ATI to counter the 6800GT!!!

I don´t see the point. That is how it always are and have always been. There is always something better around the corner.
oqvist said:
Cool do you have any inside info :)

Think about it, the x800pro is neck and neck with the 6800gt, and the xtpe is slightly ahead of the ultra. If anything ati would just lower the price of the current cards instead of trying to add another card to their lineup to further weaken there already weak supplies.

Even if ati does this they would prob name the card the X800SS , you know, so the ford and chevy guys could get into it :D
But X800 PRO isn´t really neck to neck from what I have read. It started outperforming it but lately it´s the other way around.
oqvist said:
But X800 PRO isn´t really neck to neck from what I have read. It started outperforming it but lately it´s the other way around.

But isn't the X800Pro faster than the 6800GT at higher resoluttions (1280x1024 and up)?
JBark said:
Remember, Doom 3 comes out in about 2 weeks. Many people are going to buy that game, realize their current video card can't handle it, and go looking for something else. They aren't going to wait until Christmas to buy a new card. If ATi doesn't "get in the game" soon, they are going to be seriously hurting. They have absolutely nothing to counter the 6800nu at the $299 price point, and the 6800GT is a better buy at $399. At to make matters worse for ATi, the 6800GT is already going for under $350 (BB pre-order $299, $330, provatange $335, etc...)

Can't really compare the results yet with rthdribl, since it doesn't even use the new HDR features on the 6800. From what I've read, using the new HDR is both higher quality and faster.

Mind linking me to that $299 6800GT BB Pre-Order?
ATI really should sell their Pro at $300-350 prices soon or they're going to get killed this year. Anyways, when I picked up my 6800GT last week at CompUSA te clerk said he read that Nvidia is planning on leaving the graphics biz next year. Is that a true or was he pulling my crank?
agentzero9 said:
But isn't the X800Pro faster than the 6800GT at higher resoluttions (1280x1024 and up)?

In some games yes but not all. From the last reviews I have read 6800 GT wins more benchies then looses against the X800 PRO even at high res.

But they are pretty close still ;)
Anyways, when I picked up my 6800GT last week at CompUSA te clerk said he read that Nvidia is planning on leaving the graphics biz next year. Is that a true or was he pulling my crank?
No he was telling you the truth that only CompUSA clerks privey to. Starting in 2005 Nvidia will be releasing excellent over-clocking race cars called XtremeXVIIIGT. It will run on gullability and cost a little less than ATI's offering who are also leaving the graphics business so that they may continue to battle the forces of Nvidia until only one remains. Yeah...
Yeah, I think he was just being an ATI fanboi ass too. I had similar situation years ago when a clerk at a PC shop tried to tell that the Voodoo 4 or 5 was better for FPS games than Nvidia. :rolleyes:
101998 said:
Did you say hdr demo?

I'd be curious to know as well what true hdr is as well. Technically we would need a projector that is capable of somewhere near a 50000:1 contrast ratio before we could physically see (or be blinded by) a difference in the rendering process. Another interesting tidbit, the x800 can run rthdribl 640x480 4xmultisample at about 120fps, last I saw the 6800u did it at about 70fps, if higher precision means lower performance with no visible IQ increase its pretty much worthless no me.

EDIT : I even found a snazzy article about some guys building a 50000:1 projector, sunglasses not included :cool:

Well just want to say 6800u won't perform any better in rthdribl since its not using FP blending which is the preferred HDR method (which is what ATI doesn't support). Also there is evidence that could easily boost the performance in rthdribl with fixing the horriblely inefficient shaders its using (not too much of a surprise considering its a really early PS2 demo using ASM written it seems by someone who isn't used to working with ASM).

Only problem with FP blending is it doesn't support AA on the GF6800 (Its supposed to be a hardware limitation due to FP Blending kinda got added at the last moment and shouldn't be in future versions). Anyways due to a FP framebuffer speeds would likely be horrible due to the much increased RAM requirement if you were trying to using AA. Likely the hardware that combines the AA is instead in FP blend mode is convert FP's back to integers for use by the RAMDAC or DVI.

They a projector display but that didn't work as well as the impressive LED LCD Display they were showing off at SIGGraph (which I heard it was really impressive to look at the reason the projector isn't as impressive is due to not as bright plus damn thing is huge if you look at the pictures). Basically its a normal LCD but instead of a normal backlight they have grids of white LED's (not 1:1 but like 1 LED:1800 Pixels or so). The people who did that monitor said they were looking forward to cards with FP Blending capabiities which should really help improve the performance of the card working with it.

