Audio_TS + Video_TS = Burnable DVD Iso how?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 11, 2003
Im new to backing up DVDs... how do I take these files Ive extracted from Herald and Kumar to make it burnable? Nerovision seems to work, but it gets an error and talks about Dolby 2 channel encoding or some bullshit. Ive got a program called MagicISO maker... should I just make an iso with these folders in it, then burn it?
If you have backed up the DVD and you have .vob files and such in Video_TS, I think you can use Nero to make a new DVD Video compilation. When you have the new disc layout open, go to the spot where the Video_TS files are located on the hard drive and drag/drop them onto the new DVD Video comp.

In other words, put all the files from Video_TS (the backup'd version) into the Video_TS (created by Nero) on the DVD disc.
The thing that Nero is talking about is only being able to encode audio in two channels. It doesn't do Dolby Digital out of the box without an upgrade that costs $$.

How are you going about ripping the DVD. There are a bunch of programs out there to rip but the one that I use is DVD Decrpyter. It'll rip the DVD to a directory on your computer. Then grab a copy of DVD Shrink. Open that directory, rip out whatever you don't want, compress as much as you want, re-author (if you've removed things) and tell it to burn using the Nero plugin. Hit the Write button and sit back. I don't actually use Nero unless there is something that I need to burn data wise.

As as aside, I don't know if DVD Shrink will bypass the Nero two channel thing. My thought is that it's just writing the same audio files back but I don't have any DD equipment to playback on and haven't researched.

Ya... I used decryptor... but, it came out as those files instead of an ISO. It took me forever to get it to copy the DVD, its scratched bad, hence the copy.

Anyways... I watched the files it copied, so it works fine... I geuss I can just burn with Nero and forget about the Dolby files.
Tengis said:
Ya... I used decryptor... but, it came out as those files instead of an ISO. It took me forever to get it to copy the DVD, its scratched bad, hence the copy.

Anyways... I watched the files it copied, so it works fine... I geuss I can just burn with Nero and forget about the Dolby files.

Instead of using Nero, I would take the above posters advise and use DVD Decrypter + DVD Shrink.

Also, if you prefer, you can have DVD Decrypter output a single ISO instead of the VOB files. In DVD Decrypter, go to Mode-->ISO
You have to use NERO, or a BURNING software device.

DVD Decrypt and Shrink, can only do just that, decrypt and shrink, they are not burning programs. How else is he going to get it on DVD?

Also, why are you trying to convert it to an ISO to begin with? Once you have the VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS Folders, you simply make a DVD COMPILATION in NERO and drag over the SHRUNK version folders over. Then Click BURN.
abudhu said:
You have to use NERO, or a BURNING software device.

DVD Decrypt and Shrink, can only do just that, decrypt and shrink, they are not burning programs.

Wrong. DVD Decrypter can burn DVDs from at least 12 different disk image formats. So you could use PgcEdit to build the images and DVD Decrypter to burn them.
Ah-Haw. But it can't do it nativley.

But nifty to know. Thanks. But Nero works fine :-D Haha.
abudhu said:
You have to use NERO, or a BURNING software device.

DVD Decrypt and Shrink, can only do just that, decrypt and shrink, they are not burning programs. How else is he going to get it on DVD?


Yeah, you are correct about the burning part...

DVD Shrink is an all-in-one application. The reason we say DVD Decypter is better to rip the movie, is because the process is faster this way...So DVD Decrypter to rip the DVD, and DVD Shirnk to transcode + export to ISO & burn with DVD Decrypter = successful backup, so Nero or any other 3rd party burning programs are not needed.
Oh, I know all about why we say DVD Decrypt etc. I use them myself.

However, I seem to (as I am looking at it) see that when you choose TARGET DEVICE for the backup, you do indeed get a Burn option, but when I first got it (without a burning program installed), it seems to read:

"Burn With Nero:

It also has the option to Export as an ISO, in which case you still need a burner program.

Also, DVD Shrink is not always able to DECYRPT some CD's as it complains about Copyrights. In which case Dvd Decyrpt IS needed.
Yep, if you have Nero installed, you will see that option.

Otherwise you'll have to "Create ISO Image File & Burn with DVD Decrypter"

So you were correct about the burning software as a necessity, however, you can still avoid commerical software and stick to freeware since both Shrink & D. Decrypter are free.
Neat. Good to know. But I guess NERO comes in handy for me since I want to do more than just burn DVD movies :p