Aussies owning the [H]?

Tibu971.8L said:
So um... besides beer... Let's see here... Um... What else do Aussies like? I got some nice cuts of Angus steak lying in my fridge I can offer... :rolleyes:
Don't forget rugby! And Crocodile Dundee!

I'd call an Aussie v someone one-dayer match (cricket) on the radio with a bunch of mates round having a bbq drinking melbourne bitter a perfect day :)
Years back I got sent to a training seminar in ' Jersey. There was a guy there from down under. We bellied up to the hotel bar one night. Decent guy. Taught me:

1. It's not pronounced "au-see", it's pronounced "ozzy". "au-see" pisses ozzies off.
2. In America we drive on the right side of the road. Down under they drive on the CORRECT side of the road.
3..Our paper money is boring, not enough color.
4. If I ever visited Australia (a lifelong dream of mine), take a tour of the outback, avoid the tourist traps (like the Opera House).
5. Like the rest of the civilized world, Heineken is the beer of choice.
6. Crocodile Dundee is about as real life to real ozzies as Charles Bronson was to us.
HTPC Rookie said:
Years back I got sent to a training seminar in ' Jersey. There was a guy there from down under. We bellied up to the hotel bar one night. Decent guy. Taught me:

1. It's not pronounced "au-see", it's pronounced "ozzy". "au-see" pisses ozzies off.
2. In America we drive on the right side of the road. Down under they drive on the CORRECT side of the road.
3..Our paper money is boring, not enough color.
4. If I ever visited Australia (a lifelong dream of mine), take a tour of the outback, avoid the tourist traps (like the Opera House).
5. Like the rest of the civilized world, Heineken is the beer of choice.
6. Crocodile Dundee is about as real life to real ozzies as Charles Bronson was to us.

But Heineken is no better than fosters.

This is clearly not right. :D
mwarps said:
But Heineken is no better than fosters.

This is clearly not right. :D

I was about to say that! Nothing beats a pint of quality, cask fermented, homebrewed IPA :)
ThomasE66 said:
I was about to say that! Nothing beats a pint of quality, cask fermented, homebrewed IPA :)

I'd say a pint of homebrewed scotch ale, myself.
Can't stand IPA

Cheers, though!
mwarps said:
I'd say a pint of homebrewed scotch ale, myself.
Can't stand IPA

Cheers, though!

I make a mean Scotch Wee Heavy too. I also do a lot of Belgian Dubbel styles. I tend to prefer the stronger brews. I just started a thread on homebrewing over in Hobbies, since now I'm getting off topic for this thread :)

ThomasE66 said:
I make a mean Scotch Wee Heavy too. I also do a lot of Belgian Dubbel styles. I tend to prefer the stronger brews. I just started a thread on homebrewing over in Hobbies, since now I'm getting off topic for this thread :)


Okay, It's 8:45 in the fscking morning, and I'm THIRSTY. :eek:

Bastage! :D
mwarps said:
Okay, It's 8:45 in the fscking morning, and I'm THIRSTY. :eek:

Bastage! :D

Yeah...I might have to have some liquid bread for lunch today. Just don't tell the boss! Wait...that's me...nevermind.
[HOMER]MMMMMmmmmmMMMMMmmmm..... Beeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr[/HOMER]

ThomasE66 said:
Yeah...I might have to have some liquid bread for lunch today. Just don't tell the boss! Wait...that's me...nevermind.

Please just tell me, since you are in Pittsburgh and all, that you don't drink the nasty river water known as Iron City (that goes for light too). :p
Maniacmous said:
Please just tell me, since you are in Pittsburgh and all, that you don't drink the nasty river water known as Iron City (that goes for light too). :p

Since you do not know me, I'll forgive the insult ;)

Did that answer your question? :)
Indeed...I think so.

I personally believe that Iron City might just be the worst beer ever, I'd even put Pabst Blue Ribbon above that stuff. I grew up around people that could drink the stuff, but I never could choke it down - same goes with Budweiser.
In other news, who's doing the owning now :)

We're averaging about 8k points per day more than them, but their output seems to have dropped a lot over the past few days. I wonder what's up with that?
wake6830 said:
In other news, who's doing the owning now :)

We're averaging about 8k points per day more than them, but their output seems to have dropped a lot over the past few days. I wonder what's up with that?

My guess is a farmer or something down there went on vacation or the'd be like if Relic or someone here with a massive farm decided to just jump ship for awhile.
wake6830 said:
In other news, who's doing the owning now :)

We're averaging about 8k points per day more than them, but their output seems to have dropped a lot over the past few days. I wonder what's up with that?

It's the 100 cases of beer laced with sleeping pills that we sent to them.
So how well does the big WU run on machines with only 512? People say above 512 run big WU, but what about AT 512MB?
Big WU are fine on 512 systems. I wouldn't necessarily borge someones system and I would turn it off when playing serious games, but otherwise it shouldn't make much of a difference unless you are using serious memory hog applications.

I currently have the following running on my Pentium-M with 512MB of memory.

FAH (600 pointer, i.e. Big WU)
Microsoft Outlook with 6 e-mails open
Microsoft Powerpoint
A folder
Windows Task Manager
Nortan Antivirus
Miscellaneous Network related processes.

My memory is runing at 454 MB.

If I open a few more apps I'll be dead, but everything is currently GTG (good to go).

I've got a Pentium 4 2.8ghz here at work with no hyperthreading and 512mb of memory, and it handles the big WUs just fine, even when I'm doing work in photoshop & indesign simultaneously while listening to mp3s on winamp. Outlook and at least one or two windows of IE are always open as well. Maybe files open a little slower, but it's not too noticeable and it's not like im in a big hurry to do my work any faster.

OldPueblo said:
So how well does the big WU run on machines with only 512? People say above 512 run big WU, but what about AT 512MB?

I have my Sempron 2200+ running with integrated everything, running the big units(mostly), and it only has 256MB... of course, it's a folding-only boxen... But as it's been said, the WUs ain't getting any smaller folks....

Keep on Folding!!

Over 1100 WU's finished so far and not one 600 pointer.
What do I need to add or change to receive them?
I am running a P4 3.0 oc'ed to 3.8. 1 gig of Corsair. Running 2 clients with HT on.
This is what I have now.
"C:\Program Files\F@H2\FAH4Console.exe" -advmethods -forceasm -verbosity 9 -local
Sparky said:
Over 1100 WU's finished so far and not one 600 pointer.
What do I need to add or change to receive them?
I am running a P4 3.0 oc'ed to 3.8. 1 gig of Corsair. Running 2 clients with HT on.
This is what I have now.
"C:\Program Files\F@H2\FAH4Console.exe" -advmethods -forceasm -verbosity 9 -local


Why are you running FAH4?

I would upgrade to 5.02 and then make sure you run -config and enable big units.

Sparky said:
I guess I need to update. Been like 2-3 years since I started this.

If you do the two things above I think it will solve the problem.
Just run -config once or keep it in there with the rest?

Figured it out.
Thanks for the help.
Sparky said:
Just run -config once or keep it in there with the rest?

Well I'd go to 5.02. I don't know if you can set the Big work units with FAH4 (I only run one instance for FAH4). Then follow the instructions.