While HDR blending can be done with PS2 and without FP Blending the issue is multiple passes are going to have lousy quality (will have to be stored as an integer in the framebuffer where it loses its extra quality it had in the shader before it can make the next pass where as FP Blending blends the passes into a FP framebuffer). And its much more simplistic with FP Blending as well.
agentzero9 said:
But isn't the X800Pro faster than the 6800GT at higher resoluttions (1280x1024 and up)?

Higher resolutions and high AA have nothing to do with it. The 6800GT wins almost every time in nearly every game until high AF is enabled. If you enable 8xAF or 16xAF then the X800Pro is able to keep up with and sometimes beat the 6800GT, especially at high resolutions because of its AF optimizations and slightly higher fill rate.

Its alot the same way with the 6800u vs the X800XT PE. The 6800u wins nearly every time at most every resolution and with 4xAA enabled but when you enable 8xAF or higher the X800XT PE takes the lead alot of the time in D3D games because of its higher pixel fill rate.

Thats in D3D games though. In OpenGL games the GT is untouched even at 16xAF.

The 6800's seem to take somewhat of a hit scaling from 2xAF to 8xAF. It levels off at 8xAF to 16xAF though because there is almost no difference between the two levels except in games with extreme view distances.

The GeForce 6800 GT easily overclocks to the frequencies of the GeForce 6800 Ultra and more; that is, it provides the same performance as the top-end model – I can’t say that about the RADEON X800 Pro…

Quoted from one of the latest X800Pro reviews.
SithSolo1 said:
Mind linking me to that $299 6800GT BB Pre-Order?

Sorry, it was only available on the morning of the first day the preorder page was available. They did honor the price though for everyone who got in on the deal. From the number of people who have posted about it on various forums, it looks like a couple hundred people got it.
I've looked at the dribble shader code and yeah its a mess, he is using these weird custom shader calls but being poorly coded is a rough path for both cards. I agree Fp blending is the way to go as long as you have a display that is capable of reproducing the image and right now we don't. The closest we are (imo) is with OEL and that is about a year or two (at best) before we see those in retail . So why take a larger preformace hit for something that can't be displayed? Its great to see devs using the latest and greatest hardware to its potential, I'll also give kudos to nvidia for putting it on the 6800 and it being able to run at decent frame rates (I've heard mid 40s avg in Far Cry @ 1024x7). Its like I said though, if I can't see the difference between fp blending and ps2.0 hdr, and 2.0 has better preformace I'd rather see that. Mabey someone will make a wrap (for the far cry 1.3 patch) that will let it run on the ati cards so we can see if I am full of it or not :D

Not to make fun, but I don't understand what your saying in the 3rd paragraph. The only thing I got was the projector I mentioned is huge, with that I agree, but I have seen bigger. I saw a DLP HD projector that was at least 10x6 FEET, this thing was massive.
Its amazing how quick Nvidia was able to get their shit together after ATI announced their x800 line. Here is a quote from a HardOCP article on ATI's latest card a few months ago. Nvidia really pwned ATI and HardOCP :p on that one.

Also, a lower clocked 6800GT is being introduced but this card is simply not currnetly going to play in the same ballpark with the X800 series from ATI.
As far as competition being good for the consumer, I don't really think this is the case for video cards (that much) and we will be seeing expensive video cards in the future. For gaming, there's only two possible manufacturers out there - ATI and NVIDIA. There's not exactly much competition and whatever one company does the other is likely to match.

For example, look at the high price of the latest video cards. I'm sure ATI or NVIDIA could undercut their competitor but that would net them nothing as their competitior's reaction would be the exact same - lowering prices. Both companies are aware of this and realize that they can make more money by keeping prices higher. Whoever decides to slash prices will do more harm than good for their bottom line.
agentzero9 said:
But isn't the X800Pro faster than the 6800GT at higher resoluttions (1280x1024 and up)?

