like it. When in fact, no one here really likes it that much.

Kindof like Steve Erwin, really ;) :p

I was going ot say that. A friend of mine that is Australian was horrified to see so many americans drinking it. I must say I was the same way when I went ot ENgland and saw some English drinking Budweiser......I was like holy crap why are you drinking our piss?
I'll repost someone's earlier question: is there a setting in the graphical client to only get the big 600 point work units? I have a laptop that I have folding 24/7 running nothing else...2.2ghz Athlon XP with 512MB of RAM - I think that can handle let me know...must jump the [H] up!
Maniacmous said:
I'll repost someone's earlier question: is there a setting in the graphical client to only get the big 600 point work units? I have a laptop that I have folding 24/7 running nothing else...2.2ghz Athlon XP with 512MB of RAM - I think that can handle let me know...must jump the [H] up!
Run the client from a command line with the -configonly switch, like this:
C:\Wherever\You\Installed\FAH\FAH500-Console.exe -configonly
Go Bucks!
Maniacmous said:
I'll repost someone's earlier question: is there a setting in the graphical client to only get the big 600 point work units? I have a laptop that I have folding 24/7 running nothing else...2.2ghz Athlon XP with 512MB of RAM - I think that can handle let me know...must jump the [H] up!
On the configure tab, toward the bottom there is a toggle for "Allow receipt of work assignments etc..." Make sure this is checked and you should be good.

Thanks for the fast replies guys...the laptop is now set to accept big work units. More pointage ho!!
Donator People_of_the_Earth
Team [H]ardOCP (33)
Score 7649 (certificate)
Donator Rank 45989 of 429831
WU 21 (certificate)

So if I'm reading replies here correctly, you divide the Score by the WUs....I'm averaging 364 points per WU. Hmmm...will have to figure which machines are doing the low-point WUs and see if they're configured to accept large WUs.

One of the ancient machines at work that was headed for the dumpster got a second chance on life for folding. It's a 300Mhz Celeron, one with the seriously crippled cache from years ago. It's chewing a WU now with an estimated completion date of 38 days!

Fold on!
ezee said:
Sort of balances out with the lovely Karen in New Orleans and Charles in Chapel Hill folding under my name.

And to repeat 'Stralians do not drink the piss you lot call fosters. In Queensland they drink XXXX (called four x because they cannot spell beer up there.)

My mistake!


RIUM+ said:
You know, it's funny, but very few Australians like Fosters beer. Everyone else in the world likes it, so it's mainly exported and not drunk here. And because everyone else in the world likes it, and that it's made here, they assume we REALLY like it. When in fact, no one here really likes it that much.

Kindof like Steve Erwin, really ;) :p

I always figured that the reason so much of it was exported was because you guys *didn't* like it ;)

I think it tastes like watered down piss, personally. Then again I'm picky about my beer.
HTPC Rookie said:
So if I'm reading replies here correctly, you divide the Score by the WUs....I'm averaging 364 points per WU. Hmmm...will have to figure which machines are doing the low-point WUs and see if they're configured to accept large WUs.

One of the ancient machines at work that was headed for the dumpster got a second chance on life for folding. It's a 300Mhz Celeron, one with the seriously crippled cache from years ago. It's chewing a WU now with an estimated completion date of 38 days!

Fold on!
Just make sure if you're running some of that vintage, that you've got it set to timeless units. It's probably going to be real tough for that to make WU's on time, and it would stink to let its cycles be wasted.

Ooh I'm lost. I don't have the "allow receipt of work units etc", and I don't see anything that says anything about "timeless units" in my configuration.

I don't even know where to find what version client I'm running.

Feeling like a
HTPC Rookie said:
Ooh I'm lost. I don't have the "allow receipt of work units etc", and I don't see anything that says anything about "timeless units" in my configuration.

I don't even know where to find what version client I'm running.

Feeling like a

Ok, let me see if I can offer some help (don't laugh).

I am running the Graphical version so the following applies to that.

First, you can see what you are folding with buy right clicking the Folding icon in the sys tray and selecting 'ABOUT'. It will look like this:

As for configuration of the right click the Folding icon and select 'CONFIGURE...' . Then you can select the different tabs from there. I will post pics of the way that I have mine set-up...cause I seem to be getting only the 600pointer jobbies.

and yes...that is a Ford Five Hundred on my desktop, you can't laugh at that either. :p

thanks for the hosting
OSUguy98 said:
If you mean more WU done since the beginning....... it's because the point values have changed so much... some WU are worth 600 points now, where as a year ago they would've only been worth 200... and years ago, only worth 1 point....

Keep on Folding!!

The BBA5's were worth only 0.6 pts :cool:
HTPC Rookie said:
Ooh I'm lost. I don't have the "allow receipt of work units etc", and I don't see anything that says anything about "timeless units" in my configuration.

I don't even know where to find what version client I'm running.

Feeling like a

You running the graphical, or the no nonsense text only client?

Tiny said:
Ok, let me see if I can offer some help (don't laugh).

First, you can see what you are folding with buy right clicking the Folding icon in the sys tray and selecting 'ABOUT'. It will look like this:

As for configuration of the right click the Folding icon and select 'CONFIGURE...' . Then you can select the different tabs from there. I will post pics of the way that I have mine set-up...cause I seem to be getting only the 600pointer jobbies.

and yes...that is a Ford Five Hundred on my desktop, you can't laugh at that either. :p

thanks for the hosting

Hey I'd never laugh at someone helping me!

I've got this (my living room notebook) set just like your screen shots now...will head out to the computer room and change the two out there, do wife's and kid's machines after American Idiot is over, and get the ones at work tomorrow.

I'm running the graphical version.

[Edit: it's version 5.03]

Do appreciate the help!
So um... besides beer... Let's see here... Um... What else do Ozzies like? I got some nice cuts of Angus steak lying in my fridge I can offer... :rolleyes:
Tibu971.8L said:
So um... besides beer... Let's see here... Um... What else do Aussies like? I got some nice cuts of Angus steak lying in my fridge I can offer... :rolleyes:

It's going to get worse as it becomes winter for them and summer for us, but i'll do my best to keep production up.

I may just frame this and put it on my desk. My first 600 points!!!


I may just cry 'cause it is so pretty.