No, especially when the 6800GT gains tons more from its overclock than the x800pro does since the 6800GT is 16x1 and the x800pro is 12x1.
Why not?Both nvidia and ati use XT in there models.Who added that first?I really dont know,but i dont see why they wouldnt add GT.
maxxo said:
seems like a good idea. i really doubt they would use the GT suffix if they actually released a card like this though.
i have to admit though for a system thats meant to compete with 16 pipelines and only has 12 itself the x800pro isn't that bad power wise although since they're the same price the 6800gt is still best choice right now
zombie10k said:
yeah, and it will be released when? Q4 2004? they can't even get their flagship product out there.

It's all about timing, and with people who have $400 burning a hole in their pocket. With Doom 3 coming out, this was a terrible time for ATI to foul this up. People are switching en masse to the GT because they don't want to wait.

what are you talking about, i haven't found 1 decent retailer in canada that is selling the 6800 GTs. ATI cards however, are everywhere
mjz_5 said:
what are you talking about, i haven't found 1 decent retailer in canada that is selling the 6800 GTs. ATI cards however, are everywhere

I'm having a hard time finding them (6800gt's) in stock here in the states. Those that do have them are raising prices. I think I'm going to cancel my order and wait for a 512mb card to come out.
I just want to point out, because you're the second person who mentioned this. If you read the entire post, they will likely CHANGE THE NAME. It'd be like AMD releasing a Pentium.

heyheyhey said:
This is going to come back and smack ATi in the face, I mean, the 6800GT's are for the most part available, if you don't care what brand and look good enough, and by the time the "X800GT" (they could've at least not ripped off of the name...) comes out, most enthusiasts will already have their card of choice for the next 2 years, and the GT will barely be any faster than the Pro. Not a smart move on ATi's part, if I were them, I'd just say "We lost this round, but instead of wasting money and time on a new series, we'll put it towards R&D for the next generation." That would be a smarter move, but I'm not going to complain about competition.
It wouldnt suprise me :eek: As look what happened with the FX5900XT,FX5600XT :p Sounds like ATI getting a bit of there own back :p
I don't understand why people would want someone they percieve to be losing to give up? "We lost this round, but instead of wasting money and time on a new series, we'll put it towards R&D for the next generation." So if the tables were turned, if this were true that is, that if Nvidia were to rename their series XT series, would that be a smart move. Oh wait..
Nvidia were to rename their series XT series
Thing is Nvidia did rename some of there cards XT last year in bit to capitalize on the success of the sales of 9800XT and 9600XT with there version being FX5600XT and FX5900XT's :eek:
I know, that's why. I wrote "Oh wait" :p I guess people tend to forget that at one point in time, Nvidia were losing. And like them or hate them, they did not give up. So anyone in their right minds, think that once a company is losing, they should just take their ball, and look into the future, has some blinders on. And does anyone have any idea how much R&D costs for "future" products?
Guss ill be upgradeing to something in the near 9800pro just dosnt seem all that good anymore..Me like the sound the the 6800gt, but ill wait to see what ATI dose..

After all, dipers and forumula isnt gettign cheaper, and untill it dose my video card saveings equals 20 bucks a mounth... and my time to use a new $400 dollar videocard equals about 20 mins a mounth......mabey my 9800pro is just fine...

EDIT: BTW: i do miss NVIDIA's drivers....
JBark said:
Sorry, it was only available on the morning of the first day the preorder page was available. They did honor the price though for everyone who got in on the deal. From the number of people who have posted about it on various forums, it looks like a couple hundred people got it.

I figured thats what you were talking about so technically it's not going for $299 now is it? ;)
theNoid said:
Heres the deal... ATi is too late. The majority of us want our upgrade now and are doing it. By releasing this card later sure they'll sell some, but nothing like the 6800 GT bing going on now. Getting the x800 GT to 16 pipes is very smart.. but STILL none of the ATi cards support SM 3.0 or HDR lighting effects.

i must say i have the same feeling about this - and it reminds me of the time nVidia was developing massively for xBox and seemed to have had problems to keep up in the PC arena in that time. now with ATI rumored to build *both* grafics cores for xBox2 and nintendo i find it incredible how they can focus their resources to keep up with or even beat nVidia in some scenarios... however, subjectively this round is booked as a win for nVidia in my book. if HL2 had made it to the stores earlier than D3 it would have been ATI's money burning holes into the buyers pockets right now - but now with Doom this close it's all nVidias market if you sk me. bummer for our canadian friends, isn't it?
That's so stupid.

They should have done like all the other lines.

The curret X800Pro should be an X800, the fastest should be the X800XT, and the new one should have been here from the start as an X800Pro. All the ridiculous names do nothing, but confuse people about the speed of the card they think they're getting, and disappoint them when they get it home.
101998 said:
I agree Fp blending is the way to go as long as you have a display that is capable of reproducing the image and right now we don't. The closest we are (imo) is with OEL and that is about a year or two (at best) before we see those in retail . So why take a larger preformace hit for something that can't be displayed?

The point of HDR isn't to display really high contrast images. Instead its to be able to do things like you see in the rthdribl demo where the exposure changes automatically. Basically if someone currently shines a bright light in your face in a FPS you can see fine, in a game where it has HDR you would literally be blinded if the rest the room is dark due to the system decreasing exposure level. Thats the use of it so you go from a bright room to a dark room its hard to see till your in-game "eyes" adjust.

101998 said:
Not to make fun, but I don't understand what your saying in the 3rd paragraph. The only thing I got was the projector I mentioned is huge, with that I agree, but I have seen bigger. I saw a DLP HD projector that was at least 10x6 FEET, this thing was massive.

Heh, sorry about that third paragraph, it was a mess due to me writing it and realizing there was some major errors in it and I quickly shuffled and deleted things around and it doesn't make sense. The problem with the projector system its only a screen not a projector so you have a huge thing on your desk thats the size of a screen. At least that DLP HD projector I bet was actually a projector that projected onto a huge screen.

Edit: Also meant to say the HD LCD was desirable and shouldn't be much more expensive to produce than current LCD's (prolly couple hundred more or so for the LED's instead of backlight).
LabRat said:
I'm having a hard time finding them (6800gt's) in stock here in the states. Those that do have them are raising prices. I think I'm going to cancel my order and wait for a 512mb card to come out.

Got a Fry's near you? Most Fry's have 20-30 BFG GT's on the shelves. They have never had an X800 Pro though. CompUSA has a lot of GTs too. All for MSRP. A decent retailer will never charge over MSRP.
I(illa Bee said:
Guss ill be upgradeing to something in the near 9800pro just dosnt seem all that good anymore..Me like the sound the the 6800gt, but ill wait to see what ATI dose..

After all, dipers and forumula isnt gettign cheaper, and untill it dose my video card saveings equals 20 bucks a mounth... and my time to use a new $400 dollar videocard equals about 20 mins a mounth......mabey my 9800pro is just fine...

EDIT: BTW: i do miss NVIDIA's drivers....

I moved from a BBA 9800 Pro 128 to a BFG GT, and it was totally worth it. The GT is twice as fast. I also missed NVIDIA's driver while with ATI and I am glad to have it again.
doesnt really matter what ATI does this round of the battle, Doom 3 owns on nvidia hardware
and its the biggest game launch this year.
it's about time they did. Theoretically they should be even with the x800 pro having a slightly higher fillrate, and the 6800 gt offering slightly more bandwidth, but as we know those are meaningless now :p . Just look at the 6800 ultra and x800 xt-pe, or the 5900 and 9800, relatively big gaps in fillrate and bandwidth but similar performance. Currently I like ati's 6x aa for modern games, but I love nvidia's 16xS mode for older games like tfc. Driver wise they are pretty close(though I do like nvidia's opengl and layout of the cpanel better).
longshot said:
doesnt really matter what ATI does this round of the battle, Doom 3 owns on nvidia hardware
and its the biggest game launch this year.

Along with anygame that follow that uses its engin...
longshot said:
doesnt really matter what ATI does this round of the battle, Doom 3 owns on nvidia hardware
and its the biggest game launch this year.

Don't forget, ATI's completely re-written OpenGL drivers should be available at the same time Doom3 hits shelves. Me thinks the delta in Doom3 is going to be much much smaller than most people think ;)

6800GT is still a beast of a card and will have a home in my system when I upgrade this fall ( 9800Pro will still be fine for D3/HL2).
Entz said:
Don't forget, ATI's completely re-written OpenGL drivers should be available at the same time Doom3 hits shelves. Me thinks the delta in Doom3 is going to be much much smaller than most people think ;)

6800GT is still a beast of a card and will have a home in my system when I upgrade this fall ( 9800Pro will still be fine for D3/HL2).

You are putting your faith in their new driver being good? Years have passed and ATI hasn't been able to write a decent OGL driver. But now all of a sudden their new one is going to rock? Yeah right. It's hype.